Dunwich: A Creepypasta Panfandom Game


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Posts Tagged: 'whoverse:+rose+tyler'

Jun. 1st, 2024




That can't be right.

It can't.

May. 22nd, 2024




We're all going to the Todash tonight, yeah? It'll be fun to see all of us there.

May. 10th, 2024



NPC: Stolas

Who do I need to talk to about all of this? I have a very important date tonight that I cannot afford to miss β€”

And I'm sorry, but the stars are not where they should be.








Seems we've got an overwhelming amount of new people. They'll be confused as to what's happened to them, scared and lost. Let's try to be as kind as we can to them.

I'm opening up Mist. I've ordered catered taco stations so people can feel free to come by and have some food. We have all sorts of beverages. For those of you who are new, you can get housing goods and clothing free of charge. There is also a jar at the front desk in Pickman where money is kept to allow you to purchase items we may not have here at Mist. Feel free to use it.

If you need any help, feel free to message me. My name is Natasha Romanoff.

ETA: New plan for the new arrivals, if you can't get into a room in Pickman, Mist will be open. Any magic users who can create spaces inside for a bit of privacy, I'd be happy to pay you for your services.

May. 9th, 2024




Fog's getting thicker. Is... do we know if there's a connection, or...?

[Theo Crain]
You don't strike me as the slumber party type.

Apr. 29th, 2024




I'll be watching the stars outside Pickman tonight if anyone would like to join me. River Song means a great deal to me. I'm sad to see her go.

I could use some

Could you

She's gone back, we're sure of it?

Apr. 14th, 2024




This last month before finals is always a bit of a bittersweet thing for me. The students I have will be moving on from me, and it's like I've just gotten to know some of them. Even when I've spent the whole year with them, it's still like that. I know I'll see some of them around the campus next school year, but it won't be the same. It's always such an honor to teach them all, even the troublemakers.

Maybe even especially the troublemakers.

What do you all say to dinner at the diner tomorrow night? Nothing fancy, just gathering around for some greasy food and conversation?

Apr. 9th, 2024




WHAT: A little breaking and entering
WHERE: Joyland
WHEN: Tuesday night
STATUS: In Progress

There was just something about going into a place he wasn't supposed to be that kept the Doctor from totally losing it. Read more... )

Apr. 3rd, 2024




Two of our under 20 have lost their Guides. I need you to get them new ones. Tandy Bowen, Abigail Hobbs. I don't want them to fall through the cracks.
Malachi's idea of a gathering isn't a bad idea. I'd be happy to host it at Mist, funding it as well. Anyone willing to organize it?

Apr. 1st, 2024




Friends, foes, countrymen, fanged ones and question marks. Like who is Sum-Sum Question Mark?

Unimportant note 1- I'm going to have some trouble this month with a new phobia, which is uncalled for and I'm going to need one hell of a note for work and I'm going to need more atmospheric lighting in my apartment. Maybe some neon signs?

Unimportant note 2 - Last night I accidentally opened my phone camera and took a selfie. This has never worked for me before, and as someone who has not seen his visage since 1973 - I'm still cute I'm really glad I shaved before I was Embraced.

But I digress.

We lived. We lived through this battle. And I happen to think this needs celebrating, you know?

I think all of our battles need celebrating. Not with balls, because those get weird and we're all leery of those now, I know. I've not been here long, but I'm getting the serious implication that this place does not like it when we work together. And to that I say 'fuck you'.

So I'm going to be cooking up a feast. Actual chefs are welcome to join me because I haven't needed to cook anything since 1973 and I still burned water before that. Maybe you guys could tell me when Helen, Frances and Edna are pulling my leg and I don't need to froth egg whites with Sprite and a fish fork or boil ketchup to make frosting or whatever. We're going to have onion blossoms. Pie. Chicken. Meatloaf. And yeah, more specific diets where required.

And we're all going to sit down in a couple of days, and we're going to have a feast. We're going to eat, be merry, and be thankful we're still alive. We're going to play board games and old video games on a Sega System that I found in the trash. We're going to talk. We're going to snack. We're going to laugh. We're going to remember those who left us. And we're all going home with leftovers.

Do we have any birthdays coming up? Did we forget any? We can celebrate those too.

This is not an April Fool's joke, either. As a Malkavian, I've got the rest of the year for that.

Mar. 17th, 2024




We have got, ah. A date. I suppose? At the diner. Got to pay Meggan a visit. Another round of helping.

I've been building a box. Well. On and off. Urgency has been tricky what with the other problems that seem to keep cropping up. Anyway! Tomorrow. My old flat. Come help me finish it. Going to take a long while, but we can make it work.

Need a few magic sorts for a finishing touch on a box. Later. Binding spell sort. Any takers?

Mar. 16th, 2024




If anyone comes across a statue that looks suspiciously like a person turned to stone, can you let us know?

There's at least two statues of locals that look like they've been turned to stone. I'm trying to find out if there are any others but maybe the police can block off the areas and keep the statues safe until we know more?

MIST researchers, we should see what we can find out.

Anyone have experience with people turned to stone?

Mar. 15th, 2024




March 15, 2024
Rose & The Doctor (11)
"Her and her Doctors."
Around town | ⚠ WARNINGS: TBA
Read more... )

Mar. 1st, 2024




The Up & Up's Grand Opening
Join us! )
Tags: , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , ,

Feb. 9th, 2024




WHO 10 & Rose! β€’ WHAT Serious talks! β€’ WHERE Rose's room! β€’ WHEN Just after this! β€’ STATUS In progress!
There couldn't be any promises. WARNINGS TBD/Feels!
After all, what was time anymore? Read more... )

Feb. 4th, 2024




Pamela Dawes & Rose Tyler
02.03 10PM | Local club | Low

Sampling the (in)famous Lobster-rita.
⚠ Alcohol
Read more... )

Feb. 3rd, 2024




Todash friends and country people, according to our delivery man, the lobster tanks we received are just the tip of the iceberg. Our beloved owner remains unreachable, of course, so I've no way to stop the tonne of seafood coming our way.

Time for a seasonal, lobster-ified menu!

My apologies to those who don't care for seafood. I can do my best to disguise it, but I make no promises of success. And to those who fancy a change? Well, you're in luck. Lobster burgers (and lobster kebabs, and lobster and mash, and lobster and chips) are here for a (hopefully) limited time.

I recently came into some money that I think might improve my odds for making another bid for the tavern. But my chances of persuading the bank might be better with a business partner.

Do you know anyone who is interested, and who perhaps has the funds?




Well, hullo! Bit overdue, this. Been, oh... You might say a wee bit distracted, suppose? Anyway, I'm the Doctor! Not the first one here either, or so I've heard. Hard to believe the whole place hasn't gone up in smoke with the three of us about, but not complaining that it hasn't!

Anyway, I... well. Quick question, was anyone here about for the last time there was this peculiar mist about? An annual misting? Sus! We are using 'sus' in this decade, aren't we? Got to get my slang straight.

Feb. 2nd, 2024




In all my years in Dunwich, I've never actually had a Lobster-rita. Can you believe that? Can't remember the last time I saw one advertised, either. And then today, six flyers in one slow-ass drive. It's a conspiracy.

Shit, maybe the time has come to let the Clip art flyers part me from my dwindling cash.

Heard you're the new owner of Camber's. Got time to change a spark plug this afternoon? If you don't, can I borrow your tools and do it myself? If this piece of shit stalls on me one more time, I may just put it out of its misery.

Jan. 31st, 2024




For those with siblings, how justified is it to hex your sister when YOUR CAT has to tell you she's back instead of HER DOING SO?

Jan. 26th, 2024




WHO 10 & Rose! β€’ WHAT Running! β€’ WHERE Sidewinder Park! β€’ WHEN Just after his arrival! β€’ STATUS Complete!
He breathed out the name he had only just barely dared to say... WARNINGS TBD/Feels!
Running. He was always running. Read more... )

Jan. 22nd, 2024




Monday, Jan 22nd
Rose Tyler, The Doctor (11)
About town | Low | ⚠ None, probably, tba
Read more... )

Jan. 16th, 2024




Do hope everyone's staying safe in this blasted fog. I nearly drove into a ditch on my way to work, so my day's off to a berry good start.

Fret not, Celery is unharmed.

Hello! I don't know how the Angel Fever... spinoff... issue has been treating you, but I hope it's better than it was. In case it's still touch and go, I may be able to give you some hope for the future: I've finally managed to get my own lingering, unpleasant side effect under control. It took me about three months, but I got there in the end! And if I can do it, anyone can.




WHO Rose Tyler & 14 β€’ WHAT Christmas things! β€’ WHERE Pickman's β€’ WHEN Christmas Day! β€’ STATUS Complete!
Like mistletoe and a lack of Christmas joy. WARNINGS Just some angst!
He had no presents, because he had, unsurprisingly: no money. Read more... )

Jan. 11th, 2024



Text to Clara Oswald

Think we're going to need to do drinks all over again.




Funny enough I believe you've already met me but a different version of me wearing another face but surprise! There's another me now, yes so that shall be very very fun, I should think. I'm the Doctor, or just Doctor, just like the other one. Yada yada you probably know most of this already anyway but I just dropped in today and figured I'd shout out a little hello there.

Hello, Sweetie.

Where are you?

I reckon talking through a device isn't going to create a paradox. How are we doing?

Thank you, for showing me around and filling me in.




WHAT: The Doctor lands in Dunwich. Again?
WHERE: Blackrock Beach
WHEN: Thursday afternoon
STATUS: Completed

Her eyes were wet. When had that happened? β€œYou’re the Doctor,” she said, like it wasn’t obvious, like she wasn’t as clever as he’d always believed. Read more... )




I have a beautiful new scarf from Christmas and a fabulous new sweater from the auction. I'm feeling the need for a shopping trip to get accessories for them. Does anyone want to come with me?

Jan. 7th, 2024



very late sunday

there's a lot of stress here
i have been given some information about this place
i found this phone on my new bed.
my name is meggan

[ooc; all messages are voice-to-text]