Dunwich: A Creepypasta Panfandom Game


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Posts Tagged: 'buffyverse:+spike'

Jun. 2nd, 2024




Back to being a lone vampire slayer, then.

Cheers to a good death, I suppose. Still, if she shows her face again around here point her my way.

Jun. 1st, 2024




That can't be right.

It can't.

May. 27th, 2024




For the record, when a ghost attempts to pass through the Ghost Line, they have no body to be forcibly ejected from. They are instead forced into a place that is somewhat beside this one, I believe, occupying the same space but unable to interact or communicate in any way with this place or anyone in it.

The effects seem to have lasted roughly 3-4 days.

I would not recommend future experimentation.

May. 26th, 2024




Hello, lovelies.

Daddy's home.

May. 17th, 2024




Let's play a game, shall we?

Call it a Friday meme.

Kill, marry, fuck. Dunwich style.

Color me curious and bored.

As I don't know many here, allow me.

Kill: Sam Winchester
Marry: I'd say Castiel. We got along smashing at one point.
Fuck: Dean, of course.

May. 1st, 2024




Hey assholes, where's my Meeseeks boxes? I'm waiting.

Apr. 11th, 2024




Did anyone else get gifts? Because honestly, regifting is a bit gauche but I suppose I'll take whatever this thing is. I know it was Shadowheart's.

I'm much more interested in this large gemstone. It's gorgeous. And feels... familiar, somehow.

Apr. 8th, 2024




[Todash Staff]

Sorry about taking off last night. Might not be around so much for a minute.


Oi, mate. You mind doubling with me on my shift tonight? You can take the check.

Apr. 6th, 2024




I know a majority of you probably don't care

Something is going on, I've never fainted in my life and just this week

Nope not going with vulnerable ever again

So I was looking through my music collection, and there are a lot of songs in here that have been life changing. I'm 1200 years old, my collection stretches back pretty far, even songs my people sang on long voyages are now being recorded. There seems to be a song from every era that just melts my soul.

Like for instance "At Last" by Etta James. If she had been into women I would have worshiped at her feet, she would have replaced every one of my gods.

I can close my eyes and remember right where I was when I first heard these earth ending songs. Some have even stopped me in my tracks when I was running to hide from the sun.

I need to get my mind off of some things, so what's your soul melting song, or songs if there's more than one?




ayay ostmay airestfay arningway.

i'm oinggay otay asspay onyay everythingyay isthay onthmay.

if ouyay antway otay omecay overyay otay eckchay upyay onyay emay , ingbray oodlightsflay.

okay? okayyay.

Mar. 19th, 2024




Anyone have suggestions for the best part of the more nature-y areas? Specifically, with lots of trees?

Mar. 4th, 2024




What's a girl gotta do to get some Excedrin 'round here? Pretty please?


Thanks again for the um. Helping. Think I'm ready for Bronze-age. Or whatever place you talked about. I'd say my treat, but I'm still. Y'know. Jobless. For now.

Also, um. I think I had a nightmare. Or something. Not the usual kind. Brings me to... favor number 2? If you're y'know. Up for guard duty.

Mar. 1st, 2024




Must say I was not anticipating a brawl to erupt the same night we ran out of lobster at Todash. I guess some people are very serious indeed about their seafood...

Jokes aside, I heard some of our own were involved? I do hope everyone is alright... and won't be doing that again. Bev and I may have to ban you from the premises if you can't behave.

ETA: In fact and I hope she'll back me on this the first rule of the new and improved Todash Tavern is No Fighting.

ETA 2: Err, I may have buried the lede. Yay, bank loans?


How's our guest? Lobster parade came and went, so I assume he'll be leaving today, right? Have you seen him?

Feb. 28th, 2024





characters. Buffy Summers & Spike
time. Right after her arrival. | location. Near Pickman.
rating. PG-13 | status. In progress!
She's new in town, and it might get worse.

She had been so close to that final leap onto the bus. )

Feb. 23rd, 2024




This town is weirder than I thought. There's doppleganger demon types around, and it's like some of the locals know about them, but DON'T know about them.

And for some reason, this old woman's doppleganger wanted pickled beets.

Why pickled beets?

Canned spinach, I get, but pickled beets?

Feb. 22nd, 2024




Can anyone shed any light on why this entire town stinks of the grave right now? Everywhere I go, dirt and rot and death. It's as though it's following me.


Have you smelled it? Seen it? It was there when I walked you to work, again. And just outside the house.

Feb. 20th, 2024




Hey cats. I'm Rhonda. I like coffee, the color black, and spoken word. Oh, and I am dead, really, very dead.

Digging the cosmic horror theme this place has going on.

Feb. 5th, 2024




I'm gainfully employed again, so there's that. I'd make a bigger deal out of it if it wasn't exactly what I've mostly done since the late 1960s, so I'm happy to let this one slip past.

But just as a hypothetical, what would happen if you hit the ghost line at full speed? Does anyone know?

Feb. 1st, 2024




If they're selling those lobster hats at the festival this year I'll pay somebody to grab me one.

Also, anybody else interested to see if the entire place resets halfway through? That's when the first of us started popping up, after all.

Jan. 15th, 2024




I saw a monster creature that kind of looked like a giant E.T. on my way home from work. I had my Escalade so I just got the hell out of there. Thank fuck I had it. None of us should be on foot these days! I've got plenty of room in the Escalade if anyone needs a ride to work and works a similar 9 to 5 weekday schedule. No one should get eaten like they're fucking Reese's pieces.

Jan. 12th, 2024




Okay, yeah, I'd like to report something immediately.

So you know that weird statue of The Unknown Traveler? Spock and I definitely heard some rather freakish sounds out in the mist today, and whatever it was seemed pretty damn close.

There were also footprints of the non-humanoid variety.

Eddie M.

So, I know monster is a contentious word around here, but it definitely sounded something close to that title.

Jan. 10th, 2024




I have such a love/hate relationship with January. The fucking holidays are over, but January always seems to be half the year long.

Now that the holidays are over, I'd like for each of you to schedule a time to get a dress mold of you. When can you come by the Loser house?

Jan. 7th, 2024




MIST is your go-to for all things Dunwich support. If you see monsters, let us know, because I have created entire teams for Search and Rescue, Fighting, Medical, and Magic to deploy when things happen. I keep hearing about people going out to search for monsters and kill them, but I haven't heard that anyone has actually seen them?

If you have seen a monster or anything out of the ordinary (not a Mistake), please contact MIST immediately with as much detail as you can give us. We're here to help you.

Jan. 6th, 2024




I believe congratulations are in order to everyone who was at the New Year extravaganza. Here's to not dying; always the best idea.

Speaking of New Year...

Jan. 4th, 2024




Okay, since I am a newbie, and I like to be prepared, I am making a list of the DO'S and DON'TS of Dunwich.

First on the list?

1. Do not attend any parties or evens unless you know who sent the invite.

Please, feel free to add more.

Dec. 21st, 2023




This is a bit amusing actually. Anybody interested in a Rock'em Sock'em tourney? I can put up a load of that marshmallow-cereal as a prize.

Dec. 7th, 2023




It's been years since I've had to introduce myself and that was only because we had this substitute teacher who was new to town. Actually, no. I do this a lot, but this feels like the first day of school to me in a brand new town and everything, you know, and I think we're all LEARNING TOGETHER or something like that? Except you guys have no Prince, this isn't a domain and do you know how W-E-I-R-D that is to deal with


- I don't like to tattle, gossip or judge, but the local flavor of vampires is not what I'm used to. Something tells me this is normal for this place?
- But there's the vibes, my dudes. There's wickedly bad vibes hanging around here, like zombies trying to get out of the Hollywood cemetery gates vibes, or haunted hotel vibes with ghosts around every damn corner and underneath every sheet. Tell me if I should stop writing ~vibes~.
- Let's say I was kidnapped, and then kidnapped again and whisked off to this town, is that still a kidnapping or does it count as a rescue?

But hi! I'm Malachi. 😊 How's the sun been?

Dec. 1st, 2023




Right, so. This is awkward. I’m under the impression that I’ve been here before in some shape or form. My name is Stephen Strange. Some of you might know me, but I might not know you, and vice versa? Someone fill me in on what all I did here before, other than work at a yoga studio.




I can't believe Lafayette is gone. It felt nice to have a part of home here with me. Feels like the sun came up and the dark took him with it. It ain't gonna feel the same.

This town feels smaller and smaller in the worst ways, especially since the locals ain't really much for interacting with us.


Don't be alarmed if I ain't at the apartment, okay? I need to clear my head, and I promise to be inside before dark.

Nov. 28th, 2023



tw: vampire food


I do suppose it's getting rather cold out to be hunting beasts in the woods to feed on, so I thought I ought to ask. Where do you get your food? Any willing donors you'd like to share?


Perhaps we could watch another of those films tonight? I quite enjoyed the one from last night, about the demonic fashion designer.