Dunwich: A Creepypasta Panfandom Game


panfandom creepypasta



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Jun. 10th, 2024








I have heard much about this Bad Moon Festival and not all of it good. It begs further investigation, I think.

I found your bag this morning in the other room. Were you still missing it?

I hope you're settling in.



tw: compulsive heterosexuality and weird vault breeding programs

I am excited to go to the Finer Things club. I didn't know if it was the right place for me because I'm still getting used to Things and Finer Things sounds advanced but Abigail told me it's just a name so if you thought the same thing then it's okay if you go.

Has everybody heard about Pride? I never heard of it before but we didn't have that at home. You had to get matched to someone for reproduction for genetic viability and the best variation. There's so many choices here. A lot of them don't even involve reproduction.

I keep learning new things all the time. I don't know what flags I should have, I read that there's a lot of flags. Is there a flag for not knowing what flag? I wonder if they could make one of those.

I had a peanut butter cup today and I like it.

Jun. 9th, 2024




A nice man outside insisted I take his phone but now it recognizes my face so I think it's my phone and Edwin and Charles said that might happen but I didn't expect it to be so quick.

Hello. I'm Niko. This is really weird.




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[Filtered to under 20s]

Hello. I don't think there's many of you whom are new since my last introduction, but my name is Erwin Smith and I am your mentor here. I'm here to make sure each of you has a guide and a mentor to watch over you and help with the stipend, etc.

I wanted to reach out to see if any of you are interested in learning more about various jobs that you could apply for once you turn 20 when you are here. For some of you, that's a while off, but others not so much. This isn't necessarily an interview or anything like that, but helping out with these skills could be helpful!

Do you have something in mind once you turn 20? If not, don't worry. You have plenty of options here. What skills do you currently have that might help with a job or would you prefer to attend university here?




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So, these rooms are charming, aren't they? No wonder people seem so eager to find things to do in town.

Not to offend our gracious host, I'm sure. But a man* has standards.


It appears as though we're neighbors for the time being. Too bad you would never have the sugar I need to borrow.


I believe I still owe you an audition, beautiful.

Jun. 8th, 2024




[Scott Summers - sent telepathically]







"Welcome to your formal interview."
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Kitty helped me get a harpsichord a while back, so this video is for her, and it's for anyone who can't go to the club opening tonight so you can still dance with your hands above your head if you want.   It's for everyone else too, because harpsichords should be heard more.

[Attached is a video of Abigail sitting at her harpsichord in the pack house, playing Bloody Mary.]

Added Later: The topic for the next finer things club will Pride Month. A little discussion of what it is, why it's important, and some suggestions for things like books to read, music to listen to, movies to watch, etc. I'm very open to people coming to tell us about pride month, and to people wanting to learn more about it!




I'm starting a club for anyone with mental abilities, telepathy, telekinetic, visions of the future, astral projection, etc. We'll meet at 6pm on Sundays at Mist. Natasha said it was okay :). It's really informal, for practicing our abilities, and talking about them.

We need a name. Mind Masters or Mind Shaper? I'm open to suggestions too.





Thomas & Cinna

06.07, early evening | 9 Crescent Rd | TBA

Thomas moves in.
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Does anybody know why some people come back after they leave?

Or why some people don't?

If you came back... did you try to? Did you want to? Do the people who don't come back just not try to come back?

Why did you come back and not Gar or my mom or Max




We are less than a week removed from next Friday's Bad Moon Festival. Given what took place last year and the festival scheduled at the Church this year, how do you wish to proceed?

My suggestion as your acting Head of Security would be a blanket warning against attending the festival and service, as well as full closure of the Todash on the day in question.

Since there will no doubt be many who do not heed said warnings, I would also assign surveillance teams to observe unless/until there is a need to intervene.





7 JUNE 2024
characters. Scott Summers & TBD
time. Evening | location. The Way Station and Scott's head
rating. PG+ | status. In progress

He had a plan for this )

Jun. 7th, 2024



Tw: Moles

Okay, I don't know if it was because I was in a group of people or what, but that was a whole lot less weird the first time. And it being night time? I am full on creeped out. And I'm not a girl that creeps out easy.

Uh. Hi. I'm Doctor Darcy Lewis. No, I'm not that kind of doctor, I can't check the weird mole you have that just happens to be shaped like Elvis on your left butt cheek. I mean, I could totally look at it, but all I could confirm is that yes, you're right, it does look like the King of Rock and Roll. I'd probably be totally unprofessional and check out that cheek, and it's twin, while I was looking.

I'm an Astrophysicist. Basically that means I use physics and astronomy to suss out weird shit. And you're in luck, unlike the last time I was here, and someone handed me an Iphone -huzzah I got a Samsung this time, I do have some of my equipment. Though it seems like my Spectrum Analyzer and my taser fell out of my bag while I was cluelessly wandering through the mist. So if anyone comes across a box that kinda looks like one of those nice stereos from the 80s let me know? If you run over it with your car, yikes, I'm sorry, I hope you have insurance. I'm not crying inside at all because that was an expensive piece of equipment or anything.




This place again?

Doctor, are you still here? Clara, Rose, Jack, Jenny - anyone?




WHO: Hetty Woodstone & Liv Moore
WHEN: Following this.
WHAT: An introductory tour.
WHERE: Around Dunwich.

While she would not like to admit it, Hetty was feeling rather apprehensive. )





It's me. I'm back. Didja miss me?
Everyone still -- uh. Here?

Private to X-Men
are you

please be here



Posted around 4am this morning

I got a question for the magic user people. If it's okay with Loki, can someone make my ceiling be a bit softer or padded or something, please? I keep waking up on the ceiling, it's not comfortable.





Pizza evening?

Also, if you knew me from before, do you also know Lyla?

Jun. 6th, 2024




So- point of order question, I guess. Are we supposed to have papers or something?* It's not really come up in a while.

About that job. If you're still willing, I think it'd be pretty brills to try. I don't know what all you sell, or who to, but I've got a pretty decent head for ritual magic. At least the sort from our world.

So, do they have you on a schedule with your thing with MIST?

I've been laughing so long I think I'm getting light headed, and I don't even breathe. Send help.

[* My understanding is this is something a MIST folk can help him with, but is also relevant for job/drinking/etc purposes, I think? Willing to use IC ignorance to help my OOC ignorance :D]




What I THOUGHT was two lobstrosities dueling for dominance on the beach was actually their weird mating ritual. I will never be able to unsee that, and if I have to see it, so do you.

You're welcome!

[Attached is a video of two huge lobstrosities battling for dominance, urinating on one another to calm them down, and then belly to belly where one falls down on the other.]




It's one hell of a birthday party. Everyone is invited to Crowley's celebration at Todash Tavern. Open Bar. Comment below!




WHO Elektra & Nora • WHERE Sushi Restaurant • WHEN June 6th
Just two ladies having a chat. WARNINGS TBD
"A life of crime was not something that scared Nora." Read more... )





If anyone has information regarding recent incidents at our around the gazebo in the main square on or around 05.31, please get in touch.

Thank you.




WHO Edwin & Charles • WHERE Their Room at Pickman • WHEN Early Morning 04/06
A Disaster and a Hussy Finally Snog? WARNINGS More Edwardian Steaminess
Romantic Interest is Cumbersome. Read more... )




Alright, who can hook me up with a job? Something that isn't super boring would be great but if I have to settle for a desk job, I will. It's what I did back home.




June 6th, Evening
Logan & Morph
"How 'bout we raise the stakes, huh?"
Strawberry Spring Lanes Bowling | ⚠ TBD but probably none.
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