Dunwich: A Creepypasta Panfandom Game


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Posts Tagged: '%E2%97%8C+inactive:+joyce+byers'

Aug. 8th, 2023




I want you to take this ring. I think it might block Vecna out of your head like it's been blocking things out of my head. I can't lose you. Please don't argue. I can't argue right now.

It's him.

I have to take off the ring. Something bad is going to happen, is happening, and I can't just block it out.

Everybody just has to stick together right now, no matter what, okay?




Well, let's make you a mixtape.

Where are you? You're not allowed to be alone from now on. Sorry, no privacy, it's a new twin law.

Maybe it wouldn't be a bad idea to have a public list of everyone's songs somewhere, just in case.




Okay check in RIGHT N because this is bullshit and I don't care how mysterious or secretive anyone wants to be, if you don't answer this I'm gonna kick in your door or something crazy.

Or I'll get Hopper to do it.

That includes you, man, come on.

Aug. 4th, 2023




Natasha Romanoff's asked me to see anyone who is currently experiencing headaches to see if there's some sort of virus going around.

When you get a moment, come by Mist. I'll take a culture swab and see what's going on.




Show of hands: who here has a headache? Just tracking. Use this as a general wtf posting or whatever you will.






i don't want to freak anyone out but

i am getting this is just like this feels

i'm getting headaches again


like before

Aug. 3rd, 2023




So. I've had this headache for two days now. It really sucks. I've tried everything to get it to go away but it just keeps getting worse. I'm about ready to put myself to sleep for a week just to wait it out. Anybody got a home remedy that actually works Or I'm going to put my head through a wall because that would be really awesome. I'm starting to get delirious over here and seeing shit.




It's been a couple of days since I've seen anything creepy in the wax museum so I'll consider that a plus!

I think I'm going to go to the store at the college for some new paints, I'm running low on some colors. Does anyone want to come?

I did the ring recharge and took it off yesterday, things felt okay.

Aug. 2nd, 2023




There's not enough tylenol in the world some days

Saw there was a beach party. Shame to have missed it and all that. I seem to be doing that a lot lately. Next time, right? Maybe.


I need a break from work before someone comes and mothers me about it. Where's the best place to get a sub in town?

Private to Mobius
Your tempad. I've got it working. Why does something so complex look like the 60's threw up on it?

Aug. 1st, 2023




Seems I'm moving up in the world. Or at least, in town. I was given a notice that I have (somehow) inherited a home in the city. Downtown on Main Street, apparently. I've yet to see it for myself but I do hope for something with a bigger kitchen. Apologies to anyone who will have my room at Pickman. You might never get the smell of pepperoni or truffles out of there.

[ Kate Pryde ]
I put those black market cocoa beans you got for me to good use. I have a box for you to taste test.

[ filtered to all of Lyra's friends & Tandy ]
If you don't know me, this is Lyra's father uncle. Her birthday is this Saturday. I'll be having a special dinner and you all are invited.

[ Lyra ]
I'm afraid I will no longer be your neighbor.

[ Alexis ]
Don't suppose you would know the sort of thing an eighteen year old girl would want for her birthday?




WHO Chrissy Cunningham and Joyce Byers • WHERE Pickman House RM #162 • WHEN Monday 7/31
Chrissy never woke up. WARNINGS Talk of character death (will update as needed)
Just because it was something important, didn't mean it was something awful, right? Read more... )




How much aspirin do you think the undead can reasonably take?

My ear is killing me. Plus it's constantly drooling down my neck now.




After nearly a month in town, I finally got a job! I'm a crew member at Tower of Pizza.

Jul. 28th, 2023




I'd say TGIF but there's no rest for the wicked I guess.

Have you had a chance to look over those photos?

I know we can't use it to convict, but I'm getting some magical help I guess for this case. I want to nail the fuckin' church for this but we got nothin' to tie them.
I may never get a day off again but dinner soon?

Hey kid, how you doing?

So. How was church with Eddie?

Jul. 27th, 2023





Hi! I'm ready to tell you about our date.

So far my +1 ring is doing the job, I think.

What if it starts getting worse and I don't realize, though? Is it kind of selfish to do this?

I've got a date this weekend, I've got it all planned out.

I also need to tell you something else.

Jul. 22nd, 2023




None of us have a barber shop or a hair salon, right? It's all locals? They're just kind of weird to deal with.

Still want to come? Help, I don't know what to tell them. And if I hate it then I'll feel bad just say I love it, so I need you to help me stand up for myself and make them fix it. Be my bad cop.

Work has been getting progressively more creepy. There's always a wax version of me standing there in the corner of my eye.

Jul. 18th, 2023




Oh look, it's another

OOC/IC Plot Post : Tolkien Triple Feature Extravaganza!


Information under cut! )

Jul. 17th, 2023




Apparently I am already employed with the Dunwich Weekly.

I just got a call from someone asking, and I quote, "Where the hell are you Wheeler?"

Oh joy.




So as some of you have heard already, a local dunwich resident was murdered. I don’t want anyone to panic - there is no reason to believe at this time that anyone of us is in danger. I am going to tell you we are actively investigating this situation, and any additional investigating done by any MISTakes will wind up with you in the tank for obstruction.

I am not joking.

Again, there is no reason to panic, but please make sure you keep an eye on each other and if anyone has any information that may be relevant please let us know.

I gather you two knew the previous Loki that was here quite well. Would you mind answering some questions about his involvement with the Church?

Thank our DA here for getting us the warrants. I’m heading out to pick up Father Andrew and bring him in for the next twenty-four hours and I need you to go out and find us something we can use.

[OOC: PLEASE NOTE that Father Andrew is arrested early Monday morning and held for 24 hours. Almost immediately, there are churchgoers protesting outside the police station and they remain there for the full twenty-four hours.]

Jul. 16th, 2023




Urgent Text to Joyce


I know I'm still grounded but can I stay out late for Lord of the Rings? I'll be with people. You can even come with me if you want.


Lord of the Rings!

Jul. 11th, 2023




[Adults only]

What should I know specifically to chaperone children watching a movie? Also, who would like to watch the movies with me before? I have never seen them.

Google tells me many...interesting things can happen during movies. I have no issue scaring children into behaving.

Jul. 10th, 2023




Announcing the Summer Youth Program.

Everything you need to know under the cut... )

Jul. 9th, 2023




Stranger Older Kids
Hopp wants to know if any of you want go and have some shooting practice.

Stranger Adults
Not sure if you've been made aware of this but apparently anyone under the age of 21 needs a guide. Are any of you going to do it because I'd rather have one of you as a guide instead of someone I don't know.




WHAT: Hopper makes dinner for the the Hawkins Crew + Russians
WHERE: Outside Pickman
WHEN: Sunday, 7pm SHARP.
WARNINGS:Cursing, casual death threats nbd, and TBD
STATUS: In Progress IC/OOC Post.

See? I can cook. Read more... )

Jul. 8th, 2023




Have you gone back?

We should figure out who's in which campaign. And I have a pitch for you.

If your world is in a different time or really not like Dunwich, did you change how you dress when you got here or do you still wear the same kind of thing you wore back home as much as you can?




Weekends are supposed to be relaxing. I need a relaxing hobby.

Dunwich PD:
Reports of some strange things happening in Joyland, but it's vague. Not sure we need to check it out or not yet but maybe we should keep our ears open...

Also there's some kind of creature from my world running loose in the woods no need to worry.

I watched Rocky Horror Picture Show.

Hawkins Crew + Russians and Ava:
Alright you heard right, I'm making dinner. A roast dinner, on Sunday, 7pm. Don't be late. And I'm going to the grocery store so does anyone need anything? Any special requests?

Jul. 6th, 2023




[Stranger Things people, including adoptees aka Yelena, Natasha and Ava]

Looks like a disappearance hit a few people hard.

Uncle Murray checking in. How are we all doing? Family dinner?

I can teach you how to play poker.

[Filtered to Joyce and Hopper]

...fuck me when did I turn into the creepy ass uncle? I for one don't fucking like when these disappearances happen. Like shit, where do we go? I don't want to get into it with the kids. But there's got to be more to this place.

If I disappear, Hop, you get my vodka.

[Added later, to save space, filtered to Margo]

Got a magic question, since you're the expert.




[Kate Bishop, Katniss, Joyce]
Okay, since there are three of you now that I'm teaching, we should make a schedule. How does 3-4:30 Tuesdays and Thursdays sound? I can ask my sister to block out that time for us at MIST.

Jul. 3rd, 2023



I was thinking about tomorrow.
We should go somewhere. Get slushies.
Say some nice things.

Be nice to Murray tomorrow.


A reminder to please be careful if you're celebrating this weekend. For those of you who aren't aware of it, people drive like assholes most of the time but they're a lot worse around the holidays. Look both ways before you cross the street and call me if you need someone to come get you. I know a guy with a car.




I went and got one of every Pop Tart. Let's go over D&D books and try all of them. I don't work on Wednesday!

Mom and Hopper
Hi mom, hi Hopper. I was just wondering, do you know if Mike was ever here? I think I saw a picture of him at MIST. Maybe. I think it was him, it's kind of blurry but if he's in one of those then he was here at some point. And maybe he'll come back?

I went and picked up a few D&D books, so I can start helping anybody prep or learn rules. You've got to do the work, especially if you're in Eddie's campaign - he's totally going to know if I help too much! But if anyone has questions I can help. And I can draw your character too, it'll be really fun. It's a great way for them to feel real.