Dunwich: A Creepypasta Panfandom Game


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Posts Tagged: 'stranger+things:+will+byers'

Jun. 2nd, 2024




So, fun thought experiment: What stole the rabbits out of my first two snares? Wrong answers only.

[Dr. Crain]
So if you're still willing to have that talk or whatever? To see if sessions would be a good idea for me? I don't quite have a job here yet, is the thing. And I remember thinking America was weird about their health care.

So what do you do for a distraction fun around here?

May. 29th, 2024




Does everyone use the internet here? There is so much on it. Eggos have their own website. And so many Eggos. Buttermilk Eggos. Blueberry Eggos. Chocolate chip Eggos. Cinnamon Churro Eggos. So many more!

Why doesn't RoxxCart have real Eggos?

May. 25th, 2024




I've been digging into what everyone's been researching about this supposed ghost line.

I guess I can't really call it supposed since it is something that keeps us here. Ghost line though?

Does anyone want to explore it a bit more with me?

May. 16th, 2024





You're here?

Where are you?

May. 15th, 2024



backdated to may 10th

[Text to John]

Hey. I got some news.

[Text to Will]

El's here.

May. 9th, 2024




I gather it's not normal for that many people to disappear at once. Plus this fog...I don't like it.

[Dean and Cas]

You two stay safe and check in. Do either of you also get an off feeling about this? It reminds me of some good old fashioned horror films.

May. 8th, 2024




There's been a lot of people disappearing.

Please know that there are resources for you if you need help, and the doors are always open -

At Pickman, at MIST, at the station, everywhere.


I'm picking you both up. Where are you?

You think one of these days I won't be so fuckin needy with all the crises going on?

May. 6th, 2024




Atomic Comics is having a BOGO for the next couple of days.

As well as new dice sets for D&D players that are Buy One get the Second half off. ( One, Two are just a couple examples of what's come in.)

And Will, I have this one set aside that I thought would interest you.

May. 1st, 2024




I'm really going to miss Bucky. He was one of my good friends here.

D&D, starting Saturday with session zero. I'll just show you how to build a character and we'll go over what kinds of adventures we want to have.

I'll let you know where. Bucky was going to let us use their club. I'll find a different place, though.

Apr. 23rd, 2024



tw amnesia and memory stuff

Hi. I'm sorry if I worried anybody, I don't know what happened for a few weeks.

I know Jonathan is my brother.


You're not really my brother, but... you're my big brother like Hopper is my dad, okay?

Apr. 22nd, 2024




I'll say this for Dunwich:

You all really know how to throw a party.

Apr. 15th, 2024




It's been a really long time but a lot of people are gone and a lot of people are new and Eddie's not here anymore, so I don't know if I'll even be able to run a table big enough for everyone but ...

Does anyone want to play D&D?

I was thinking we could do one shots, since I know having a long story arc is kind of hard with Dunwich ... being Dunwich. You could keep and level up your characters, they'd just go on shorter and self-contained adventures.

Apr. 10th, 2024




This place is shit.

That's it.

That's the post.

Apr. 8th, 2024





Come on, we're going to Hopper's for dinner.

I'll let you play Wham! or something on the way over even though The Clash is obviously the better band.


Dinner at Hopper's tonight, okay? All of us? There's not that many left anymore.


Family dinner, please come? I don't think he's taking the Robin thing very well. I don't think any of us are, to be honest.

(added later)

I can't find Steve.

Apr. 3rd, 2024




Hey Steve, I was just remembering that time mom got me that Flying Arrow sled for Christmas and then it didn't snow the whole rest of the winter. And everybody had to keep telling me that I couldn't sled on the grass and I just didn't want to believe it.

I forgot how old I was, was I six or seven? It was definitely before Dustin moved to Hawkins.




Alright. Who managed to steal an entire booth out of the club?

Here I was, about to announce our first Swing Dance Night on Saturday, April 27th. Rather than our regular night club, we're having a 1940s themed dance party! We'll offer classes leading up to the dance if you'd like to learn how to swing, but it isn't necessary.

But seriously. A whole booth?!

Mar. 28th, 2024



!posted after midnight! TW: medical, surgery, etc

John - he's in - he's in surgery right now at the hospital.

I don't know if he It's critical.

[ooc tw note; there will be discussions of extreme violence in the comments including but not limited to - fire, burns, gun violence, physical trauma, blunt trauma, etc]

Mar. 22nd, 2024




Happy Birthday Will.

Time to be a bad influence but how about you skip classes today?

Karaoke tonight at The Up & Up to celebrate Will's birthday. I've reserved a space and everything will be set up! Can't wait to see you all there!

Mar. 21st, 2024




[Accidental photograph of the morning sky]

[Accidental photograph of the footpath, the hilt of a sword which is in focus, and the toe of a leather boot]

[Accidental photograph of the left side of Ed's face - he's not looking at the camera at all - and a couple of the shops behind him]

Mar. 16th, 2024




Anyone else see that statue of a lady over by the Roxxcart? Has that always been there or is she new? Is Dunwich trying to get artsy on us?

Mar. 14th, 2024




I was able to get next weekend off.

So, Will's birthday is next Friday. Think we could hold a room at The Up & Up for it?

Mar. 12th, 2024




So everything is okay now?

No more headaches, dreams, sleepwalking? It was just a fluke?

Mar. 7th, 2024




[Texts to Will]

Read more... )




Hey, uh, guys?

Not to alarm anyone -- actually, that is wrong I am definitely trying to alarm someone because


Which is to say that I just found Addie and she's --

I mean she's floating in here just like -- well. Nothing's broken this time but

What's her favorite song?

Maybe a little help here??? Pagemaster!

Mar. 4th, 2024




Today is the grand reopening of The Colorful Canvas, since I've taken ownership of it. There are various promotions, specials and discounts throughout the whole store. We have art supplies, crafting supplies, a plethora of yarns, fabrics for quilting, and even stationary kits.

Plus today, we have little finger sandwiches, a platter of veg, biscuits, other snacks and an assortment of drinks for those who wish to stop by as well as one stressed out owner.

Feb. 14th, 2024




The disappearance notifications are wrong sometimes, right?


I know you're still here.

You're not really gone.

Tell me you're not really gone.


Feb. 13th, 2024




backdated to Saturday: birthday gifts for Gar. )

Feb. 9th, 2024





Hey, Mr. Birthday Eve boy.

Feb. 8th, 2024





Saturday night, my room at Pickman. I'm throwing a surprise party for Gar's birthday.

The door will be unlocked, everything is going to be decorated and set up. Sneak in by 8pm and hide. I'll bring him at 8:15.

If I can be really bossy for a second, if anyone spoils the surprise I will pick you up and throw you into the Ghost Line.

Vegan foods only please, if you bring anything.

Dec. 27th, 2023





I know we're dating and we live together so this is probably kind of assumed that we'll do it together so maybe I don't need to ask but I wanted to! Because I don't want to take anything for granted.

Will you go to the New Year's Eve party with me?