Dunwich: A Creepypasta Panfandom Game


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Posts Tagged: '%E2%97%8C+inactive:+sookie+stackhouse+%28au%29'

Mar. 17th, 2024





Hells. Is it just me, or is it getting awfully crowded?


Yes, hello. I do believe someone from the world that Shadowheart and I come from has arrived here in Dunwich. We've not met them yet but if you come across them, do send them my way? We have a bit of catching up to do, I'm sure.

Mar. 13th, 2024




Did anyone happen to put a very ghastly looking book on my nightstand? It has a face on the cover, purple gems for eyes.

It doesn't seem to want to open.

I quite like it, actually. I approve.

Mar. 5th, 2024




I'm interested in extending my contract if that is agreeable with you.

It's been just over a week. No fever, no tentacles yet. I'm not ready to say that I'm in the clear, but I'm relieved all the same. I'd still like to look into getting this thing removed if it's all the same to you.

Don't think this let's you off the hook. I could still turn. Even if I don't understand why I haven't yet, as long as I have this parasite it remains a threat.

*(Team Tadpole is anyone that knows about the tadpole, has been helping Shadowheart or volunteered their medical expertise to help with brain worm removal. I didn't know what to call it.) :B



Private to Astarion.


Alright. I gotta tell you something, sugar, but you gotta promise me you ain't gonna freak out or get all dramatic on me.




What was everyone's first job? Not here I mean in general.

Are you mad at me?

Are you okay?

Mar. 3rd, 2024




I think I've figured this out to the best of my ability. My name is Lucy, I arrived here over the weekend. I'm still not entirely certain what to make of this place.

I preferred California.

Mar. 1st, 2024




Must say I was not anticipating a brawl to erupt the same night we ran out of lobster at Todash. I guess some people are very serious indeed about their seafood...

Jokes aside, I heard some of our own were involved? I do hope everyone is alright... and won't be doing that again. Bev and I may have to ban you from the premises if you can't behave.

ETA: In fact and I hope she'll back me on this the first rule of the new and improved Todash Tavern is No Fighting.

ETA 2: Err, I may have buried the lede. Yay, bank loans?


How's our guest? Lobster parade came and went, so I assume he'll be leaving today, right? Have you seen him?

Feb. 26th, 2024




[Back dated soon after this conversation with Astarion.]


So, I couldn't talk to that little tadpole, because someone else was also in Astarion's thought space. Seemed to be another elf, he was pretty put off and surprised I was poking around, and wouldn't tell me much.

But from what I managed to figure out, there is another presence in Dunwich now, protecting y'all somehow. I am not sure. The stranger sort of pushed me out of the telepathic link when I figured that bit.

Handsome, but rude and secretive as hell, and now I got a headache the size of Louisiana.

Feb. 25th, 2024



BACKDATED: During his text to Eddie, the day of Shadowheart's arrival


I care about you very deeply.

To Sabrina (tw death) )

Feb. 22nd, 2024




Can anyone shed any light on why this entire town stinks of the grave right now? Everywhere I go, dirt and rot and death. It's as though it's following me.


Have you smelled it? Seen it? It was there when I walked you to work, again. And just outside the house.

Feb. 21st, 2024




I've been sitting on this when I probably shouldn't have been but well, for one, I was in denial and then...I guess it was mostly denial and wanting it all to just go away on its own. But its not. I think its actually worse.

But I need some help coming up with ways to trap and contain a god.

Back home I used Pandora's box to do that but I don't have that here, so. That's a no go.

And like to add to the problem, the last time we kind of dealt with him here he made half of us go crazy so we probably need to account for that too.

And he might have a partner now. Or a rival. Not quite sure about their relationship just yet.

But yeah, suggestions?

Feb. 18th, 2024




This thing on? Right. Hey, I'm Dean. New arrival, yada yada yada. Got set up at Pickman. Got a brief rundown of what the hell this place is. Anyone care to elaborate on what the fuck is going on? A better description than the little Pickman flyer.

Oh and if you saw a man in a trenchcoat pop in and out of wherever you were early this morning, that's Cas. He says hello.

Feb. 8th, 2024




Has anyone heard anything about a Valentine's Day party? Is anyone interested? If so, I'd be more than happy to host one. My house is large enough to accommodate, but I can see if there's space somewhere at MIST, if that is preferable.




I'm not exactly sure what to make of this. If its a Dunwich thing or what, but I've got a hellhound puppy now.

Picture! )

Nikolai and I found him in the lighthouse. I have no idea how long he's been in there but he's decided that I'm his.

Salem is less than amused.

Feb. 1st, 2024




[Sabrina, Julia, Diana, Wanda, Daimon, Strange]
Hello- I believe I've spoken with most of you before- Sabrina suggested you as a group who might be able to help me. I have this..dark magic inside of me that seems a bit unpredictable so far. Would you be willing to meet with me some time this week to see if we can determine any triggers and if there might be a way to control or contain the..creature that I become?

Does anyone know what's up with all of the lobster signs outside? It's like they showed up overnight!





Jan. 31st, 2024




For those with siblings, how justified is it to hex your sister when YOUR CAT has to tell you she's back instead of HER DOING SO?

Jan. 22nd, 2024




There are a bunch of healing potions and protection amulets at MIST, free to whoever wants them.

If you don't have your house or business warded and would like it, please drop your name on this post.

If you can help ward people's houses or businesses, please also drop this name here or reply to those asking for some wards.

Helping to ward
  • Diana
  • Yennefer
  • Gordo
  • Harry
  • Eadwulf
  • Jan. 17th, 2024




    [ooc: a log predating this post will be posted later!]

    TW eldritch horror description:

    There is a giant [...] catlike centipede looking creature in town. Bigger than a bus. I saw it, before I collapsed. It opened its spine up and I don't know how to say this [...] it took, it collected, an old regular at the tavern, Gilbert. There were people in its body. So many people.

    I could hear them in my head all the groaning

    It thought said it was there to collect him, keep him safe.


    Jan. 16th, 2024




    Gilbert Holloway (Townie)
    The Collector
    WHO Gilbert Holloway, The Collector and an appearance by Sookie Stackhouse • WHERE Down the street from Todash Tavern • WHEN Sometime before midnight.
    A local townie experiences a terrifying fate. WARNINGS Eldritch horrors, body horror, implied physical abuse in childhood, unsettling themes of monsters and sloth.
    I'll keep you safe . . . Gilbert. Read more... )

    Jan. 13th, 2024




    The studio will now have open floor time slots if anyone would like to use the space for their own uses. I will have the schedule public so that you can plan accordingly.

    Hey. Just wanted to reach out to see how you're holding up. And also to see if you were doing anything for the upcoming weekend?

    Jan. 12th, 2024




    Soooo, uh. I know they say that this place brings unexpected gifts, but now I've been gifted a house? Okay, not gifted exactly, but Ellery, the owner at Heritage Handcrafts had some family who owned it and long story short it's mine now. It's a converted church, which is pretty incredible, and Clio's going to have her own space with high ceilings to fly around in.

    And conveniently (?) there's a parish house for rent, if anybody's looking for somewhere to move. One bed, one bath, but it's got a full size kitchen and bathroom.

    Let's just hope this fog doesn't get too bad while I'm moving my stuff over.

    Jan. 9th, 2024




    Attention all booklovers! Pagemaster is suffering a sentient fuzzball invasion and will be closed until further notice. Or until Clint Barton figures something out.

    If you put in any orders, don't hold your breath. These things eat books now.

    ETA: If you love books and/or have a spare afternoon, come help us hunt and gather the multiplying fuzzballs (for purposes of humane relocation via Ghost Line) and earn my undying gratitude in the process!

    ETA 2: And maybe a coupon!

    ETA 3, a few hours later: Has anyone seen Kate? Brunette, gorgeous eyes, phases through buildings? I seem to have misplaced her...

    Jan. 8th, 2024




    Hello, Mistakes.

    I'm happy to announce that Apothecary Mistica will be opening in two weeks.

    I've obtained the space and I'm cleaning it up a bit, and it will be where you can go for all your witchcraft needs. The front of the store will be for locals and non-magic users alike, and I'll have a spot in the back for any of our more magical needs.

    Jan. 5th, 2024



    Texts to Sookie

    --Why are brothers the worst?




    So, okay, maybe I shouldn't have get the really wet egg that I got for Christmas. But it wasn't moving, and I couldn't hear anything inside it, so I didn't think destroying it was a big priority, right?

    I was so wrong.

    This morning, it opened up. I swear, I thought the thing inside was going to make me a pod person, but Jeff popped out. Jeff, this is everyone. Everyone, this is Jeff.

    Jan. 2nd, 2024




    I think I'll be declining the next invitation to any events, terribly sorry to anyone who missed seeing me in formal wear. It really is your loss.

    More importantly, can anyone tell me what in the hells WPTF is and why there's something called Night Bites With Astarion that I'm expected to attend every weekend from midnight until four am?

    Jan. 1st, 2024




    Hello hello, it's your friendly still-getting-used-to-Dunwich paramedic.

    If you are still in need of medical assistance, and magic and hospitals aren't your thing, I'm happy to have a bit of a lookie-look. Just filter to me and nobody need know.

    I'm also willing to postpone my annual mechanical bull festivities for a few days. And yes! You could ask why, or even tell me 'what the hell, Malachi, what's with the bull', but do you really want to? It was originally going to be a sheep, but it was hard to find.

    You guys okay?

    Dec. 28th, 2023




    I thought the gifts were over.

    What did everyone else get today, then?

    Did anyone else find a cute little memento?

    Dec. 26th, 2023




    On the hypothetical that I received a voodoo doll and I jokingly punched it hard enough to knock myself out, would it be a good idea to put that in a bank vault or something?

    All entirely hypothetical, of course.

    I do have some hot cocoa brains that I can't do anything with, and everything else is kind of cute, except for the teeth and the embalmed hand, both of which I'm not touching. Can I actually bury that somewhere? Have we got that figured out? That is not the kind of stuff you should give away or can sell on Ebay.

    I'm selfishly keeping the furbies though, sorry. That's my kind of weird.

    I also got a box. Half a box?