Dunwich: A Creepypasta Panfandom Game


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Posts Tagged: '%E2%97%8C+inactive:+ben+hanscom'

May. 5th, 2024




May 4th / Early afternoon
Ben and Susan
“With the new day comes new strength
and new thoughts.” — Eleanor Roosevelt

Castle Hill Garden - Promenade | ⚠ Emotions
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May. 2nd, 2024




Message to all aerial shifters - I have crafted and posted roosts around Pickman and in the outskirts of the woods for any of you that wish to utilize them whether it's for security or resting purposes.

[private to Losers]
Decided to start building another hangout for us, if you all are interested about it - It's going to be towards the back of the property line of the house.

[private to Susan]
I saw that Luce disappeared. You doing alright?

May. 1st, 2024




I can see again.

Any suggestions of sights I should take in to celebrate? Trees? Lakes? Clouds? My hot friends? Birds? he sun rising tomorrow? No Joyland suggestions if it's open again. I'm not risking seeing a clown.

Apr. 23rd, 2024



tw: psychosomatic blindness, panic, creepy bank noise

Is this voice to text still working? I can't see shit now. Nothing at all. I need someone to come get me at the bank and take me home. now please. The fucking weird bank noise is getting louder and I need to get out of here.

Mar. 26th, 2024



tw: naked monster (RUSALKA ), sexual humour in comments

tw: encounter with naked monster (rusalka) )

Mar. 23rd, 2024



tw: Richie Tozier.

I know we're all in like uh oh, stay away from the water territory, and for probably good reason, I guess (??) but what's a guy supposed to do when Daddy Sea God gets all deep voiced and intimate in my head and then shows off his Big Dick Energy by going rock hard in the ocean?

I'm only a man, you guys.

Mar. 21st, 2024




Ben & Susan
March 21st. | Pickman Patio | TBD

Ben had been quite efficient on working on the avian perches and houses that he had started putting together and spreading them out around Dunwich.

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[Accidental photograph of the morning sky]

[Accidental photograph of the footpath, the hilt of a sword which is in focus, and the toe of a leather boot]

[Accidental photograph of the left side of Ed's face - he's not looking at the camera at all - and a couple of the shops behind him]

Mar. 18th, 2024




As much as I wouldn't mind building an addition onto the house, any magical users here know how to add a room without having to go through the whole labor of drywalling and insulating it?

I've got some friends that are quite insistent that I move in as quick as possible.

Mar. 14th, 2024




Yoga and meditation are like, super helpful. Just FYI. In case you didn't know.

Updates from this wee:
Monday - Got startled by a cat, fog came up yada yada. I was thinking about coffee before the cat. Went through the Todash space, nothing familiar, just nothingness. I was half a block from the coffee green and I ended up by Carbunkle. I felt annoyed afterward.
Tuesday - nothing.
Wednesday - nothing.
Today - Ummmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm. I thought I heard my name, and it was creepy, and I stepped and ended up at that statue. You know the one. The vision one. I was scared. Before, during, after. No visible landmarks in the todash space.

Soooo how are we doing on the whole secret in the attic front???

I'm sorry.

Mar. 12th, 2024




Hello, my name is Lucy. I've been told that this is the best way to communicate with others who are here like I am? I've just arrived yesterday, and would like to introduce myself.

I've already made it to Pickman, I've been informed where MIST is and the money jar, and I suppose the next step is learning where things are and deciding what to do with myself? What do you do here? What is one place in town that you think everyone should visit?

Mar. 11th, 2024




I thought we were finally getting rid of daylight savings?

Heyyyy are you still interested in going to cooking class tomorrow? I double checked and it looks like it's grilling- burgers and chicken?

Hey, wanna hang out?

How are you holding up?




This wasn't Narnia.
lucy is found • morning, 11 march • ⚠ tbd
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Mar. 7th, 2024




(ooc: posted earlier when people started to float)
[Richie's boyfriends and the Losers (except Richie)]
Me again.
Should we delay the party? I don't think Richie will have fun while people are fucking floating.

(added before the party start time)
Theoretically speaking, if there was a party planned for your birthday - would you want it today as planned, or change it to whenever people stop floating?

Mar. 6th, 2024




I've got extra material lying around from a previous project. If anyone needs anything built, hit me up with some jobs.

Hey Losers, you still have that room available for me?

Mar. 5th, 2024



backdated, tw: drug use, sexual humour

((backdated to shortly after his messages with Mark and Enjolras.))

[Friends of Richie]

Richie's birthday is on Thursday the seventh.  There's gonna be a party at Strawberry Springs Lanes.  You can start arriving as early as 6 pm. Don't tell him about it. 
The dress code is to wear a funny shirt, ie a shirt with a funny joke on it or a funny looking shirt.  Wear other clothes too, no Winnie-the-Pooh-ing it at the party.  Otherwise, casual clothes.  If you can't find a funny shirt, that's okay.  
There'll be pizza, beer and milkshakes, as well as desserts.  If you have any dietary concerns, let me or Enjolras know.   There might be some edibles, they will be properly labelled. 
There'll be a video booth where you can record a message or tell a joke, and we can let Richie see them all at the end of the night.  
There'll be arcade games including Street Fighter.  If SSL doesn't have it, I'll find a way to get it there. And there'll be bowling of course.  I recommend wearing layers of socks or thick socks because of rented shoes.
If there's shit anything I'm forgetting, ask.

[Ben, Bev, Stan]
If you want to help me and Enjolras set up, that'd be cool.
You are free Thursday, right?  Get free if you aren't.

Feb. 13th, 2024




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Feb. 8th, 2024




[Richie,Stan and Ben]
Are we doing anything for Bev's birthday? Should we surprise her or ask her what she wants to do?




it's nice to finally meet you properly
a lesson in metalwork
heritage handcrafts • afternoon, 8 february
⚠ tbd • incomplete
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Just when I thought I was up to walk about outside again... I find some sort of lobster-looking creature about? And this is normal this time of year?

Perhaps I should consider becoming a hermit.

Feb. 5th, 2024




If you ran the Todash Tavern, what would you be interested in seeing there? Once a month karaoke? Weekly trivia nights?

Can you help me and Owen Sharma secure a business loan? We're looking to buy the Todash from the current owner.

Feb. 1st, 2024





Jan. 25th, 2024



Voice Post, tw: cat-bus-monster, profanity, car crash

(backdated to after witnessing Jaskier being taken, in a loud and panicky voice)

The fucked-up-cat-monster got Jaskier!  Fucking put him in his goddamn spine!   The last time I saw it, it was near Pickman, headed south!  We have to find him!  We have to help him and the rest of them!  There were so many!   Too damn many! 

(a few moments later and slightly calmer)

I know you're all trying.  I just..aw, fuck.  It was fucked up. This is all fucked up.

Crashing a car into the cat-thing doesn't fucking stop it. I didn't learn anything else.

I'm fine.

Jan. 19th, 2024




(Texts to Bev)
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Jan. 5th, 2024




Is it really the 5th already? I've been out of it for that long?

Fuck, I need a drink.

Dec. 30th, 2023




How the fuck is it almost January?





Dec. 28th, 2023




So we all got a lot of weird stuff, some of which we don't need or want. I figured maybe we could do some trading here on this post, yeah? Put your name and what you're willing to trade and see what you can get for it. Here's my list:
  • Bob Ross toaster
  • Clippy statue
  • A bear in an outhouse toilet paper holder.
  • A stuffed elephant with about a dozen eyes
Sound like something you'd want? It's yours. Just let me know you want it.




How is it that Eddie is the one suggesting us all to get tattoos?

Am I sure I'm reading this right? It's not some hallucination?
