Dunwich: A Creepypasta Panfandom Game


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Posts Tagged: '%E2%97%8C+inactive:+eleanor+shellstrop+2'

Nov. 3rd, 2023




At the risk of sounding dramatic --
I hate this.




As long as we get through this weekend without any memory problems or mysterious gaps in network posts, then...

I want to announce that the food truck is opening up next weekend. I'll have a full menu and hours and locations where we'll be parked.

First location is going to be in front of the Dunwich Police Department, by request. Ten to three, open for lunch. Try the Tony, a shaved cheesesteak panini.

Just look for the bright blue truck that says Lunch Box.

Oct. 31st, 2023




In the Slayer 'verse, Halloween's usually pretty dead for the dead. Somehow I don't think Dunwich is gonna chill today. Does anyone?




It's been two weeks and I still feel off-balance every time I see the date and realise my birthday has been and gone. Like standing on the edge of a short drop just about to jump down and never quite doing it, only to realise you're already at the bottom. I think it will be easier in November, when I don't look at a calendar and immediately start trying to make the mathematics work.

Oct. 19th, 2023



present day

[Dunwich Police Department]

Hey guys, if you didn't hear the radio call just now, Sabrina just called from the Historical Society. She just showed up and the door was open. CW: blood )

Oct. 17th, 2023




So I know everyone's having weekend blackouts, but is anyone else having flashbacks? To being here before?

Cause if not, that's cool, man, but it's forking crazy. I was here in what had to be the 90s based on what everyone was wearing. And I could swear. Like really swear and not these bullshirt swears.

And then Sabrina, I'm pretty sure I saw that symbol but I'm trying to place where. And Hopster... holy fork, man, you had a kid. And bestie... are you remembering any of this?

This place is wild.

Oct. 15th, 2023




Sabrina Spellman is missing. I haven't seen her since Friday.
If anyone knows anything please message me or obviously the headmasters.

Oct. 11th, 2023





So. A couple weeks ago I found this weird carving at the Historical Society, followed by this weird symbol. A couple of us have been looking for where else it might have popped up in Dunwich and we've found it on a book by a former resident in town but I swear I've seen it elsewhere and can't remember.

It's related to some...IDK if its an old god or what really, but its something that used to be worshipped in Dunwich a long time ago and comes from the ocean. I think. The book's kind of vague on that and the chapter about this particular thing is missing because of course it is. So I'm just finding little references to it here and there in the rest of them.

But if you see it anywhere can you let me know?*

Also anyone want to help me with a little necromancy?

Julia, Daimon, Rory, Mobius, Diana
The dreams got worse. I still can't see what exactly it looks like.

I saw my coworkers under the water. They'd been killed. And other people I've never seen before were there too.

Plus it showed me a crown. I am so over things trying to give me crowns.

And I'm hearing it talk to me outside of my dreams which seriously can't be good.

(ooc: *talk to me if you want your character to have seen it)

Oct. 9th, 2023




Missing time is shocking awful, not a fan.

I did mark a load of homework on Sunday, though. Essays. From what I've read of the first handful, I'm kind of glad I have no memory of reading the rest of them.

Sep. 28th, 2023




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Sep. 23rd, 2023




How does one take a vacation when you can't go anywhere?

We're getting a police dog.

We're getting a dog.

Sep. 18th, 2023




Just a reminder: if you hear a ghost, no you didn't. If a ghost gives you something, no they didn't. If a ghost asks you to do something, no they did not.

I need a favor.

Sep. 17th, 2023




A few months ago, I asked for people with potential for emergency responders. I think it's time to not only update that, but put some people in charge of aspects of it.
  • SEARCH AND RESCUE: There's a very specific set of skills needed for search and rescue. Physical training is an absolute necessity. FEMA has training courses to develop your Search and Rescue skills. I won't be taking anyone in this position who does not have a certification in first aid or CPR. Especially give that Sam Wilson does training for this on Sundays.
  • FIGHTING: I don't care how you fight, just know that if we get a call for fighting, we're going to need all the people we can get.
  • MAGIC: Whether this is magical fighting or just spells to dissuade people, clarify.
  • MEDICAL/HEALING: What it says on the tin. Liv Moore is in charge of Medical here at Mist, so I'm going to put her in charge of this.

Sep. 12th, 2023




I don't know what's going on with everyone and their cousin getting messages from dead people and I don't care. Since I've been getting messages from someone still alive, I'd say my shit takes precedence.

Christopher Pike, you might remember him as the silver fox hottie and former sheriff before he disappeared, has found a way to make contact. He keeps texting me pictures, but they disappear after about two seconds. I'm assuming it's Ghost Line interference shit.

I haven't been able to figure it out with magic so I need one of you brainiacs to take a look at my phone, see if you can recover the files, and reverse engineer however the fuck he managed to get the messages through in the first place. He's from some perfect future world so I'm guessing some pretty advanced tech is involved.

We figure this out, maybe we figure out how to get messages home or get shit past the Ghost Line.

Who's with me?

Sep. 3rd, 2023




[no under 18s]

Time for a game of fuck, marry, kill. If you don't know how to play, it's easy. Here's an example:

I get given the names Buffy, Angel, Wes.

I'd fuck Wes, marry Angel, and fuck kill B 'cause she has a habit of not staying dead anyway.

Comment below and either me or someone else'll give you names.

Sep. 1st, 2023




The coffee shop is almost where I want it to be now. I wonder if me poking around and delaying is perfectionism or anxiety? I should ask a psychologist.

... Anyway. Soft re-opening of The Coffee Green will be on Monday. It should be good. You should come. Or don't. That's fine too.

Private to Owen
I know you already have a job, but if there's a magical number you want to see for me to be able to poach you for weekend brunch... I'd see if I couldn't fit it into my budget?

Aug. 30th, 2023




Friday I'll have been here three months and this place was weird before, but this past month was forking awful. And I really wish I could actually swear here because that doesn't read nearly as harsh as it should.

So maybe next month will be better. In the meantime, try and stay safe, everyone.

Hey bestie, you doing alright?

Hey man, still doing alright here?

Aug. 28th, 2023




Is anyone else's work being weird?

I went back today after everything. My boss knew I was out and she was fine, but the rest of my coworkers don't seem to remember that I wasn't in the last few weeks. Apparently another one of them moved out of the city and I threw them a party? I'm pretty sure I'd remember throwing an office party.

At least everyone really liked the cookie cake I apparently brought in.

Does anyone even know where to get cookie cake in Dunwich?

Aug. 10th, 2023




Folks, in light of recent events, please listen to instruction from Sheriff Hopper and Natasha Romanoff from MIST. Likewise, if you have any information about what's happening, I'm sure both their organizations will be able to put that knowledge to good use.

Please do not feel you have to lockpick the doors to check on unresponsive neighbors at Pickman. I will make myself available for wellness checks, any time, day or night, as needed.

Now since music is important to defending yourself against this monster, if no one has made a record of everyone's songs already, why don't we start a list here so anyone regardless of how well they know you or not, might be able to help.

No headaches right? Everyone good, relatively speaking?

Aug. 9th, 2023



posted around 14:30

Yes someone died, yes it was what we think it is, it looks like this person had their song playing and their phone broke, breaking the song long enough for the curse to fully set in. It's Vecna, and it is very important you all arm yourselves with your songs, find one if you don't have one, sing one to yourself if you can think of it, and if you have been experiencing headaches please go to MIST right away where we can keep an eye on you.

BUDDY SYSTEM people. If you have been experiencing the headaches and other usual signs (hallucinations, visions, nightmares) find someone who has not and stick together as best you can.

If you need help, contact us straight away.

I'm headed to the church and I swear on all that is holy I'm burning that fucking place down to find Eddie if I can.

Check in. I want to update this with any other instructions we can provide these people. We're unfortunately the experts here, and you kids more than any of the rest of us.

Above all, you need to STICK TOGETHER and keep each other safe. Don't go looking for Eddie, don't go running off to each crisis, put your heads together, keep each other safe, and think of what we can do here, now, about it knowing what we do about Dunwich and about Vecna.




There is a lot going on right now. For the sake of not overloading the network, I'm pinning this post. If you know someone who is floating, please comment here. Use this post to connect with people so they are aware.

ETA: I'm going on emergency leave from the hospital so I can be on call for any of the Mistakes with headaches. If someone goes in the air, I want to be there to make sure they're stable.

Aug. 1st, 2023




Happy August, Dunwich! Try not to get kil

Is it your birthday this month? Let me know what day and you'll get a half dozen muffins (with your flavor of choosing).

Also, it's been a few months since I've asked ridiculous questions! Here's a few fun ones that I just picked out of an old magazine that I found under the counter at work:

  • Would you rather have everyone you know be able to read your thoughts or for everyone you know to have access to your Internet history?

  • Would you rather lose the ability to read or lose the ability to speak?

  • Would you rather walk barefoot in a public bathroom or through poison ivy?

    ETA: Does anyone have a bike and a helmet I can borrow?

    Here we go...

    [LUKE & NELL]
    Hey! You're both invited to come to a revolving 'found family' dinner thing on Sundays at the Bridgerton residence if you'd like to go!
  • Jul. 31st, 2023



    (tw drug mention)

    hey janet?

    how come the beach here smells like cold lobsters and where are all of the boats and dance clubs and cocaine sharks?

    Jul. 30th, 2023




    There are psychics here. And sorcerers and stuff.

    Why can't we get one of them to go into the preacher's mind to get him to confess?




    Finally buckled and gave into the ticket temptation to go to Joyland tonight. I've always been a sucker for the fortune telling but I'm not sure 24 fortunes were supposed to spit out of the machine!

    And what the heck does 'YOU WILL HAVE A SONG IN YOUR HEART' even mean?

    Jul. 29th, 2023




    I went to Joyland after the beach today - just for one more trip around the carnival games because I NEEDED a few more neon lobstrocities with googly eyes.

    Anyway, I hit the Madam Fortuna machine and got a really freaking weird fortune and I'm pretty creeped out, so.


    ... Did anyone else get anything weird from Madam Fortuna? Please tell me I'm not the only one. I've been staring at this thing for hours

    Jul. 20th, 2023




    Between the protesters at the station earlier this week and... yesterday, this week kinda sucks. I don't know about the rest of you, but I'm ready for the weekend.

    Anything fun happening?

    Jul. 17th, 2023




    So as some of you have heard already, a local dunwich resident was murdered. I don’t want anyone to panic - there is no reason to believe at this time that anyone of us is in danger. I am going to tell you we are actively investigating this situation, and any additional investigating done by any MISTakes will wind up with you in the tank for obstruction.

    I am not joking.

    Again, there is no reason to panic, but please make sure you keep an eye on each other and if anyone has any information that may be relevant please let us know.

    I gather you two knew the previous Loki that was here quite well. Would you mind answering some questions about his involvement with the Church?

    Thank our DA here for getting us the warrants. I’m heading out to pick up Father Andrew and bring him in for the next twenty-four hours and I need you to go out and find us something we can use.

    [OOC: PLEASE NOTE that Father Andrew is arrested early Monday morning and held for 24 hours. Almost immediately, there are churchgoers protesting outside the police station and they remain there for the full twenty-four hours.]

    Jul. 16th, 2023




    This can't be happen

    I need to make sure that Tissa

    Where is Cir

    What am I supposed to do

    If I've understood correctly, this is another sphere with no way back. At the moment. What is being done to find a way back to our home spheres?

    Jul. 15th, 2023




    Name: Erika Nixon
    DOB: 1/16/1994
    Age: 29
    Address: 327 W 7th Street, Apt A, Dunwich, MA
    Appearance: 5'6", 155 lbs. Caucasian. Curly brown hair. Brown eyes.
    Work: Teller at Langolier Bank
    DOD: 7/10/2023, approximately 6:45pm

    TW: The dirty, gory details )