Dunwich: A Creepypasta Panfandom Game


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Posts Tagged: '%E2%97%8C+inactive:+julien+alemarque'

Oct. 20th, 2023




A belated IC/OOC event!
WHAT? Margo gets a bunch of magic users together (plus geniuses and time magic people and anyone else who wanted to show up tbh). WHEN? Tuesday, October 17th. WHERE? Margo's place. HOW? Bribery mostly. She provided pizza and alcohol. When it comes to the alcohol, Margo was extra about it. There's beer, wine, cider, cocktails, even kombucha for the non-drinkers. Something for everyone! WHY? To figure out what's the deal with the missing weekends.

THE TWIST. Margo spiked the drinks with a magical truth potion. She's going to make sure, the best she can, no one is hiding something stupid. REALLY, MARGO? Have you met Margo? Yes, really. CAN I OPT OUT? Of course. Maybe your character offered to bring wine and drank their own. Maybe they just drank water from the tap. Margo isn't going to push anything on people, in order to make sure the most people possible get truth serumed.

DID SHE TELL... Quentin? She would have, but Margo didn't want Q to spill to Julia, so neither of her roommates are aware of her plans. DID SHE TELL... Natasha Romanoff, who wanted to be in on the meeting? No, but she did rudely tell Natasha to BYOB and if Natasha doesn't, then that's on her.

• Some FAQs... CAN MY CHARACTER SENSE THE POTION? Nah, it's magic bro. Just use one of the opt out methods detailed above. MY CHARACTER WILL NEVER TRUST MARGO AGAIN. She's fine with that. CAN MY CHARACTER GET HER BACK? Plot something out with me. I'm open to fun and hijinx and revenge.

Oct. 16th, 2023




Alright, once? Fine. I'll give you that, shit happens.

But twice? This is bullshit.

Tomorrow night, everyone with magic is meeting at my place. Maybe we didn't do this, but we're figuring out how to fucking fix this.

Don't show up without very good reason? You might as well get a SUS tattoo on your forehead. I will fucking take note.

There will be food and alcohol. I don't brainstorm sober or on an empty stomach.

Geniuses and/or people with random ass time powers can come too, I guess. I'm not your mom.

Oct. 8th, 2023




I'm going to have to break out the hi viz saddle blankets with so many hunting seasons finally opening next weekend, and pay much closer attention to where people are planning to take the more sensitive horses. Which isn't to say I'm not looking forward to it. It's been positively ages since I've had fresh-caught grouse or turkey. I'll try to bring in a few extra so I can on-sell the spare for anyone else who prefers to know where their meat is coming from as well.

Oct. 7th, 2023



1997 - Filtered to 18 and above

Go to the '90s, said literally no one. Babysit a bunch of kids who also showed up here out of the blue.

I'm tired of kids. I'm tired of teenaged hierarchies.

Someone please tell me we've got adult plans this weekend.
Something -- fun?

Oct. 1st, 2023





Who: Witches, Magic Users, People with Powers
Margarita Drinkers, Sandwich Makers. Etc.
Where: Sidewinder Park, a very nice clearing
When: 9/30, Saturday night, 8pm
What: Magic. Talks. Show offs. Networking.
Coven considerations. Maybe drinking, maybe sandwiches.
Warnings: Drinking, swearing, possibe TWs with backstories? Warn in subject headers.
Gordo didn't know what to expect. )

Sep. 17th, 2023




A few months ago, I asked for people with potential for emergency responders. I think it's time to not only update that, but put some people in charge of aspects of it.
  • SEARCH AND RESCUE: There's a very specific set of skills needed for search and rescue. Physical training is an absolute necessity. FEMA has training courses to develop your Search and Rescue skills. I won't be taking anyone in this position who does not have a certification in first aid or CPR. Especially give that Sam Wilson does training for this on Sundays.
  • FIGHTING: I don't care how you fight, just know that if we get a call for fighting, we're going to need all the people we can get.
  • MAGIC: Whether this is magical fighting or just spells to dissuade people, clarify.
  • MEDICAL/HEALING: What it says on the tin. Liv Moore is in charge of Medical here at Mist, so I'm going to put her in charge of this.

Sep. 9th, 2023




Addie & Julien
09.08 morning | 5 Fowler's Lane (Julien's home) | Low

Magical stitches.
Bodily injury, blood, PTSD

Read more... )

Sep. 6th, 2023




Do people just...find homes here, in the same way people just hand you jobs?

Sep. 3rd, 2023




[no under 18s]

Time for a game of fuck, marry, kill. If you don't know how to play, it's easy. Here's an example:

I get given the names Buffy, Angel, Wes.

I'd fuck Wes, marry Angel, and fuck kill B 'cause she has a habit of not staying dead anyway.

Comment below and either me or someone else'll give you names.

Sep. 1st, 2023




I want to say a thank you to Tobias for staying with me when I was in that trance and a thank you to Julien for healing me when I came to.  It didn't hurt, I don't need casts, and he had a dog with him.  I think it doesn't get better than that for coming out of a nightmare trance.

I would have said those thanks sooner.  I wasn't sure if this was all real.  I think a part of me still expects to wake up back in that facility or hospital or whatever it was supposed to be.  

Was that real?  Why hasn't anyone else

Does anyone else think we should have a music night? With all different kinds of music to listen to? 'Cause even if they were favourites, hearing the same song over and over again was a lot.

Do you remember me and trying to get out?  I guess we did escape in a way.  Is Steven real in Dunwich too?

Are you okay? 
I remember something about a concert, maybe?




It feels strange to not be preparing for the colder months now. Before, when the first signs of chill were in the air, my people would begin their preparations with food storage for when we couldn't hunt constantly.

While it seems like the cooler weather is a little far off still, does anyone in the modern age prepare for the colder temperatures?


I have read that sometimes we prepare with fashion. Would you be able to guide me on that?

Aug. 24th, 2023




[Private to Sam, Wanda, Julien]

I know I was out of it after I got healed up, but Warmachine reported back what you all did for me while I was under that... curse thing. Thank you.

[MCU Avengers, Julien]

Hey guys. Sorry about the broadcasts. I got Warmachine off capslock.

Aug. 23rd, 2023




I see there are many who are in need of healing, Yelena and the other volunteers have organized a place for you to come to at MIST in order to rest and wait. Those who can heal, if you would gather so we may utilize our energy together and give those who are using more energy for more difficult wounds backup to rest. Working together and having a space with others so no one gets overwhelmed is best. If you are too damaged to get here yourself let me know and we’ll make accommodations for you.

On another note, on the subject of those who had wanted to start that sword training together, once everyone is well of course—is anyone skilled in woodworking I can commission to make and assortment of practice swords? Possibly with necessary enhancements to take blows from our super strengthened friends and even the practice field.

Aug. 22nd, 2023




As young Will said, please make sure anyone who's floating has a soft surface beneath them while we wait for this battle to end. Once they start falling please let me know who, where, and what injuries they have so I can treat the most wounded first. Typically divine magic is replenished by a patron god, but given Lord Elbar is absent from this plane of existence I'm uncertain how long I'll be of assistance before I need to rest and recuperate, and this way Dr Moore will be able to move more swiftly through those with more minor injuries without being held up.

eta: As a note, my brand of healing does not cause pain.

Aug. 19th, 2023




Max is

She's floating. We're at my room in Pickman, we were all just hanging around and listening to our music. I don't know what happened.

This is my fault. He said this would happen

Nothing I'm trying is helping her.


If you're with someone who's floating, please make sure they have something soft under them if they fall, like a mattress.

And if you think they have broken bones please try to find a doctor or healer that can be nearby if they come down.




We've had another death. It's Rose Nylund. Sometime last night or early this morning she was killed by the demodog, which we know is protecting Eddie, so I'm pretty certain he's at the Rochree Mill.

We are going to search for him AND NOT FUCKING TOUCH HIM until Vecna is OUT of him. We're going to find him and figure out a safe way to get Vecna out of him, no jumping the gun we have a few things we can do that might work and not harm Eddie. Psychic attacks have worked the best in the past.

So message me here if you are joining the search party.

Can you head up the Psychic portion of this showdown with this fucker?

[OOC NOTE: PLEASE DO NOT have your character agree to be in the search party etc if they did not sign up on the original plot post here.]

Aug. 16th, 2023



[filtered away from Eddie Munson]

please don't be mad at me, okay?

I think I gave that creature

a few months ago I made a deal with some creature while I had magic. It brought the demodog to protect Eddie, and a few weeks ago it came back and told me I had to give Eddie a bracelet, that it would protect his mind, keep unwanted thoughts out of his head.

I thought it would protect him from Vecna, but.... I don't know anymore.

Everyone, Steve, Max, I'm so sorry.

Aug. 13th, 2023




Who is...looking after those with symptoms right now? What about the children? Is everyone okay?

I am here to lend a hand, my sword or support as needed. I am Lexa, for those who don't know me yet. I volunteered with the Summer Youth Program.

Aug. 4th, 2023




The summers here are very long.

Anyone here know much about curses? Or could lift one?


You still ok with Emma checking your memory?

Aug. 2nd, 2023




I have an odd question, or maybe not too odd... Would anyone be willing to share their swordsmanship knowledge with me? I'm not a novice with blades, just not with blades of this size.

Aug. 1st, 2023




Happy August, Dunwich! Try not to get kil

Is it your birthday this month? Let me know what day and you'll get a half dozen muffins (with your flavor of choosing).

Also, it's been a few months since I've asked ridiculous questions! Here's a few fun ones that I just picked out of an old magazine that I found under the counter at work:

  • Would you rather have everyone you know be able to read your thoughts or for everyone you know to have access to your Internet history?

  • Would you rather lose the ability to read or lose the ability to speak?

  • Would you rather walk barefoot in a public bathroom or through poison ivy?

    ETA: Does anyone have a bike and a helmet I can borrow?

    Here we go...

    [LUKE & NELL]
    Hey! You're both invited to come to a revolving 'found family' dinner thing on Sundays at the Bridgerton residence if you'd like to go!
  • Jul. 21st, 2023





    Jul. 18th, 2023



    Visible to Bucky Barnes

    [ Henri, Wanda, Julien, Steve Rogers, Matt Murdock, Clint, Peggy, Ava, Rose, & Alison ]

    I’d like to announce that James and I have moved in together. As it seems to be the tradition around here, I want to invite all of you to our home for a little house warming party later this week. Friday evening, perhaps?

    Jul. 17th, 2023




    Are you 18 and under? Do you want to learn how to ride horseback?

    Sign up here.

    Please note that I will not accept students who will be disrespectful of the horses.

    Jul. 14th, 2023




    Well this place is adequately peculiar. If anyone has any tips or suggestions on how to adapt to this modern world, feel free to share. My name is Thomas Sharpe, I’m from 1901.

    [ Asriel ]
    I have questions.

    Jul. 2nd, 2023




    What does one do to celebrate their date of birth in this place? I hear the upcoming holiday is the country's birth date. But mine was yesterday. I didn't think to address it because celebrating a birthday wasn't the most important thing in my home. But I think there may be some of my friends who would wish to celebrate. I debated to say something or not, but ultimately, I think it is good to acknowledge it.

    Jul. 1st, 2023




    Well, Erasmus is firmly establishing himself as a menace now that he has nothing to do, and I'm seriously debating training him to run agility courses. I can only assume they bred either the intelligence or the work ethic out of lap dogs because he is absolutely not built for that lifestyle.

    I may attempt a few dishes to see if any would be appropriate to bring to this event. Most of what I've learned to make so far has been suitable for small servings, so it should be a novel challenge.

    Jun. 27th, 2023




    Heyyyyyy everybody.

    My name's Stella! I'm not quite sure how long I'll be here as I can't find my grimoire at the moment but this is rather a quaint town.

    Anyone know of a place a girl can get a drink?

    Jun. 17th, 2023




    I've got a lot of things to talk about, all of it MIST related. Don't worry, I'll get to the Bad Moon Festival, but I want to get this out of the way.

    We need a group of emergency responders in various fields. Search and Rescue, Fighting, Magic, Medical/Healing. Search and Rescue and Fighting will be training with two new MIST recruits — Peggy Carter or Carol Danvers. They'll be swapping back and forth for a wider variety of training in those positions. There is a sign-up sheet at MIST.

    Secondly, we have come up with an arrival protocol that will help everyone who arrives. For everyone, we'll have a care package with basic necessities. They'll be picked up when you get your Key and room at Pickman. We'll have a group of volunteer guides for those who are 20 and younger to help them out. After discovering that one of our own had no food in her apartment, we don't want this to happen again. The guide's job is to make sure the person is settling in, to get them acclimated to Dunwich. If a new arrival is over 20, there is an opt-in program for those who come from other planets, worlds, and time periods who may need help learning this world or upgraded technology. You can find more information on this program here.

    Thirdly, in the interest of fostering community, MIST will be hosting bi-weekly meals on Tuesdays from 6-8pm. Sometimes, these may be a potluck. Sometimes, they may be food catered in by MIST. They might be as simple as a pizza party or something more extravagant.

    One final MIST update, those of you are twenty and younger will be allotted a livable wage through MIST, whether you're working or not. This amount is based on whether you are working or not and the difference will make it a livable wage. Every other Friday, you will need to meet with your guide to receive your stipend check.

    And finally, I'll be making my way to the Todash Tavern this week to find out what's going on with this Bad Moon Festival. Because our emergency responders are not in place yet, I highly recommend that only those with fighting and magical skills attend the Todash or the festival. That's a lot of us, and frankly, I'm not willing to leave the towns people to the whims of some maniacal church.

    If you have questions about any part of this, let me know. I'd also like to take a moment to thank Katniss, Adam, Lance, Jake, and Mobius for helping with the arrival protocols.

    Jun. 1st, 2023




    While I don't entirely have the space for a full redo, I do have a house that is yet to be warmed [address] if anyone would like to wear something fancy and come to drink wine or cocktails this Friday at an event that is mostly guaranteed not to end in a bloodbath.

    I do also have a dog, which I'm lead to believe is something of a selling point.