Dunwich: A Creepypasta Panfandom Game


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Posts Tagged: '%E2%97%8C+inactive:+carol+danvers'

Mar. 20th, 2023




Today is definitely not my day, one of those psycho Karens chased me into the maze and no matter how hard I try, they're not letting me out.

If anything, they're closing me in




Earlier this week, you all received a message that Melina Vostokoff's account was deleted. After searching for her, checking the network that Carol created, and some magical spells, it appear Melina is no longer here. We can only assume that she disappeared the way we all arrive. Until we see that happen with someone, we only have that assumption.

You got any plans tonight? I was thinking a girl's night. Some cocktails, some TV, maybe some face masks and doing each other nails. Ordinarily, I'd pay for a spa to do all of that, but sometimes you just wanna have a night in.

You game?

Mar. 19th, 2023




So I -- went to do a little clean up, you know? To the party room. Because I'm a super great party co-host and wanted to do a good deed despite my hangover.

But I uh

Maybe I'm lost.

Mar. 16th, 2023




Did Melina delete herself from the network? Did she tell you she was going to do this?
Any idea on this notification that Melina's account is deactivated?

Mar. 15th, 2023




Okay my fellow stranded friends, this is an oppertunity for a good nickname, I'll get right on that.

Anyway! Does anyone have a nice strong computer I can hook my equipment up to? If any of this stuff is reading any kind of cosmic energy, I should be able to analyze it.

Unless someone has already done that, and if that's the case, I would LOVE to go over what we have already. Bonus points to anyone that's made a really nice powerpoint.

Mar. 11th, 2023




If I had a nickle for every time I got pulled into a town by a mysterious force, I'd have two nickels. Which isn't a lot, but it's weird that it happened twice, right?

Doctor Darcy Lewis, at your service, but first, I need coffee.

Mar. 10th, 2023




Not sure whose things were in the washer on our floor, but that coin operated washer and dryer in the basement was pretty handy. Why didn't anyone mention this before? Saved me one hell of a trip into town.

[Alison Heywood]

Alison, I wanted to thank you again for your help with the clothes. I honestly can't remember the last time I had things that fit me this well.

[Grimm and Bucky]

So, when is my next training session?





Weird ass maze in the middle of town got you down?
Todash Tavern's got you, fam.
TGIF Happy Hour all night (yeah, I know, it's not an hour if it's all night but I didn't make the rules) with drink specials and half off mozzarella sticks.
Don't mind the jukebox, it's just Like That.

Mar. 9th, 2023




Don't be alarmed, and don't kill him!

I lost There's an alligator Loki lost in the hedge maze. He's not poisonous, but he does bite. You'll know it's him by the gold horns he wears. If you find him, can you please keep an eye on him until I get there?

Mar. 7th, 2023




Great, new addition in town. Looks like a really huge hedge mage. I'd like to take a group and check it out. None of the local seem to notice this newfangled maze, and that concerns me. And it should concern me, considering it showed up right after another heavy fog.

I'll take about a dozen people and we'll team up with a partner at various points at the park.

Mar. 6th, 2023




Okay so this is cute and all but I'm gonna need someone to point me in the direction of the bus station. I gotta get back to Gotham.

Mar. 5th, 2023




It appears as though I have also been tasked with employment. In another lifetime, had I not chosen the route of senator and everything that followed, I imagine I could have chosen teaching. I guess this is that other lifetime. I'll be teaching political science at Derleth University. I'll probably need to do quite a lot of reading up on the politics of this world, so if anyone would like to talk about their experience, I'd like to listen.

Diana Bishop
We'll both be working at the university, it would seem. I may come to you for advice, if you don't mind, seeing as I haven't done much teaching before. Or at least not in years.




Siiince we have ~minors~ among us, it has occured that we'll need people to pretend to be guardians~ for parent-teacher conferences, official paperwork, etc.

The current thought is that ~adults~ can express an interest in being such a fake guardian, make their pitch, and then anyone who needs a pretend guardian can pick who they wouldn't mind pretending to be related to.

First up, Klaus Hargreeves.


Mar. 3rd, 2023




March 2nd
Richie Tozier & Carol Danvers
"A comedian and a superhero walk into a bar--"
Todash Tavern | RATING: High-ish? | ⚠ swears, basic plot of IT
Read more... )




So, in lieu of finding an optometrist/vision center and becoming immediately sad over the fact that I cannot actually afford new glasses here, it was suggested to me that I find someone that can do -- magic. Because that's a super normal sentence from start to finish.

Anyway. My options are currently headache or velma, and they both suck. So is there anyone who can... make glass whole again?

Alternately, we're looking for some giant mutant lobster catching and cooking tips, but I'm pretty sure my newest BFF Ani has that detail mostly sorted? All the rest of you cool Pickman cats need is to get ready to have a good time. Because it's coming to a hallway near you.




Let's get to know one another, shall we? What do you like about this place? What don't you like?

What's different or the same from your home?

Also, do you have any...plans? Goals? Whatever word you'd like to use, while you are here now?

I can begin. I enjoy coffee, that I've found very much. As for what's different, I could say everything. I'd be remiss to not mention the lack of oversized enemies lurking around every corner here. That's still a bit strange.

As for my own goals or plans, mostly surviving as of the immediate future, but I'd like to do something more while here.

Mar. 2nd, 2023




Okay, so I've been here for over a week now, cool, cool, it's fine. I did get a letter saying that I'm officially enrolled at the high school. Apparently, all of my paperwork checks out and they have my class schedule ready for me.

That's weird, right? I figured since I'm 17 I would need some kind of guardian to get all of that worked out.

Is anyone else a Junior? Anyone in AP classes?

I'm going to need supplies, and I just bought a new set of highlighters back home, and they're the fancy kind! They don't bleed through the paper!

For those of you that are still studying the ghost line, or really all the other anomalies, I have thoughts or some things that might help. My suit came with me through the fog, and it has a tracking device as well as a communicator. I might have to fiddle with it to get the right frequency here, but I thought it might be useful.




Anybody out there good with earth tech?

I need some...I need some help.

Mar. 1st, 2023




Two week check in. How is everyone doing? Anyone need anything? This is the space where we can help each other out, so lets use it and network, pool resources and information.

So Sylvie stayed the night and actually managed to fall asleep. [...] Um. Can I move? Is she going to stab me if I wake her? Or do I just wait? I could wait eight hours. I've been in stakeouts that lasted longer. Could you put a sign on the front desk of Pickman for me? Let them know I'll be back soon?

Also don't tell Sylvie I told you she's here. I'll never convince her to come over again if you do.




Someone gave me this... thing and said it's a phone? But I can send messages on it? I think she was confused, she kept insisting it was mine, but she at least realized I didn't know what to do with it and showed me how to send messages at least. The keys are so small.

I was... just in New York. Was supposed to report to a training camp in the morning, Camp Lehigh? Anyone hear of it? Or how I can get there? It's kind of my last chance, I really can't miss this,

Oh, my name is Steve. Steve Rogers. Hello.




I understand there is already considerable concern about these vampires, and I do not wish to cause any more alarm, but there are also lobsters.

Feb. 28th, 2023




Where am I and why did someone just hand me this phone?

Feb. 26th, 2023




I would have made a proper introduction days ago, but like most of you I’ve been trying to settle into this new … habitat. I’m Christopher Pike, Captain of the USS Enterprise. It’s a starship. Pretty fancy. Definitely missing some of her 23rd century luxuries at the moment, but I digress.

I’ve been given the job of town sheriff by the locals. Complete surprise to me, I assure you. But not an unwelcome one. It’s given me the opportunity to do some investigating and as far as I can tell the residents are exactly as they seem—completely unaware of us as strangers. I’m not entirely convinced that this isn’t some kind of advanced holographic program. Regardless, I’m going to continue looking into the town and see if it can help us find out a solution to the Ghost Line. Or, at the very least, point us in the direction of the person or entity who constructed it. In the meantime, I could use some help. Normally I’d reach out to my crew members, but it appears that only one of them arrived here with me and, well, he’s not exactly the man I knew. (No offense, Spock. I’m sure you’re just as logical as the version of you from my universe.) What I’m trying to say is that I have a few extra badges in the office here. If anyone wants to be deputized, let me know.

And for those of you who have found yourself in unexpected careers in Dunwich—maybe we could create a kind of information network with each other. I’ve been subtly questioning the locals here at the station. No one has shared anything too useful yet, but you never know! I’m optimistic. Also if any of you find yourselves in a scrape with local law enforcement, give me a call. I’ll see what I can do.

On a semi-related note, I’m on the hunt for individuals interested in scouting some of the terrain outside of town. If you’re keen, drop your name so I can make a list.

[ooc note: deputy job requires AC career fulfillment]




Soooo, um. If you happen to see a firedrake on the loose in Pickman house (or even out in town? Goddess, please don't let her have made it outside), please don't panic. Her name is Corra and she shouldn't harm you. She slipped out this morning and I haven't been able to corral her back yet. She might huff some smoke your direction, but she's all show unless you try to harm her. I've been chasing after her, but she refuses to return and at this point it's probably better for all of us to just let her get some of her energy out.




Hello, I've been here for a while now, and though I've kept an eye on the network I haven't publically posted until now.

For those who don't know me, my name is Maria Hill, for clarity, it would look like that I'm from the same world as Natasha Romanoff, Clint Barton and Kate Bishop.

Feb. 25th, 2023




So we've still got people trickling in, but it seems that most of us are now put up at the Pickman House. We still have the jar of money up front if you need to buy anything, and I'm going to be putting together a closet with random clothes for any new people who need fresh clothing or just a change.

As a reminder: Spock made an application for your phone so that you can see where the ghost line is. It will also let you know where you are in relation to it. I highly recommend you download it. If you cross that line in the middle of the street, someone going out or into town might run you over.

Which is another note. I know there was some concern about supplies. However, it appears that natives to this world can cross that ghost line without issue. I've monitored vehicles and pedestrians yesterday. We appear to be the only ones affected by the ghost line so that's — you know — not ideal, but it's better than fighting over resources. It also means that you can order things online. (Jake, you can stock up on Oreos not from the gas station.)

As Faith said, there are vampires here so be careful after dark.

If you're familiar with the year 2023 Earth and would like to help out someone who isn't familiar with technology, this timeline, or this planet, let's use this post to connect up.

Feb. 24th, 2023




Hey, cool. Here's a quick question:

What the absolute fuck?




Somebody, presumably from City Hall? offered me a job as assistant to the District Attorney. I turned them down to see how they'd react, but not before asking them questions like, what happened to the last person who held the position, and the name of the current D.A. They were cagey, avoiding an answer.

[Private to Those Who Were in the Infinite Agency and Still Remember]
I've been told that when I was with you in the Agency, I told everybody how my senses were enhanced. I'd really appreciate it if you can keep that secret among yourselves. Maybe it's stupid of me, but I feel more comfortable that way, and if I do end up revealing what I can do, I want it to be on my terms. Thanks.

Feb. 22nd, 2023




✨ Seeking daring and intrepid adventurers! ✨

Greetings, fellow interdimensional travelers and/or refugees! My name is Gilmore, (former) proprietor of Gilmore's Glorious Goods, a sundry boutique specializing in bringing magic into your everyday life-- be you adventurer or not! I am an artificer by trade, which is to say I craft (glorious) enchanted items and magical remedies to enhance your life in all sorts of fabulous ways. As we continue to sort out the where and the how and why to all of this-- I thought my talents might suit our burgeoning community. What I need are ingredients-- whether to brew into potions or to make spell scrolls or (in time) objects imbued with magic. I am interested in contracting with potential suppliers of these ingredients to (eventually) reopen my (glorious)(fabulous)(exceedingly beautiful in every respect) shop while we remain here in Dunwich. Should a particularly intrepid adventurer come across an enchanted item that they do not need or cannot use, I could also be interested in buying it off your hands.

At present moment, I can be found (like many others) at the Pickman House, though I anticipate I will be moving into my own quarters once I find a suitable storefront.

~ Gilmore 🔮




Quick update: if you need cash for food or clothing, let me know. I may have stumbled my way into quite a bit of cash. Don't ask me how.