Dunwich: A Creepypasta Panfandom Game


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Posts Tagged: '%E2%97%8C+inactive:+stiles+stilinski'

May. 24th, 2023




Nancy Wheeler
Stiles Stilinski
WHO Nancy and Stiles • WHERE Nancy's Room • WHEN Backdated to shortly after Nancy's arrival
Phone technology has changed a lot since the mid 1980s! WARNINGS TBD
Stiles shows Nancy how to use her shiny new cell phone. Read more... )

May. 22nd, 2023




I've been here three months now. Feels like a lifetime, with everything that's happened.

[Allison Argent]
I figure you'd be going with Scott if he was still here, so do you maybe want to go to prom with me?

May. 9th, 2023




Not sure if this thing is real but here goes nothing

Hello? [...] My name is Nancy. Nancy Wheeler. I was told that this connects to everyone here, so I guess this my way of introducing myself. [...] To be honest, I'm not quite sure if I'm doing this right.

May. 4th, 2023




Allison Argent
Stiles Stilinski
WHO Allison & Stiles • WHERE Todash • WHEN After Scott left
Scott's gone. WARNINGS Drinking as a coping mechanism
Scott's GOne. Read more... )

May. 2nd, 2023




What's the best alcohol to drink when you want to get very drunk, but not be too sick in the morning,

Apr. 25th, 2023



Beacon Hills

[Beacon Hills]
Are you guys...you? Cause a lot of people seem to be not themselves.

Apr. 16th, 2023




Spock is researching some of the weird things going on around here, and I think you should talk to him about that doppelganger you spotted just after we got into town.

Apr. 12th, 2023




I am seeking information on any potential spatial-temporal anomalies that anyone may have experienced since arriving in Dunwich. Examples of such anomalies could be, but are not limited to:
‣ time travel (or evidence thereof)
‣ items that defy existence in the pre-determined reality of Dunwich; i.e. technology or artifacts inconsistent with 21st century Earth but were not brought here by one of the Dunwich Outlanders
‣ paradox
‣ improbable photographs, videotapes, written works
‣ doppelgängers (endemic to Dunwich, not other Outlanders who share similar physical appearances)
‣ any disruption of normal space time

If you have experienced one or more of these events, please let me know. You may privatize your message if the information contains personal details you wish to remain confidential.

Thank you.

Apr. 7th, 2023




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Apr. 5th, 2023




Training Session
Open to multiple threads. Anyone and everyone is welcome, even apart from the ones who commented on Erwin's previous post. Open to anyone of any skill level interested in self defense and survival skills.

| Join In!

Apr. 4th, 2023




Going on the record to say I'm starting me one of those fancy jobs today too, so you're going to be seeing a little less of me around these parts. I'm going to work with wood. Like cabinets and frames and things like that. I'll admit to not rightly knowing the ins and outs of it right now, but I know I'll learn as I go.


I do have an early start time, so I'll get out of your hair. But thanks for letting me crash at yours for as long as you did. Preciatcha.

Apr. 3rd, 2023




I don't suppose we have any experience vet techs in our group of- what are we calling ourselves again? Anyway, ours just up and left town with no notice which seems to be a pattern for this place, so we could use someone ASAP, if anyone's interested.

Allison & Stiles
I hate the idea that you could both just go I've been thinking. As fun as it is sleeping in a place with a homicidal ghost in the basement if it's still, maybe it would be nice to have our own place.

Mar. 30th, 2023





Mar. 18th, 2023




I've put in an offer on a building. By the end of the week, I'll be working on getting this place set up as a local community center for us all who came by way of the mist. I was thinking of calling it Massachusetts Institute of Strange Things so we can just call it MIST for sure. I know, it's dorky, but I kind of like it, and it'll confuse the locals. They don't seem to like strange.

Once all the paperwork's done and signed, I'll need some help getting it ready for us. There's a walk-in freezer, walk-in fridge and storage for canned goods and clothing so we can have items in stock for new people — or just people who need help — and the front will have computers, books, and space for support groups and gathering areas. The kitchen's been cleaned out of ovens and stove tops, so cooking there's not going to be ideal.

Magic users: is there a way to have a permanent glamor on the windows so that locals can't see what's actually going on inside it?

Thank you, again, for your help.
This things got separate rooms in the basement. Looking at building our weapons' cache.

Mar. 15th, 2023




Out of sheer curiosity, who's just been handed a job here? How did you come to get it?

Have any other strange happenings occurred that don't seem to have a reason to it?

Private to Hange Zoe )

Private to Stiles )

Mar. 9th, 2023




Today is a day of weird.

First I was out near that shop, Needful Things. Looks like a cool place, but it's boarded up. Apparently the owner is on vacation or something? But that's not what's weird. I swear there was someone hanging out there, watching me, and it could have been my twin. I tried to talk to him but he disappeared and no one I asked about it even saw him. Feels like I'm losing my mind. Again.

Oh, and I got a job. I went to the Sixth Street Cafe for a coffee after that, and they told me I was late for my shift. Like what? My name's on the schedule and everything.




I'm starting school on Monday and I don't really know what to do. I've never gone to school with normies.

Like what do I wear?!?! We always had uniforms at home.

Mar. 8th, 2023




[Scott & Stiles]
So I got a job today, at Open Carrie. It was way too easy, like others have been saying.

And I'm having trouble sleeping. Insomnia, I guess. Which figures after everything, right?

Mar. 7th, 2023




Here's a fun little game/icebreaker of sorts.

You get four, and only four, words to describe yourself. Can be any four at all, but try to make the description honest. Or not.

For example, my four words would probably be something like... "Mischievous, hungry, horny, sloth."

So what's your four words?




Who: Erwin Smith and Stiles
When: Backdated briefly to yesterday
What: A friendly meeting and nerd discussion probably
Where: Sixth Street Cafe
Warnings: Attack on Titan spoilers for season 3 ahead. Possible mention of season 4 in passing. Mention of war, death, fighting, etc. Read with caution!
Rating: Pg-13 due to dark nature and will update if needed
Status: Incomplete and ongoing

It had been too long since he could sit down and talk like this )

Mar. 6th, 2023




Quick heads up. This week is the week.

iZombie style zombie talk; mild cannibalism talk )



IC/OOC: Captain Pike's First Get-To-Know-You Dinner


Captain Pike's First Get-To-Know-You Dinner

Maybe you've seen Captain Pike interjecting his optimism on the network here and there. Perhaps you even commented on his introduction post. Or bumped into him in the corridor at Pickman House. Regardless of how you may have met him — or not met him! — Pike has been paying attention to you. (As any good captain would, of course!) It's his prerogative to get to know his crew. And with the Enterprise in another universe, the Dunwich newcomers have become his new crew. As such, he wants to get to know them. Not just because he's looking for the individuals who can be counted on in a crisis, but to really know and understand the people he's stranded with. Which is why he's decided to continue with his longstanding tradition of 'Bridge Crew Dinners'. Granted, there's no bridge here. But Pike has always believed that a good meal and good conversation can lead to good working relationships, and even better friendships. And that's why you've been invited!
You're cordially invited to dinner with the captain! )




Someone I knew said there's usually a causality between people with strength showing up and the number of threats that happen because of that. It's not an at-fault situation so much as that's what happens when you get a bunch of heightened or super skilled people, the rest of the world tries to follow. The Avengers, from my world, were there to help stop those who intended to harm people.

I've been thinking about the charity I plan to run, and along with it, I want us to be prepared for the potential eventuality that things place is going to throw at us. Lobster/scorpions, vampires, the locals, — who knows what else this place has in store for us. I want to be prepared.

I know the subject of powers and skill sets can be a touchy one so if you're not comfortable telling anyone — or even me — that's completely fine. If you want to share it privately, I'm good at keeping secrets. I'd like to know who we have here in case of various scenarios.

Mar. 4th, 2023



Teen Wolf Filter

OOC: after this

Filters to Allison Argent & Stiles Stilinski
You guys want to go to that mixer on the 18th? Could be cool, right?



Netpost: Mara Jade

I've been in Dunwich for a bit and I've talked with some of you, but it occurred to me that I should maybe introduce myself, officially.

I'm Mara Jade and I came here from Coruscant, which is probably not a name any of you recognize. From what I have learned about this world so far, it seems we are far away from my home, possibly even in a different galaxy.

It feels strange to spend so much time in one place, but I think I let myself be deputized, so if you run into trouble anywhere, you can reach out to me and I can probably get you out of it.

Luke Skywalker
You really don't remember me?




I'm writing a summary of our knowledge and resources to put on an information board in the Pickman House lobby. I have points about phone use, money and jobs, clothing, the garden, the dangers we've found (the lobsters and vampires), medical personnel, the ghost line, and the prospect of getting home.

Firstly I'd like to include points of contact for some of these things. For help with clothing I thought to put the two who've gotten jobs at Time and Again. Please let me know whether you'd be alright with this, or if anybody else would like to volunteer to give arrivals advice. For the vampires I've put Rose and Faith as they were speaking about training people and running patrols. For the lobsters there seem to be several people investigating, whether that's to learn more or for eating purposes. Spock would be an obvious choice, but who would like to be points of contact on this?

For the last three I've so far left them blank. Is there anyone who'd like to head investigations into the ghost line and attempts to leave? I know we haven't gotten very far in that last one and don't have much to go on so far, but I'm thinking ahead. I know we have at least three people with medical training but being on call is a big enough ask that I'd like explicit confirmation.

I'll continue thinking about what else to include, but let me know if there's something I've missed that's likely to be a common concern.

Mar. 3rd, 2023




Let's get to know one another, shall we? What do you like about this place? What don't you like?

What's different or the same from your home?

Also, do you have any...plans? Goals? Whatever word you'd like to use, while you are here now?

I can begin. I enjoy coffee, that I've found very much. As for what's different, I could say everything. I'd be remiss to not mention the lack of oversized enemies lurking around every corner here. That's still a bit strange.

As for my own goals or plans, mostly surviving as of the immediate future, but I'd like to do something more while here.




I'm a lobster now.

Mar. 2nd, 2023




some lady said this is a phone.
phones don't work no more. not like this.

and it's hard to use when you only got one arm.

what communitty's this?

Feb. 28th, 2023




Where am I and why did someone just hand me this phone?