Dunwich: A Creepypasta Panfandom Game


panfandom creepypasta



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Posts Tagged: '%E2%97%8C+inactive:+peggy+carter'

Sep. 1st, 2023




I got a job today. It's not what I was doing at home, but it's something I know I'll be great at so I can't complain. I start on Monday.

I suppose this is the beginning of really settling down here. Next thing you know, I'll be getting a house and a dog and all that shit.




The coffee shop is almost where I want it to be now. I wonder if me poking around and delaying is perfectionism or anxiety? I should ask a psychologist.

... Anyway. Soft re-opening of The Coffee Green will be on Monday. It should be good. You should come. Or don't. That's fine too.

Private to Owen
I know you already have a job, but if there's a magical number you want to see for me to be able to poach you for weekend brunch... I'd see if I couldn't fit it into my budget?

Aug. 12th, 2023




Has it been a weird week for everyone?

Something happened at the church.

Thank you.

You have wings!

I'd like to report a murder.

Aug. 3rd, 2023




I want to get paid to listen to music, not slop burgers around. My hair feels like it's perpetually greasy.

Could I ask a huge favor, Pam? The habitat for Logator is almost done, but I was hoping for some plants around the enclosure so it's less like a cage and more like he's in the middle of a swampy area? Is that something you could do?
Did I see you two down by the beach the other day?

Aug. 2nd, 2023




Not to alarm anyone -- but can someone explain what the fuck just happened?

TW: comments involving drug use in the comments bc Keeley doesn't know how to cope with this.

Jul. 26th, 2023



Log: Peggy & Howard

A date, perhaps, or at least flowers will be given | Low at start
None to start

Was this a date? Peggy wasn't sure, but she also wasn't counting it out. )

Jul. 11th, 2023



Network Post-Howard Stark

I have to hand it to Mr. in Boots, that was by far the best film I've ever seen. Move over Casablanca, get out of the way Wizard of Oz, heave-ho Gone With the Wind. Extraordinary! I think I'll make seeing these movie screenings more, especially since Dr. Strange has so kindly arranged them. Thanks for looking out.

What films do I absolutely need to see that came out after 1946? What are your favorites? Anyone ever see Kid Colt??

Peggy Carter
So, Pegs. Seems you left a couple details out when we talked. About me having a son? And a wife? Did you know? About both of them?

Tandy Bowen

Let's work on seeing if we can direct the light to help you fly. Out in a field near the forest will be a safe spot for that and we don't need to worry about anyone seeing while we figure out a good regular experiment location. Let me know if you thought of more things to test.

Steven Strange

I believe you are the man to ask about multiverses. Am I right?

Jul. 9th, 2023




Daimon Helstrom
Peggy Carter
WHAT:Peggy visits Daimon
WHERE: Daimon’s apartment
WHEN: May 16th-ish
STATUS: complete

Welcome Drinks Read more... )




Monday, 10 July, afternoon | Joyland

Two Captains boat into a tunnel for an awkward encounter.

Read more... )

Jul. 7th, 2023




Read more... )




Checked out Joyland. Something's definitely up.

• I found a copy of myself in the wax museum... temporarily. I went to check the others and when I came back it was gone. No, I didn't imagine it.
• Less sure if I was imagining the creepiness in the Mirror Mansion. I feel like the reflections were moving by themselves occasionally, but it was only ever in the corner of my eye. TBD.
• I didn't go through the Horror House because the line was really long, which seems weird in itself. The ferris wheel and merry-go-round were pretty normal though.

Jul. 6th, 2023



Log: Roy & Peggy

Running into each other while, er, running | Probably rated S for swearing
None to start

Something clever from the log will go here eventually )

Jun. 30th, 2023




Spotted myself in one of those time capsule photos. Looked like I might have been on a date.

I...honestly don't remember what it's like, going on a date. It's been...awhile since I've done one of those.

Jun. 23rd, 2023




It seems that Dunwich has finally determined I'm in need of work. I now have a job as a librarian.

Jun. 21st, 2023




[Voice Memo]
Showww me the way to go home
I'm tired an' I wanna go to bed- hey! Lemme- no, it's- that's mi-[muffled voices and sounds before the recording ends]

[Regular Text]

Hi everybody.

Steve and Zemo won't stop staring at me. Anybody wanna help make this less awkward? More awkward? Something? Help?

[ooc: general cw for hospitals/tentacles/injuries/etc]

Jun. 19th, 2023




[ Private to friends of Bucky Barnes ]
I’m not sure how many of you are aware, but James is unconscious here at the hospital. Last night, he informed me that he was headed to Todash Tavern. I’m assuming his injuries are a result of what happened there. If anyone has the opportunity to bring me some coffee, it would be appreciated. I'm not leaving until he wakes up.

Jun. 16th, 2023




I'm confused about this thing on Sunday.

We're supposed to go to church or we're going to the pub? Or both?

Jun. 14th, 2023




[Posted early evening, after Sam's therapy session]

[Friends of Steve Rogers]
I know it's pretty early to be thinking about this but I'm debating cakes, and with how many people are here if we want everyone to get a slice that's going to be... a really, really big sheet cake. Which would have the advantage of being able to fit a hundred candles, but it's also pretty centre-of-attention and plus sheet cake is just a bit boring. I feel like it would be nicer if several people just made normal cakes in whatever flavours they wanted and we had them scattered around all the other food and then there was one slightly bigger for the main cake, because jokes aside I don't actually want to put a huge spotlight on him since he hasn't been here that long to get familiar with everyone around. Does anyone think they might be down for contributing?

[Bucky Barnes]
Not going to try to twist your arm into helping me if you're not comfortable but if you had any suggestions for Steve-specific stuff that he wouldn't hate for 4th of July I'd appreciate it.

[Natasha Romanoff, Tony Stark, Steve Rogers]
Okay. Breathe.

I think it's time we got this shit out of the way.

Who knows what about the Raft?

[cw for comments on third filter]

Jun. 11th, 2023




This is the longest I've gone without something structured in my life, and I'm not certain it's good for me.

Steve & Bucky
How would you both feel about going dancing sometime soon?

Natasha Romanoff
I'd like to get more involved with MIST. Perhaps there's an opportunity for me there? Helping to manage the space, or those involved in MIST? Truly, just put me to work, with anything.

Jun. 9th, 2023




Is it late enough to start thinking about 4th of July yet? Because I'm already mentally compiling a playlist. I recognise we have a lot of non-Americans, including several British people, but hear me out:

1) It's also Steve [Rogers]'s birthday, which is very important
2) My freezer is starting to fill up again and a mid-summer excuse for another cookout is always a good thing
3) It's just fun to hang out in a park with a bunch of people and food/games/music

Jun. 3rd, 2023




Steve & Peggy
WHERE Perkatory • WHEN This afternoon
This isn't the way it was supposed to go. WARNINGS Super-soldier/war talk
it's been so long Read more... )




Just to let you know, I'm taking Roy Kent to the hospital. Mercy, can you please keep in touch with someone, and if your fever hits 103, go to the hospital?

I've brought masks, gloves, and sanitizer from the Mist clinic for the front desk at Pickman.

Do you want me to let you know when he's in a room so you can visit?

May. 29th, 2023




Well, Dunwich (can I collectively call you us that? I feel like it works out, considering no one is actually from here all while no one actually from here reads this communications board -- it's very early 2000's cum reddit, by the way, I like it,) it looks like you've had a really eventful weekend and learned a lot. Something, something, it's not about the friends you made along the way, but the haunted hotels that tried killing you?

I have questions about that, but honestly, after staying up all night to read the hot goss and study up on whatever information has been put out on this place -- probably fewer than you'd think.


Hi. Hello. I'm Tony and I'm --


It's also my birthday, which I'm pretty sure is coincidental and doesn't actually count if we're talking successful trips around the sun, but it is a fun fact and I will let a few people buy me drinks for the occasion, yes and thank you. I get it if we're tired of partying, so I promise to keep it as low-key as possible. I hear Todash is a good choice.

May. 23rd, 2023




[Peggy, Wanda & Zemo]
Calling off work today. If you need me, I'm probably gonna be..I don't know yet, actually. Apartment feels too stifling. Got the phone if you need me.

[Natasha, Sam, Friends of Steve's]
Hey- sorry about Steve. I don't- he was there one minute and then just. Gone. Didn't even have a chance to do anything.




Do we ever really need an occasion for chocolate cake?
WHAT: Bucky asks Peggy to Prom
WHERE: Peggy's apartment
STATUS: Complete
Read more... )

May. 18th, 2023




Alright, I'll admit it - this is a new one for me.

Who's got the best explanation?

May. 15th, 2023




[Texts to Peggy]
→ So it seems that you've won a date with me?
→ Thanks for bidding on me!
→ What would you like to do?

[Texts to Addie]
→ Hello, Ms. Larue, this is Bucky Barnes.
→ I believe you won the Mistry Date with me this weekend.
→ I'm reaching out to see if you'd like to plan something?

May. 9th, 2023




Good morning. I'm fine, by the way.

On the other hand, Wanda. She's not only unconscious, but her astral form has left her body. She's still connected, she's still alive, her body is stable, but her astral body is ... somewhere that I can't reach yet. My guess is that she's in another dimension. I'm going back again to see what I can do to bring her back, but I figured I'd pop on the Network to give this update.

May. 7th, 2023



IC/OOC Post-Darkhold Destruction

WHO: Peggy Carter, Daimon Helstrom, John Constantine, Harry Dresden, and Bucky Barnes
WHEN: Sunday afternoon
WHERE: The place where the Darkhold was destroyed
SUMMARY: After a brief conversation with Natasha via the network, Captain Carter assembles a team of magic users + Bucky Barnes to go secure the location where Stephen Strange and Wanda Maximoff destroyed the Darkhold.
WARNINGS: N/A at the time - will update if the IC/OOC warrants it

On Sunday afternoon, Peggy Carter contacted the following individuals via text: Daimon Helstrom, John Constantine, Harry Dresden, and Bucky Barnes. She asked them to join her at the location where a very powerful and dangerous magical object was destroyed. She said in the text she would update them with more information on the way. They headed off from Pickman House to the coordinates provided by Natasha Romanoff, during which Peggy informed the group what she knew about the magical object - the Darkhold.

That afternoon specifically, she hopes that they're able to determine if the book was truly destroyed, if there were any remnants of it or its magic, and if there's anything more to be concerned about or anything possibly endangering the town and its inhabitants. After spending some time there, they're able to determine that yes, it was completely destroyed and gone.

May. 6th, 2023




I suppose I've lurked long enough to get my footing both here in Dunwich and among all of you here on this network.

Hello, I'm Peggy Carter. Originally from England, more recently of New York City in another multiverse not too unlike this one, though still very different. Captain Carter, if you feel the need to be formal, but please don't - it's not necessary here.

I understand that many of you might know of me from your own universe, and likewise me with some of you. I'm fascinated by the differences and similarities. And I'm looking forward to getting to know all of you.