Dunwich: A Creepypasta Panfandom Game


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Posts Tagged: '%E2%97%8C+inactive:+lance'

Oct. 30th, 2023




text messages to lance )

Oct. 25th, 2023




Lance Alvarez-McClain
Keith Kogane
WHERE: Pickman: Apt 222
WHEN: During the Vecna Plot (Hella Backdated)
WHAT: Keith comes out of a nightmare/vision with Lance's help.
WARNINGS: Visions of Death
STATUS: Complete
"This is real - right now, you and me." Read more... )

Oct. 18th, 2023




I've pulled the front door camera footage from Todash from the weekend and uploaded it if anyone wants to check it for themselves. I worked all weekend from this but haven't the first clue about any of it. Not sure if it's better or worse to see yourself doing things you don't remember, but have at it if you want to check in.

[ link to video footage ]

Sep. 28th, 2023




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Sep. 20th, 2023




If you see a blue and black wolf that was there one minute and gone the next, don't worry, you're not going crazy. That's just Kosmo. He's friendly unless you're not friendly, then all bets are off.

Still think this place is insane and I would love to leave, but thanks for giving me my friend I guess.

[ooc; If anyone wants to say that Kosmo teleported through their apartment at Pickman while he was trying to find Keith today, feel free!]

Sep. 13th, 2023




I've seen a few people looking for work. Just a friendly reminder that I have some openings at the Pickman front desk if you'd like some extra hours, or you can pick up both openings if you want closer to full time.

Hey, so weird question. Want to take a look around in the basement with me to make sure the homicidal axe wielding ghost hasn't escaped? No one's said anything, but with all the ghost talk on the network I thought maybe we should be more proactive.

Sep. 7th, 2023





What feels like ages ago I promised Sabrina I'd track down a karaoke machine and get a night going at Todash. And then Dunwich Dunwiched so here were are in September.

All that aside, Todash will be hosting karaoke tomorrow night!

What's karaoke you ask? Well, if you've ever wanted to get slightly tipsy to drunk and belt your heart out in front of a bunch of other strangers of varying sobriety to such emotional hits as "My Heart will Go On" and "Total Eclipse of the Heart", or maybe you prefer something more upbeat like "I Wanna Dance with Somebody", or you want to channel your inner boy band dreams and hit up some "I Want it That Way" (or girl band, "Wannabe" is a very valid choice here), karaoke is for you.

So come on down, have some drinks (a shot on the house if you go sing), show off your vocal chops and cheer your fellow Mistakes on.

Gentle ribbing is the name of the game but please do not be an asshole.

You're being all squirrelly, what's up?

Aug. 30th, 2023




That moment when you're like hey guess I'm stuck here for a while, maybe I should do something nice with all the tip money I've been hoarding... so you buy yourself a bike. Not just any bike. A really nice one. Fast as hell and red because well, it's gotta be red. And then someone decides your new bike should really be their new bike and just helps themselves because what are manners.

Long story short, I'm looking for a new best friend.

Aug. 25th, 2023




Hey so

Say if you, uh, accidentally SOMEHOW start a conversation with someone but in your brain - how do you turn it off? Can I opt out of this? Is there a pill? A surgical procedure I gotta go through? I'm a shit patient but I'll let someone poke around in my head to get rid of this. There is too much ASS being projected into my thoughts because I don't know how to turn this off and I hate it.


Aug. 18th, 2023



(voice post, accidentally made)

- infernal machine?

Maybe not actually infernal though I can imagine some devils would enjoy such a thing. I can't believe that commoner threw this at me. What's it doing now? It's lit up.

I bet there are pixies - oh, was that a rabbit?

Aug. 15th, 2023




posted early this morning

filtered: adora, catra, rory
Keith started floating. I'll keep you posted if anything changes.

filtered: liv
Hey, I know you're running around like mad with... all of this, and I hate to add another to your list, but my friend just started floating, his arm broke on the way up. Would you mind stopping by my Pickman room?

filtered: jula
Have I mentioned my hatred for Dunwich's weird ass shit lately? Consider it mentioned now.

filtered: stevie
Hey, you still holding up okay?




Gonna be real here. Not sure what to do with group tomorrow. Everyone should be listening to music and not necessarily turning that down for something like this. Not real big on meeting at MIST right now. But if there's enough interest we'll figure something out. I hate leaving Fa

If anyone needs anything, please reach out. Even if you just need to talk. This shit is A LOT and that's why we have group. But Sam and I are available, yeah?

You doing alright? Faith had wanted to make sure someone was checking in on you. Can't think she'd want anything different now.

Aug. 11th, 2023




I was able to heal Ezreal's wounds. If there are others who need help, I can do it. As long as they're not in the trance, I should be able to heal them.

But I must warn you that our way of healing will be painful until it's done.

Aug. 4th, 2023




So just a reminder that if you're going to experiment with the ghost line or try to find a way home, either by magic or science, please let us know at MIST what you've tried or experienced? And in return, full transparency on the research we collect.

If you have any questions about the work we're doing, my door is open. Thanks.




The streets aren't as empty since the month started, and I realized college students are moving back before the year starts.

Imagine being able to just leave town and come back whenever you want. Just like that.

So, we ever gonna talk about that ride?

Aug. 1st, 2023




Hey- you ever figure out what that plane thing was about?

Found a taco truck. Heard they're coming back a few times this month, too- wanna come check 'em out?

Welp. Another one down. Two of us left. This feels familiar.

Jul. 26th, 2023




Well. For once I can say I absolutely did NOT do it. A delightful experience.

Aurora Borealis Deckerstar, where are you?

Jul. 22nd, 2023




Alternate name suggestions for Joyland... and go!
Mine is Suckland. Creative, I know.

filtered: todash staff
Any objections to a karaoke night? Had a friend request it and managed to track down a machine. I was figuring Thursday maybe, then we're not scaring away any weekend regulars.

filtered: keith
Do we have to talk about -
Can I ask you to just let it -

Sorry - for, bolting and shit.

Jul. 20th, 2023




Between the protesters at the station earlier this week and... yesterday, this week kinda sucks. I don't know about the rest of you, but I'm ready for the weekend.

Anything fun happening?

Jul. 19th, 2023




who lance & keith
when afternoon, july 19
what the tunnel of memories of another life
warnings none
status complete

Jul. 14th, 2023




Had someone ask for a Duck Fart shot the other day and since my humor never progressed past that of a 12 year old's, it's the special for tonight at Todash. Half off all the Duck Farts you want.

Pasta okay for dinner? I was gonna make some before I head into work later.




[Haymitch and Achilles]
You two still around?

Hey, um. I know things have been busy for you, but- if you got a few minutes, do you think you could do the mind dream thing again? It's starting to get bad again, and therapy's..slow.

I'm gettin' real tired of all this. You think there's a prize for having the most people from your world and losing 'em all?

Jul. 12th, 2023




lance & keith
july 12 & just outside the town
keith arrives in dunwich




Carefully transcribed for future reference; book 9 of The Odyssey. )

Will's D&D group: Lyra, Katniss, Max, Rahne, Erwin, Abigail, Kate, and Lafayette. And Enid!
Hi everybody! I'm excited to start D&D with you all. I'm doing kind of the beginner group and Eddie's taking mostly people who have played before, which means that you don't have to worry at all about being new because everybody's learning together.

Let me know what day works the best for you. I can only meet before sunset right now because I got slightly arrested and I'm grounded now.

We'll work on character creation next, once we figure out the logistics.

You were right.

I can't figure out the copier at the library. I miss the mimeograph we had in Hawkins, it made sense. This thing is just all weird with a touch screen and it keeps saying there's no paper in tray 2 but I promise you that there is.

Jul. 7th, 2023




So I think I might have fucked up. Or not. I don't know.

This is normally the kind of thing I'd run by Quentin but I'm not sure that's a great idea either.

You got a minute? Doesn't have to be now if it's not a good time.

Jun. 26th, 2023




Todash has been back up and running. Still feels like every time I turn around I find something else that was broken though. I'd like to say we can promise nothing weird will ever happen there again but my mama didn't raise a liar. However if you're not too put off by revisiting the scene, first round on me for anyone who was there on the Bad Night.

filtered: julia / spock
I found a few things of us in all that time capsule stuff. Looks like we were all in Dunwich in the 50s together.

filtered: eliot
Looks like we knew each other before.
[ attached is a photo, 20s era appropriate, of Eliot and Lance, arms around each other and smiling for the photo ]

filtered: jamie, amara, eddie m, haymitch, sabrina
[ attached is a group photo of them, era appropriate to the 20s ]
Found this in the capsule stuff. From what I could piece together from a few other things I think we were all in a gang?

Jun. 22nd, 2023




I do not wish to overload the network with trivial matters, particularly in light of the dangerous events at the Todash Tavern that left many injured, but the enigmatic facilitators of Dunwich have yet to bestow an undesired occupation upon me and I find myself in need of currency so I can assist Captain Jim my captain my friend Captain Kirk in acquiring and financing a residence outside of Pickman.

Until I find permanent employment, I am available for small jobs, temporary work, paid research opportunities, etc. If anyone could use my services, please let me know.


Thank you.

Jun. 21st, 2023




Hey everyone. I'm Stevie. I just got here a few days ago. Thanks to Mr. Rogers and Mr. Stark for explaining everything to me when I first got here. And Mr. Mobius and the nice folks at the front desk for setting me up for a place to stay at Pickman House.

I'm from a pretty different Earth. Not different bad or anything like that. The states are different and Florida is an island and there are a lot more countries here. And more states. We only have 39.

I saw some people were hurt the day before I got here? I have healing spit. I know it sounds gross. Usually I just lick my hand and then touch someone so I'm not like licking someone because... yeah. Anyway, if anyone is still really hurt and wants me to try it, I can?

I was supposed to go on a road trip before I got here but I guess now I can't leave Dunwich and that's fine because I'm totally happy to help. Fighting monsters or diplomacy with any aliens that show up or just whatever you need. You know where to find me since I can't get far!





Thats it. That's the update

how's your day going Dunwich ?

OH . sorry about the floor. But enjoy the miniskatingrink I guess?

Jun. 17th, 2023




I've got a lot of things to talk about, all of it MIST related. Don't worry, I'll get to the Bad Moon Festival, but I want to get this out of the way.

We need a group of emergency responders in various fields. Search and Rescue, Fighting, Magic, Medical/Healing. Search and Rescue and Fighting will be training with two new MIST recruits — Peggy Carter or Carol Danvers. They'll be swapping back and forth for a wider variety of training in those positions. There is a sign-up sheet at MIST.

Secondly, we have come up with an arrival protocol that will help everyone who arrives. For everyone, we'll have a care package with basic necessities. They'll be picked up when you get your Key and room at Pickman. We'll have a group of volunteer guides for those who are 20 and younger to help them out. After discovering that one of our own had no food in her apartment, we don't want this to happen again. The guide's job is to make sure the person is settling in, to get them acclimated to Dunwich. If a new arrival is over 20, there is an opt-in program for those who come from other planets, worlds, and time periods who may need help learning this world or upgraded technology. You can find more information on this program here.

Thirdly, in the interest of fostering community, MIST will be hosting bi-weekly meals on Tuesdays from 6-8pm. Sometimes, these may be a potluck. Sometimes, they may be food catered in by MIST. They might be as simple as a pizza party or something more extravagant.

One final MIST update, those of you are twenty and younger will be allotted a livable wage through MIST, whether you're working or not. This amount is based on whether you are working or not and the difference will make it a livable wage. Every other Friday, you will need to meet with your guide to receive your stipend check.

And finally, I'll be making my way to the Todash Tavern this week to find out what's going on with this Bad Moon Festival. Because our emergency responders are not in place yet, I highly recommend that only those with fighting and magical skills attend the Todash or the festival. That's a lot of us, and frankly, I'm not willing to leave the towns people to the whims of some maniacal church.

If you have questions about any part of this, let me know. I'd also like to take a moment to thank Katniss, Adam, Lance, Jake, and Mobius for helping with the arrival protocols.