Dunwich: A Creepypasta Panfandom Game


panfandom creepypasta



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Posts Tagged: '%E2%97%8C+inactive:+max+mayfield'

Feb. 8th, 2024




Okay, but what does all things serve the beam even mean? There were a bunch of flyers around campus today, promoting the church. Blah, blah, it's not about religion, it's about spirituality or whatever they say. But if it's not about religion, why do you have a church? Why are you trying to recruit? WHAT IS GOING ON IN THERE?

But seriously, any ideas on all things serve the beam? What beam? WHAT BEAM??




I'm not exactly sure what to make of this. If its a Dunwich thing or what, but I've got a hellhound puppy now.

Picture! )

Nikolai and I found him in the lighthouse. I have no idea how long he's been in there but he's decided that I'm his.

Salem is less than amused.

Feb. 2nd, 2024




So the wards at my place were pretty much eaten last month.

Anyone available to help me put new ones back up? I'll pay cash?

Jan. 26th, 2024




I'm aware I don't know a ton of you guys yet, but I'm in a little bit of a tight spot at the moment.

I need the kind of sustenance that your average wargh-blargh-I-am-Dracula-actually-we-actually-kind-of-dislike-Dracula-and-Bram-Stoker-in-my-world-because-they're-a-little-you-know? Dramatic

And I am not in town. I played Timmy in Oliver Twist in school once.

Imagine that scene.

Jan. 24th, 2024




There have been reports on the network of missing people. Please check in with your friends and loved ones. If you cannot locate someone, please respond with their name, description and/or an identifying image if you have one. MIST will be coordinating with our SAR volunteers.

Please keep on the lookout for:
This list will be updated as necessary.

Requesting status confirmation.

Jan. 22nd, 2024




There are a bunch of healing potions and protection amulets at MIST, free to whoever wants them.

If you don't have your house or business warded and would like it, please drop your name on this post.

If you can help ward people's houses or businesses, please also drop this name here or reply to those asking for some wards.

Helping to ward
  • Diana
  • Yennefer
  • Gordo
  • Harry
  • Eadwulf
  • Jan. 19th, 2024




    Anyone know the best way to get permanent marker off your face?

    Your time is coming. Vengeance will be mine.

    OOC Reference Image! )

    Jan. 18th, 2024




    So, Hopper mentioned that you usually do the grocery shopping. I mentioned that I could make dinner tomorrow night when I come over for the three of us. Is there anything you've been craving lately?

    Jan. 11th, 2024




    Funny enough I believe you've already met me but a different version of me wearing another face but surprise! There's another me now, yes so that shall be very very fun, I should think. I'm the Doctor, or just Doctor, just like the other one. Yada yada you probably know most of this already anyway but I just dropped in today and figured I'd shout out a little hello there.

    Hello, Sweetie.

    Where are you?

    I reckon talking through a device isn't going to create a paradox. How are we doing?

    Thank you, for showing me around and filling me in.




    Lyra meant a great deal to me. It hurts tremendously that she's gone.

    Jan. 9th, 2024




    Attention all booklovers! Pagemaster is suffering a sentient fuzzball invasion and will be closed until further notice. Or until Clint Barton figures something out.

    If you put in any orders, don't hold your breath. These things eat books now.

    ETA: If you love books and/or have a spare afternoon, come help us hunt and gather the multiplying fuzzballs (for purposes of humane relocation via Ghost Line) and earn my undying gratitude in the process!

    ETA 2: And maybe a coupon!

    ETA 3, a few hours later: Has anyone seen Kate? Brunette, gorgeous eyes, phases through buildings? I seem to have misplaced her...

    Jan. 8th, 2024




    That feeling when the peace meeting you're trying to run dissolves into utter chaos because apparently both sides needed to come armed to the teeth to said peace meeting and be complete assholes about shit that went down three hundred years ago, only to get pulled through some weird ass mist that apparently you were the only one to see because no one answered when you were all "oh hey I know you all want to murder each other right now but anyone else see this mist coming from freaking nowhere???" Only to find yourself unceremoniously dumped into the middle of the woods and oh hey, don't let me forget to mention the creepy ass thing in the woods. Like it was kind of cute, I guess? But in that way of oh boy I've been fooled before by this kind of cuteness, that is only cute until the moment it decides to try to eat your face, cute.

    Is this a Monday thing? I haven't really been anywhere that uses Monday as a date for a while but this feels like something that would be a thing when you say it's Monday with a deep sigh like the universe has just decided this is the day all the shit things happen on.

    So.... Dunwich. You always this foggy?

    Jan. 5th, 2024




    So, okay, maybe I shouldn't have get the really wet egg that I got for Christmas. But it wasn't moving, and I couldn't hear anything inside it, so I didn't think destroying it was a big priority, right?

    I was so wrong.

    This morning, it opened up. I swear, I thought the thing inside was going to make me a pod person, but Jeff popped out. Jeff, this is everyone. Everyone, this is Jeff.

    Jan. 4th, 2024




    Greetings. I am Spock.

    I understand that I may have been here before. I apologize in advance for any confusion my appearance may cause.

    Feel free to share any pertinent information you believe I require in order to acclimate to this situation. Likewise, I am open to answering any queries you may have. Please list them in an orderly fashion. I will answer them in accordance to their logical relevance.

    Note: I am already aware that I should decline any and all party invitations.

    Jan. 2nd, 2024





    so how about not trusting anything else this town offers, yeah? you alright?


    you two okay? need anything?


    check in, please?




    Can we make it a hard rule that if there's some formal event going on, we pass on it unless the invitation comes from one of us?

    And maybe then verify that with the person having the event?

    First prom, then apparently this New Year's thing. Let's just host our own damn parties.

    Dec. 28th, 2023




    So we all got a lot of weird stuff, some of which we don't need or want. I figured maybe we could do some trading here on this post, yeah? Put your name and what you're willing to trade and see what you can get for it. Here's my list:
    • Bob Ross toaster
    • Clippy statue
    • A bear in an outhouse toilet paper holder.
    • A stuffed elephant with about a dozen eyes
    Sound like something you'd want? It's yours. Just let me know you want it.

    Dec. 21st, 2023




    And now I have received a locked wooden chest. I'm not sure if I should even try to open it.

    Dec. 18th, 2023




    Max Mayfield
    Jim Hopper
    WHO Max Mayfield and Jim Hopper • WHERE The Cabin • WHEN Today, early morning.
    Max and Hopper wake up to a rather unpleasant Christmas surprise. WARNINGS Trauma, flashbacks of abuse, horror stockings, will update as necessary.
    But Max knew, she knew and she kept on screaming. Read more... )




    So last time we all went to prom we were attacked by ghosts.

    ...Are we all still going to this New Years party?




    What is something that is missing from Dunwich?

    Dec. 17th, 2023





    Dec. 14th, 2023




    Does anyone like plants? Like those little Japanese trees or whatever?

    Because yeah, no. I'll just kill it.

    Dec. 13th, 2023





    Wasn't expecting to just be showing up in random locations anymore but who doesn't love a bit of a surprise adventure, yeah?

    Let's see if I can't still do this:

    Definitely Earth. America. Bit future, but not nearly enough to have anything exciting or very new about it yet -- 2020s? 2030? Maybe around there. Bit cold, too!

    Hiya, all! I'm Rose and you bet I've got loads of questions.

    Dec. 9th, 2023




    Guess the sun is back.

    So this is going to sound a little weird but... anyone get hit with memories in the fog? Like, is The Infinite Agency ringing any bells?

    Dec. 8th, 2023




    Ah, the universe and its infinite humour. I was busy. Very busy, but that's fine. Must be another problem abouts for me to fix, hm? Nice trick with the TARDIS. Clever, indeed. In one door and nearly flattened by a car out the other. Me! Imagine that! What a waste of a return that would be. Hah! Right, so.

    I'm the Doctor. Who's the leader? I'd endeavour to be taken to them. I've got words. So many words. 'Cause I've been told I'm rude, and I can't deny that I am, but this? Blimey. 'Rude' doesn't quite suit. I was with my friend and now I'm not, and that makes me angry. That makes me keen to meet that next level rudeness with a spot of my own. So, the answer had better be palatable because I've not even gotten to the absence of my ship on top of all else.

    Answers. Now.




    I dislike this time of year. The fake cheer is even worse than usual.

    Enid and I have been talking, and we think you should move into Enid's spare bedroom. You spend so much time here, and your art shed is out back.

    Dec. 7th, 2023




    [posted around 1:00am after a rather intense nightmare.]

    i'm still here, i'm still here

    i'm still here, right?

    Dec. 5th, 2023




    I have an announcement.


    I'm gay.
    I just messaged them.

    Dec. 1st, 2023




    Right, so. This is awkward. I’m under the impression that I’ve been here before in some shape or form. My name is Stephen Strange. Some of you might know me, but I might not know you, and vice versa? Someone fill me in on what all I did here before, other than work at a yoga studio.