Dunwich: A Creepypasta Panfandom Game


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Posts Tagged: '%E2%97%8C+inactive:+rose+nylund'

Aug. 26th, 2023





TO: MISTakes
FROM: Rose Nylund
WHEN: To be found after her death
If you're reading this... Read more... )

Aug. 18th, 2023



Overnight Friday/early Saturday

She dreams of home sometimes.
WHAT: You know, just a lil sleepwalking
WHERE: Pickman House, then out by Rochree Mill
WHEN: Late night Friday/early morning Saturday
WARNINGS: Non-graphic Character Death
STATUS: Complete
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Aug. 10th, 2023




I don't know what I'm supposed to do.

Nellie was

People say "better half" and mean their husband or wife but my better half has always been her. Now I've lost her twice and if there was any kind of justice in this world it would've been me instead. I'm going to miss her with my whole heart.

And Isabel is gone.

And I don't know what I'm supposed to do.




I've been given permission by her family to let you all know that Nell Crain was the young lady we lost yesterday morning, August 9th. She was a wonderfully empathetic and caring person, and a light to those who knew and loved her. I know very little about the specifics of her passing- and her loved ones are in no shape to be answering questions at this time. Please respect their privacy and grief until they are ready.

She was a dear friend of mine and I shall miss her terribly. Please be careful out there and keep yourselves safe.



[After a respectable amount of time has passed, let's say around 14:00 hrs]

Around approximately 04:30 hours, I seem to have witnessed a body being removed from the first floor and being carried away in a silenced emergency vehicle.

Would it be possible to either get some confirmation or denial regarding this, because it feels like my mind has been playing tricks on me today.

Aug. 1st, 2023




Jude & Rose
WHAT: Going for a walk
WHERE: Pickman and outside
WHEN: Today
STATUS: Complete

Are you ready to go?
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Jul. 31st, 2023




Oi! You know that fucking fortune machine? I got one yesterday that read:


Or something like that. I don't remember if that's it exactly and I couldn't fucking tell you cause after I fucking read it, it fucking caught fire. That's not fucking normal.

Did Derleth contact you about housing? Apparently there's school-provided housing for the football coaches. I just got my keys.

Oh, and thanks. For going with me yesterday. It was good until that fortune caught fire.

I wish your experience would have been more like what Jamie and I had with memories yesterday. Oh. And I won you something. It's dumb.

I got you something. It's stupid.



(tw drug mention)

hey janet?

how come the beach here smells like cold lobsters and where are all of the boats and dance clubs and cocaine sharks?

Jul. 21st, 2023




House Warming for chez Zemo-Barnes
For anyone invited from this post.


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Listen. I love that we're all here to entertain the kiddos, because MAX needs it to not burn things down and make weird comments about how Metal doesn't live up to Americana Rock or whatever but --

Adults. You ever felt kinda sad to not be 18 or below, these days? I'm one hundo jealous of movie outings and music lessons.

Maybe we just need more clubs? The sad fucks who need more hobbies club? The ADHD assholes who want a new thing to do weekly because clearly if we'd have wanted to do something and stuck with it we'd already KNOW guitar?

Yeah. That.

Jul. 18th, 2023



Visible to Bucky Barnes

[ Henri, Wanda, Julien, Steve Rogers, Matt Murdock, Clint, Peggy, Ava, Rose, & Alison ]

I’d like to announce that James and I have moved in together. As it seems to be the tradition around here, I want to invite all of you to our home for a little house warming party later this week. Friday evening, perhaps?

Jul. 17th, 2023





I really wish this place would stop fucking with my family.

I don't know what to do.




I had my one month follow up today and the good news is that I can have my cast removed in just one more week! I'll have some physical therapy, and will keep the wheelchair in case I need it, but I hope to be back on my feet before too much longer!

Counting downnnn!

Jul. 13th, 2023





I beg your pardon?




If any of you stop by the front desk this morning and see me starting to drift off, please do give me a nudge, will you? I haven't slept very well the last couple of nights even after stopping coffee at lunch time and I couldn't stay awake no matter how much coffee I had yesterday morning!

So I just lay there in my bed all night, just thinking. And you know? I don't understand how a Thermos keeps things both hot and cold. Then I thought of my cousin who thought he was Jiminy Cricket. Of course, that was at the height of the Pinocchio craze and everyone at the bank went along with it. Just went along with it, like he really was a little cricket!

And once, in grade school, I cross bred a rutabaga and a potato but I couldn’t decide whether to call it a “rutatato” or a “potatobaga." Maybe "potabaga" might have been better.

But maybe it doesn't matter what they were called, because they really tasted good!

Jul. 12th, 2023




Whoa, apparently, Town Hall is all abuzz with a murder in town. A woman who worked at the Langolier Bank, I think? They just said the bank, and that seems to be the main one. I don't think I knew her.

Anyone else hearing about this?

Jul. 9th, 2023




[...] I have some openings at the front desk at Pickman for anyone looking for a job. Please let me know if you're interested.

I wanted to




I don't remember casts being so ITCHY. Tips or tricks on how to GET IT TO STOP.

Alright, dating roll call. Who is dating who? And what's the hot gossip going on in your lives?

Jul. 7th, 2023



The Heywood Bridgerton Wedding

**Open to all characters who would consider themselves a friend of Alison and/or Benedict!**
**..Or anyone else who only has nice intentions.**

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Jul. 5th, 2023




I hope everyone had a good time yesterday, thanks Sam for organizing things and everyone who helped out. And thank you for the birthday wishes and gifts. It was a nice surprise in addition to the holiday festivities.

Jul. 4th, 2023




I believe it's the day to wish a Happy Birthday to two of our very own! Ani Flickerman, Steve Rogers, I hope you both have wonderful days! I have gifts for you both the next time I see you.

I'm working until three as usual, but I'll stop by the picnic after I'm off. Does anybody want to help me find some red white and blue streamers for my wheelchair? I should have asked sooner, and while I love the silver ones I have now, I could use something a little more festive and in season!

I'm not sure that I'll be able to make something quite up to my usual standards to bring, though- but perhaps I could mix up a nice punch or something once I arrive!

Jun. 28th, 2023




My name is Luke and I'm

So I guess I should introduce myself. And apologize if I don't recognize you, and I wish I could say that this is my first experience with people knowing me and me having no idea who they are but, you know, I've lived a life.

I'm Luke. Nell did her best to explain all of this to me but I'm still kind of reeling. Actually, if I hear one more weird thing I might just go to bed early.

There should be bingo cards for this town. Anybody get the giant weird lobster space yet? No but I've got the weird haunted statue. Bingo.




June 28/Morning
Jude and Rose
"Jude had read the sign board on Pickman house five times before she’d given up on trying to understand it"
Pickman House | No Warnings | Complete
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Jun. 25th, 2023




That is the last time I mistake mist for an out of control fog machine at a rager.

This is quite the hellscape the town has going for itself. I'd be down for it if it was a weekend trip during Halloween or something. Small towns make me itch.

Currently seeking suggestions on things to do on your first day of arrival while processing the idea monster lobsters.

Jun. 19th, 2023




Would anybody be so kind as to stop by my room and pick up my teddy bear Ferdinand to bring to me at the hospital? He should be tucked up in my bed in my room, and if you ask at the front desk and show my post, somebody-

oh no, I'm supposed to be at the front desk this morning! I'm so sorry! I don't know what's happening right now- I'm at the hospital in [Room Number] scheduled to have my leg set in a cast this afternoon. They're worried about a concussion, but I don't think I was hit all that badly?

They brought me a catalogue of wheelchairs to look through for once I'm released. I didn't realize there are so many colors for them now!




So like totally sorry about that monster, we definitely didn't mean to bring it back.

Silver lining...

Check the bell tower.

Jun. 18th, 2023





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Jun. 17th, 2023




They go home right?

KLAUS + DAN, separately:
I need help.

I [...] don't know what to do.





Will Byers
Rose Nylund
WHO Will and Rose • WHERE Pickman House, lobby • WHEN Saturday morning
Will has just arrived, Rose is the first face he sees. WARNINGS Unlikely
Should I be cool or should I blow? Read more... )

Jun. 13th, 2023




Roy, dear, I just wanted to check in on you. How are you feeling? Do you need any more magazines? Meals?

Father's day is coming up this weekend and it has me thinking of my own papa.

When I think of him, I always picture him pulling a giant tuna up main street. Oh, it wasn’t a real tuna. It was made of chrysanthemums. It was the float in the Founder’s Day Parade. You probably don’t know this, but my home town was founded by Heinrich von Anderdonnen. The first man to ever can tuna in its own natural juices.

Anyway, it was the 50th anniversary celebration of the founding of our town, and my father was chosen to pull the float. He thought it was because he had the newest tractor, but actually it was ‘cause he was the only one small enough to fit in the mayonnaise jar costume. Oh, I’ll never forget the moment we caught sight of him, turning off of Sycamore onto Elm. Something must have happened to the tractor, 'cause there he was, this lone little mayonnaise jar dragging this giant tuna up the hill, past the reviewing stand. I don’t think I’ve been prouder in my life.

..Except maybe the day that I won first place at the county fair for my cheesemaking!