Dunwich: A Creepypasta Panfandom Game


panfandom creepypasta



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Posts Tagged: '%E2%97%8C+inactive:+enid+sinclair+2'

Apr. 2nd, 2024




He'll be back in a month. No one touch his room.

On second thought, let's get the dirty dishes out of there so that Calvin doesn't decide to throw them out the window when they grow mold and start walking.

Mar. 20th, 2024





wednesday!! is!! a statue!!

i am dragging her back home!! right!! now!!!!!

[ooc note: enid is literally pulling the statue along behind her from the docks, she's a strong little thing, but she is completely panicking.]

Mar. 17th, 2024





Hells. Is it just me, or is it getting awfully crowded?


Yes, hello. I do believe someone from the world that Shadowheart and I come from has arrived here in Dunwich. We've not met them yet but if you come across them, do send them my way? We have a bit of catching up to do, I'm sure.

Mar. 15th, 2024




Heyyy, uh. Has anyone else ever done any of the community cooking classes here? They're at the community center, and Luke and I are doing the most recent cycle and the teacher's..weird.

Actually, most of the class is pretty weird, now that I think about it. Not like us- not as far as I can tell.

tw: implied/questioned cannibalism? )

Mar. 12th, 2024




So everything is okay now?

No more headaches, dreams, sleepwalking? It was just a fluke?

Mar. 8th, 2024




In case anyone was wondering, I'm not going to recommend that.

You'd think I'd feel a little more rested after being out for a day.

Liv Moore

Hey, sorry for the timing and don't feel like you have to say yes because of the whole comatose floating in air stuck in a nightmare thing, but... I need a new guide after Katniss and Natasha had you on the list.

[Locked to the others who were floating yesterday, or at least the ones posted about on the network]

You're awake again too, right?

Do you remember anything?

Besides dark and cold and water?

Mar. 7th, 2024




Xavier is floating in his room.

I can't get him down.

There's no way it's Vecna. We stopped that bastard. Xavier was complaining about headaches but this has to be something else right? It fucking can't be Vecna again.

I need help.

(CW: mentions of bodily injury, character death, vecna related horror in the comments.)

Mar. 5th, 2024





I've got this awful headache, I'm going to be in my room. Could I ask that any loud noises in the house be put on... like, a hold, for a little bit? Just until I feel less...

Come check on me later and make sure I haven't accidentally birthed a Greek goddess? It's that kind of headache. Athena might be in there.


Nightmares about the ocean. Did you ever get the...

Thing? We talked about. A thing. To stop it?

Sorry, I can barely think straight with this headache.

Mar. 1st, 2024





Are we... karaoke people?

Feb. 27th, 2024




So, where in town makes the best cake?

Feb. 26th, 2024




I'm going to miss Katniss a lot.




Okay, this is very important. In relation to - myself, I mean.

Does anyone have any of those lobster flavored candies left over from the parade? Because I will gladly take them off your hands.

Are you still doing alright over there?

Feb. 22nd, 2024




Can anyone shed any light on why this entire town stinks of the grave right now? Everywhere I go, dirt and rot and death. It's as though it's following me.


Have you smelled it? Seen it? It was there when I walked you to work, again. And just outside the house.

Feb. 12th, 2024




Okay, so...

I always thought the east coast was going to be different but this is more than I was expecting.

Hey, I'm new to town. Isaac.

Feb. 11th, 2024




Which one of you has a death wish?

Please tell me that we're not doing something insipid for Valentine's Day. I'm much rather discuss the St. Valentine's Day Massacre.
I need a guide. Neither of you are signed up for it. I don't actually need guiding, but I have to have a guide. Will one of you do it?

Feb. 8th, 2024




Has anyone heard anything about a Valentine's Day party? Is anyone interested? If so, I'd be more than happy to host one. My house is large enough to accommodate, but I can see if there's space somewhere at MIST, if that is preferable.





Saturday night, my room at Pickman. I'm throwing a surprise party for Gar's birthday.

The door will be unlocked, everything is going to be decorated and set up. Sneak in by 8pm and hide. I'll bring him at 8:15.

If I can be really bossy for a second, if anyone spoils the surprise I will pick you up and throw you into the Ghost Line.

Vegan foods only please, if you bring anything.

Feb. 6th, 2024




Upon superficial perusal of the network, I am overjoyed at being proven right once again!—That humanity is, at its core, a trite, unsurprising, and mundane species with very little capacity for nuance and innovation. Why, look at how you've all sequestered yourselves in the humdrum of monotonous living, foolishly trying to feed your starving souls by chewing on stodgy remnants of bromidic interactions and abstruse small talk. How tedious! How commonplace! How drab!

How perfectly t y p i c a l .

You'd think after billions of years I'd finally be accustomed to this! But no! I still hold out hope that your primitive bipedal species will one day break the cycle. Alas, today is clearly not that day. Tomorrow isn't looking good either.

That being said, those of you who attended my soiree have made it onto my NICE LIST. And those of you who declined my generous invitation, well, perhaps after a small demonstration of my charity your manners will show some improvement. Until then, try not to let my presence gnaw at you.

It will, of course.

And because I assume most of you lack the clarity of perception, allow me to introduce myself.


And despite the fact that Jean-Luc isn't here, I have decided to stick around, as they say, and continue the Trial of Humanity. Best of luck to all of you. I'd say the jury is out, but it's very clearly in.

On a related note—who was going to tell me that young Spock has abs?!

Feb. 2nd, 2024




So this is really some place called Dunwich and I've really been snatched from my reality? No lie?




Several months ago I had a spirit or a monster in the mirror following me until I destroyed a mirror. Now I have a doll that won't stop following me around.

Did anyone else get a doll in their Christmas gifts? Because that's what this one is, and I don't know why it keeps showing up when I keep putting it away or trying to throw it out. I don't know if it's a ghost or a curse or something else, but I really, really don't like it.

Feb. 1st, 2024





Jan. 19th, 2024




Anyone know the best way to get permanent marker off your face?

Your time is coming. Vengeance will be mine.

OOC Reference Image! )

Jan. 16th, 2024




Do hope everyone's staying safe in this blasted fog. I nearly drove into a ditch on my way to work, so my day's off to a berry good start.

Fret not, Celery is unharmed.

Hello! I don't know how the Angel Fever... spinoff... issue has been treating you, but I hope it's better than it was. In case it's still touch and go, I may be able to give you some hope for the future: I've finally managed to get my own lingering, unpleasant side effect under control. It took me about three months, but I got there in the end! And if I can do it, anyone can.

Jan. 15th, 2024




My name is La'an Noonien-Singh. I arrived here four days ago.

Approximately twenty-four hours ago I was tracking one of your monsters that came through the fog in an attempt to head it off from crossing the ghost line and threatening larger population centers. Only when the creature got to the boundary it was unable to cross.

I then decided to patrol the ghost line. Twice I witnessed creatures unable to cross the boundary.

Having read previous encounters of monsters regarding the ghost line, I have a working theory. Please tell me if this aligns with your experiences or if any of my facts are wrong.

ONE: monsters that enter Dunwich within the parameters the ghost line are unable to get out.

TWO: people that cross the ghost line and have an out-of-body experience have reported releasing a monster from their incorporeal form. monsters that enter this world outside the ghost line are able to cross its boundary at will.

THREE: monsters don't appear to pass out or have out of body experiences when they come in contact with the ghost line, regardless on which side of the force field they arrived on.

CONCLUSION: the force field, or ghost line as you call it, wasn't designed to trap us, it was designed to trap the creatures that come from the mist. Maybe creatures from the mist in particular have a certain frequency or quality that the ghost line is specifically tuned to.

That wouldn't explain why we're here or have been pulled in alongside the monsters.

I will let you know if I come across any other observations about the creatures that may be useful to our efforts.




So, I was in the midst of running some errands this morning and I ran across this big orange tabby cat that looked like it's fur was matted and caked in mud and...possibly, blood? I mean, it surprised me since it was on it's hind legs. That and the fact that it just walked right by me, Though also, it seemed as if it was looking for the nearby Italian restaurant, yet I can't helping thinking that it kind of like that one cat that likes lasagna, who's name eludes me.

But then again, this makes two sightings of creatures through the fog in less than forty-eight hours. Which kind of feels like a cause for concern.

Jan. 14th, 2024




So everyone was like super right about that angel fever thing. Yay...

Jan. 11th, 2024




Funny enough I believe you've already met me but a different version of me wearing another face but surprise! There's another me now, yes so that shall be very very fun, I should think. I'm the Doctor, or just Doctor, just like the other one. Yada yada you probably know most of this already anyway but I just dropped in today and figured I'd shout out a little hello there.

Hello, Sweetie.

Where are you?

I reckon talking through a device isn't going to create a paradox. How are we doing?

Thank you, for showing me around and filling me in.

Jan. 9th, 2024





hi everyone!!😊😊 it's wednesday's birthday this weekend!!!🎂🥳 the 13th to be precise!! me, eddie and xavier are going to host dinner and games at our place around 7pm saturday!!

any game suggestions would be GREAT!! i was thinking ghost in the graveyard in the actual graveyard for spookies, but um!! the fog has me a LITTLE concerned???? 🤔

anyway!! please come and celebrate dunwinch's favorite pigtailed menace!!! 🖤🖤🖤

[this post is blocked from wednesday, natch!]




Attention all booklovers! Pagemaster is suffering a sentient fuzzball invasion and will be closed until further notice. Or until Clint Barton figures something out.

If you put in any orders, don't hold your breath. These things eat books now.

ETA: If you love books and/or have a spare afternoon, come help us hunt and gather the multiplying fuzzballs (for purposes of humane relocation via Ghost Line) and earn my undying gratitude in the process!

ETA 2: And maybe a coupon!

ETA 3, a few hours later: Has anyone seen Kate? Brunette, gorgeous eyes, phases through buildings? I seem to have misplaced her...

Jan. 8th, 2024










Hello! I'm Percy. This is my first time really using a cell phone so I'm sorry if I mess up the texting etiquette. Also Julia was kind enough to install an Ancient Greek app to translate everything for me because other languages get a bit jumbled in my head so first off THANK YOU JULIA. You've all met Julia, right? She's super nice. Totally saved my life this morning. Apparently I almost swam into your GHOST LINE. How awkward would that have been? My body would have been lying at the bottom of the sea forever and nobody would have known! Not even Dad. Anyway! I don't know how this translation thing works for other people so if I end up saying anything really weird or dumb we're going to blame it on the app!

LOL (I think that's what I'm supposed say??)

I'm already settled into Pickman. THANKS AGAIN JULIA. (You guys should make her the official welcome committee.) This place is kind of giving me summer camp vibes even though it's freezing outside. Well, it was freezing until I found some clothes, but that's ... Yeah, OK. I'm grateful to have my own room. Although I am totally willing to share if any half-siblings show up. Doubtful but as the kids with the cell phones say, IYKYK.

I just googled that acronym. LOL.


Oh! Before I forget! Just because I was swimming in the sea does not mean I am associated with the big scary monster who has been trying to wed your young ladies. I promise that has nothing to do with me. Pure coincidence. Probably shouldn't have even brought it up. Hades boxer shorts! why am I making such a big scene? should I erase all of this? Iris-Messages are so much easier.

OK. Hopefully this message doesn't attract any monsters. Fingers crossed! Zeus, if you're listening, I didn't really mean it when I said you sucked seaweed. I mean I did, but you know. For posterity's sake, it was a joke. it wasn't but ok