Dunwich: A Creepypasta Panfandom Game


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Posts Tagged: '%E2%97%8C+inactive:+roy+kent'

Nov. 12th, 2023




Damn it. I was counting on Aziraphale taking the penthouse to keep me in the black this month. You'd think dark, gloomy days would be the reason to stock up on reading material, but no.

And Stephen's gone, too...

If anyone needs me, I'll be contemplating insurance fraud. (For legal purposes, that's a joke.)




I know Thanksgiving is almost here but also that a lot of people probably don't celebrate it. But would anyone be interested in a get together that's like a big feast? IDK something to look forward to might be good with all this darkness and being around people is supposed to be good.

We could throw in dancing or karaoke or games or all of the above depending on space and interest.

Do you have anyone taking over for Julia at MIST?

Nov. 11th, 2023




I have a question -- it's normal to have a shit sleep schedule when it's always night outside, yeah? I keep wanting to nap when it's the middle of the day and in the middle of the night, I'm wide awake.

Bit troublesome for work. Guess that's why there's coffee.

[Private to Roy]
Oi, grumpy gills, I've got an idea.

Nov. 4th, 2023




I think the puppies will be ready to go to their homes next week.

There are two left if anyone else is interested.

Nov. 2nd, 2023




Alright everyone. I've had to do night stints for weeks at a time. If this keeps on, I recommend you get a Sun Lamp and a bottle of Vitamin D. Deprivation of Vitamin D is a hell of a thing.

And socialize. I know that seems weird, but people fall into depression really easily when there's no sunlight. Surround yourself with your favorite people.

Oct. 30th, 2023



present day

When you have to write a note to yourself saying not to go to work because you were fired for missing every away game of the season — which they knew was going to be an issue — because you knew you probably wouldn't remember it otherwise?

Fuck this place.

Guess I'm moving back to Pickman since this is the football coach's housing.

Oct. 25th, 2023




Mark Bennett is currently missing - and we believe he's in wolf form. He has not been sent home as far as we know, but he was last seen running into the woods. I'm asking that, for now, unless you absolutely have to go into the woods, you give them wide berth until he's back home and safe.

If anyone hears from him or sees him, please let one of us - Carter, Gordo, or me - know right away.

[Pack + includes Luke, Gordo, and any pack adjacent]
We're going to be searching for him, of course, and I know you all want to help, but someone will have to stay here at the house in case he comes back, and I don't want any of us alone right now. We can take shifts, but the last thing we need is everyone running off in different directions. There's only so far he can go before he hits the ghost line, and I'd really like it if we can find him before we run into another case of mass amnesia.

Oct. 23rd, 2023




[Text to Roy Kent]
>>.....so he's just fucking gone?
>> Just like that?

Oct. 17th, 2023




So what's Halloween like around here? I've only ever seen an American Halloween in movies and I doubt it's anything like that.

Although, knowing this place, zombies will overrun the town and a pub crawl would be impossible anyway. Which is a pity because I have a great idea for a costume.

Oct. 16th, 2023




Alright, once? Fine. I'll give you that, shit happens.

But twice? This is bullshit.

Tomorrow night, everyone with magic is meeting at my place. Maybe we didn't do this, but we're figuring out how to fucking fix this.

Don't show up without very good reason? You might as well get a SUS tattoo on your forehead. I will fucking take note.

There will be food and alcohol. I don't brainstorm sober or on an empty stomach.

Geniuses and/or people with random ass time powers can come too, I guess. I'm not your mom.



present day


Football practice is either cancelled or twice as long today. Haven't decided.

Pretty sure it's actually over this time.

Did we break up and I can't fucking remember it
All I have is text messages like I'll drop your hoodie off at MIST.
Guess I should fucking drop your hoodie off at MIST

Oct. 13th, 2023




It's my birthday today and I'm not entirely sure what I should do for it.

Oct. 12th, 2023




Text messages to Natasha )

Oct. 9th, 2023



present day

Can't go anywhere on campus without people fucking congratulating me on the big win Saturday.

Which would be fucking great if I remembered it. What the fuck. Who's going to figure this one out?

Tartt! We're watching the game as soon as I have another cup of tea.

Oct. 7th, 2023



1997 - Filtered to 18 and above

Go to the '90s, said literally no one. Babysit a bunch of kids who also showed up here out of the blue.

I'm tired of kids. I'm tired of teenaged hierarchies.

Someone please tell me we've got adult plans this weekend.
Something -- fun?

Sep. 28th, 2023




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Sep. 26th, 2023




Roy & Natasha
Monday Evening | Natasha's place

Roy delivers food to Natasha's place and makes an unexpected discovery.
Ted Lasso S3 Spoilers, TBD.

Read more... )

Sep. 25th, 2023



Posted late last night


I'm pretty sure I just saw Margo drive a car across the ghost line and she crashed it.


Sep. 17th, 2023




A few months ago, I asked for people with potential for emergency responders. I think it's time to not only update that, but put some people in charge of aspects of it.
  • SEARCH AND RESCUE: There's a very specific set of skills needed for search and rescue. Physical training is an absolute necessity. FEMA has training courses to develop your Search and Rescue skills. I won't be taking anyone in this position who does not have a certification in first aid or CPR. Especially give that Sam Wilson does training for this on Sundays.
  • FIGHTING: I don't care how you fight, just know that if we get a call for fighting, we're going to need all the people we can get.
  • MAGIC: Whether this is magical fighting or just spells to dissuade people, clarify.
  • MEDICAL/HEALING: What it says on the tin. Liv Moore is in charge of Medical here at Mist, so I'm going to put her in charge of this.

Sep. 14th, 2023




Roy Kent and Keeley Jones
End of August | Roy's Place

Roy talks about his current relationship's issues which leads to them talking about their relationship issues and then maybe just their issues.
References to death, character death (RIP ROSE), Vecna related injuries and trauma.

Read more... )

Sep. 13th, 2023




It turns out Joyland only needed me for the summer so I'm done there. Which is fine, the wax museum gets creepier the longer you're there. And I can focus on school and painting now.

Still no Angel Fever powers. Guys, I think I'm a dud. But that's okay! 😊

I'm doing this really interesting class in school about recent modern history, which is great! I get to catch up on the stuff between the 80s and the 20s. It's great!

And that's all I can think of. 😊 I hope everyone's having a great day.

Sep. 3rd, 2023




Unintentional telepathic message to Natasha )




I guess I'm feeling okay enough to go to school tomorrow. Sorry I'm late, I'll make up all my homework.

I had Angel Fever. I think. I'm pretty sure. I saw But I feel better now.

Aug. 27th, 2023




I feel kind of sick. Is there something going around?

It's nothing serious, just, it's probably a cold or something. I hope nobody else has it! I'm going to stay in so I don't get anyone else sick.




People keep asking about learning how to play football. Real football, not the bastardized version Americans play. So Tartt and I are going to teach the sport. Maybe we'll form a team here, whatever local teams are called here where you don't travel because you fucking can't.

So let us know if you're interested.

Gonna make this a MIST thing, if you're good with it.

Alright? Today sucked.

You up for giving some advice?

I was told to talk to you about buying a car.

Oi. Can we talk?

Aug. 26th, 2023




[Roy Kent and Jamie Tartt.]

i was told you are the guys to talk to if i wanted to learn soccer [...] football




God, it can't be healthy to drink this much coffee. Is anyone else scared to sleep? I feel like the whole world disappears whenever I close my eyes. I've been going invisible so much that we might as well exist on completely different planes when we can't see each other.

I want to do something... concrete. Maybe I need to get a pottery set up. Or paint my walls. Or just bake a whole lot. I'm pretty sure if I try to get anything out on canvas it's going to end up being some spooky shit and I don't think I want to indulge that mood right now.

[Steven Grant]
Do you make a habit of trying to chat up catatonic girls in real life too, or just shared hallucinations?

Aug. 25th, 2023




Hey so

Say if you, uh, accidentally SOMEHOW start a conversation with someone but in your brain - how do you turn it off? Can I opt out of this? Is there a pill? A surgical procedure I gotta go through? I'm a shit patient but I'll let someone poke around in my head to get rid of this. There is too much ASS being projected into my thoughts because I don't know how to turn this off and I hate it.





Natasha & Roy
Thursday evening | Outside MIST

Roy and Natasha struggle in the aftermath of Vecna, trying to figure out where they stand with each other.

"Everything was fucking fine…".
Language. References to death, body gore, trauma

Read more... )

Aug. 22nd, 2023




I know Saturday is a very close deadline, but I would like to write a song about Rose and Nell. Each, I wouldn't try to cram them into the same song. So if you could please tell me as much as you're willing to share, it'll make the words flow easier and help the tune be all the sweeter.

Also, if anyone has objections that I do write the songs, I will hear them out, and respect them.