Dunwich: A Creepypasta Panfandom Game


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Posts Tagged: '%E2%97%8C+inactive:+spock'

Jun. 26th, 2023




Todash has been back up and running. Still feels like every time I turn around I find something else that was broken though. I'd like to say we can promise nothing weird will ever happen there again but my mama didn't raise a liar. However if you're not too put off by revisiting the scene, first round on me for anyone who was there on the Bad Night.

filtered: julia / spock
I found a few things of us in all that time capsule stuff. Looks like we were all in Dunwich in the 50s together.

filtered: eliot
Looks like we knew each other before.
[ attached is a photo, 20s era appropriate, of Eliot and Lance, arms around each other and smiling for the photo ]

filtered: jamie, amara, eddie m, haymitch, sabrina
[ attached is a group photo of them, era appropriate to the 20s ]
Found this in the capsule stuff. From what I could piece together from a few other things I think we were all in a gang?

Jun. 24th, 2023




Is there a club for people who have seen their friends disappear back into the mist?

Henri and I were on what I thought was a pretty damn good date and she went off to the bathroom and never came back. I saw some mist in that general direction, and now I've gotten the error on the network about her leaving.

Shit. That's just really shitty, you know?

Any luck finding a job?

AdmiralCaptain Pike
Do you have any openings at the sherrif's station?

Jun. 22nd, 2023




I do not wish to overload the network with trivial matters, particularly in light of the dangerous events at the Todash Tavern that left many injured, but the enigmatic facilitators of Dunwich have yet to bestow an undesired occupation upon me and I find myself in need of currency so I can assist Captain Jim my captain my friend Captain Kirk in acquiring and financing a residence outside of Pickman.

Until I find permanent employment, I am available for small jobs, temporary work, paid research opportunities, etc. If anyone could use my services, please let me know.


Thank you.

Jun. 18th, 2023





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Jun. 11th, 2023




Looks like I've got a way around town now that isn't my own two feet. A bit strange to just walk outside and see it there. Should have come with a giant red bow, in my opinion.

Hey Spock, want to go for a ride on my motorcycle?

Jun. 3rd, 2023




Listen up. Anyone who's found DVDs, VHS, picture books, comic books, audiobooks, novels, records, radio plays or whatever the fuck else might be out there about me and mine?

Fucking out with it now.

And the rest of you that might be holding onto some weird shit you randomly found? Now's the time you could open your mouth and say something.

Just so I'm not a complete fucking hypocrite, I found a used boxset of DVDs about the Enterprise. The shrink wrap was opened and it's missing a few disks but most of it was there. Looks like it was filmed in the 1960s and there are different actors pretending to be you. It's yours if you want it. You're welcome.

We need to have a conversation.

Julia said you're the one that found that DVD. Anything else you want to add? Just wanting to cover my bases and make sure there's nothing else out there.




I wasn't sure if I should say anything or not but someone found a DVD with us on it. Sort of like some of the other strange posts that have been trickling in on the network? It's us. Like as if a secret camera crew were there filming us during the bank heist. I thought about destroying it, but then I thought that would be unfair to the rest of you. So... if you want to check it out or I can take care of it?

How's the arm? Or just, how are you in general?

If you still want to grab a drink and talk my schedule is pretty open this week.

You survive prom okay? Check in.

I think I'd feel better if you had some logical observation about Dunwich which would at least put all the weird shit that happens into some kind of neat context. I know that's probably kind of a tall order, but if you've got something, I'd love to hear it.

Jun. 2nd, 2023




I'm a little sick of seeing people I know leave on that network.

Time to pour myself into my work. Get it? Pour?

Drinks are a dollar off today if you bring something to donate to Pickman. Food, clothes, whatever. I'll bring the box with me back home tonight.

May. 16th, 2023




this sucks - this is the worst - why is this a thing - fuck this honestly -
I watched like four hours of random friends episodes and I know the lobstrocities were the worst but lobsters mate for life and that made me sad, do you think the lobstrosowhatevers were all mated up? like they were all murder all humans but also let's grow old and die together?

filtered: julia/spock
i'm prefacing this with i'm fine, but if one of you could leave some advil or something outside my door that'd be great, thanks.

May. 11th, 2023




Julia Wicker & Spock
April 30 | Pickman Lobby | SFW

Spock comes back to Pickman after destroying the book. Julia, seeing him restored, has questions. Dog, being a very good boy, has this curse completely figured out. Unfortunately for the hellhound, he can't do much about that. Spock gives him pets anyway.
⚠ Mentions of the death of Spock's mother and planet.

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May. 3rd, 2023




Uh hey guys, what a crazy couple of weeks right? Anyway.

The full moon is coming up in a few days. I think I might make a thing of it, if anyone is looking for some company.

May. 2nd, 2023




What's the best alcohol to drink when you want to get very drunk, but not be too sick in the morning,




[Filtered to Friends*]
Soooooo you might have noticed that you haven't seen me out and about. It's, um. Well, you know that whole body and power switching thing that's been happening?

Did you know you can swap species with this thing too? I'm a vampire, Matthew's a witch with my powers, Corra is..I don't know where, and we haven't figured out how to fix this. Just, you know. A heads up that I haven't disappeared and I'm still here, just. Trying to be careful.

*If your character considers Diana a friend, feel free to see and respond!

May. 1st, 2023



Species Swap Log: Kirk & Spock

Backdated to the start of the swap plot | Spock's room at Pickman | E for excessive emotion
⚠ Nothing specific, no.

That is why we hold back. Because letting go means losing control. )




Okay so! I (with some help) had a truly fantastic idea. We're going to be throwing a singles event! This will include a fashion show, karaoke, speed dating etc etc.

It's a free event, for charity. I'm not sure what to put the proceeds to yet though, any ideas? Any like, worthy causes here?

Send me a DM if you want to help out :)

[Filter to Natasha and Mobius]

The donations are going to go to Pickman and MIST. Is there anything on particular either place needs so I can add it to the donations list?

We've got the basics covered - clothing, personal necessities, money if anyone is able, food. Anything outside of the typical boxes you can think of? We're also thinking people can donate time and/or skills to help with like maintenance items or whatever.

Apr. 30th, 2023





April 30th | Dusk β€’ The Beach
⚠ Grief, Mourning
STATUS [Complete]

She had her face. And her smile. )

Apr. 28th, 2023




No one is going to believe me about this.

Apr. 25th, 2023




Spock, Julia, & Dog
Today | Around Dunwich | SFW

Julia catches up with Spock to check in on him, but has difficulty not thinking his newfound humanity could hurt him. They avoid talking about it. Spock decides he wants to do something highly illogical which naturally leads to silliness & skinny dipping.
⚠ Non-explicit mention of nudity.

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Apr. 24th, 2023




So I think there's a chance this might be my fault.

I am so sorry for anyone affected. The other day, I may have accidentally switched abilities with someone else. So I technically have a kind of magic back, but not what I'm used to. We were attempting to switch back and I might have just made things worse.

I don't think this is the potion swap Eliot mentioned yesterday. For one, not everyone is body swapped, some of it is powers, or maybe species? The fact that this is so random and only seems to be effecting us? I can't say for certain but it tracks.

I promise if this was me, I'll figure it out. I am working on it.

Apr. 18th, 2023




Exciting news, everyone. I've been working on a few things behind the scenes since I landed the job as manager of the Pickman House and you are now looking at its new official owner! This doesn't change anything, except provide a little more security for us and those of us living here now that everything is in house.

Please let me know if you have any questions or concerns.

I started going through old boxes at Pickman House for files and records. I found a tempad. Actually, if I was a betting man, I would say it was my tempad. It's a device we use to travel to alternate timelines, among other things. The thing is out of juice, though. Any ideas on how we power this up without knocking out the power grid for the East Coast?

Any other geniuses we should add to this discussion? Magic isn't going to work on it, unfortunately, or I'd have a few more people on my list I'd be asking for help.

Given the disappearances, I think it'd be a good idea to set up a sort of line of succession for Pickman House. If you're on this list it's because I trust you. Don't make me regret this, L Some of you may be more comfortable with running the house and looking after new arrivals than others. This is just to gauge your interest and/or willingness should I disappear like the others.

There's a couple of ways we can set this up, I'll research the details, for now I just need to know if I have your permission to move forward on this. Also if there's anyone else you think I should consider for this, let me know.

Apr. 16th, 2023




You're a friend of Adam's? He said I could talk to you.

Hey. You've been quiet. Everything okay?

Apr. 13th, 2023




See the post below mine?

No one else touches him. My best friend is a little possessed. Quentin, Julia and I will handle it.

If anyone fucks this up for us, it probably won't work out the way you hoped.

Back off.

There's a good chance there's a god killing monster in Dunwich in the shape of my best friend.

I didn't tell everyone that part because I've seen enough to know there are idiots who think they're hot shit and will take that as a challenge instead of a warning.

I'm only telling you this because someone should probably know in case he slaughters the three of us before we save El. In theory, the axes I showed up with should do the trick. He trusts us enough to let us get close.

Anyway, if that doesn't work and we end up dead, good luck. I suggest pretending to be his friend and coddling him rather than attacking, but if I'm dead I really won't care and you do you. The bonus of the coddling route is he might actually have the power to send people home.

Whether he would or not is another matter.

Jim, Pike— if these are my last words, it was fun and I want a wake with at least a threesome in my honor, so you better figure it out.


ETA: We handled it.*

*(Still want to reply before Margo gave the all clear? Unless the subject header says otherwise, you can reply to Margo's original post and we'll assume your character responded beforehand.)

Apr. 12th, 2023




I am seeking information on any potential spatial-temporal anomalies that anyone may have experienced since arriving in Dunwich. Examples of such anomalies could be, but are not limited to:
β€£ time travel (or evidence thereof)
β€£ items that defy existence in the pre-determined reality of Dunwich; i.e. technology or artifacts inconsistent with 21st century Earth but were not brought here by one of the Dunwich Outlanders
β€£ paradox
β€£ improbable photographs, videotapes, written works
β€£ doppelgΓ€ngers (endemic to Dunwich, not other Outlanders who share similar physical appearances)
β€£ any disruption of normal space time

If you have experienced one or more of these events, please let me know. You may privatize your message if the information contains personal details you wish to remain confidential.

Thank you.

Apr. 11th, 2023




I still have a few front desk positions left unfilled. Night shift, 11pm to 7am, part time or full time. Morning shift, 7am to 3pm on weekends. Send me a note if you're interested.

ETA: Here's the schedule so far. I'm always willing to add folks on call as well.

Mr. Spock, I was wondering if I could put your attention on something. Might be nothing. There was a framed picture at Todash from 1997 with one of the Pickman residents in it. When I opened the frame it appears to contain a coded message written on a piece of paper behind the photo.

I don't suppose there's any way to check the photo for any temporal anomalies? Or if you're any good at code breaking? Also, if you don't mind, I'd prefer if the picture and its contents didn't leave my office. At least not until we know more.

Apr. 10th, 2023




Double checking that you're completely free from the effects of Friday night and don't feel compelled to tell me your shoe size or whatever if I ask.

Because I sort of wanted to follow up on our conversation, but not you can't tell me to fuck off.

So Friday was kind of weird. Are you two okay? No one revealed more than they meant to and neither one of you still compelled to answer whatever questions people ask?

You have any plans? I was thinking if you haven't seen much of the town yet, I could give you the grand tour?

Apr. 7th, 2023




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Apr. 3rd, 2023




I have your lizard. When can I return it?

With the assistance of High King Margo and her lizard, I have recently undergone a week-long β€˜spiritual journey.’ During this experience I was in deep conversation with what I can only describe as projected aspects of my personality who reassured me that myβ€”and thereby the rest of the Dunwich Outlandersβ€”presence here, albeit long in duration, will be temporary. They also alluded to the fact that when I return to my universe it will be near to the time that I departed it. As such, it will appear as though no time has been lost. Although I have no means of quantifiably verifying the validity of the visions I received during this mental quest, I do trust they are accurate as it would be illogical for me to lie to myself.

They were, however, acquired by ingesting the epithelial secretions of a reptile. So, I cannot account for whether this information serves the betterment of the group or not. Nevertheless I felt that the community leaders and my commanding officers should be aware of my somewhat illogically obtained β€˜discovery’.

Apr. 1st, 2023



Private Message Sent the Morning After Margo’s Party

I wish to express my apologies for not seeking out your company later in the evening at High King Margo’s social gathering. Despite the clear measure of nonchalance you exhibited when you made your offer, I hope I have not offended you. I would like you to know that my decision to leave the festivities at an early hour was based entirely on logic. I am not accustomed to boisterous gatherings. I was also under the intoxicating influence of chocolate and reptilian secretions which had a distracting hallucinatory effect on my mind.


Thank you for teaching me how to dance. I do not foresee myself using the skill in the future, but it was a fascinating experience.

Apr. 2nd, 2023




Happy "don't believe anything you read on the internet" day.

Choose your fighter! I'm going with K.

Mar. 30th, 2023



