Dunwich: A Creepypasta Panfandom Game


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Posts Tagged: '%E2%97%8C+inactive:+buffy+summers'

May. 29th, 2023




Call me a purist, but I've always thought a mob of angry undead was a fairly standard part of an American high school dance.

May. 23rd, 2023




The sweet silence that is the LACK of shrieking mayflies. What the hell was that about anyway? Who crossed the ghost line for that?

Guess what I found.

May. 22nd, 2023




Let's do something of a trivia/get to you know post. I haven't seen one of these in a while or something like it and we've had newer people come in. We have the prom coming up, so it may lead to good conversation starters.

I'll start simple with five facts about myself.

1. Coffee is absolutely delicious and my favorite new thing in this world.
2. I actually like playing chess
3. I enjoy a good book and will gladly spend time reading
4. I probably don't have a fashion sense at all (military back home, everything was standard issue)
5. I miss our horses back home.

And something I'd like to try while I'm here:

Karaoke (is that how I spell that?). I've been told I have a good speaking voice; I wonder if that transfers to good singing too.

May. 20th, 2023



tw: alcoholism

Prom's going to be great. I don't have a roof yet so I might smell a little strongly of hairspray because I'm going to make damn sure my hair doesn't budge. Having my own transportation again has been amazing. It's so freeing! No more walking to work worrying about vampires, no more taking forever to get places, Haymitch is extra hot when he's pumping gas, and there is just so much more spontaneity in my life. Rain is a problem, yes, but it has only been an actual problem a few times. [...] Come to think of it, I'm going to make it a priority to get a roof before prom because that would really screw things up for me.

Hey, who's rich around here? I plan to hock something immensely quite valuable online at some point but I haven't had a chance yet and it turns out that Jeep roofs are expensive. I promise I'll pay you back.
ALI Hey babe! I'm so sorry we can't make it today. 😿 Haymitch woke up feeling sick. I'm hoping it's just a bug but if it's what I had, we don't want to risk bringing that to your beautiful home. Rain check?
RICHIE Two more seats in the Jeep for you and a friend. Going once, going twice...

May. 14th, 2023






May. 13th, 2023




These bugs are bloody hilarious.


Any of you talk to that angel yet?

May. 11th, 2023




Friends and neighbors, this is a public service announcement. Please disregard any rude text messages it appears that I have sent to you. I believe my phone is haunted. I am aware that I should turn off my phone as a precautionary measure until a proper exorcist can be found but I could never.

Please rest assured that I firmly believe the mist only mistnaps people that I would like very much and this means you. 😻

May. 7th, 2023




When I couldn't fall asleep last night and it was well after midnight when I decided on a verrrrrry short walk around the block because I swear there's like shadows out there that shouldn't fucking be there, I started thinking about the things people hide. Like in their houses, you know? The stuff you don't see, and the things that kind of get swept underneath the bed when people come over, or have their own dedicated spot elsewhere like that old plastic skeleton you and your brothers rolled up into an old carpets to freak out anyone who ever needs to get to working in our attic and gets just a little too curious, you know?

And then I couldn't stop thinking about it and everything got real sus and now I think I know how uncle Snake feels like when he gets going about the thisses and thatses and how two-headed calves are a portend of horrible things to come and we should just get the digger and expand the underground bunker right now, but you're probably not vibing with this at all?

Being curious about the physical stuff that people hide, that's what I mean. Not the paranoid thoughts.

Like everybody hides somethin'. And you don't even have to respond, but what was yours when you had a house or an apartment or a trailer or whatever back home?

[FILTERED TO THE UNALIVED-FORMERLY-DEAD-RESURRECTED-ETC] [TW IN COMMENTS: death, demonic possession, kidnapping, extremely questionable parenting, mentions of being buried alive]

Okay uh. There's a good chance that I'm going to word this all wrong, but let's give this a shot.

I know there's a group that comes together to talk about stuff at least once a week , but dying feels like ... something for a different kind of group. I didn't think there was this many of us, but also enough of us it seems?

May. 6th, 2023




If you see me around today, I want you to know you're seeing actually me and not Buffy. I am hereby officially retired from arm wrestling so don't ask.

We got doors for the Jeep last night, too. Now I just need a cap for it but I want a hard one because I read online that the soft ones are loud.
SWEET RICHIE If I would have known that having a conversation with Buffy about why I liked being her better than I liked being me would have ended the swap, I can't say I wouldn't have at least considered avoiding it. 😬 Shit. Now the next time I cross paths with a vampire, I'm going to have to do it without the super strength and crazy reflexes.

May. 4th, 2023




Remember last week when I was arm wrestling into submission anyone who'd consent? Since then, I've made a few jokes about being the Unoffical Pickman House Arm Wrestling Champion. I don't remember ever saying it within earshot of any of the locals but I must have because someone approached me on my walk to work and presented me with the prize I earned as the greatest arm wrestler Pickman House has ever seen. It's in my name now, so you can try to steal my title that Buffy's worked so hard to make it possible for me to earn all you want but you're not getting my car! Truck? Is a Jeep a truck? It's not exactly a car. I don't know, what is this thing considered?

It's not something I would have ever driven at home but I like it. It's so much fun! Kind of tippy, though. I'm going to work on driving slower. I also need to find some doors and a top for it because I froze my ass off all the way to the school this morning. Until then, I'll just wear a coat and some gloves. Fuck walking to work, honestly. Let's all hope together that a cap and doors won't be too expensive.

The windshield folds down if you feel like eating bugs, too. Very cool feature. No more having to pull over and pick your snacks out of the dirt.
Buffy, Faith, Giles If we're still on for later, let's carpool. 😎 Buffy has permanent radio rights because I obviously could not have done this without her. Thanks, Buffy!

May. 1st, 2023




So, what is it we've figured about those folk who swapped bodies or powers?

Everyone get that outta their systems or there still some hangers on?

Apr. 25th, 2023




My Life As Buffy Summers: Day 3
a. e. flickerman

This morning, I got a papercut. It's already gone!

If I didn't see it for myself, I'd believe it a con.

I don't like being a blonde better, but it's a fun change of pace.

You know what else is really fun? Doing makeup on a different face!

If by accident you forget you're very strong and you break a door,

is it wrong to blame a wild, aggressive, and very hairy boar?

Later on today, I'll have the honor of learning from Giles,

I'm going to do awesome and earn soooo many smiles!

Apr. 24th, 2023




Right. So.

Why is everybody yelling and setting things on fire. Something going on?

Apr. 23rd, 2023




If I'M Buffy, who the FUCK is me? Is BUFFY me? I'm freaking out and I see I'm not the only one freaking out but right now I'm more concerned with my own freaking out what the fuck is happening does anyone know? If you have my body please check the fuck in

I'm also in A LOT of pain. How much of this is "I'm in the wrong body" pain and how much of it is "Buffy got in a fight yesterday"? Is anyone else in PHYSICAL PAIN? Is this dying?

Apr. 22nd, 2023




Heads up. There's at least one other kind of vampire in Dunwich. Walks in the daylight, talks like a regular ole human. Will add a new dimension to the locals.

Oh, and happy birthday, Giles!




"Are you kidding me? We got daylight vampires here too?"
Feel free to have your characters witness this.

Dunwich Library | PG13| ⚠ Violence, goo
Read more... )

Apr. 20th, 2023




So, I've been here almost two weeks, but I didn't post here because I thought maybe the mist would end up taking me home. Apparently, that's not happening, so I figured I should finally post instead of just sometimes reading stuff on the network.

(Getting this phone was weird, by the way. A little boy just handed it to me at the grocery store the day after I got here, out of nowhere.)

Anyway, hi, I'm Adora. Since there are no wars to fight here, I don't really know what to do, but I guess I'll figure it out!

Apr. 14th, 2023




Hey everyone, I'm working on a Saturday morning training session for people are short. Like 5'4" and under. It'll consist of a mixture of Krav Maga, Tae-Kwon Do, and Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu. All mixed up with how to use your environment and the other person(s) to your advantage. All of this is really helpful against attackers who are larger than you — using their height, weight, and leveraging them for your benefit.

I'm going to start with Saturdays at 9am-10am. If there's more interest, I might add more days.

Let me know if you're interested.

And, let me know if you're interested in hosting any sort of class (exercise, fighting, knitting, etc) club (reading, gaming, movies, arts, etc), and training (computer, writing, modern Earth). I'm working on getting MIST as filled out as possible. The schedule is a little bare. We'll also host movie nights if you're interested. We do have a projector.

I would also welcome you to our private network if you're working on something for the benefit of the group. Darcy Lewis and Kate Pryde worked hard on securing the network and the server. You'll be able to store any data you've accumulated without worry from outsiders.

Apr. 10th, 2023




I'm sorry to have to make this post, but I was wondering if everyone wouldn't mind looking at the following photographs and letting me know if they recognize anyone in the pictures. We have a few missing persons cases the department would like to resolve.

Or... lie about and give the family some peace.

Whatever makes sense.

[Attached are eight photographs of people from missing persons reports. OOC NOTES: If your character has been doing some vigilante vampire slaying, feel free to have them identify one as a vampire that turned to goo when slayed. Up to five photos may be identified. The other three will remain mysterious.]

Hey, Magic Man. Don't suppose you can scry the location of some of these, assuming they're still alive? Apparently Dunwich PD budgeted for a psychic consult. I figure a sorcerer is probably better.

Apr. 9th, 2023




[Text to Giles]

Right. What do you want?

Let me guess, you're planning another field trip to the lighthouse.

Apr. 7th, 2023




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Apr. 6th, 2023




Anyone else getting a lot of people asking them for selfies?

It's like they've never seen a horse before.

Or am I missing something? Feels like I'm missing something.

Apr. 3rd, 2023




Folks, we have easily over a hundred people at Pickman and I can't keep up with it by myself. I'm opening up several positions here at the house to keep it going now that we have a few folks paying rent as well as those who've given some generous donations for new arrivals.

FRONT DESK - Three full time positions, three part time positions, eight hour shifts. 7am to 3pm, 3pm to 11pm, 11pm to 7am. I don't think it'll be particularly busy work, even with tasks such as keeping the lobby clean. Duties include greeting people as they come in and out and acting as a sort of concierge for new arrivals, making sure they have clothes, groceries and anything else they need to get them settled for the first few days. It's completely okay to read a book or pass the time with a quiet activity as needed.

SECURITY - One full time position, one part time position. Shift is approximately 10pm to 6am, but subject to change depending on sunrise/sunset. Duties include patrolling the property and walking anyone at night that needs to run a late night errand that doesn't wish to go alone.

For those of you who have found work and are staying at Pickman, please consider donating a percentage of your paycheck so that I can offer decent wages for their work. You can make those arrangements with me.

If you're interested in one of the jobs described above, come talk to me.

(OOC: Yep. Still costs 1 AC to pick up one of the jobs described above.)

Apr. 2nd, 2023









So. Pickman House.

I’m assuming room and board is free because the building is crawling with ghosts, nebulous spirits, and a fuck ton of shady otherworldly hell that has no business being in the walls possessed. Are we choosing to live there because of the spooky shit or in spite of it?

I sense I’m not alone here. I’m Dan.

[*If you believe your character’s abilities qualify as the shining in their own universe you can have them respond. Uncertain? Here’s a list of Stephen King characters with a version of the shining.]




Your girl's visible again! 🎉 I know we all have our theories but I'm still not completely sure why it happened or even exactly what I did to make it un-happen. I just wanted to let you all know that I'm okay so that you can sleep better tonight. Stay safe out there, babies.

BUFFY, MARGO, JULIA I feel so normal. I've been a little weird about mirrors ever since the mixer but I'm one hundred percent over it now, I can't get enough. After Buffy and I retraced my steps, I took Julia's advice and tried to get as comfortable and relaxed as I could. It's not like I hadn't already tried that but before, I couldn't stop thinking that there was something more productive I could be doing. When I tried it again last night, I was completely out of ideas. There was nothing else to do. I think it really helped to exhaust all of those options and you were all so helpful with that. Thank you! 💖
ALISON Hey! How does today work for you? Let me know when you want to see me since that's no longer an impossible thing to do. I reread our conversation this morning and I want to make it a point to let you know I miss you, too. If all cylinders were firing last night, I would have said so then. I don't think we need to have a very serious talk, I think we just need to hang out. It's been too long and things have been challenging recently. I'm trying to drag Five out for a hike at some point today but that's all I really have going on right now.
FIVE You, me, Sidewinder State Park. Let's take a hike. Sunshine'll do us good and we won't go anywhere near the lake.
PERCY I want to apologize for snapping at you. I've never been invisible before, it was kind of a lot. Where I'm from, we don't have magic at all and I was very scared and not myself. I'm not trying to make excuses, I just want you to understand why I was so thrown. We weren't on the same page and instead of getting us to the same page in the way I like to think I normally would have, I ate the book. I've now regurgitated the book and I'd love to start fresh if that works for you.

Apr. 1st, 2023




Well, this isn't St. Olaf or Miami. And this looks nothing like any sort of telephone I've ever seen before. But it seems to be connecting to something just fine- the screen looks like a small television, only it doesn't show any programs like the ones Blanche and I watch in the evenings!

Now how do I find this Pickman House? I can't very well keep wandering the streets in my nightie and house slippers!

Apr. 2nd, 2023




Happy "don't believe anything you read on the internet" day.

Choose your fighter! I'm going with K.

Apr. 1st, 2023




Today, you might think to yourself, "Wow, I haven't seen Ani around." I'm not avoiding you, I've just come down with a sudden case of INVISIB invisibility.


1. How? I don't know.
2. Why? I don't know.
3. When? Last night.
4. Where? On the way back from Todash's.
5. With who? Klaus.
6. Is he also invisible? No.
7. Under what circumstances? Fleeing vampires.
8. Do you remember anything unusual? Obviously. We're in Dunwich.
9. Anything relevant to sudden onset invisibility? No.
10. Are you sure? I was inebriated. It's possible something escaped my notice.

I'm very interested in becoming visible again. Tips, tricks, and theories welcome.




Fine. Since it looks like I might be here a little longer than I'd like, I might as well make the best of it here while I'm stuck here.

I have two axes and I'm going to need to use them once I get the hell back home. So who can give me some pointers in the art of close combat?