Dunwich: A Creepypasta Panfandom Game


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Posts Tagged: '%E2%97%8C+inactive:+aziraphale'

Nov. 5th, 2023




As some of you might have noticed, I moved out of Pickman a couple weeks ago, but I don't recall doing it since I assume it happened during one of those "lost" weekends. If you helped me move, thank you, even though it's likely that you can't remember it, either. I'll still be helping out at the front desk at Pickman, though. Night shifts. It's perfect for me to sit and read during those quiet hours.

I ought to mention where I'm living! It's in an apartment above Pagemaster Bookshop, which is just as ideal.

Nov. 2nd, 2023



tw: assault, violence in post and comments


Oct. 21st, 2023




I just looked at the calendar and realized today is an anniversary of sorts. At least where I'm from. 21 October is the day God first started to create the universe. I'll refrain from quoting Douglas Adams here.

Oct. 6th, 2023




I am not amused by the individual, or individuals, painting graffiti on the side of my bookshop. It's become a regular occurrence and it's starting to feel like a personal attack.

Oct. 4th, 2023




People don't really eat different food every day, do they?

Sep. 1st, 2023




I'll miss my daily tea with Adam. Hopefully, when he returns home, he'll let Crowley know I've been waiting for him. We have so much to talk about, my experiences here. Just this morning, I woke up hearing one of the songs he used to listen to, and it made me think of him.

Aug. 24th, 2023




If anyone at Pickman House heard a fire alarm go off in one of the rooms, my bad.

Exactly how any abilities do you have?

Anyone still dealing with anything weird after we broke into the Church? I couldn't smell anything after that, and I still can't smell anything now.

Aug. 22nd, 2023




I know Saturday is a very close deadline, but I would like to write a song about Rose and Nell. Each, I wouldn't try to cram them into the same song. So if you could please tell me as much as you're willing to share, it'll make the words flow easier and help the tune be all the sweeter.

Also, if anyone has objections that I do write the songs, I will hear them out, and respect them.

Aug. 13th, 2023




Unfortunately, my miracles aren't working to help those affected.

I'm awfully torn up about the whole matter.

Aug. 8th, 2023






So we didn't say anything before because we weren't sure, but now that someone is FLOATING, this is almost exactly like something that happened back in our own town. There was this bad guy — thing, whatever — that we called Vecna. Vecna's like if you put the Creature from the Black Lagoon with a bunch of living vines that are a hive mind together with really strong telepathy and telekinesis.

He lives in the Upside Down, which is like a really fucked up version of our world except it's all dead and weird shit floats in the air. And the only living things are demogorgons, demodogs, and demobats. And Vecna.

ANYWAY, so back home, he wanted to rip open gates from the Upside Down to our world, so he picked four people to torment with headaches, nightmares, hallucinations, and then finally... floating in the air.... and a pretty gnarly death. Those left holes between our dimensions and when he got the fourth one, it made a big giant X and ripped open the town.

BUT THERE IS A WAY to stop him. You need a song, and you need to listen to it all the time. Find a song that speaks to you, that just grabs a whole of you and doesn't let go and listen to it. On repeat. The song keeps you grounded literally.

Um, yeah, so I know other people from my dimension have experiences and stuff, but I wanted to get this part out before too many people started randomly floating in the air. And dying

[OOC: This message can be seen by everyone. Robin just wanted to get everyone's attention.]

Aug. 2nd, 2023





You may want to get over to the record store. I found something you’re going to want to see.

Aug. 1st, 2023




If you see a robotic dog around, be cool to him. He loves people and he's harmless. For now. His name is Twitch. I'm not gonna give him too much freedom before I outfit him with some defenses but I'll probably be running some tests over the next couple of days.

JAKE, SARAH, KATE PRYDE, EDDIE, CATRA, FILIP, KATNISS, VI Hey. I work at the Slumberland Motel. Sarah does, too. Say hi, Sarah.

I wanna rent a few rooms and have a fun Friday night. If you guys invited some friends, it'd be a big help. Thanks a bunch in advance. I'm not trying to throw a rager and get my ass fired so don't go too crazy. Nothing against our elders but it'll help keep our numbers down if we focus on a specific age group. Try to keep it under thirty, maybe? We'll drink, chill, play stupid games, whatever. Can't be Todash all the time.
JAMIE Busy Friday? I'm trying to put a little thing together at the motel.

Jul. 28th, 2023




I'm officially on my fifth Friday night in this town, and the realization that the only thing I've really done is work, stay late at work to listen to albums, or rewatch Bones is depressing as shit.

Does that tavern in town have pool tables, or a dartboard, and who wants to play a few rounds? Another night listening to oldies and I might drive myself insane, which is a terrible way to spend eternity.

Jul. 26th, 2023




Well. For once I can say I absolutely did NOT do it. A delightful experience.

Aurora Borealis Deckerstar, where are you?

Jul. 13th, 2023




If any of you stop by the front desk this morning and see me starting to drift off, please do give me a nudge, will you? I haven't slept very well the last couple of nights even after stopping coffee at lunch time and I couldn't stay awake no matter how much coffee I had yesterday morning!

So I just lay there in my bed all night, just thinking. And you know? I don't understand how a Thermos keeps things both hot and cold. Then I thought of my cousin who thought he was Jiminy Cricket. Of course, that was at the height of the Pinocchio craze and everyone at the bank went along with it. Just went along with it, like he really was a little cricket!

And once, in grade school, I cross bred a rutabaga and a potato but I couldn’t decide whether to call it a “rutatato” or a “potatobaga." Maybe "potabaga" might have been better.

But maybe it doesn't matter what they were called, because they really tasted good!

Jul. 9th, 2023




[...] I have some openings at the front desk at Pickman for anyone looking for a job. Please let me know if you're interested.

I wanted to

Jul. 6th, 2023




Suggestions for comfort series you like to rewatch? All of mine haven't even entered project development in this time yet.

Do you like coffee?

Jul. 5th, 2023




You know, I am not typically a binge-watcher, but I did watch the whole second season of Is It Cake and it was very worth it. Even if my favourite didn't win. Of course if I'd seen it a week earlier I might have been tempted to try one for the picnic, but sadly I went for macarons instead.

Speaking of cake though, whoever made the coffee one with, was it a hint of cinnamon? So good.

Jul. 4th, 2023




I believe it's the day to wish a Happy Birthday to two of our very own! Ani Flickerman, Steve Rogers, I hope you both have wonderful days! I have gifts for you both the next time I see you.

I'm working until three as usual, but I'll stop by the picnic after I'm off. Does anybody want to help me find some red white and blue streamers for my wheelchair? I should have asked sooner, and while I love the silver ones I have now, I could use something a little more festive and in season!

I'm not sure that I'll be able to make something quite up to my usual standards to bring, though- but perhaps I could mix up a nice punch or something once I arrive!

Jul. 1st, 2023




I have begun wondering what to do with my time here. I am no longer heda here, though I am teaching some of you. Murphy is gone.

I received notice that I was accepted into the university here just after Clarke disappeared and it was something that she had mentioned to me. Something that I should consider. What does one do with a degree? I have researched on the Google website, but there are so many ideas.

Apart from commanding and leading, I suppose I am best at diplomacy. I managed twelve clans and kept them from warring until the Sky People showed up. Even then, we worked to keep the peace.

Is there something like that which translates to modern day? To this world? It is what I enjoyed and was good at. I'm not sure if I'd do it forever, but I like it.

Jun. 20th, 2023




Hey Siri, download Uber.

Shit. Is this thing recording?

[ Text: Random Number ]
Do you have a car that isn't overtaken by nature or looks like it'd still infect me even if I've had ten tetanus shots?

Jun. 19th, 2023




Would anybody be so kind as to stop by my room and pick up my teddy bear Ferdinand to bring to me at the hospital? He should be tucked up in my bed in my room, and if you ask at the front desk and show my post, somebody-

oh no, I'm supposed to be at the front desk this morning! I'm so sorry! I don't know what's happening right now- I'm at the hospital in [Room Number] scheduled to have my leg set in a cast this afternoon. They're worried about a concussion, but I don't think I was hit all that badly?

They brought me a catalogue of wheelchairs to look through for once I'm released. I didn't realize there are so many colors for them now!

Jun. 13th, 2023




Roy, dear, I just wanted to check in on you. How are you feeling? Do you need any more magazines? Meals?

Father's day is coming up this weekend and it has me thinking of my own papa.

When I think of him, I always picture him pulling a giant tuna up main street. Oh, it wasn’t a real tuna. It was made of chrysanthemums. It was the float in the Founder’s Day Parade. You probably don’t know this, but my home town was founded by Heinrich von Anderdonnen. The first man to ever can tuna in its own natural juices.

Anyway, it was the 50th anniversary celebration of the founding of our town, and my father was chosen to pull the float. He thought it was because he had the newest tractor, but actually it was ‘cause he was the only one small enough to fit in the mayonnaise jar costume. Oh, I’ll never forget the moment we caught sight of him, turning off of Sycamore onto Elm. Something must have happened to the tractor, 'cause there he was, this lone little mayonnaise jar dragging this giant tuna up the hill, past the reviewing stand. I don’t think I’ve been prouder in my life.

..Except maybe the day that I won first place at the county fair for my cheesemaking!

Jun. 9th, 2023




The next time somebody comes down with this so-called 'Angel Fever', please let me know. I would like to be present when this 'angel' comes to visit.

[Private to Addie]
May I make a request for your bookshop?




Well. Any temptation I had to go check out that festival just went down the drain.

Father Andrew might sound like he's your regular PTA mom selling brownies but I'm good on that spiritual connection thing. I already saw an angel this week. I'm cool. We're good. Keep your Ka.

Jun. 2nd, 2023




I've been checking around, but no luck yet. Does anyone know if there's a dance studio here?




I have a confession to make. I haven't been completely honest with everybody. Oh, I've told a handful of people in private, and I'm sure some of you might've already guessed, but I'm not who you might think. For most of my existence, I've been pretending to be something else out of fear and pressure, but coming to Dunwich has shown me that I don't have to hide who I am.

I am an angel. Literally. From Heaven, although that bit is a little complicated right now. I've had a bit of a falling out with Heaven, a disagreement caused in part by stopping Armageddon from taking place, and in part by being close friends with a demon. So, I'm not exactly welcome there anymore, but I'm most definitely not Fallen. I still have my angelic perks, so to speak.

I feel so much better now.

Jun. 1st, 2023




I’ve never been to a prom before, and now I can say I have.
WHAT: Rose and Aziraphale walk home after prom
WHERE: Dunwich
WHEN: BACKDATED, Evening, 26 May
STATUS: Complete!
Read more... )

May. 30th, 2023





Hey angel dude

I found these in the antique shop.

((there is a photo of the funko pops, from the plot, on a shelf))

I thought you might want to see them. The one with the white wings definitely has an un-fucking-canny a resemblance to you and they were both next to some old theology textbooks.

The guy at the counter says he doesn't know where they came from and doesn't care what I do with them. Do you want them?

Also, I think I fucking died and I

May. 23rd, 2023




[Private to Rose Nylund]
Hello. We've never really written directly before, so I'm not sure if you know who I am. My name is Aziraphale, and I've been told that I've "won" you as a date, which now that I'm writing it down sounds awful.