Dunwich: A Creepypasta Panfandom Game


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Posts Tagged: '%E2%97%8C+inactive:+bucky+barnes'

Apr. 2nd, 2023




[Natasha and Bucky]
Now that the town isn't exploding and I've managed to shake this flu, there's something I haven't mentioned. But this telepathic bird turned up and I can't really ignore it anymore I swear it's not an April Fools thing and I need you to at least pretend you're not laughing (yes that means you Bucky).

[...] I can talk to birds. Telepathically. Ever since we came back from the Snap. I've done a ton of web searches and couldn't find anyone else talking about coming back with weird powers so no, I don't have answers for literally any of your questions. It's weird as hell and for a while I wasn't convinced I wasn't just losing imagining it but I've got actual outside confirmation now thanks to Tobias. So. That's a thing.

Apr. 1st, 2023




Steve's missing. Chrissy's missing. They're gone from the network.


Robin, Nancy, if I can't find Eddie, I'm going past the Ghost Line to look for him. I'm not losing him again.




Have any of you ever seen a movie at Twilight Time Movie Theater? If not, you're in luck. I honestly wouldn't bother unless you're into movies you've never heard of playing in black and white. I am a movie connoisseur, and I cannot recommend it. I will watch almost anything, and I cannot recommend it.

Also, I'm from 1986, so hit me with your best movies from 1986 on. What would you recommend to someone who had been cryogenically frozen from early 1986 and woke up now.

Annnnnd go.

Mar. 30th, 2023




Well, this is very unexpected.

We really communicate with these? Can anyone see this?

Mar. 24th, 2023




Right. I am leaving the hospital... now. Don't expect to hear from me for at least sixteen hours.

[added next day:]
Or maybe a little longer. I feel like shit.

Mar. 23rd, 2023




After the other day, I kind of realized we might need to up our game on preparing people for this. I know a few of us are storing away a stockpile here or there. Maybe it's time we pool our resources and start teaching people how to fight back.

Grand opening of a new gun range at Open Carrie this weekend. It's nothing fancy, but anyone who wants to learn to aim or just get some practice in or advice is welcome to drop by this weekend.




Hey everyone.

I guess I fucked up. Sorry for scaring you.

Should be out of the clinic in a day or two. Unless Bucky breaks my legs to keep me here. Or Sam sits on me.

I should probably apologize for being a reckless asshole, too. But, I did help people get to safety, and I took down two ghosts. So, reckless asshole or not, it helped.

Mar. 20th, 2023




Earlier this week, you all received a message that Melina Vostokoff's account was deleted. After searching for her, checking the network that Carol created, and some magical spells, it appear Melina is no longer here. We can only assume that she disappeared the way we all arrive. Until we see that happen with someone, we only have that assumption.

You got any plans tonight? I was thinking a girl's night. Some cocktails, some TV, maybe some face masks and doing each other nails. Ordinarily, I'd pay for a spa to do all of that, but sometimes you just wanna have a night in.

You game?

Mar. 19th, 2023




[Barnes + Grimm]
The magic people did something with magic and figured out Melina isn't in town, so you can stop looking.





Steve Rogers & Bucky Barnes

BACKDATED - Just after this | Talk of violence, mind wiping, abuse, and not nice things from Bucky's past

Maybe Bucky had answers.
Read more... )

Mar. 16th, 2023




[Text to Bucky Barnes]
» Have you seen Melina anywhere today?
ETA: [Separate (but same) Text to John Grimm + Sheriff Pike]
» I have a missing person and I need your help.




Ten days.

That's how long I've been here.

And still no one's tried to kill me.

I'm not sure how I feel about that. I mean, I know it's a good thing. It's just. Unexpected.




Please don't let me punch a customer in the face. Please don't let me punch a customer in the face. Please don't let me punch a customer in the face.

The next person who screams at me is going to find out just how hard I can hit.

Mar. 13th, 2023



[Voice-To-Text Post]

I had very bad experience with coffee this morning. Very cranky customer service and very cranky customers. It almost feels like home. A little odd for Dunwich.

[ooc: this is a reference to the hedge maze plot.]

Mar. 12th, 2023




So I left the house this morning with the goal of trying to track down any possible leads into the whereabouts of my missing sister, and somehow ended up becoming the owner of a detective agency.

This town really is strange. Still if anyone is looking for a job; and has experience with investigation work, forensics, or served with law enforcement/military, feel free to swing by or drop me a line. Tracked N' Solved Detective Agency isn't very large, but there's enough room and desks for a few folks to claim.

Mar. 10th, 2023




Not sure whose things were in the washer on our floor, but that coin operated washer and dryer in the basement was pretty handy. Why didn't anyone mention this before? Saved me one hell of a trip into town.

[Alison Heywood]

Alison, I wanted to thank you again for your help with the clothes. I honestly can't remember the last time I had things that fit me this well.

[Grimm and Bucky]

So, when is my next training session?




[ALLCAPS - Sam/Bucky/Steve]
I guess Bucky's had time to go over the important stuff. So. Any questions?

Mar. 6th, 2023




No. No. I can't...

I haven't missed a meeting in two years.

This isn't...

What is Dunwich? Why did someone give me this phone? It isn't mine.




Someone I knew said there's usually a causality between people with strength showing up and the number of threats that happen because of that. It's not an at-fault situation so much as that's what happens when you get a bunch of heightened or super skilled people, the rest of the world tries to follow. The Avengers, from my world, were there to help stop those who intended to harm people.

I've been thinking about the charity I plan to run, and along with it, I want us to be prepared for the potential eventuality that things place is going to throw at us. Lobster/scorpions, vampires, the locals, — who knows what else this place has in store for us. I want to be prepared.

I know the subject of powers and skill sets can be a touchy one so if you're not comfortable telling anyone — or even me — that's completely fine. If you want to share it privately, I'm good at keeping secrets. I'd like to know who we have here in case of various scenarios.




A moment of your attention, if you will!

Some of you may be surprised by my rather delayed introduction—don't lie, I know you've enjoyed the foreboding anticipation of my inevitable presence here on the network—but I was waylaid by a very intriguing proposal submitted to me by the good people of this fine town and, to be honest, I kind of forgot about the rest of you.

But I digress!

For those of you who are unaware, I am Loki. God of Mischief! Prince of Asgard! Former King of Asgard! Rightful King of Jotunheim! Your savior! And now your resident beacon of goodwill and religious emissary.

Basically I'm the new town preacher. They even gave me a lovely collar. I've modified it slightly. Gold always looked better around my neck. I'm sure the rest of you would agree. The black is also very slimming. Still trying to incorporate green into the look. Maybe I'll get a sash or something. I'm open to suggestions.

Anyway! Services are sporadic. Day, night, Sunday, Wednesday, Taco Tuesday. Whenever I'm in the mood to give an inspiring speech about literally whatever I want because the people here don't seem to notice the difference between a sermon on spinach-artichoke dip or the Sacred Timeline. It's a lot of fun! I promise. You should come. Totally not a cult. Don't let anyone tell you it's cult. Nope. Not at all. Not even close. Purely nondenominational fun. Maybe a little chaos. Just a smidgeon. Someone always brings cookies. Sometimes they're frosted! I tried one. Didn't die. No indigestion. Totally not under the influence of whatever could have been in the communion Kool-Aid. But I am a god, so, you know. There's that.

Right! So now that we're all on the same page! I'm off to tend to my wayward flock. This is going to be great. Absolutely nothing could possibly go wrong.

Wink, wink.




I got a bit derailed on going to the lake, but Giga-lobsters can be found on the beach. Spotted one tonight. There didn't seem to be any others in the area so it might have just wandered over looking for food or might have moved there to avoid competition, but it was in the shallows so salt water doesn't seem to bother it. I also managed to get a scan with one of my drones. I don't know enough about animal anatomy to fully analyse it, but I can tell you it's definitely not a lobster, or a crayfish for that matter. It's got to be some kind of sea scorpion, I think. Can anyone at the university see if the library there has information on eurypterids? It'll be in the paleontology section. Best thing we could get is some kind of anatomical information we can compare to.

I will say there's something inside the tail that isn't there in a lobster and when I google scorpion anatomy it looks uncomfortably similar. I can't say without a sample for Redwing to analyse but it could be venomous, which means you definitely should not be eating the tail willy-nilly. If it is it's probably just luck that no one's gotten sick yet.

tl;dr: Sea scorpions, not lobsters. Possibly venomous. Do not get stung, do not get pincered, do not eat the tail.

Mar. 4th, 2023



tw: pet death; lobstrocities

Holy —

pet death — gore implied )

Be careful, and if you hear Dad-a-chum? Dum-a-chum? — seriously, just run as fast as you can away from the water.




Universe: Psst. Maya. I heard you were looking for work.
Me: Yeah, I was sort of thinking about it, why?
Universe: You think you could sell things?
Me: Sure, I guess so.
Universe: And you like clothes, right?
Me: Absolutely!
Universe: And weddings.
Me: Y-- Wait, what?

Look, I'm not saying I hate weddings or anything. I can appreciate all the planning that goes into them, and the food and the dressing up and the dancing. They're perfectly nice events... as a guest. I am not the type of person who idly browses bridal magazines or dreams of my ideal reception or particularly wishes to work in the industry.

But you know, a job is a job, and I do know clothes. Therefore I, Maya Lopez, am pleased(?) to announce that I am officially your go to for bridal party sartorial advice. In case anyone needs that sort of thing.

Mar. 3rd, 2023




Has anyone seen any cats here in town? I'm having great difficulty summoning my cat, and I'm wondering if this dimension has de jure arcana against cats. I would quite like to have my cat.

Mar. 1st, 2023




Someone gave me this... thing and said it's a phone? But I can send messages on it? I think she was confused, she kept insisting it was mine, but she at least realized I didn't know what to do with it and showed me how to send messages at least. The keys are so small.

I was... just in New York. Was supposed to report to a training camp in the morning, Camp Lehigh? Anyone hear of it? Or how I can get there? It's kind of my last chance, I really can't miss this,

Oh, my name is Steve. Steve Rogers. Hello.




I understand there is already considerable concern about these vampires, and I do not wish to cause any more alarm, but there are also lobsters.

Feb. 28th, 2023





Guess I get to be the new guy around here, but hey, technology for the win! Glad to have modern tech and things again. Senku Ishigami here.

So, are we going with multiverse theory to explain what I've been reading so far? What's the working conspiracy theory?

Feb. 27th, 2023




I just have to say -- this is definitely the weirdest thing that's ever happened to me. And I go to a school full of werewolves, sirens, and gorgons. Among other categories.




I got a letter saying I'm enrolled in school. Seriously? That's so juvenile and pointless. Besides, there's no way I can be at school at 7:45, I'm never up before ten. Minimum. Ugh.

Anyway, if I'm going to be fighting vampires at all, I'm going to need a way to get more supplies. Mostly the Greek Fire and shrapnel canisters. The ones I have are specifically designed for agents so there's probably not anything like them already here. Anyone feel like having a look and figuring out if they can manage something?

Feb. 25th, 2023




They weren't kidding when they said this place just hands out jobs. Walked into a store the other day and was practically handed an interview. Weird.

Guess who's the newest employee at Open Carrie? Yeah, I know, weird name. Anyway, if you're looking for ammo or hunting supplies, I guess I got an inn.

[Natasha and Okoye]

I also figured this might be a good opportunity for us to stock up on supplies we might need in the future. I know the locals have been docile, but my gut tells me that might not last for long.