Dunwich: A Creepypasta Panfandom Game


panfandom creepypasta



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Posts Tagged: '%E2%97%8C+inactive:+kate+bishop+2'

Mar. 1st, 2024




The Up & Up's Grand Opening
Join us! )
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Feb. 23rd, 2024




This town is weirder than I thought. There's doppleganger demon types around, and it's like some of the locals know about them, but DON'T know about them.

And for some reason, this old woman's doppleganger wanted pickled beets.

Why pickled beets?

Canned spinach, I get, but pickled beets?

Feb. 22nd, 2024




Can anyone shed any light on why this entire town stinks of the grave right now? Everywhere I go, dirt and rot and death. It's as though it's following me.


Have you smelled it? Seen it? It was there when I walked you to work, again. And just outside the house.




Geepers. Can't a girl catch a break between apocalypses? Ugh.

Hi. I'm Buffy. Put me down for cranky and confused, or something. This is way, way above my paygrade. Also, is this fancypants cell serious? Is this seriously the right year?! 'Cause. Get out.

Feb. 20th, 2024




Would you say it's psychotic behavior to have an entire wall as your personal bar and only fill it with whisky?

On a similar topic, tell me your go to drink. I need to expand the Hellkids Home Bar.

Feb. 11th, 2024





Feb. 2nd, 2024




February 2, 2024
Clint & Kate
"What kind of stupid question was that?"
The mean steets of Dunwich | pg | ⚠ TBD
Read more... )

Jan. 28th, 2024




I realize this is a little different than the standard, but the MIST clinic is officially going to be taking donations from people willing to donate blood to vampires. We have a special form for you to fill out because you should always be informed and consent to where your blood is going to.

If you would like to donate blood, please let me know if you want your blood donated only for the injured or the sick or for vampire consumption. You can do one or the other or both. Sign up here for donations.

Vampires: let me know what your needs are: how much blood you need and how often.

Jan. 19th, 2024




We've had enough sightings and kidnappings going around that I'm formally activating the MIST Emergency Protocols. I know we still have to work, and still want to go out, so I'm asking those in Search and Rescue, Fighting, and Magic divisions to offer themselves here on this post if people need someone to go with them to school, work, the bar, your shopping. I realize it's not as glamorous as full on fighting these things, but you never know when something is going to come back.

If you run into anything out there, please give us as detailed of a description — visuals, smells, sounds, anything — as you can give. Locations. If you managed to injure it. If you managed to kill it, bring it back to MIST would be ideal so we can study it.

Thank you to all the volunteers. Remember, if you're interested, we have four divisions you can volunteer for: Search and Rescue (requires specific training), Fighting (you have fighting skills), Magic (some of this is fighting, some of this is other spell thing), and then Medical/Healing. You can let me know if you'd like to volunteer here with which department(s) you'd like to volunteer for.

  • Nikolai Lantsov
  • Lance Alvarez McClain
  • Clint Barton
  • Layla El-Faouly
  • Kate Bishop
  • Kate Pryde
  • Meggan
  • Lux Crownguard
  • Helmut Zemo
  • Jake Pentecost
  • Percy Jackson
  • Spock
  • Erwin Smith
  • Carter Bennet
  • Lexa
  • Bucky Barnes

Jan. 10th, 2024





How do you keep a landshark from eating a hedgehog?

Jan. 7th, 2024




Oh no

its too many

Jan. 5th, 2024




So, okay, maybe I shouldn't have get the really wet egg that I got for Christmas. But it wasn't moving, and I couldn't hear anything inside it, so I didn't think destroying it was a big priority, right?

I was so wrong.

This morning, it opened up. I swear, I thought the thing inside was going to make me a pod person, but Jeff popped out. Jeff, this is everyone. Everyone, this is Jeff.

Jan. 2nd, 2024




I, uh, understand that not!prom was a garbo night? Like, bad times for all -- and that... sucks. Sorry to whoever went. You all good?

not to change the subject but has anyone else's puff ball pets ...uh... multiplied?

Dec. 27th, 2023




Has anyone else's..egg thing started to do stuff? I think mine's moving this morning.

Dec. 19th, 2023




I hate these gifts.

Dec. 18th, 2023



cw: innuendo

I'm pretty sure today's magical mystical bundle of fucked up fun is actually Satan's Fleshlight.

Dec. 16th, 2023




What the futz. I gave you these Spam Oreos and they're BACK in my apartment? How did you get them in here?
Hypothetically speaking, if I got a job at Mistery Inc, would you be extremely likely to try to kill me?

Dec. 15th, 2023




Spam Oreos, available to anyone willing to have them.
Never touched or open.

I hate that this is a sentence I had to speak into existence.

Dec. 7th, 2023




Just a random thought I had today: that little critter still tucked up all safe and snug and cosy outside Todash?

So it looks like we need a new receptionist. [...] Secretary.

Whatever people call it nowadays.




It's been years since I've had to introduce myself and that was only because we had this substitute teacher who was new to town. Actually, no. I do this a lot, but this feels like the first day of school to me in a brand new town and everything, you know, and I think we're all LEARNING TOGETHER or something like that? Except you guys have no Prince, this isn't a domain and do you know how W-E-I-R-D that is to deal with


- I don't like to tattle, gossip or judge, but the local flavor of vampires is not what I'm used to. Something tells me this is normal for this place?
- But there's the vibes, my dudes. There's wickedly bad vibes hanging around here, like zombies trying to get out of the Hollywood cemetery gates vibes, or haunted hotel vibes with ghosts around every damn corner and underneath every sheet. Tell me if I should stop writing ~vibes~.
- Let's say I was kidnapped, and then kidnapped again and whisked off to this town, is that still a kidnapping or does it count as a rescue?

But hi! I'm Malachi. 😊 How's the sun been?

Dec. 4th, 2023



tw: bullying, anger (evergreen prompt related)

Elora was really cool.  She'd been through some shit, like a lot of us have, and she knew it made her stronger.  She had magic that was different from mine.  We could talk about it and show off our magic to each other.  I was teaching her about music.  She liked the Beatles and 'Round Here.

She was my friend and I miss her. 

It sucks that Ms. Frost is gone too.  School won't be the same.  She knew how to stop the school bully.  I was good at stopping them back home.  It's harder here.  I'm not popular here.  I could use my shine to shut him up.  But I know I shouldn't. 

When I was having a bad day back home, I could go to a garbage dump and destroy stuff with my mind.  I could make old, broken tv sets explode, overturn broken fridges, throw old dishwashers around.  It helped.  When Isabel was here, she let me blow stuff up from the dumpster outside the coffee place, which was okay.  Is there anywhere I can go now to blow up garbage?  Especially big garbage? 

((tw: shine related mental manipulation/violence mentioned in comments))

Nov. 27th, 2023




While I've spent months at a time without sunlight, there is something increasingly disconcerting about being outside without it no matter the time of day. I don't know how most of you have managed this for weeks on end.

Nov. 18th, 2023




Dunwich giveth and Dunwich... fucks us over.

Eponine was a friend. I'll miss her.

Kate B, I spoke too soon. If you still want that job...





Electricity. Finally!

Nov. 16th, 2023




With the power gone out, people are gathering on the beach for food, company, and a little bit of light in these dark times. Exchange batteries, offer up light magic, whatever you need to get through the darkness, there is likely someone out there willing to help. Stop on in and join us, everyone is welcome!

Note: Please use headers for your threads, save my inbox T_T

Nov. 12th, 2023




Damn it. I was counting on Aziraphale taking the penthouse to keep me in the black this month. You'd think dark, gloomy days would be the reason to stock up on reading material, but no.

And Stephen's gone, too...

If anyone needs me, I'll be contemplating insurance fraud. (For legal purposes, that's a joke.)

Nov. 2nd, 2023




Maybe there'll be some fires to fight today. Something to brighten this place up a bit.

I didn't just trip over the sidewalk and land on my face. You did.

Oct. 24th, 2023



present day.

Not this fucking shit again. This town looks vaguely familiar, too, in an almost uncanny valley kind of way. Please don't tell me there's a college here called Derleth.




Can I get help making a running list on how to kill a god?

Oct. 7th, 2023



90s Kurt

Hallo! Das sieht nicht nach Deutschland.
Where am I and what is this device?