Dunwich: A Creepypasta Panfandom Game


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Posts Tagged: '%E2%88%99+plot:+005+bad+moon+rising'

Jun. 30th, 2023




Steve & bucky
WHERE Around Town β€’ WHEN Today
That little guy from Brooklyn. WARNINGS period homophobia
i'm following him. Read more... )




Nice to know I still had good taste in women from whatever time I apparently came from in the 1950s. Decent taste in cars, too. Even if I don't know if that's her car or my car.

Not super sure how I feel about those heels and walking on dirt, but I also think they probably didn't stay on very long after this picture was taken.




Spotted myself in one of those time capsule photos. Looked like I might have been on a date.

I...honestly don't remember what it's like, going on a date. It's been...awhile since I've done one of those.




UMMMM omg I need help? I guess I'm moving downtown tomorrow?

Who here can check for ghosts?




Work wanted me to confirm my change of address today. Went and had a look after the shop closed...

cut for pic )

Definitely enough room for yoga, partly furnished, and a whole lot of my clothes from back home in the walk in closet. Decent sized kitchen, too, but I might end up replacing the bed now I have room to.

Jun. 29th, 2023




I'm sorry if I kept you waiting.
WHAT: Meeting, getting the lay of the land
WHERE: Perkatory
WHEN: Afternoon, 28 June
WARNINGS: small nongraphic reference to Diana's parents being murdered
STATUS: Complete
Read more... )

Jun. 28th, 2023




My name is Luke and I'm

So I guess I should introduce myself. And apologize if I don't recognize you, and I wish I could say that this is my first experience with people knowing me and me having no idea who they are but, you know, I've lived a life.

I'm Luke. Nell did her best to explain all of this to me but I'm still kind of reeling. Actually, if I hear one more weird thing I might just go to bed early.

There should be bingo cards for this town. Anybody get the giant weird lobster space yet? No but I've got the weird haunted statue. Bingo.




I've heard book clubs are a thing. Would there be one in town?

[ diana ]
I have a gift for you. Some tea from Addie's book shop. Or something similar that I was able to find for you.

[ addie ]
I've finished your recommendations. You were correct. The Tin Man would not make for a good Mandalorian. When would be a quiet time to come by and visit again?




Has anyone not found themselves in these time capsule pictures? Can someone tell me if I'm in these or not

Uh, if I wanted to have a little bonfire at the beach, do I have to ask city hall or the sheriff or any other authority for permission or anything like that? Are there even any proper channels to go through for this kind of thing?




I've kind of realized that after this whole Todash thing, that I need to try to learn to fight or at least try to defend myself. Even if that whole Todash space thing was...weird.

On a different note, I never realized how nice the sunrise and sunsets are. I may have to watch them more often.

I found a photo that you were in with me. So, I guess we had a thing in the past. Just wanted to bring this to your attention, so you weren't blindsided.




[Text to Alexis]

Hey, you still up for that game of pool and dinner?




June 28/Morning
Jude and Rose
"Jude had read the sign board on Pickman house five times before she’d given up on trying to understand it"
Pickman House | No Warnings | Complete
Read more... )

Jun. 27th, 2023




ummmmmmm. wednesday??? so besides there being really, really old pics of us, we also have a deed to a house in our names??!!! πŸ˜²πŸ˜²πŸ”ŽπŸ”Ž




Heyyyyyy everybody.

My name's Stella! I'm not quite sure how long I'll be here as I can't find my grimoire at the moment but this is rather a quaint town.

Anyone know of a place a girl can get a drink?




[Text to Din Djarin]
Guess who.





That's a lot to unpack. Here are my highlights, and yes, I took a picture of the pictures. You're welcome.

  • Matt, I'm pretty sure this is us. We look super cute. 90s? Has to be. That skirt looks like crushed velvet.
  • Eadwulf, we look super cute and I think we need to bring polaroids back. I guess we were bffs or something, so that's pretty neat.
  • Stephen Strange, we had a dance in the 1920's. We looked pretty darn cozy.
  • I looked like a classy bitch in the 1950's,
  • But nowhere near as hot as I was in the 90's. I can't link those here, and you can't see them. Unless you did see them before I stole them, because I was pretty... Well, I looked like Hot Topic before it even existed. I'm pretty sure my parents would have locked me away if I dressed like that back home, but Eddie looked amazing and if you haven't seen the pictures of him in his band, please ask him. Please. And ask him to sing, too.

    Last thing, and this isn't me, but does anyone know who this is? I just wanna know about the hat. I just have some questions.

  • [info]scholar



    One of the best things about Dunwich? Learning about all the different kinds of magic and how it could be wielded.
    WHAT: Research & a chance meeting
    WHERE: Carbunkle House
    WHEN: BACKDATED, after prom, before the time capsule?
    STATUS: Complete
    Read more... )




    Did we (as in, those who offered) get these photos and stuff sorted out yet? I unapologetically want to find ones of myself without going through what seems to be hundreds. My ADHD can't live through that much stimulation, okay?

    I just asked for organization. The world is ending. I'm sorry, everyone. It's my fault.




    I wanted to
    I'm sorry about
    I was hoping

    I watched the DVDs. I apologize if I made you feel like I wasn't taking your concern seriously. I believe I understand better now why you were so insistent. I should have recognized that you had a different set of information than I did.




    I got a summer job.

    I didn't apply for any jobs or mean to get one exactly but it'll be nice to have a little extra money. And I think I get an employee discount or family passes at Joyland.

    I work in the wax museum, according to the name tag.




    Enjolras, are you still ill? Did they make you go to the hospital? Addie was threatening it yesterday as she was getting ready to leave the shop, and she left me in charge and I just have so much to share with you- I really hope you're beginning to feel better.

    If you aren't, then..

    Well, I don't know what yet, but I'm not going to be very pleased with you.

    I'm sorry that I haven't reached out to you sooner, but I thought I would see if you were alright and that you made it through the whole monster ordeal unscathed?

    What is one thing that you would suggest somebody new to this time and place try?





    TO: Lance, Lux, Mark
    FROM: Alison
    WHEN: Mid-morning, 27 June
    Special Delivery! Read more... )




    July 4th is a week from today so I figure it's about time I laid out some of the details I've been organising. The town has its own parade that's starting from 10am at the elementary school and finishing about noon at the town hall if anyone wants to watch that and I've managed to book the event space at Dunwich River Park from 2pm onwards as well as a sound system, but we could do with some folding tables for the food. I've talked to a few people about specific things and I'll be bringing some of the same food I made for my cookout back in April, for those of you who were here then. Everyone else, if you can bring a dish, please do, but it's not mandatory or anything. You probably will want a blanket or something to sit on though and let me know if you've got any sports equipment sitting around. At the very least we can get some Ultimate Frisbee going (me and Steve would be on opposite teams, obviously), but baseball's pretty easy to set up and I know some people would be into that too.

    Don't worry if you're not American. It's a holiday for the locals because it's Independence Day, but for us this is just a good excuse for a party. There also won't be any fireworks if you're worried about the explosion sounds - even if some of us didn't really, really hate them, they're illegal in Massachusetts anyway. It's just gonna be music, food, and good times.

    Jun. 26th, 2023




    I won your date. I still haven't claimed it. What if we plotted a surprise date for Richie? Make it seem like the three of us are going to hang out, and then woops. Where'd Beverly go?








    I have been given this thing to speak to others on.
    I do not understand the purpose. Why not speak to people directly?

    I also am having a problem with sneezing in this world and I do not like it.




    Jim Hopper
    Yelena Belova
    WHAT: Hopper & Yelena Go to the park.
    WHERE: A normal park in Dunwich not far from Pickman
    WHEN: Sunday, June 26
    WARNINGS:TBD; Cursing tho for sure
    STATUS: In Progress

    In some way, he thought maybe he could help her create a new memory, a good one that would let her have a little fun. To know it was okay to have fun, even as an adult. Read more... )




    Jen Shepard
    WHO Jen Shepard β€’ WHERE her room in the Pickman β€’ WHEN June 20th, late night
    Being in Dunwich means having time to think, like it or not. WARNINGS Allusions to death and violence as well as wounds physical and not physical, romantic pining
    An ordinary wall, part of an ordinary room, in an ordinary building. Read more... )




    Misty & Eddie
    (Backdated) June 25, Morning | MIST

    ⚠ TBD. Will update as needed.
    Read more... )




    Iorek Byrnison
    WHAT: Lyra's Search Party
    WHERE: The Forest
    WHEN: June 26th

    It had been a long night Read more... )