Dunwich: A Creepypasta Panfandom Game


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Posts Tagged: '%E2%97%8C+inactive:+din+djarin'

Sep. 23rd, 2023




Sword Practice/Training is now available at MIST on Mondays starting at 5:30 pm.

Several skills and those just starting will be present as well, so please do not feel anxiety as we have volunteers to help train and spar at all levels. Thank you to those who provided help with offering their skills, targets, hand made swords, and the rapiers that are available to those who would use them.

And apparently I've been formally tasked with teaching meditation at the gym. All ages, stages of knowledge, or those curious are of course welcome.

Sep. 9th, 2023




WHERE downtown Dunwich • WHEN september 9, evening • WARNINGS absolute fluff overload
He'd told Yelena seven o'clock but he'd left a little early. Mostly to make sure that he didn't change his mind at the last second due to nerves. Read more... )

Sep. 8th, 2023



[tw: bodily injury, blood]

[Magic users]
Are any healers available to heal a minor cut? It's on my hand. Seems shallow. Tried waiting it out but it refuses to close on its own.

Could you close up again today, please?

[Stephen Strange]
I've been trying to reach Luc. Since you talked him into leaving in the first place, I thought maybe

[A&C Salvage]
This may be a long shot but I recently wrapped my car around a tree. Locals have told me it's beyond repair. Could you take a look? If not, it's yours to scrap.

Sep. 7th, 2023




WHERE Mistery Inc. • WHEN thursday
WHAT a bounty hunter walks into a detective agency
The only hard part was making sure Grogu didn't eat everything in the bag before they got to the investigative firm. Read more... )

Sep. 6th, 2023




[Natasha, Jake, Sabrina, Julia, Harry, Ben Kenobi, Din Djarin]
The thing with my vision after the church - turns out there was a little piece of glass that was causing the trouble. I have it if you want to study it, Julia or Harry. Sabrina and Jake - I'm not sure who else was having the same trouble as me. But Ben Kenobi is who removed it and he can help others too, just have them talk to him.




Saturday Aug 26 | Late
"I like wanting you here."
Din's room | F for Fluff | ⚠ Discussions of Vecna-related things, Red Room related things
Read more... )

Sep. 5th, 2023




[ Padmé ] : I'm going to inquire about getting work so I can contribute to necessary funding. I was thinking of asking the task force they have here...I'm already offering to train and help with swords. I can't help but think it would be a waste if I didn't offer my true skills.

Do you think this is a good idea?

[ Natasha ] : I hope you are doing considerably well after all you've been through. Yelena was concerned but she did a very good job in keeping things in order while you were out. Not that I needed to tell you, but she's very good at what she does.

She also told me I needed to inquire officially with you about a time slot for Sword Practice at MIST. I thought Mondays for two hours sometime in late morning to noon would be alright. Please let me know your thoughts and anything else I need to do on the matter.

[ Sheriff Hopper ] : Are you the right one to contact if I would like to inquire about a job in helping with the defenses and peace keeping in town?

[ Yelena ] : How are you feeling?

[ Din Djarin ] : Thank you for helping me. I take it the youngling is doing well?

Aug. 23rd, 2023




I see there are many who are in need of healing, Yelena and the other volunteers have organized a place for you to come to at MIST in order to rest and wait. Those who can heal, if you would gather so we may utilize our energy together and give those who are using more energy for more difficult wounds backup to rest. Working together and having a space with others so no one gets overwhelmed is best. If you are too damaged to get here yourself let me know and we’ll make accommodations for you.

On another note, on the subject of those who had wanted to start that sword training together, once everyone is well of course—is anyone skilled in woodworking I can commission to make and assortment of practice swords? Possibly with necessary enhancements to take blows from our super strengthened friends and even the practice field.




Now that things are cooling off a little bit, I have questions.

1. Has anyone noticed anything weird about themselves since The Shitty Shattering? That's what I'm calling the time we raided the church and fucked up their window and then it grew back.

2. Has anyone noticed any weird memory gaps since the Battle of the Brains? That's what I'm calling that time we had a dance fight something something psychics vs Fuckface.

Aug. 13th, 2023




If anyone needs Natasha right now [...] no, you don't. Find me instead.

Aug. 3rd, 2023




Read more... )




djarin & grogu
WHERE Pickman House • WHEN right after this
WARNINGS mentions of violence, abduction, kidnapping but all FLUFF
To be fair, Grogu had been in much worse places before. Read more... )

Aug. 2nd, 2023




[Addie, Pamela, Sabrina, Chrissy]
So my birthday's coming up on the 13th. I'm thinking of having a sleepover the night before- the 12th? Would you ladies be interested in coming over to celebrate with me?

I meant to message out to thank everyone for coming out after our last meeting. I think I'd like to set a standing date for a monthly meeting- perhaps the second Thursday of each month? If we need to meet up between these meets we can certainly do so, or meet up in smaller groups as needed, but I think once a month might be a good starting point. I'm open to hosting at my house, or we can find other places if you'd like as well.

Less than a month before we're back to school. Am I ready for my classes? Perhaps not as ready as I should be.

The beach party was wonderful, though- thank you for setting that up, Sookie and Sabrina!

Aug. 1st, 2023




Someone seems to have accidentally mistaken me for someone else and has given me their transmitter. Would anyone be kind enough to direct me on how to return it to them?

I can't sense There's an odd obstruction around the area encompassing the town and further. Does anyone have a ship that can get through, per chance?

Jul. 25th, 2023




Hello, my name is Senator Padmé Amidala. I'm afraid that I'm not familiar with this world. Can someone please tell me what sector it is in, and where I can find a ship to hire to take me back to Coruscant?

Jul. 24th, 2023





[ooc: cw for canine pregnancy]

Jul. 17th, 2023




I have set aside some time this Wednesday morning 11:00 AM at Pagemaster for the first book club meeting. This is for anyone interested. Please be respectful to the owner and her staff as they have been very generous in letting us share the space.

The first book will be chosen at random at the meeting, unless everyone can unanimously agree on one together. It will be a good way for all of us to meet and get to know one another.

[ pretty lobster ]
I heard there was a murder in town. You know anything about it?

[ addie & eponine ]
Thank you again for letting me use your bookshop for the club meeting. Can I bring you both lunch?

Jul. 15th, 2023




WHO Yelena + Din • WHERE Din's room at Pickman • WHEN Earlier this week
We need to talk. WARNINGS Mentions of canon-related noncon, red room related past, and some intimacy and lots of kissing with ftb
“Watch your head, pretty lobster. Or I’ll have to put the helmet on you.” Read more... )




She didn't stick around very long.

[Sam Wilson]
You know John Walker, yes? What's your take on him?
We talked.
When are you going to teach me how to make not boxed macaroni?
Are you talking to me yet?

Jul. 7th, 2023




Checked out Joyland. Something's definitely up.

• I found a copy of myself in the wax museum... temporarily. I went to check the others and when I came back it was gone. No, I didn't imagine it.
• Less sure if I was imagining the creepiness in the Mirror Mansion. I feel like the reflections were moving by themselves occasionally, but it was only ever in the corner of my eye. TBD.
• I didn't go through the Horror House because the line was really long, which seems weird in itself. The ferris wheel and merry-go-round were pretty normal though.

Jul. 5th, 2023




WHERE Pickman house, Din's room • WHEN backdated to saturday, july 1
WARNINGS pg13 (some canoodling)
Whether she was pulling him closer or pushing him away, she didn’t know - and that was the part that actually scared her - just a little. And that fear was annoying. Read more... )

Jul. 2nd, 2023





Jun. 28th, 2023




I've heard book clubs are a thing. Would there be one in town?

[ diana ]
I have a gift for you. Some tea from Addie's book shop. Or something similar that I was able to find for you.

[ addie ]
I've finished your recommendations. You were correct. The Tin Man would not make for a good Mandalorian. When would be a quiet time to come by and visit again?

Jun. 27th, 2023




[Text to Din Djarin]
Guess who.

Jun. 17th, 2023




I've got a lot of things to talk about, all of it MIST related. Don't worry, I'll get to the Bad Moon Festival, but I want to get this out of the way.

We need a group of emergency responders in various fields. Search and Rescue, Fighting, Magic, Medical/Healing. Search and Rescue and Fighting will be training with two new MIST recruits — Peggy Carter or Carol Danvers. They'll be swapping back and forth for a wider variety of training in those positions. There is a sign-up sheet at MIST.

Secondly, we have come up with an arrival protocol that will help everyone who arrives. For everyone, we'll have a care package with basic necessities. They'll be picked up when you get your Key and room at Pickman. We'll have a group of volunteer guides for those who are 20 and younger to help them out. After discovering that one of our own had no food in her apartment, we don't want this to happen again. The guide's job is to make sure the person is settling in, to get them acclimated to Dunwich. If a new arrival is over 20, there is an opt-in program for those who come from other planets, worlds, and time periods who may need help learning this world or upgraded technology. You can find more information on this program here.

Thirdly, in the interest of fostering community, MIST will be hosting bi-weekly meals on Tuesdays from 6-8pm. Sometimes, these may be a potluck. Sometimes, they may be food catered in by MIST. They might be as simple as a pizza party or something more extravagant.

One final MIST update, those of you are twenty and younger will be allotted a livable wage through MIST, whether you're working or not. This amount is based on whether you are working or not and the difference will make it a livable wage. Every other Friday, you will need to meet with your guide to receive your stipend check.

And finally, I'll be making my way to the Todash Tavern this week to find out what's going on with this Bad Moon Festival. Because our emergency responders are not in place yet, I highly recommend that only those with fighting and magical skills attend the Todash or the festival. That's a lot of us, and frankly, I'm not willing to leave the towns people to the whims of some maniacal church.

If you have questions about any part of this, let me know. I'd also like to take a moment to thank Katniss, Adam, Lance, Jake, and Mobius for helping with the arrival protocols.

Jun. 12th, 2023




WHERE black rock beach • WHEN early EARLY morning • WARNINGS faceless Mandalorian, language
Naturally, he chased after the helmet-thieving crustacean. Read more... )

Jun. 4th, 2023




House hunting really is something around these parts, isn't it? I really am beginning to feel like Goldilocks, a little too picky about what I want. And I know I could probably fix things up, but then there's the decision of renting or buying, and buying feels like such a commitment when none of us know how long we're here for and why does every realtor assume I want midcentury modern when I've told them specifically that isn't what I want? Rude.

Has anyone actually figured out what this Bad Moon festival is coming up? I can't seem to get any answers from anyone when I ask around.

Jun. 1st, 2023




WHERE pagemaster (bookshop) • WHEN wednesday, late afternoon • WARNINGS mentions of violence
In fact, getting to sit inside somewhere warm and cozy was the perfect way to start his new hobby. Read more... )

May. 22nd, 2023




WHERE the local bookshop • WHEN afternoon, monday
getting to know the local firedrake WARNINGS dragon things, fire, mentions of magic
A mandalorian walked into a bookshop looking for a dragon Read more... )

May. 17th, 2023




So I had a TA stop by my apartment this morning and hand me a pile of graded tests. I guess I have taken a job that I never applied for as the new Ethics professor. I was told this happened but I didn't really believe it.