Dunwich: A Creepypasta Panfandom Game


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Posts Tagged: 'fallout:+nick+valentine'

May. 26th, 2024




Huh. Weather's not so bad lately.

Could do with a little less pollen in the air, though.

May. 17th, 2024




Let's play a game, shall we?

Call it a Friday meme.

Kill, marry, fuck. Dunwich style.

Color me curious and bored.

As I don't know many here, allow me.

Kill: Sam Winchester
Marry: I'd say Castiel. We got along smashing at one point.
Fuck: Dean, of course.

May. 1st, 2024





Please, no.

Apr. 30th, 2024




I have a few positions which have opened up, several of them are extremely important.

Head of Security: this position will monitor threats around Dunwich via email, online, police scans, etc for any strangeness going on that we may need to deploy our emergency responders. You will also work closely with the Dunwich PD, particularly Mistake PD members.

Head of Research: You will be responsible for managing our researchers and putting together the documentation that we keep on file of all the strange things that have happened to Dunwich as a whole, individuals who tell you something happened to them, and anything we have found on the town. This information will be available to all Mistakes through our online network. This includes: labeling photographs and items from the time capsule we found in June of last year, as well as cataloging gifts that people received — during the holidays or not.

Head of Research & Development: This position is not the same as above. It's strictly a science position. Updating the network, updating our servers, creating new gadgets for people. Updated changes to the Ghost Line. This position belonged to Tony Stark and then Spock after that, if that tells you what I'm looking for.

None of these positions are first come, first server. You will be interviewed, and your skills assessed.

Apr. 27th, 2024




A woman gave me this phone and said it was mine.   I tried to return it.  She was very insistent that it was mine. 

Does it belong to anyone on this network?  I would be happy to return it to you, especially if in return, you could let me know where the nearest gateway to Krakoa is.  I'm Lost lost.

Apr. 11th, 2024




He said this message goes to everybody. I see the other messages from other people, so I guess mine will go under theirs?



Apr. 8th, 2024



tw claustrophobia

I hate that this is happening right now. I should just, be better, it's been years, I was doing better. I need to be here for him, I don't have time to be like this.

I've only been here for a few months but it seems like I'm not the only person who's kind of having a hard time right now, judging by the network. This feels like a rain or lobster thing.

It isn't just my imagination, right?


Hey, quick favor? Can you grab some tools for me from in the shed and stick them outside for me? I'll leave a note with which ones I need. I'll do whatever extra outside you want, I just can't go in the shed.





TW: ongoing psychosomatic blindness

Is it possible to make light bulbs and the light tubes glow brighter? Do we need to turn up the electricity?

Apr. 7th, 2024




[Filtered: 20+ adults]

With what seems like constant shifting of people, I'd like to reach out and verify, on behalf of Data and myself as the outreach staff for under 20 year olds, if any newer adults would have interest in acting as a guide for anyone under the age of 20 who arrives here. We have two who are currently in need of a guide due to recent disappearances.

If you are interested, please comment below with a brief summary of any relevant experience or contacts here who possibly could verify/testify on your behalf.

[Filtered: Tandy Bowen and Abigail Hobbs, plus Data and Natasha]

Hello Tandy and Abigail,

It's come to our attention that you two have recently lost your guides. I'm sorry to hear that, but we are here to support you both still. Would you have any adult in mind who could be your guide? Otherwise, we can assign someone for you to ensure you do have a guide.

Mar. 19th, 2024




Benedict stopped replying to me earlier and he never came up to meet me at lunch. I've checked the art store and he isn't there.

Could- would anybody be willing to come out and look for him with me?

Mar. 17th, 2024




If Becky is somehow behind this madness, I swear...

Anyway, I should probably say hello. Sam Winchester. Just walked through the weird mist thing. I'll keep it short and simple for right now.

Mar. 10th, 2024




Did I or did I not enter the Truman Show in the last five minutes? Legally you're obligated to tell me or my name isn't John McClane. Which it IS... NOT. It's Larry. Sherbet. Sorry. We can't always choose our names, it's fine. It's fine.

Everything is fine. Just cold. When did Florida get so cold?! It's not Florida. I get it. !!!!

Am I in New York!? No. It smells too good comparatively and the The Truman Show wasn't in New York. Damnit. I give. SOMEONE TELL ME I'M AT LEAST NOT IN CANADA

OR PUNK'D IS ASHTON KUTCHER HERE? 'Cause I'm ready for the photo op.

Mar. 5th, 2024




I am grateful for the opportunity to study here. I never had the chance back home. I am leaning strongly towards a political science type degree.

I'm also thinking about trying out for the soccer team next fall. I truly enjoy playing the sport.

Feb. 28th, 2024




If I never see another lobster (or lobster-type creature) again it'll be too soon.




What do we think happens in March? I wasn't here, last year, but beware the ides of March and all.

Feb. 23rd, 2024




So I've been hearing rumors about the parade that's supposed to be tomorrow.

I'm taking a sick day off from my day job to be there and keep an eye on it, but it seems like things happen around community events around here. I'd advise caution if you're going to any celebrations, and reporting anything weird you might see even if they don't appear harmful just so others can keep an eye out.

Hopefully it'll just be a parade and a celebration for the community, but all the same.

Feb. 20th, 2024





Flyers are also posted around town

I'm pleased to announce that we have an opening date! The Up & Up, the new club and karaoke lounge in town. We have private rooms for karaoke, as well as the grand stage, all on the main level, opening starting at 3pm on March 2nd. Our dance club is downstairs, and the nightclub will be open Thursdays to Sundays.

So come join us on March 1st! Doors open at 7pm.




Would you say it's psychotic behavior to have an entire wall as your personal bar and only fill it with whisky?

On a similar topic, tell me your go to drink. I need to expand the Hellkids Home Bar.

Feb. 3rd, 2024




I am somewhat perplexed by this social gathering. I understand the social and biological imperative for humans to gather in groups, but the failure to understand the precise function of the Lobster Festival other than merriment and partaking in the local cuisine.

Is there more, other than the economical windfall this may bring the town?

But Enid, I believe I may have need of your wisdom regarding 'content' now.

I do not wish to pry, but simply inquire as to whether you have been been well since your ordeal. I may not know much of human emotions, but I have often been told that I am easy to vent [TO QUOTE THE URBAN DICTIONARY: 'To vent is to let off steam by saying everything that's on your mind, usually out of anger.' Its alternate definition would be ill-advised on a starship.] to.
Dahj previously asked you to You previously mentioned a granddaughter. Would you be willing to give pa I am afraid that I may require parenting advice, Mr Sanchez. Would you be willing to give it?
[Q of the Q]
Please accept my sincerest regrets that I was not able to welcome you to Dunwich, Q. Have you been well here?
I hope I am not disturbing you, Miss Crain. May I ask if you are comfortable with androids?

Feb. 1st, 2024





Jan. 17th, 2024




Was I really gone for eight days? I swear it was just a few hours. A few hours of terrifying monster, but still a few hours.

And now there's monsters all over the place? Did I bring them

Are you all okay? I saw Addie's notice about me disappearing and then everyone saying they were coming to get me. Tell me that none of you got injured or worse?
I am so sorry. I didn't think I'd be gone that long.

Jan. 15th, 2024




My name is La'an Noonien-Singh. I arrived here four days ago.

Approximately twenty-four hours ago I was tracking one of your monsters that came through the fog in an attempt to head it off from crossing the ghost line and threatening larger population centers. Only when the creature got to the boundary it was unable to cross.

I then decided to patrol the ghost line. Twice I witnessed creatures unable to cross the boundary.

Having read previous encounters of monsters regarding the ghost line, I have a working theory. Please tell me if this aligns with your experiences or if any of my facts are wrong.

ONE: monsters that enter Dunwich within the parameters the ghost line are unable to get out.

TWO: people that cross the ghost line and have an out-of-body experience have reported releasing a monster from their incorporeal form. monsters that enter this world outside the ghost line are able to cross its boundary at will.

THREE: monsters don't appear to pass out or have out of body experiences when they come in contact with the ghost line, regardless on which side of the force field they arrived on.

CONCLUSION: the force field, or ghost line as you call it, wasn't designed to trap us, it was designed to trap the creatures that come from the mist. Maybe creatures from the mist in particular have a certain frequency or quality that the ghost line is specifically tuned to.

That wouldn't explain why we're here or have been pulled in alongside the monsters.

I will let you know if I come across any other observations about the creatures that may be useful to our efforts.

Jan. 14th, 2024




Greetings. I am Data.

I tire of being abducted by collectors, and I regret to inform you that I will be making my leave shortly.

But in the event that you should you require my aid during these peculiar atmospheric conditions, I am willing to temporarily postpone my attempts to return to the Enterprise.

Jan. 11th, 2024




Funny enough I believe you've already met me but a different version of me wearing another face but surprise! There's another me now, yes so that shall be very very fun, I should think. I'm the Doctor, or just Doctor, just like the other one. Yada yada you probably know most of this already anyway but I just dropped in today and figured I'd shout out a little hello there.

Hello, Sweetie.

Where are you?

I reckon talking through a device isn't going to create a paradox. How are we doing?

Thank you, for showing me around and filling me in.

Jan. 4th, 2024




Greetings. I am Spock.

I understand that I may have been here before. I apologize in advance for any confusion my appearance may cause.

Feel free to share any pertinent information you believe I require in order to acclimate to this situation. Likewise, I am open to answering any queries you may have. Please list them in an orderly fashion. I will answer them in accordance to their logical relevance.

Note: I am already aware that I should decline any and all party invitations.

Dec. 20th, 2023




This hand is [...] a little odd, but I think I've been lucky so far?

Aside from the smelly potatoes on the first day, my gifts have all been quite nice.

I'm sorry that hasn't been the case for everybody 😟

Nov. 16th, 2023




With the power gone out, people are gathering on the beach for food, company, and a little bit of light in these dark times. Exchange batteries, offer up light magic, whatever you need to get through the darkness, there is likely someone out there willing to help. Stop on in and join us, everyone is welcome!

Note: Please use headers for your threads, save my inbox T_T

Nov. 15th, 2023




Power's out, it's still dark, and getting cold. What if we have a big bonfire party and cookout on the beach tonight? Bring some of the food that'll spoil in the fridge and some blankets and whatever else you want.

The fact that tomorrow is my 18th birthday has nothing to do with this, but if you want to bring me a present, I'm not gonna stop you.

Nov. 11th, 2023




I did it. I fucking did it oh my god I can't believe it worked
I knew it would
If anyone has a lead on the following items, please let me know:
- Jacinth powder
- A hand mirror recovered from a burning house
- Licorice root in amber

Cost is no object. I need them for a spell craft project.

[Harley & Ivy]
If you don't need me tonight, I'm going to head out. I'll probably stay at Slumberland overnight but I'll have my phone. Text me if the ritual undoes itself anything comes up.

If you're not busy tonight, can we I'd love see you meet up. Tonight, that is.

Nov. 3rd, 2023




I know this is a bit late, but I'm around if anybody needs a partner to get around with. I can read thermals and by my understanding have a bit of an edge on night-vision over human sight. Also not a bad shot with a pistol.

Also, if anybody has a lead on this 'eternal night' business I'm open to some pro-bono legwork.