Dunwich: A Creepypasta Panfandom Game


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Posts Tagged: '%E2%97%8C+inactive:+belphegor'

Apr. 3rd, 2023




[Filtered to magic users]
What has been discovered about this "Ghost Line"? Have any of you encountered similar in your own worlds?





If you need an escort at night a guard to walk you around at night, I'll be doing security for Pickman!

[ooc: feel free to have them still react to calling herself a night escort if they saw it before the edit!]

Apr. 2nd, 2023




Your girl's visible again! 🎉 I know we all have our theories but I'm still not completely sure why it happened or even exactly what I did to make it un-happen. I just wanted to let you all know that I'm okay so that you can sleep better tonight. Stay safe out there, babies.

BUFFY, MARGO, JULIA I feel so normal. I've been a little weird about mirrors ever since the mixer but I'm one hundred percent over it now, I can't get enough. After Buffy and I retraced my steps, I took Julia's advice and tried to get as comfortable and relaxed as I could. It's not like I hadn't already tried that but before, I couldn't stop thinking that there was something more productive I could be doing. When I tried it again last night, I was completely out of ideas. There was nothing else to do. I think it really helped to exhaust all of those options and you were all so helpful with that. Thank you! 💖
ALISON Hey! How does today work for you? Let me know when you want to see me since that's no longer an impossible thing to do. I reread our conversation this morning and I want to make it a point to let you know I miss you, too. If all cylinders were firing last night, I would have said so then. I don't think we need to have a very serious talk, I think we just need to hang out. It's been too long and things have been challenging recently. I'm trying to drag Five out for a hike at some point today but that's all I really have going on right now.
FIVE You, me, Sidewinder State Park. Let's take a hike. Sunshine'll do us good and we won't go anywhere near the lake.
PERCY I want to apologize for snapping at you. I've never been invisible before, it was kind of a lot. Where I'm from, we don't have magic at all and I was very scared and not myself. I'm not trying to make excuses, I just want you to understand why I was so thrown. We weren't on the same page and instead of getting us to the same page in the way I like to think I normally would have, I ate the book. I've now regurgitated the book and I'd love to start fresh if that works for you.

Apr. 1st, 2023




March 6th (backdated)/Around 6pm,The Pickman House.
⚠ None. Talk of magic.
STATUS (Complete)

First Magic Lesson. )




Today, you might think to yourself, "Wow, I haven't seen Ani around." I'm not avoiding you, I've just come down with a sudden case of INVISIB invisibility.


1. How? I don't know.
2. Why? I don't know.
3. When? Last night.
4. Where? On the way back from Todash's.
5. With who? Klaus.
6. Is he also invisible? No.
7. Under what circumstances? Fleeing vampires.
8. Do you remember anything unusual? Obviously. We're in Dunwich.
9. Anything relevant to sudden onset invisibility? No.
10. Are you sure? I was inebriated. It's possible something escaped my notice.

I'm very interested in becoming visible again. Tips, tricks, and theories welcome.




Not to criticize the powers that be in their great wisdom, but I just got an email from Town Hall saying the deed to Pagemaster has been transferred to me? And my accountant texted to say they want to see the books for last month's sales.

1) I have an accountant. 2) I have a bookshop. In my name.

3) I'm a business owner???

So... this happened. We should talk?

Mar. 30th, 2023





Mar. 25th, 2023




MARCH 25 / 4:30 PM
"She had to say, the second best thing about this place was the clothes. First was obviously the food"
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Mar. 24th, 2023




I know things got scary earlier this week. I'm sorry that happened. But I saw almost all of you working together, helping one another and we got through the worst of it. I have a feeling it won't be the last time something like that happens.

Pickman doesn't make sense, but I think it might be in a good way. We still don't know much about it, but it provides rooms for new arrivals, more rooms than should fit in the building, and occasionally it provides other spaces, too. When everything went down earlier this week, it was a safe space. Even some of the locals sheltered here in the lobby. I think that means we can trust it.

I won't be offended if any of you choose to leave and find other accommodations, but I'll be staying. It's still our best bet for new arrivals.

Lastly, some of you may have been looking for options when it comes to therapy. I'm sorry I didn't announce this sooner, but Loki and I visited a local therapist to see if it would even work. It's hard to explain, but they don't seem to blink twice when talking about aliens or time travel or being abducted by mist. It's like their brains sort of filter out the parts that they don't understand and turn it into something they can respond to. I'm not sure if that explanation makes perfect since but long story short, the local therapists are an option for those of you looking for those services.

Let me know if anything comes up, if there's anything you all need. As always, I'll do my best to help.

ETA: Who are the ghost experts here? Hauntings, exorcisms (or is that just demons?), that kind of thing?

Mar. 23rd, 2023




It's been a blast Pickman House, but this little bird needs to stretch his wings and fly!

Just bought myself an amazing place, and I am now officially a homeowner!!

Don't worry though, give me a few weeks to fix the joint up and I'll throw one Hell of a party, and you're all invited. ;)




Whatever that maze was, can we all agree there seemed to be a consciousness to it? I've been trying to piece together what could possibly be happening, or what it could mean, and all I can conclude is that something constructed it.

Which has further implications that I believe we all might already be aware of.

Okay, I am done overstating the obvious. What are your theories? Go!

Mar. 22nd, 2023




Hospitals are very loud.

[Private to Klaus]

Are you alright?

[Private to Belphegor]


[Private to Isabel]

Are you alright?

[Private to Doctor Stephen Strange]

HEY Doctor Strange how long after some broken ribs and possible internal bleeding do you think it'd be safe to fly?

[Private to Richie]

Klaus found me day before yesterday and got me a burger! Sorry I disappeared! Are you okay?




I need everyone to check in here. I don't care if you just write here, I want to know everyone is still alive. If someone needs to do it for you, that's fine too.

So rollcall.




no. Nope.

Alright, besties (and everyone else) I'm gonna need a check in, because


Mar. 21st, 2023




Introduction Snow. Chaos. Death.

Yesterday was the first day of spring, yet today winter has returned with unnatural vengeance. The snow was a warning, an ill omen, blanketing the town. All schools have cancelled their classes, keeping children mostly confined to the safety of their homes.

If only it had been enough. Tonight the maze feasts, gorging itself on fear and death, unless you can stop it.

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[Filtered to the Magic Casting Community]

Hey there. The name's Belphegor, and I think I've chatted with a few of you before.

Anyways, I was just thinking that it couldn't hurt to toss out a general meet and greet message to you all. Mostly so we can get a head count of sorts for all those that can use magic here, but also as a way to possibly pool our talents and resources too.

Guess I can get the ball rolling a bit by sharing the fields of magic that I specialize in, and the ones I've dipped my toes into too.

I suppose my strongest field of knowledge would probably be barrier magic and warding spells. Though I've had some fun picking up a decent collection of potion recipes too over the years. Hrm, I've learned some other handy spells as well; like ones to exorcise spirits from an area, or even from possessing bodies too. Beyond that, I've dabbled a bit in summoning spells, divination spells, portal magic, and some other areas as well.

I've got a good head for potion brewing and charms too, if anyone here ever wants to swap recipes some time.

As far as my present goals go, I'm mostly focused on studying the Ghost Line, researching the local spirit/monster population, and sorting out what kinds of herbs and spell components can be easily found around town.

So that's me in a nutshell I guess. But I'm keen to learn more about you all. So feel free to step up and share if you'd like. Or to ask any questions. It looks like we're all stuck here for now, so we might as well get to know each other and figure out what sort of skills and knowledge we have as a collective group of spell casters.

Oh! And as a parting little tidbit, for any of you looking for potions or spell materials, the forest around town has a pretty abundant collection of herbs, flowers, mushrooms, and moss that's just right for the taking. I've started gathering some up, so if you're looking for something in particular just drop me a line and I'll see what I've got stocked.

Mar. 20th, 2023




It's amusing that the ghosts are frustrated that I'm not scared. The parasites didn't scare me. The Bermuda Triangle doesn't scare me. Death doesn't scare me. And yet, they think some paltry parlor tricks will do it?

Please. I live in a menagerie of death, only because my mother wouldn't let me sleep in the mausoleum.




Thank you to everyone who helped us make Saturday amazing! Thanks to those who came, thanks to those who put in work, you are all so appreciated. I hope you've all been enjoying those leftovers as much as I've been. 😋

HAYMITCH Calling off. Just not feeling so hot today.
ALISON Hey babe! Thinking of you. 💕 How's your morning?
RICHIE We're the best. 💪🏻 I hope we have more money next time so we don't have to do so much of the actual work, though.
BEL I'm really sorry. I realize it wasn't your intention to scare me. There's never a good excuse for violence, but I was very much on edge and I want you to know that I would absolutely never have done that if I'd had my head screwed on straight. My behavior was unacceptable and I own that. I hope we're cool.

Mar. 19th, 2023




[Filter: Magic Users]
Yelena has filled me in on our missing person situation and asked me to do a perimeter search along the Ghost Line. Before I gather up the deputies I thought I’d reach out to those of you with … heightened abilities and see if there’s anything you can do to help improve or hasten the search. I’ll admit I’m wary of magic and don’t know much about it. But if any of you have methods to help locate Melina Vostokoff please let me know. A lot of people are worried about her.

[Private: Natasha and Yelena — One Hour Later]
I’m afraid I have some disappointing news. Both Margo and Belphegor performed locator spells to search for Melina. We did it twice to be certain. It appears she’s no longer in Dunwich or the surrounding areas.




So I -- went to do a little clean up, you know? To the party room. Because I'm a super great party co-host and wanted to do a good deed despite my hangover.

But I uh

Maybe I'm lost.

Mar. 18th, 2023




I've put in an offer on a building. By the end of the week, I'll be working on getting this place set up as a local community center for us all who came by way of the mist. I was thinking of calling it Massachusetts Institute of Strange Things so we can just call it MIST for sure. I know, it's dorky, but I kind of like it, and it'll confuse the locals. They don't seem to like strange.

Once all the paperwork's done and signed, I'll need some help getting it ready for us. There's a walk-in freezer, walk-in fridge and storage for canned goods and clothing so we can have items in stock for new people — or just people who need help — and the front will have computers, books, and space for support groups and gathering areas. The kitchen's been cleaned out of ovens and stove tops, so cooking there's not going to be ideal.

Magic users: is there a way to have a permanent glamor on the windows so that locals can't see what's actually going on inside it?

Thank you, again, for your help.
This things got separate rooms in the basement. Looking at building our weapons' cache.




Oh boy, first tussle with the local vampires (finally!), and I would just like to say the ooze after they're dead is not the only unpleasant thing about them. None of them got any of my puns. What a waste.

Me: Oh good, I thought tonight might be another dead end.

This is where the vampire should say something along the lines of "It's YOUR dead end, little girl!"

And then we fight and right before I finish them off, I say, "I guess it was a dead end after all. Yours."

And they get a look of WHAT HEY before they're toast.

But no. What I got was "Oh good, I thought tonight might be another dead end." Various grunts and groans and then jumping at me where I beheaded him and mumble that it was his dead end after all.

It's zompires all over again, but this time with stinky ooze. Anyone know how to get this out of shoes?

Mar. 16th, 2023




Has anyone seen my wife? Her name is Amy, and she might be with someone who calls himself The Doctor. In the meantime, I'm Rory Williams, and I just got here. I am also a nurse, not that anyone asked mind you, sorry I'm a wee bit distracted at the moment.

Mar. 15th, 2023




I was going to suggest someone get their magic and/or science together to check out the weird fog in the elevator because that turning up again seems important.

But we don't have an elevator in the building. Right? Someone tell me I'm not losing my mind. There's only two floors, there's not even anywhere an elevator would fit.

Mar. 13th, 2023




This is where you should tell me if you want to participate in the potluck portion of our get-together on the eighteenth. We just want to ensure we're not all bringing the same thing. A girl can only eat so many meatballs. You can bring anything, but ideally I'd like to try things I've never had before. If you think there is a dish unique to where you're from and the ingredients are available here, do that.

RICHIE The mist brought us a whole mountain of people from Panem. There's something I want to tell you before you hear it elsewhere but it's kind of hard to talk about. It feels like a conversation we should have face to face but it's also the kind of conversation I don't want to have literally at all soooo I don't know. Eugh. Maybe I can just whisper it under your door.
ALISON Hey girl! Just wanted to check in. Everything still sunny in the love nest?
MOBIUS Happy Monday, sweet Mobius! A dear friend of mine arrived recently and she's wondering if there is anyone who can do something about her night terrors. I'm hoping you might be able to give me two names: One of a magical person who can just [...] do something about it, and the other of a therapist who might actually be able to help her sort through a lot of very intense, very traumatic stuff. She's a Victor and I don't know how much you know about Like very, very intense, very, very traumatic stuff. Thanks! 💖

Mar. 12th, 2023




Downtown Streets | Middle of the Night | RATING TBD

Spike's been caught snooping and got chased. Unsurprisingly pursued and weirdly terrified.
Definite reference to Spike's feeding habits (blood). Probably verbal violence (non-personally directed).

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Mar. 10th, 2023




Has anyone noticed any new beings beyond our new arrivals? Or felt like there are other entities around you but you can't hear or see them?

Force sensitives
I can feel other entities via the Force but not see or hear them. It's a bit unnerving. I'm not getting a malicious sense of them, but there are somethings out there that we can't see.

Is anyone else experiencing this or have previous experience with it?

The closest I can think of is spirits in Mortis or of Master Qui-Gon's Force ghost. Yet, those were all visible and I could hear them.

Be careful of whatever these new things are. Have you felt anything off in your classroom?




So we stepped into some kidnapping fog and now we're all stuck in Bumfuck, Massachusetts? Is that the gist of it? It couldn't have left us in Boston? Martha's Vineyard? Cape Cod? Nantucket? Even goddamn Salem?

I'd ask what your excuse is but, excluding Julia as having the only legitimate reason to still be stuck here, I don't know and I don't care. I have a best friend in my own fucked up little timeline to save so I guess you're all in luck.

Now where the hell is this Pickman House? I need a shower and a change of clothes.

Mar. 8th, 2023




Oi. I need somebody to run some recon for me.

The butcher, who's a native, is being weird and making getting blood difficult.

That's gonna start to be a real problem if he cuts me off entirely.

So whatever wanker upset him Giles; I'd appreciate you going and taking it back, because if you think you have a vampire problem now wait till I'm starving. That tends to make us act a bit feral.

Wouldn't mind if somebody went in during regular business hours to check things out, either. He's plenty loud about that chip on his shoulder so it wouldn't be as much 'sluething' as being willing to have an ear blistered by a nutter with a grudge. I'll owe you one, though, cash that how you want to.

Mar. 7th, 2023




Here's a fun little game/icebreaker of sorts.

You get four, and only four, words to describe yourself. Can be any four at all, but try to make the description honest. Or not.

For example, my four words would probably be something like... "Mischievous, hungry, horny, sloth."

So what's your four words?