Dunwich: A Creepypasta Panfandom Game


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Posts Tagged: '%E2%97%8C+inactive:+lyra+silvertongue'

Jan. 7th, 2024




Anyone who is going to go out looking for monsters, please be careful.

Are you okay with Abby staying here? Even now that the sun is really back?

[...] What does it take for a human to join the Pack?

[edited to add:]

Do you like living here with me us?

Jan. 2nd, 2024





so how about not trusting anything else this town offers, yeah? you alright?


you two okay? need anything?


check in, please?

Dec. 11th, 2023




Scale of one to ten: is it normal to get a random phone call in the middle of the day asking if you'll be starting your new job as an English teacher for Dunwich High School on Wednesday as planned. Don't remember filling out an application or interviewing.

How many students do we have going to the High School?

Dec. 4th, 2023




Iorek Byrnison is one of the most honorable and wonderful people I have ever met. I will miss him greatly.

Asriel, Iorek, that's everyone from my world gone again. Not to mention losing Emma, and Amalthea, and so many others...

Dunno, just. It's getting real sad.

Dec. 1st, 2023




So I guess with Howard gone I don't have a job anymore? I don't know how that really works. I just know this really sucks, and I was actually learning cool stuff.




Right, so. This is awkward. I’m under the impression that I’ve been here before in some shape or form. My name is Stephen Strange. Some of you might know me, but I might not know you, and vice versa? Someone fill me in on what all I did here before, other than work at a yoga studio.

Nov. 1st, 2023




Moving into our new house in the black of the afternoon night(??) was not on my Dunwich Bingo Card for --uh. Ever.

But you know what? I'm not even surprised. Color me unsurprised. And not only because I don't have a bingo card.

Hey, should we make BINGO CARDS?

Anyway. It's been a fuckin' wild few weeks here, my guys, so if you need to find me, I'm going to be in racking up my brand new electricity bill, unloading boxes and eating pizza somewhere on my living room floor.

Oct. 25th, 2023




Would you like company? I have been told you might wish to see me with Lord Asriel disappearing.

Oct. 23rd, 2023




[Lyra and Tandy]
How are you two holding up?
Do you need anything for the house?




[Texts to Lyra]
» I'm coming over
» Where are you?

Oct. 12th, 2023




Quentin & Lyra
"do you want to see a magic trick?"
Pickman | G | ⚠ frustrations?
Read more... )

Oct. 6th, 2023



1990s! Sookie.

[trigger warning: bully behavior, not so nice sookie]

Half of y'all think too loud, the other half doesn't think at all. I prefer the latter. It's quieter.

Also, we all have to walk the halls, that doesn't mean we should have to smell you, deodorant is your friend.

Oct. 5th, 2023



1997 - Wanda's Arrival

[forward dated to after midnight]

...What just happened? This all feels

Oct. 1st, 2023



Network Post-Lady Amalthea

The hard part of forming connections is losing them. I never intended on feeling the very human emotion of loss again, and it seems it's impossible to help, even if I spend time in my true form.

Sarah Williams was my first friend here. I could see her good heart from the moment we met. I will miss her.

Sep. 28th, 2023




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Sep. 23rd, 2023




Sword Practice/Training is now available at MIST on Mondays starting at 5:30 pm.

Several skills and those just starting will be present as well, so please do not feel anxiety as we have volunteers to help train and spar at all levels. Thank you to those who provided help with offering their skills, targets, hand made swords, and the rapiers that are available to those who would use them.

And apparently I've been formally tasked with teaching meditation at the gym. All ages, stages of knowledge, or those curious are of course welcome.

Sep. 4th, 2023




[under 18s]

Did you know the adults are playing a game about killing, marrying, or sleeping with other people's boyfriends?

We can't even see it.




There has been a pale crow following me around that I believe might be of a magical nature. Is there a way to test to see if it is and who it may be connected to?

How are you feeling? I saw that one from your world left.

Aug. 13th, 2023




Okay, so the window reformed on us twice. That church is full of bad energy. I still think burning it to the ground should be an option, but it'd probably end up respawning and being an even bigger pain. But we got in and out without issue aside fro.

At least we can mark it off the list.

Are there any other creepy places in town that haven't been checked?

I know people talked about something happening at the tavern during the Bad Moon festival. Could he be in that space? Can we purposefully access it?

Aug. 11th, 2023




[ filtered to the few friends he has left ]

There's trouble in the air someone's already dead, dear ones. I'm sure it's nothing we can't face or deal with. But there is strength in numbers and if you don't want to stay alone while this is all going on, my home is open to you. I can't promise a cooked breakfast every morning but I always keep a fresh pot of coffee around.

Alexis, I know you have family here and I hope the both of you are safe?

Lyra, you're staying with me until this is all over. No arguments. Please. Iorek? I do have space for you as well. If you can promise not to eat me.

Joyce? Are you really gone... Mercy? You too?

[ daimon ]
I understand that you're Tandy's guardian, yes?

Aug. 5th, 2023




Given to Lyra before her birthday party.

Wrapped and given to Lyra to open at her birthday party.



a gift left at Lyra Silverongue's door in Pickman





For Lyra, left at her birthday party )

[ Asriel ]
So. She's your daughter, hm?




Okay. I'm officially confused, so can I just ask a few questions?

What's going on, can I even go back, did the Pulse even happen here and if it didn't, does that mean I can buy toothpaste in a tube? And wow, the air. It's so fresh here.

But hey, I'm Alec.

Aug. 4th, 2023




The summers here are very long.

Anyone here know much about curses? Or could lift one?


You still ok with Emma checking your memory?

Aug. 1st, 2023




Seems I'm moving up in the world. Or at least, in town. I was given a notice that I have (somehow) inherited a home in the city. Downtown on Main Street, apparently. I've yet to see it for myself but I do hope for something with a bigger kitchen. Apologies to anyone who will have my room at Pickman. You might never get the smell of pepperoni or truffles out of there.

[ Kate Pryde ]
I put those black market cocoa beans you got for me to good use. I have a box for you to taste test.

[ filtered to all of Lyra's friends & Tandy ]
If you don't know me, this is Lyra's father uncle. Her birthday is this Saturday. I'll be having a special dinner and you all are invited.

[ Lyra ]
I'm afraid I will no longer be your neighbor.

[ Alexis ]
Don't suppose you would know the sort of thing an eighteen year old girl would want for her birthday?

Jul. 24th, 2023



backdated to Tuesday, Jul 18th

Hi. You alive?

I messed up.

I need help.



tw - medical talk?

[ Text to Lyra* ]
Hello, is this Lyra? My name is Thomas, I’m a friend of Asriel’s. I just wanted to let you know that he’s recently been given stitches. You should probably check in on him at some point. He seems like the stubborn sort that won’t properly tend to it himself.

[* backdated to a short while after this]

Jul. 23rd, 2023




vague allusions to homophobia )

Jul. 16th, 2023




WHAT: Tandy & Lyra check out the theatre
WHERE: The Chestnut Theatre
STATUS: Completed

“To the stage,” she said with a grin, after one last look from the balcony. “We should get a rope ladder for up here, in case we need to get down in a hurry.” Read more... )