Dunwich: A Creepypasta Panfandom Game


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Posts Tagged: '%E2%97%8C+inactive:+henrike+flanagan'

Aug. 10th, 2023




It's a no on bone conduction headphones.

I'm just going to take the next week off work. Easier than calling in one day at a time.

Maybe I should come and hang out somewhere more convenient.

(cw: death talk)

Aug. 9th, 2023




[Henri & Spike]
Are you guys okay? Please tell me you're not floating too. There's been a death It's fucking chaos all over town.




I know people are freaking out now with friends going into trances and things and Eddie missing. And the songs are good and hopefully helping.

But does anyone have a plan for Vecna?

Will said that heat might work on him. That it did against monsters related to Vecna in his world and that those monsters were connected by a hive. To Vecna. Probab

I think Vecna is in Eddie. Eddie’s mortal. He wouldn’t have been able to knock me out or take away my memories. But Vecna. From what Will and others have said it sounds like he could have and I wasn’t exp.

I don’t know who’s usually taking charge during these kinds of insanities? But I think finding Eddie is key. Finding. Not hurting.

edit: added after Max's suggestion
Any ideas on psychic powers, magic, and getting a psychic entity out of someone?

Aug. 8th, 2023




I want you to take this ring. I think it might block Vecna out of your head like it's been blocking things out of my head. I can't lose you. Please don't argue. I can't argue right now.

It's him.

I have to take off the ring. Something bad is going to happen, is happening, and I can't just block it out.

Everybody just has to stick together right now, no matter what, okay?




Well, let's make you a mixtape.

Where are you? You're not allowed to be alone from now on. Sorry, no privacy, it's a new twin law.

Maybe it wouldn't be a bad idea to have a public list of everyone's songs somewhere, just in case.






So we didn't say anything before because we weren't sure, but now that someone is FLOATING, this is almost exactly like something that happened back in our own town. There was this bad guy — thing, whatever — that we called Vecna. Vecna's like if you put the Creature from the Black Lagoon with a bunch of living vines that are a hive mind together with really strong telepathy and telekinesis.

He lives in the Upside Down, which is like a really fucked up version of our world except it's all dead and weird shit floats in the air. And the only living things are demogorgons, demodogs, and demobats. And Vecna.

ANYWAY, so back home, he wanted to rip open gates from the Upside Down to our world, so he picked four people to torment with headaches, nightmares, hallucinations, and then finally... floating in the air.... and a pretty gnarly death. Those left holes between our dimensions and when he got the fourth one, it made a big giant X and ripped open the town.

BUT THERE IS A WAY to stop him. You need a song, and you need to listen to it all the time. Find a song that speaks to you, that just grabs a whole of you and doesn't let go and listen to it. On repeat. The song keeps you grounded literally.

Um, yeah, so I know other people from my dimension have experiences and stuff, but I wanted to get this part out before too many people started randomly floating in the air. And dying

[OOC: This message can be seen by everyone. Robin just wanted to get everyone's attention.]

Aug. 7th, 2023




I drove over a nail and now I've got a busted front tire on my motorcycle. It won't take me long to fix, but I probably should get a new tire. It's just - they don't make them the way I like here. That's dumb to say, especially while a whole lot of people here seem to be going through something worse than a flat, or at least sharing some kind of shared migraine, but I can still say it, can't I?

How about you? How are you doing? Any headaches, dreams, whatever the hell is happening this week around here?

Aug. 2nd, 2023




my brain feels kind of broken right now, dog. can anybody help me?

i wish janet or chidi were here.

Aug. 1st, 2023




Happy August, Dunwich! Try not to get kil

Is it your birthday this month? Let me know what day and you'll get a half dozen muffins (with your flavor of choosing).

Also, it's been a few months since I've asked ridiculous questions! Here's a few fun ones that I just picked out of an old magazine that I found under the counter at work:

  • Would you rather have everyone you know be able to read your thoughts or for everyone you know to have access to your Internet history?

  • Would you rather lose the ability to read or lose the ability to speak?

  • Would you rather walk barefoot in a public bathroom or through poison ivy?

    ETA: Does anyone have a bike and a helmet I can borrow?

    Here we go...

    [LUKE & NELL]
    Hey! You're both invited to come to a revolving 'found family' dinner thing on Sundays at the Bridgerton residence if you'd like to go!

  • [info]rarecreature



    Lux & Ezreal
    Permitting is completed and we've gotten the barn cleaned out and all of the basic utilities set up. We'll still need to install nicer lighting and sinks and furniture and things to make it the home you really want, but we're one step closer?

    Found Family
    Standing family dinners, Saturday afternoons? Or would Sundays generally be better? No need to rsvp, just show up if you'd like to, bring a dish if you can, and if you can't, that's alright, too. We might as well make it a tradition!

    Customers of Time & Again! I just wanted to let you know that I'm now taking custom clothing orders. If you have any specific clothing needs or just cannot find clothes that are comfortable for you, please reach out to me or one of my employees and we can discuss what you are looking for and how we can make it happen for you.

    Additionally, I never want money to be an issue. If you are unable to afford what you would like to purchase, I am willing to accept barters in goods or services- please speak with me and we can work something out! Hours in the shop helping with hanging up stock or setting up a window display- I'm willing to work with you based on your talents and need.

    And if you know of any seamstresses or anyone willing to learn, I will gladly hire additional help!

    Jul. 29th, 2023





    Owe you a few more favors, Slayer. Thanks.


    Thanks for everything. Pulling myself together. Know I was a bit of a handful there.

    [Todash Tavern Employees]

    I'll be back tomorrow night.

    Jul. 26th, 2023




    WHO Spike and Henrike
    WHEN Evening
    Status Ongoing
    WARNINGS Self harm (vampire variety), property damage.

    No more chip, now with soul, he didn't have a path to follow anymore. )

    Jul. 25th, 2023




    There's gonna be puppies can we get one?!? Yelena's dog is expecting 'em and I dunno how soon but PUPPIES!

    Heyyy did you find Johnny's alright? Did the haircut go like you wanted, or did Max have to ?

    I found some better movie musicals. Wanna hang out and watch 'em sometimes? I promise they're better than the last one- you ain't in it. At least, I don't think it's you.

    Ice cream soon?

    Heyyy you doing alright? How's the cat hoodie?

    [Housewarming Guests & Zemo]
    Thank you for coming by the other night- and for the gifts. I really appreciate it- and you all.

    Jul. 22nd, 2023




    WHO Leon and Henri • WHERE Dunwich • WHEN Thursday, July 20
    Henri is a plant thief. Leon is a man of the law. WARNINGS Vampirism, head trauma and getting turned. Talk of drinking.
    Well, right now, to you, I’m Officer Kennedy. Read more... )

    Jul. 21st, 2023




    House Warming for chez Zemo-Barnes
    For anyone invited from this post.


    Read more... )




    Listen. I love that we're all here to entertain the kiddos, because MAX needs it to not burn things down and make weird comments about how Metal doesn't live up to Americana Rock or whatever but --

    Adults. You ever felt kinda sad to not be 18 or below, these days? I'm one hundo jealous of movie outings and music lessons.

    Maybe we just need more clubs? The sad fucks who need more hobbies club? The ADHD assholes who want a new thing to do weekly because clearly if we'd have wanted to do something and stuck with it we'd already KNOW guitar?

    Yeah. That.




    Anybody knows how to do this soul thing, I'd appreciate a tip. I can't even see straight right now.

    I don't know if I can handle this.

    [Team of Doctors (Strange/Moore/Pryde) & Buffyverse]

    Head. Soon.

    Can't figure if it's my soul or the chip killing me now.

    Strange, I need more binds.

    Jul. 18th, 2023




    Oh look, it's another

    OOC/IC Plot Post : Tolkien Triple Feature Extravaganza!


    Information under cut! )

    Jul. 17th, 2023





    I really wish this place would stop fucking with my family.

    I don't know what to do.




    is it just me or is iron maiden overrated? all that screaming and for what? you know who sounds amazing? bon jovi

    Jul. 16th, 2023




    dammit, buck!!

    Jul. 14th, 2023




    Had someone ask for a Duck Fart shot the other day and since my humor never progressed past that of a 12 year old's, it's the special for tonight at Todash. Half off all the Duck Farts you want.

    Pasta okay for dinner? I was gonna make some before I head into work later.

    Jul. 12th, 2023




    I need something more to do. I'm not used to this much free time.
    Any suggestions? I already have a day job, but I feel the soulfire wanting to be used and the knife being around doesn't exactly help. I need to do other things.




    Carefully transcribed for future reference; book 9 of The Odyssey. )

    Will's D&D group: Lyra, Katniss, Max, Rahne, Erwin, Abigail, Kate, and Lafayette. And Enid!
    Hi everybody! I'm excited to start D&D with you all. I'm doing kind of the beginner group and Eddie's taking mostly people who have played before, which means that you don't have to worry at all about being new because everybody's learning together.

    Let me know what day works the best for you. I can only meet before sunset right now because I got slightly arrested and I'm grounded now.

    We'll work on character creation next, once we figure out the logistics.

    You were right.

    I can't figure out the copier at the library. I miss the mimeograph we had in Hawkins, it made sense. This thing is just all weird with a touch screen and it keeps saying there's no paper in tray 2 but I promise you that there is.

    Jul. 9th, 2023




    Well, shit.

    Hey, so I'm trying to make playlist so I can stop thinking about losing Spock and Pike all at once and it's got to have loud rock music on it. Bonus points if there are good lyrics.


    Jul. 8th, 2023




    Uh, hey? I just got an enrollment letter for the upcoming school year? Starting at the end of August?

    They're putting me in Grade 12. Is that bad? Are higher numbers bad or is it the lower numbers? How can they even grade me if they don't know me? Can I politely decline?

    Jul. 7th, 2023




    Hi, forgive me. KIRK? Where the hell did you go? And why is it daylight?

    And not only why is it daylight, but why am I not CATCHING ON FIRE? Uh, Hello?

    Jun. 22nd, 2023



    Log: Jim and Henri

    Their auction date, which includes a motorcycle ride through town and drinks at Todash
    Mist / disappearance …

    Sorry that I had you in a vice grip. I’ve never been on a bike before. )

    Jun. 19th, 2023




    If it's not too much trouble, would someone mind picking up some Earl Grey tea for me? I didn't realize I was out and honestly, moving hurts.

    Stranger Family:

    Has anyone checked on Steve? Do we know if he's okay?

    Steve H.:

    I'm so so sorry!! Are you okay???

    Dean W.:
    Hi. I just wanted to say thank you for helping us and that I hope you aren't hurt too badly.




    [ Private to friends of Bucky Barnes ]
    I’m not sure how many of you are aware, but James is unconscious here at the hospital. Last night, he informed me that he was headed to Todash Tavern. I’m assuming his injuries are a result of what happened there. If anyone has the opportunity to bring me some coffee, it would be appreciated. I'm not leaving until he wakes up.