Dunwich: A Creepypasta Panfandom Game


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Posts Tagged: '%E2%97%8C+inactive:+sarah+williams'

Aug. 27th, 2023




I am awake, but I will not fully heal for some time though, so I will not be attending D&D for a few weeks. I am sorry.

Thank you for saving me, Jude.

Aug. 19th, 2023




We've had another death. It's Rose Nylund. Sometime last night or early this morning she was killed by the demodog, which we know is protecting Eddie, so I'm pretty certain he's at the Rochree Mill.

We are going to search for him AND NOT FUCKING TOUCH HIM until Vecna is OUT of him. We're going to find him and figure out a safe way to get Vecna out of him, no jumping the gun we have a few things we can do that might work and not harm Eddie. Psychic attacks have worked the best in the past.

So message me here if you are joining the search party.

Can you head up the Psychic portion of this showdown with this fucker?

[OOC NOTE: PLEASE DO NOT have your character agree to be in the search party etc if they did not sign up on the original plot post here.]

Aug. 18th, 2023



(voice post, accidentally made)

- infernal machine?

Maybe not actually infernal though I can imagine some devils would enjoy such a thing. I can't believe that commoner threw this at me. What's it doing now? It's lit up.

I bet there are pixies - oh, was that a rabbit?

Aug. 16th, 2023




The chap that handed me this... Chaos box, said I dropped it, I tried to tell him, no, no I did not I would have known if I had a magic item in my bag, but he pretty much ignored me. Which was pretty rude if you ask me. I noticed some bulletins, and annotations to said bulletins, perhaps you could help me find the proper home for this magic thing.

Julian Alfred Pankrantz, Bard. This is a rather inelegant tool

Aug. 15th, 2023




If anyone is still on the hunt for the perfect song, there’s quite the collection at the Dunwich Public Library. Since I work there now, I’d be happy to help in any way I can. I’m not terribly familiar with modern music, but if anyone would be interested in any (what they refer to now as) β€˜classical’ suggestions, I can assist with that.

[ Sylvie ]
I have a question.

Aug. 14th, 2023




How do you keep warm in a cold room?


What the fuck am I doing I need a distraction. Math and crossword puzzles aren't doing it.

Aug. 13th, 2023




Okay, so the window reformed on us twice. That church is full of bad energy. I still think burning it to the ground should be an option, but it'd probably end up respawning and being an even bigger pain. But we got in and out without issue aside fro.

At least we can mark it off the list.

Are there any other creepy places in town that haven't been checked?

I know people talked about something happening at the tavern during the Bad Moon festival. Could he be in that space? Can we purposefully access it?

Aug. 8th, 2023






So we didn't say anything before because we weren't sure, but now that someone is FLOATING, this is almost exactly like something that happened back in our own town. There was this bad guy β€” thing, whatever β€” that we called Vecna. Vecna's like if you put the Creature from the Black Lagoon with a bunch of living vines that are a hive mind together with really strong telepathy and telekinesis.

He lives in the Upside Down, which is like a really fucked up version of our world except it's all dead and weird shit floats in the air. And the only living things are demogorgons, demodogs, and demobats. And Vecna.

ANYWAY, so back home, he wanted to rip open gates from the Upside Down to our world, so he picked four people to torment with headaches, nightmares, hallucinations, and then finally... floating in the air.... and a pretty gnarly death. Those left holes between our dimensions and when he got the fourth one, it made a big giant X and ripped open the town.

BUT THERE IS A WAY to stop him. You need a song, and you need to listen to it all the time. Find a song that speaks to you, that just grabs a whole of you and doesn't let go and listen to it. On repeat. The song keeps you grounded literally.

Um, yeah, so I know other people from my dimension have experiences and stuff, but I wanted to get this part out before too many people started randomly floating in the air. And dying

[OOC: This message can be seen by everyone. Robin just wanted to get everyone's attention.]




Eponine and I are at Sidewinder State Park. I'm not sure what's happened to her but she's floating in the air and I can't get her down. She's not responding at all.

Aug. 5th, 2023




slumberland motel party )

Aug. 4th, 2023




So just a reminder that if you're going to experiment with the ghost line or try to find a way home, either by magic or science, please let us know at MIST what you've tried or experienced? And in return, full transparency on the research we collect.

If you have any questions about the work we're doing, my door is open. Thanks.



Network Post-Lady Amalthea

I have seen mention of headaches being common, but I am finding that the last few nights I have had very very vivid dreams that are distressing. If it was just once I wouldn't think much of it, I have dreams when in a human body. But I did spend a night in my true form and the nightmares were...worse than ever.

Has anyone else experienced this?

[Scarlet Witch, Diana Bishop, Sabrina Spellman]
I cannot thank you enough for all you have done. Even if it is not permanent, it has helped me immensely to be able to be myself much more. It has made being here so much more tolerable. If ever I can be assistance, please let me know. While I do not perform much magic myself, I have found I can be of great assistance when someone else is magical. If ever I can help any of you, only say the word. Even if it is only to be an ear to listen.

[Sarah Williams]

I was wondering if you wouldn't mind helping me with a question I have.

[Lyra and Tandy]
I have thankfully been able to spend time as a unicorn again, but I have been experiencing these headaches...I don't suppose you still have the lavender and such that you used for that bath I had the first night? It was very much a comfort and I think it might help me.

[Iorek Byrnison]
Good king, I was curious as to whether you have experienced strange nightmares recently? I do not really dream as a unicorn, but now I have and it's very strange. You're one of the few who might understand how I feel.

I...would also love another walk. If you are interested?

Aug. 2nd, 2023




[if you think you're here, you probably are! and the filter does not include the police, sorry. sarah's really bad at this.]

Hi. I was told to tell you to come to the motel Friday for questionable activities, one of which includes possible underage drinking.

Amalthea, you don't have a birth certificate do you?

Aug. 1st, 2023




If you see a robotic dog around, be cool to him. He loves people and he's harmless. For now. His name is Twitch. I'm not gonna give him too much freedom before I outfit him with some defenses but I'll probably be running some tests over the next couple of days.

JAKE, SARAH, KATE PRYDE, EDDIE, CATRA, FILIP, KATNISS, VI Hey. I work at the Slumberland Motel. Sarah does, too. Say hi, Sarah.

I wanna rent a few rooms and have a fun Friday night. If you guys invited some friends, it'd be a big help. Thanks a bunch in advance. I'm not trying to throw a rager and get my ass fired so don't go too crazy. Nothing against our elders but it'll help keep our numbers down if we focus on a specific age group. Try to keep it under thirty, maybe? We'll drink, chill, play stupid games, whatever. Can't be Todash all the time.
JAMIE Busy Friday? I'm trying to put a little thing together at the motel.




How much aspirin do you think the undead can reasonably take?

My ear is killing me. Plus it's constantly drooling down my neck now.

Jul. 29th, 2023




I went to Joyland after the beach today - just for one more trip around the carnival games because I NEEDED a few more neon lobstrocities with googly eyes.

Anyway, I hit the Madam Fortuna machine and got a really freaking weird fortune and I'm pretty creeped out, so.


... Did anyone else get anything weird from Madam Fortuna? Please tell me I'm not the only one. I've been staring at this thing for hours

Jul. 18th, 2023




Has anyone else received items from home?

I've received letters from the High King. I'm not sure if that means he's here or not.

I don't think he is. Cardan couldn't help but make his presence known if he was but I'm not sure.

Jul. 16th, 2023




Steve Harrington
Sarah Williams
WHO Steve Harrington & Sarah Williamsβ€’ WHERE Backdated June 2nd, 7ish, Outside of Pickman and then Queen Burger. β€’ WHEN Meeting up to eat.
This is definitely not a date. WARNINGS None, will be updated if needed.
Poetry. Prose. Pretty Poingnant P's. She turned the page, wiggling her right foot in wait. Read more... )

Jul. 14th, 2023



Network Post-Lady Amalthea

OOC note: Amalthea will usually be using speech to text.

I am unused to small talk. Is anyone else here in the wrong body?




Well this place is adequately peculiar. If anyone has any tips or suggestions on how to adapt to this modern world, feel free to share. My name is Thomas Sharpe, I’m from 1901.

[ Asriel ]
I have questions.

Jul. 13th, 2023








Sarah Williams
Jude Duarte
WHERE Pickmanβ€’ WHEN Today
Jude and Sarah talk bells. And Faerie, probably. WARNINGS talk of child abuse and murder
Bells. Read more... )

Jul. 9th, 2023




I don't remember casts being so ITCHY. Tips or tricks on how to GET IT TO STOP.

Alright, dating roll call. Who is dating who? And what's the hot gossip going on in your lives?

Jul. 8th, 2023





  • Coffee is better here.

  • I have seen so many different plants and animals that I only know from holos and genetic samples. That's also better.

  • Everywhere is very short. Not better.

  • Physical money is shocking disgusting. Does it ever get cleaned? How many people have touched it?

Jul. 7th, 2023




Checked out Joyland. Something's definitely up.

β€’ I found a copy of myself in the wax museum... temporarily. I went to check the others and when I came back it was gone. No, I didn't imagine it.
β€’ Less sure if I was imagining the creepiness in the Mirror Mansion. I feel like the reflections were moving by themselves occasionally, but it was only ever in the corner of my eye. TBD.
β€’ I didn't go through the Horror House because the line was really long, which seems weird in itself. The ferris wheel and merry-go-round were pretty normal though.

Jul. 5th, 2023




I think I'm settling in. That cookout was fun, made me realize how totally out of shape I am trying to play Ultimate Frisbee but it was nice to get moving.

It looks like everyone got these passes to Joyland? I don't know if I'm going to use mine, it looks a little freaky, some of it. Most of it.

But yeah, just settling in. I'm going to try to get out more this weekend. Probably not to Joyland.




I hope everyone had a good time yesterday, thanks Sam for organizing things and everyone who helped out. And thank you for the birthday wishes and gifts. It was a nice surprise in addition to the holiday festivities.

Jul. 3rd, 2023




Does anyone know anything about building things?

Can I building a big cage away from the building for Loki? The alligator one. We have got to come up with a name for him so I don't have to keep saying the alligator one.




I went and got one of every Pop Tart. Let's go over D&D books and try all of them. I don't work on Wednesday!

Mom and Hopper
Hi mom, hi Hopper. I was just wondering, do you know if Mike was ever here? I think I saw a picture of him at MIST. Maybe. I think it was him, it's kind of blurry but if he's in one of those then he was here at some point. And maybe he'll come back?

I went and picked up a few D&D books, so I can start helping anybody prep or learn rules. You've got to do the work, especially if you're in Eddie's campaign - he's totally going to know if I help too much! But if anyone has questions I can help. And I can draw your character too, it'll be really fun. It's a great way for them to feel real.

Jul. 2nd, 2023




Everyone talks about games and holidays. Or injuries they've gotten from this place.

Is anyone trying to find a way to send us home? Or at least those of us who don't want to be here.