Dunwich: A Creepypasta Panfandom Game


panfandom creepypasta



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Posts Tagged: '%E2%97%8C+inactive:+rahne+sinclair'

Apr. 10th, 2024




I've been fainting recently. It's okay. It never lasts long and I've been to the clinic. Will you come with me when I'm working in the park? Just as an added precaution. My park schedule is flexible; we can find times when you're free. I've made an animal friend in the park that you should meet too. He can tell when I'm about to faint.

Hi. Would you be alright with walking to and from my classes with me? I'm having a little problem with fainting and it would be good to have someone to get help if I need it.

Apr. 4th, 2024




I'm so sorry for making everyone worry. I just got my phone back. I'm fine.

He's here. I think

Apr. 2nd, 2024




Oh, bollocks. We missed Purim.

If I make a lot of hamantaschen and leave them at the front door of Pickman for everyone, and then drink some wine, that might make up for it.

Mar. 27th, 2024



voice post

tw: near drowning, horse-like Kelpie, violence by/to kelpie )

Mar. 10th, 2024





Kitty Norville - Voicemail Received: 06:33am - from Rahne Sinclair.

Mumm-K-Kittyβ€”I-Iβ€”[big breath] I don't know where I a-am. I-'m in t-the w-woods. Thereβ€”there's blood and it's on my h-hands and arms a-nd a-a tree and it's mine and I don't remember d-doing it. [shuddering sob] I thought I'd hurt someone. [whimper and sniffle] [quietly:] I don't know where I am. How I got here.

[several seconds of silence punctured only by hiccuping breaths and what might just be whispered snatches of prayer]

[quietly, fearfully:] Please come and get me.





Mar. 4th, 2024




Cool, I love being

Guess we're the only mutants left.

Mar. 3rd, 2024





Carter, Kitty, & Rahne

backdated after carter's arrival | ⚠ monster and werewolf talk, nothing too graphic
It's strange, isn't it? How people here can be similar but come from really different worlds?
Read more... )




As tasty as they were, I won't miss all the lobsters crawling around! I'm guessing they're still in their normal places though?

Um [...] So [...] something happened in January. When the mist rolled in and there were all those mon creatures. It happened when Carter got separated from the Pack, and he got hurt. He was going to d [...] I managed to find him, and I saw that thing standing over him, and [...] it just happened. I don't know how, or why, and I didn't even know that I could do anything else, but Carter say saw it, and he says I changed.

I'm kind of s
What if I'

I don't know how to do it again, or even if I can, but [...] I thought it was best to tell you both.

I'm sorry I didn't do it sooner.

Feb. 29th, 2024




[Rahne, Abigail, Alison, Lux, Ruby, Enid]
I invited Isaac and Robbie over for a movie night tonight, and we're watching The Goonies. I don't want to overwhelm them with too many people, but I thought you all might like to join us? I'm planning on a lowkey kind of night - pizza, popcorn, and soda.

Feb. 28th, 2024




A friend has said repeatedly that I should not be afraid to ask for help if I need it, so
I'm asking... How do you convince your heart to not love someone anymore? I've tried logic and tequila and neither have been successful. Time is proving to not be my friend either.

Feb. 24th, 2024




Let's have a date night at the up & up club opening party. It's run by a MISTake, so it'll be safe. We can sing a duet at karaoke, if you'd like?

Feb. 15th, 2024




Valentines day is lovely. I think I like the day after though, there's so much candy on sale!

Hi there. Kitty said I should say hello.

Can I leave some snacks at your cabin?

Feb. 9th, 2024



tw: mention of cannon character death

Every life is like a piece of music, unique and finite.Β Some of us are like an extended version, we've had more time than we were supposed to.Β  Dunwich, or the fog, decided that our music was worth hearing again.Β  That should be recognised.Β I've had an extra year.Β  Almost.Β  It'll be a year on the 15th.Β Β 

I'd like to do something special - a get together where we try to meet people and spend time with people outside our regular friends groups.Β  To be clear - not as a party and not as a singles thing. Just to hear as much music as we can, so to speak. before we can never hear it again.Β  Β That's what I have planned for Finer Things Club on the 15th at MIST at 8pm.Β  A get-together, no specific topics of discussion, no new things to try, just hanging out.Β  I'd like as many people to come as possible.Β  As always, everyone is welcome.

Also, I'm always open to suggestions about new ideas or new foods for future finer things club meetings.

Feb. 5th, 2024



backdated to during her conversation with Lux

Lux, Ezreal and I are going to do some really cool cooking tonight. We'll wrap meat in clay, cook it and then smash the clay with a hammer. You'll join us, right?

Feb. 3rd, 2024




I'm not quite sure how it's done here, but I thought I'd use the respect that I'd give packs in my world. Since it is your territory I'd like to request permission to change shape and roam through the woods and surrounding areas.

Jan. 30th, 2024




[Filtered to Mutants]

So since it's come up about vampires needing blood.

Is that something our blood's ok for? Or is it different b/c we're different?

Jan. 25th, 2024




I don't know what happened.
a monster fight and a discovery • late night, 25 january
⚠ injuries, werewolf transformations, monsters, monster death, etc
Read more... )

Jan. 7th, 2024




Anyone who is going to go out looking for monsters, please be careful.

Are you okay with Abby staying here? Even now that the sun is really back?

[...] What does it take for a human to join the Pack?

[edited to add:]

Do you like living here with me us?

Jan. 6th, 2024





Anybody up for some monster hunting?

Jan. 4th, 2024




Posted this morning, after this. tw for monsters, blood, etc

If you live out near or plan to do anything out in Sidewinder, please be careful. Something is out there, and it's left a lot of blood loud and it's fast. There's a trail of blood and I couldn't find the source. It definitely couldn't hurt to travel in pairs.




With the start of a new year, and the party earlier this week, I just wanted to take this moment to let those who aren't aware know that I'm Dr. Theo Crain, and I'm a psychiatrist.

I work at MIST and I'm a "MISTake" like the rest of you, so unlike town therapists, I'll believe you and I'll understand what you're dealing with. I still have plenty of times available on my calendar, so you can reach out to me to make an appointment for regular sessions, or drop by the office anytime my door is open. For those who are on more of a nocturnal schedule, I can do house calls or meet at the office in the evenings, when needed.

And even if you don't want to be a patient of mine, or don't want the formality of a session, or don't want to talk to a therapist at all, I'm free to lend an ear; or at the very least, find a friend that you can open up to. None of us have to deal with any of this alone.

Now if only I could find a shrink of my own...




Okay, since I am a newbie, and I like to be prepared, I am making a list of the DO'S and DON'TS of Dunwich.

First on the list?

1. Do not attend any parties or evens unless you know who sent the invite.

Please, feel free to add more.

Jan. 3rd, 2024



tw: anxiety, trauma

I've been seeing fog lately.Β  It's not exactly the same as the fog that brought us here.Β  It's a patchy fog.Β  But it's still fog.Β  It's still scary.Β  I don't want to get sent back.Β  I don't want the disappearances to get worse either.Β  Is there a magic or a technology that can tell us that this fog isn't going to turn into that fog? Or can someone tell me that it's just my trauma imagination?




so this isn't the danger room because hank would never make coffee four american dollars so what is it

and whatever it is i am keeping this newspad

Jan. 2nd, 2024



TW: depression, discussions of depression, symptoms of depression etc

I hope everyone is alright. It was really lovely before all the bad stuff happened.

Can we have a nice night in tonight? I need to talk to you about something important.

Are you alright?

I love you all. Is everyone okay?

I think there's something wrong with me.

Dec. 30th, 2023





Dec. 27th, 2023




I want to start the new year with you. Will you go to the party with me?

Dec. 20th, 2023




This hand is [...] a little odd, but I think I've been lucky so far?

Aside from the smelly potatoes on the first day, my gifts have all been quite nice.

I'm sorry that hasn't been the case for everybody 😟

Dec. 14th, 2023




Nothing says Christmas like ... age old Icelandic myths via rotten potatoes?

At least, that's what google tells me. Either that, or someone really hates me Renaissance Fair style. Either is valid, I guess?

I mean, fuck you to whoever sent this, because now my office smells weird, but...
