Dunwich: A Creepypasta Panfandom Game


panfandom creepypasta



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Posts Tagged: '%E2%88%99+plot:+014+from+the+deep'

Apr. 17th, 2024




they'd adapt to this world
sisters reuniting in a new world β€’ backdated, mid march
⚠ low; talk of home
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Apr. 11th, 2024




March 29th, Backdated
Harley & Ivy
"Anything you want to talk about?"
Harlivy Abode | ⚠ Deep state of denial, coffee maker cruelty.
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Apr. 4th, 2024




Mid March, 2024
Constantine & Dawes
"I don't have any magic."
Pickman, John's | ⚠ WARNINGS: drug usage, swears, tbd </b>
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Apr. 2nd, 2024




Lucifer Morningstar
WHAT: Meggan and Lucifer hang out in the rain.
WHERE: Outside Pickman
WHEN: [Backdated] March 27th
STATUS: In Progress

she waited for Lucifer hoping he showed. Read more... )

Apr. 1st, 2024




WHO Harry Dresden & Yelena Belovaβ€’ WHERE Dark Score Lake β€’ WHEN Backdated to Friday night
Yelena & Harry fight creatures from the deep, and someone is hurt WARNINGS Blood, violence, shooting, stabbing, body horror
And with your mermaid hair and your teeth so sharp | You crawled from the sea to break that sailor's heart Read more... )




[Voice memo sent Saturday night to Bryn]
It worked. There was a creature--
It came through the shower drain. Don't know how, it just... did.
It was in my apartment and I killed it.

[Text sent on Sunday morning to Matt & Clint]
Sorry about the smell. I'm working on it.

[Text sent on Sunday evening to Rowena]
I realize this may be beneath you, but do you know of a way to decontaminate a room with magic? Mundane cleaners don't seem to be doing the trick.




Would it help if I made it a royal decree?
making a new friend β€’ backdated early last week
⚠ mention of storms, werewolves

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BACKDATED, 25 March | ⚠ addiction mention (soberversary!), a soft moment
A depetrification present?
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Mike & Owen

Thursday 03.28, evening (backdated) | Their home | Low

The boys lose power. Mike shows off new tricks.
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Mar. 31st, 2024




My rectangle telephone has chess on it! I have given up on wondering how it can fit so many things into it, and will simply accept that it does.




[Backdated to Friday night]
TW: blood, violence

[Text to Natasha]
Β» Harry and I are on the way to MIST
Β» Need a healer




Yesterday was a really good reminder why I usually run from danger, and I'm not ashamed to admit that. There was a time I didn't run from danger and instead just headed straight for it, but I haven't done that since I was 28.

I'll just stick to patching you guys up as well as I can. That I know to do.

So here's a formal note - if you don't want to head over to MIST why, I'm happy to pay you a visit. Just please don't put off medical help, alright?

Are you good now? It wore off?




Just wanting to touch base and see how everyone's doing after this whole ordeal yesterday. Which was something that, well, I can't put into words.

Plus my mind is still a bit scatterbrained from trying to process it all Also, I did say that I'd look into when First Aid classes were since I was thinking of signing up for one. From what I could see, they are only Sunday afternoons.

I know this is going to sound weird I hope you don't mind me asking this, but I was just wondering if you were on the beach yesterday during this whole battle.

Reason being is upon encountering this, erm, Deep One...I felt this strong urge to protect you for like several hours. I don't know if my mind was just playing tricks on me or what during that time. I just hope I didn't make too big of a fool out of myself




Thank you to everyone who helped yesterday. The Deep One is locked away and is being kept under multiple wards so the box cannot be opened by anyone. There's an order of people who it'll go to if I disappear.

Is everyone accounted for now?

How are our injured? I'm available for healing still if anyone wants to go that route still.




I hope everyone is getting the medical attention they need.

I am so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so sorry!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Apr. 1st, 2024



So, these networks seem to be more impactful when it's someone from your own world. I'm the only one here, now...but I'll manage.

Mar. 31st, 2024




If this is Dunwich's idea of a sick joke, it's not funny.

This place can go to hell.




My positronic software is malfunctioning. I shall spend approximately 7. the day attempting to add sub-routine - I believe common parlance readily refers to this process as a 'software upgrade'.

Stan Uris
It appears that being kissed by a rusalka caused my ethical sub-routines to fail temporarily yesterday. And it is human convention to apologize Would you accept my sincerest apologies for my behavior, Stan?

Mar. 30th, 2024





The Deep One )

Mar. 29th, 2024




I don't have any gifts of healing and I'm not much of a warrior, but I'd like to help in some way. I can help with meals, or with comforting people with stories, or simply sitting with someone if you need it. Please, let me know if there's anything I can do to assist any of you during these tribulations. I wish I could do more




[ooc: Posted after this]

Diana has managed to contain the rains for this evening, but they will likely return before dawn, if not midnight. If there's anything you need to do, preparation-wise, I suggest you do so now, and quickly.

Mar. 30th, 2024




↦ hey
↦ it is eye, malachi
↦ this is a check-in at the 'malachi cares' hotel
↦ you doing okay?

Mar. 29th, 2024




I like that it hurts.
WHAT: Business deals and heart-to-hearts.
WHERE: Harry's room at Pickman.
WHEN: Backdated - March 6th. Middle of the night.
WARNINGS: Mentions of brainwashing.
STATUS: Complete
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fucking embarrassing is what that was

do us a favour, luvs, avoid the wet shit. its a bad time.




Does there come a point when giving this thing what it wants becomes the better option? Or do we simply allow ourselves to be overrun?






late afternoon, 29 march | ⚠ drowning, sea gods, hurricane type weather
tldr: diana stops the rain for a few hours and temporarily
loses herself (literally) in the process
she hated that she couldn't do more
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Khonshu says I am to watch over the people leaving. That is what I am doing.




We've gotten reports that some of the locals are experiencing certain things. Sudden onset of deafness, blindness, unable to use limbs. There may be other symptoms we haven't experienced at the hospital yet, so I wanted to warn you. You can guess what they all had in common: they were near the water/beaches.

Most of the town seems to be evacuating today, so if you can, don't go out on the streets.

Voice Post [TW: Implied drowning]

I- there was this frog. He tried to- into the nearby stream- he's relentless. It all happened so fast.

I barely managed I got away-- though I may need help- just hard to move-- Please come soon.

[attached are coordinates and a somewhat shaky picture of the stream and the potential Vodyanoy in the background]