Dunwich: A Creepypasta Panfandom Game


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Posts Tagged: '%E2%88%99+plot:+013+rock+lobster'

Feb. 29th, 2024



I’m actually still trying to get used to this place and I just was curious if there were any places I needed to see or were crucial for me to know about.

On the other hand, are there any places I need to avoid?




For the record, unless you are one of my students, and your "thing" in the parade was dissecting a lobstrosity and correctly labeling all the bits, or, I dunno, extracting specific strands of DNA, I will not be giving out extra credit.

And if that was your thing, I'll need proof.

I have already told six different kids that I'm not giving them credit for dressing up like "something that's living. You know, like we study in class?" (or variations on the wording)

Feb. 28th, 2024




A friend has said repeatedly that I should not be afraid to ask for help if I need it, so
I'm asking... How do you convince your heart to not love someone anymore? I've tried logic and tequila and neither have been successful. Time is proving to not be my friend either.



tw: abuse, violence, murder in comments

How do you feel about a lobster pasta dinner with Murray? I can get some of that two-for-one garlic bread from work to bring with us. And on Friday, club night date with lots of dancing?
Vamos a hacer esto, va a ser divertido.
Did I spell that right?




If I never see another lobster (or lobster-type creature) again it'll be too soon.




What do we think happens in March? I wasn't here, last year, but beware the ides of March and all.





characters. Buffy Summers & Spike
time. Right after her arrival. | location. Near Pickman.
rating. PG-13 | status. In progress!
She's new in town, and it might get worse.

She had been so close to that final leap onto the bus. )

Feb. 27th, 2024




So do we all have a new appreciation for our overgrown pincered friends?

Doctors (The Husbands, Collectively):
How are we all settling in? Still well?




frickinb ullsiht




I saw that you offer a class for defensive fighting. I know I'm a bit of a novice, but could I schedule a time with you? I don't wish to embarrass myself in front of others.

I'm asking Natasha if she'll train me in some fighting.


I do apologize, what with being new here and I am still trying to figure out this device. Though I do hope that these error messages are not a frequent thing.

Or at least, nothing tragic has happened -- to them -- upon the time these occurred




I hope this is a suitable notice, I'm not going to be in to work for a few days. Because I'm going to get unspeakably drunk. Alone.

If I'm sloppy and hit on you, you have my sincerest apology.

Feb. 26th, 2024



Around 3am.

She's gone.






WHEN 2/24/23 (full moon) | ⚠ Animal on animal violence.
two wolfy boys running on the full moon
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Lobster parade?

Did anyone go? Did something bad happen?

Lobster risotto is how I'd want to acknowledge a lobster fest.




[Back dated soon after this conversation with Astarion.]


So, I couldn't talk to that little tadpole, because someone else was also in Astarion's thought space. Seemed to be another elf, he was pretty put off and surprised I was poking around, and wouldn't tell me much.

But from what I managed to figure out, there is another presence in Dunwich now, protecting y'all somehow. I am not sure. The stranger sort of pushed me out of the telepathic link when I figured that bit.

Handsome, but rude and secretive as hell, and now I got a headache the size of Louisiana.





Hello, there. A little birdie told me there might be someone from home, newly arrived. I've been the only one here from Faerûn for so long.

Feb. 25th, 2024




I had a patient come in with something very interesting in her head. You might even say it's a tadpole suspicious.
The previous version of you who was here was a neurosurgeon. Is that the same for you?
Guess who just got another MRI to do. I don't suppose you have any progress on the tricorder?



BACKDATED: During his text to Eddie, the day of Shadowheart's arrival


I care about you very deeply.

To Sabrina (tw death) )




Nancy & Ken

As she navigated her way over to him some 'thing' slammed into her, her body springing back and falling back onto a patch of grass, the woods taunting her.
Possible Violence, Cursing

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Who: Hazel Levesque
when: During the Lobster Parade
Where: Dunwich
What: Hazel's Arrival
Rating|Status: L for Low and Lobsters | Complete Narrative

She doubted this phone had Ancient Latin for a language )




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it's a parade!

This year's parade somehow seems bigger than last year's.

Maybe it just seems that way because the Mistakes were involved in the behind the scenes this year and didn't just stumble into the middle of the road with floats heading toward you. Then street vendors are out in force, offering ice cream, hot dogs, and lobster rolls. Even the lobster mascot seems a little friendlier this year.

The town shuts down for the duration of its Lobstrosity Parade. Yes, even Craig "don't be lazy" Toomey lines the sidewalks with a hop in his step. Tourists have come from all around the Massachusetts area to take part. It seems downright homie, especially now that you've been living here for a year. Does the marching band waving flags with a lobstrosity on it comfort you or creep you out more than it did last year? The drum corp dressed as lobsters, wearing leftovers from last year (and the year before), bang away as they smile wide. The crowd cheers everyone on.

The Tommyknocker Theatre Troupe has dressed up as clowns from various time periods this year, and all of them have a red balloon. A&C Salvage have several cars, including a 1958 Plymouth Fury in autumn red, showing off their classic beauty. Alpha Pets is walking their therapy dogs who are just about the goodest boys you ever did see. Even Roxxcart is on the action this year, with people in anthropomorphic costume versions of their Kablooie candy and Nozz-A-Cola.

Tammy Smith, clad in lobstrosity red and lots of tulle, sits atop a float while four large pigs scarf the slop at her feet. She's working hard to keep that smile on her face, even as the overlarge pigs occasionally chew on the end of her dress.

And yes, there's still something unsettling about it.

Feb. 24th, 2024




The pageant was fun and entertaining. I don't see it as maybe something I'll do again, but it was unique. Everyone did wonderful who participated, too.

Are pageants in towns like this always the same pattern? I am not familiar with them. Alexis helped me with this one.




Layla and Steven, Marc and Jake
"love is a many splintered thing"
Sidewinder Park| SFW | ⚠ Childloss, Mental health
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Let's have a date night at the up & up club opening party. It's run by a MISTake, so it'll be safe. We can sing a duet at karaoke, if you'd like?





Feb. 23rd, 2024




So I've been hearing rumors about the parade that's supposed to be tomorrow.

I'm taking a sick day off from my day job to be there and keep an eye on it, but it seems like things happen around community events around here. I'd advise caution if you're going to any celebrations, and reporting anything weird you might see even if they don't appear harmful just so others can keep an eye out.

Hopefully it'll just be a parade and a celebration for the community, but all the same.




WHO Castiel & Rory • WHERE Downtown Street Corner • WHEN Saturday Mid-Morning
Between the coat and the suit, he looked like he was part of middle grade corporate America, not hanging out in the Silver City Read more... )