Dunwich: A Creepypasta Panfandom Game


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Posts Tagged: '%E2%97%8C+inactive:+puss+in+boots'

Sep. 12th, 2023



Network Post-Lady Amalthea

I think I will be spending as much time as possible in my unicorn form. The human world here has been...less than inviting.

[Private to Sarah Williams]

I hope you have not been feeling disturbed lately. I don't know what is happening, but I can sense something foreboding. The magic that lives in me feels on fire.

[Private to Iorek Byrnison]

I was never able to thank you for your help during...everything that happened last month. It was painful in many ways, but knowing I have you as a true friend has been an honest comfort.

I also wondered...have you been feeling an extra burst of energy or pull? While I always want to remain in my true form, there is a surge I feel within me. I don't know if it is something happening in Dunwich or just something as a result of my time being in Vecna's grip.

Aug. 2nd, 2023




my brain feels kind of broken right now, dog. can anybody help me?

i wish janet or chidi were here.

Aug. 1st, 2023




If you see a robotic dog around, be cool to him. He loves people and he's harmless. For now. His name is Twitch. I'm not gonna give him too much freedom before I outfit him with some defenses but I'll probably be running some tests over the next couple of days.

JAKE, SARAH, KATE PRYDE, EDDIE, CATRA, FILIP, KATNISS, VI Hey. I work at the Slumberland Motel. Sarah does, too. Say hi, Sarah.

I wanna rent a few rooms and have a fun Friday night. If you guys invited some friends, it'd be a big help. Thanks a bunch in advance. I'm not trying to throw a rager and get my ass fired so don't go too crazy. Nothing against our elders but it'll help keep our numbers down if we focus on a specific age group. Try to keep it under thirty, maybe? We'll drink, chill, play stupid games, whatever. Can't be Todash all the time.
JAMIE Busy Friday? I'm trying to put a little thing together at the motel.




Lux & Ezreal
Permitting is completed and we've gotten the barn cleaned out and all of the basic utilities set up. We'll still need to install nicer lighting and sinks and furniture and things to make it the home you really want, but we're one step closer?

Found Family
Standing family dinners, Saturday afternoons? Or would Sundays generally be better? No need to rsvp, just show up if you'd like to, bring a dish if you can, and if you can't, that's alright, too. We might as well make it a tradition!

Customers of Time & Again! I just wanted to let you know that I'm now taking custom clothing orders. If you have any specific clothing needs or just cannot find clothes that are comfortable for you, please reach out to me or one of my employees and we can discuss what you are looking for and how we can make it happen for you.

Additionally, I never want money to be an issue. If you are unable to afford what you would like to purchase, I am willing to accept barters in goods or services- please speak with me and we can work something out! Hours in the shop helping with hanging up stock or setting up a window display- I'm willing to work with you based on your talents and need.

And if you know of any seamstresses or anyone willing to learn, I will gladly hire additional help!

Jul. 25th, 2023




The university here looks brilliant. Not that I'd know much about actually going to uni. But I reckon it'd be great.

Jul. 20th, 2023




Between the protesters at the station earlier this week and... yesterday, this week kinda sucks. I don't know about the rest of you, but I'm ready for the weekend.

Anything fun happening?

Jul. 8th, 2023




Tomorrow afternoon, I wish to share with everybody a treat! Not one that you eat, but something you feast with your eyes!

A while ago, one of those disks came to me. It was my story! What happened to me just before I was brought to Dunwich. Yes, there are many parts that are embarrassing, but the cool parts outweigh the embarrassing ones. And I am happy to say, I am very cool.

That is why I will be showing it to anybody who wants to come, tomorrow, 3:00pm</strike NOW AT 4:00 pm ! at MIST on that big screen there. Bring your own snacks.

Jul. 6th, 2023




I am volunteering myself to be to act as for a sort of Joyland visiting buddy system for anyone who wants the company. I will carry any prizes or snacks you might accumulate during the visit. I will also help you acquire earn prizes if you want.

Jul. 3rd, 2023




July 3, 2023
Layla El-Faouly ✦ Ororo Munroe ✦ Puss in Boots
Layla's arrival to Dunwich
RATING | ⚠ Some Moon Knight Spoilers

We're not Cairo anymore, Toto )

Jul. 2nd, 2023





Dungeons & Dragons? Who's in?

This is the most normal I've felt since I've gotten here. I kinda owe it to you.

Jul. 1st, 2023




It's official- we're in our new house and it is no longer haunted for the moment. There's certainly work to be done, but it'll be nice to have the space for ourselves- and oh boy, is there space here!

It actually reminds me a lot of the house I grew up in, so I'll be curious to see what other surprises it has in store for us.

[Pam, Wanda, Isabel, Sabrina, Stella, Julia, Harry]
Any thoughts on starting a coven? I'm not sure if I've missed some other witches, but I know that you all either have powers or abilities that we've spoken about before. I thought we could start here now that I have the space and we can make both the space and the group whatever we need it to be, and invite any others we know and trust as well. If nothing else, it could be a place to learn from each other and see what else we can do to help protect others in town.

Jun. 9th, 2023




Well. Any temptation I had to go check out that festival just went down the drain.

Father Andrew might sound like he's your regular PTA mom selling brownies but I'm good on that spiritual connection thing. I already saw an angel this week. I'm cool. We're good. Keep your Ka.

Jun. 5th, 2023




Today when I tried to get answers about what this Bad Moon Festival is I got... "Not at all what you're expecting."

Great. That clears that up.

Just saw the network errors. I'm sorry.

Jun. 1st, 2023




The town has finally given me a job. I did not think it would. You are now looking at Dunwich's new night guard at the docks. The vampires, they are not interested in my blood, so they won't target me, so that is not a concern. However, any tips on how to drive them away or stop them is appreciated. Garlic helps, right?

Also, does anybody have one of those DVD players I can use for a little while?

May. 19th, 2023




My new boss is pretty cool, I guess. I can eat pizza at my desk, as long as I remember to get him a slice.

Also, your cats are weird. Their heads are so small. Seems like a bunch of them just hang out around the salvage yard. Found one sleeping on an old Ford pickup truck on my way in this morning. Started rubbing his head on my hand.

Do I want a cat? I don't know. Maybe I do.

May. 13th, 2023




These cellphones are super interesting. I've taken apart two. They would be better with magic but what you all have done without it. Super unique.
Arriving here was so worth not getting that Tear of the Goddess. And there's tacos here. That I can get at any time.
I love this community network thing too.

May. 5th, 2023





I need the biggest, juiciest cheeseburger I can get my hands on. Large fries. And a shake. Chocolate.

You guys in?

[edited only a couple of minutes after being posted to add:]

You think Eddie wants to come? [...] I wasn't sure he'd be cool with me being so excited about [...] well, you know.

Hey, man. We're gonna go grab a burger. You wanna come?




Puss in Boots & Klaus Not in Boots
Friday Morning | Puss in Boots's apartment

They swap back and Klaus is no longer a cat.
mentions of nudity

Read more... )




Nice sign, glad it explains everything and absolutely nothing.




So where’s my welcome party?

Apr. 27th, 2023




[TW: Alcohol abuse]

It is a good thing that all of you can not see ghosts like I do because ghosts are EVERYWHERE!


Klaus! I am taking your advice on how to deal with the ghosts. Not the 'live with it' part, the getting drunk part. It is NOT helping. Now I am seeing ghosts AND being drunk.

Apr. 24th, 2023




Anyone want to talk about fun things they've learned since oh, Saturday?

I'll go first.

Sunscreen is vital.

≫ We need to talk.
≫ Sorry, can we talk?
≫ I think we're in this together, unfortunately.




I know there's a lot of big, weird, crazy stuff going on right now, and I don't want to diminish that at all because I'd be freaking out if I woke up in another body, obviously, but.

I got a job. Somehow. This morning. And I think I'd like to return it. How do I do that?

Apr. 23rd, 2023




I'm a cat now?




Mable the Ghost & Puss in Klaus’ Body
April 23, morning | Outside Pickman House | PG

The lonely ghost Mable haunts an area outside Pickman House, waiting for Klaus to say hello, but this morning Klaus upsets her with his behavior..
Point of view of a ghost, remembering the death of her husband, being alone.

Read more... )

*** Written to fulfill the Meta Challenge, Aspiring Novelist- Prompt B

Apr. 20th, 2023




So, I've been here almost two weeks, but I didn't post here because I thought maybe the mist would end up taking me home. Apparently, that's not happening, so I figured I should finally post instead of just sometimes reading stuff on the network.

(Getting this phone was weird, by the way. A little boy just handed it to me at the grocery store the day after I got here, out of nowhere.)

Anyway, hi, I'm Adora. Since there are no wars to fight here, I don't really know what to do, but I guess I'll figure it out!

Apr. 14th, 2023




Hey everyone, I'm working on a Saturday morning training session for people are short. Like 5'4" and under. It'll consist of a mixture of Krav Maga, Tae-Kwon Do, and Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu. All mixed up with how to use your environment and the other person(s) to your advantage. All of this is really helpful against attackers who are larger than you — using their height, weight, and leveraging them for your benefit.

I'm going to start with Saturdays at 9am-10am. If there's more interest, I might add more days.

Let me know if you're interested.

And, let me know if you're interested in hosting any sort of class (exercise, fighting, knitting, etc) club (reading, gaming, movies, arts, etc), and training (computer, writing, modern Earth). I'm working on getting MIST as filled out as possible. The schedule is a little bare. We'll also host movie nights if you're interested. We do have a projector.

I would also welcome you to our private network if you're working on something for the benefit of the group. Darcy Lewis and Kate Pryde worked hard on securing the network and the server. You'll be able to store any data you've accumulated without worry from outsiders.

Apr. 9th, 2023




Here's a list of things y'all told me were real yesterday:

🧛 Vampires - proof to be seen soon, thanks to the Doorman
🪄 Witches - don’t need a coven
🪄 Wizards - don’t live in towers?
🧙🏻‍♀️ Mages - not wizards or witches but not that different?
🦞 Giant Lobster Creatures - definitely a first, absolutely exist.
📣 Other Realities - no way to prove it
🌳 A Giant Evil Maze - missed it
👻 Ghosts
🧟‍♀️ Zombies - but not the terrifying kind?
⚡️ Norse Gods
🐈 Talking Cats!!!!!!

🔮 So basically everything I've tried to prove is real over the last however many years. I’m sorry for being skeptical. Someone told me that everything I needed to see is right in front of me.

I wish I had some cool thing to share, but all I am is human.

I’m Mercy.

This place is the creepiest dream come true.

Things you aren't showing me?
📣 Proof.

Not sure if this is working, but I had to get Coby to the hospital. He's in a bad way, and I've been sitting in a chair in his room all day. We're in Wing B, Room 7. Can you please bring some food and a change of clothes for him? Thanks.

Apr. 7th, 2023




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Apr. 3rd, 2023





If you need an escort at night a guard to walk you around at night, I'll be doing security for Pickman!

[ooc: feel free to have them still react to calling herself a night escort if they saw it before the edit!]