Dunwich: A Creepypasta Panfandom Game


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Posts Tagged: '%E2%97%8C+inactive:+maya+lopez'

Nov. 2nd, 2023




Okay, one day was one thing, but what in fresh hell is going on? Does anyone have any guesses?

Oct. 23rd, 2023




I've told myself so many times not to get used to the Phoenix Force, or rely on it, or take it for granted. Getting a break from the weight of it has been nice. But fuck it would be nice to have it back right now.

Failing that I'm making food for anyone who's got skills that are keeping them busy with searching so there's at least one less thing to worry about. Just drop by the studio. There are vegan options too.

Oct. 18th, 2023




Bit of an odd question: does anyone know how to get some spontaneously sprouted wings to… unsprout?

Don't be alarmed, but I broke the gutter outside your window. I'm getting it fixed first thing tomorrow.

So I think there's possibly a chance my bout of Angel Fever wasn't as uneventful as I'd hoped.

Oct. 12th, 2023




Well ain't this a peach. I got myself a new phone. Nicer than the last one I had. Got me to this gas station alright. So where am I? And where's the nearest motel?

Bobby? Sam? How did I get here?

Oct. 11th, 2023





So. A couple weeks ago I found this weird carving at the Historical Society, followed by this weird symbol. A couple of us have been looking for where else it might have popped up in Dunwich and we've found it on a book by a former resident in town but I swear I've seen it elsewhere and can't remember.

It's related to some...IDK if its an old god or what really, but its something that used to be worshipped in Dunwich a long time ago and comes from the ocean. I think. The book's kind of vague on that and the chapter about this particular thing is missing because of course it is. So I'm just finding little references to it here and there in the rest of them.

But if you see it anywhere can you let me know?*

Also anyone want to help me with a little necromancy?

Julia, Daimon, Rory, Mobius, Diana
The dreams got worse. I still can't see what exactly it looks like.

I saw my coworkers under the water. They'd been killed. And other people I've never seen before were there too.

Plus it showed me a crown. I am so over things trying to give me crowns.

And I'm hearing it talk to me outside of my dreams which seriously can't be good.

(ooc: *talk to me if you want your character to have seen it)

Oct. 9th, 2023



Current day

Would "Headache caused by Egyptian God freaking the fuck out" count as a valid reason for missing your first class of the day? Bloody hell.

Oct. 6th, 2023




What the fuck is wrong with this place?

It brought a six-year-old here. A six-year-old .

Her name is Yelena. Does anyone know her?

Oct. 5th, 2023



1997 - Wanda's Arrival

[forward dated to after midnight]

...What just happened? This all feels

Sep. 10th, 2023




Hey, if you're noticing anything weird this month can you hit me up?

I've noticed a few strange posts on the network and I'd appreciate if people checked in about whatever they see going on? It could be just a fluke, but if there's a pattern, it'd probably be a good idea for MIST to have a heads up.

You can message me privately if that's more comfortable. I'm sure it's nothing, it just seems like there's something every month, you know? No one wants to see the hedge maze come back.


ETA: Okay, so it looks like a lot of you are reporting ghosts from loved ones back home and a few of you have powers on the fritz. Just know you aren't alone? And if things progress or get worse, please let me know.

Are the rest of you seeing this? Could we have been getting new arrivals from home that have been coming as ghosts?

Sep. 3rd, 2023




[no under 18s]

Time for a game of fuck, marry, kill. If you don't know how to play, it's easy. Here's an example:

I get given the names Buffy, Angel, Wes.

I'd fuck Wes, marry Angel, and fuck kill B 'cause she has a habit of not staying dead anyway.

Comment below and either me or someone else'll give you names.

Sep. 2nd, 2023




Those of you who went into the trance and started floating, could you check in with me on how you're doing? Any headaches? Phantom pains? Other issues going on? Physical, not mental. Unfortunately, I'm not a therapist or psychologist. This month

Aug. 27th, 2023




People keep asking about learning how to play football. Real football, not the bastardized version Americans play. So Tartt and I are going to teach the sport. Maybe we'll form a team here, whatever local teams are called here where you don't travel because you fucking can't.

So let us know if you're interested.

Gonna make this a MIST thing, if you're good with it.

Alright? Today sucked.

You up for giving some advice?

I was told to talk to you about buying a car.

Oi. Can we talk?

Aug. 26th, 2023




God, it can't be healthy to drink this much coffee. Is anyone else scared to sleep? I feel like the whole world disappears whenever I close my eyes. I've been going invisible so much that we might as well exist on completely different planes when we can't see each other.

I want to do something... concrete. Maybe I need to get a pottery set up. Or paint my walls. Or just bake a whole lot. I'm pretty sure if I try to get anything out on canvas it's going to end up being some spooky shit and I don't think I want to indulge that mood right now.

[Steven Grant]
Do you make a habit of trying to chat up catatonic girls in real life too, or just shared hallucinations?

Aug. 25th, 2023




Hey so

Say if you, uh, accidentally SOMEHOW start a conversation with someone but in your brain - how do you turn it off? Can I opt out of this? Is there a pill? A surgical procedure I gotta go through? I'm a shit patient but I'll let someone poke around in my head to get rid of this. There is too much ASS being projected into my thoughts because I don't know how to turn this off and I hate it.


Aug. 23rd, 2023




Maya Lopez
After the psychic dance-off | MIST | PG

Maya wakes up and breaks down.
Reference to violent death.

Read more... )

Aug. 11th, 2023




Thursday • Vecna's hospital (/somewhere in the MIST building)
⚠ Mental illness, trauma, references to death and violence
STATUS Complete

she was the one with the knife and she was the one made of fire )

Aug. 10th, 2023




It's a no on bone conduction headphones.

I'm just going to take the next week off work. Easier than calling in one day at a time.

Maybe I should come and hang out somewhere more convenient.

(cw: death talk)

Aug. 9th, 2023




This week sucks. Like real bad.

Private to Matt
Are you good? Because headphones are a little -- I shouldn't even TEXT should I? Talk to text is gonna fuck something up.

Aug. 8th, 2023






So we didn't say anything before because we weren't sure, but now that someone is FLOATING, this is almost exactly like something that happened back in our own town. There was this bad guy — thing, whatever — that we called Vecna. Vecna's like if you put the Creature from the Black Lagoon with a bunch of living vines that are a hive mind together with really strong telepathy and telekinesis.

He lives in the Upside Down, which is like a really fucked up version of our world except it's all dead and weird shit floats in the air. And the only living things are demogorgons, demodogs, and demobats. And Vecna.

ANYWAY, so back home, he wanted to rip open gates from the Upside Down to our world, so he picked four people to torment with headaches, nightmares, hallucinations, and then finally... floating in the air.... and a pretty gnarly death. Those left holes between our dimensions and when he got the fourth one, it made a big giant X and ripped open the town.

BUT THERE IS A WAY to stop him. You need a song, and you need to listen to it all the time. Find a song that speaks to you, that just grabs a whole of you and doesn't let go and listen to it. On repeat. The song keeps you grounded literally.

Um, yeah, so I know other people from my dimension have experiences and stuff, but I wanted to get this part out before too many people started randomly floating in the air. And dying

[OOC: This message can be seen by everyone. Robin just wanted to get everyone's attention.]

Aug. 6th, 2023




Has anyone with these headaches tried magical remedies yet? If not, I could attempt to make a few potions with the limited ingredients I have here. It might help.

I could also attempt a healing spell.

Aug. 5th, 2023




So ah - I know that headaches seem to be the thing going around these days. But .... anyone hearing anything unusual right now?

Aug. 4th, 2023




Show of hands: who here has a headache? Just tracking. Use this as a general wtf posting or whatever you will.

Jul. 21st, 2023




Listen. I love that we're all here to entertain the kiddos, because MAX needs it to not burn things down and make weird comments about how Metal doesn't live up to Americana Rock or whatever but --

Adults. You ever felt kinda sad to not be 18 or below, these days? I'm one hundo jealous of movie outings and music lessons.

Maybe we just need more clubs? The sad fucks who need more hobbies club? The ADHD assholes who want a new thing to do weekly because clearly if we'd have wanted to do something and stuck with it we'd already KNOW guitar?

Yeah. That.




If this place is any indication I have got to stop dating superheroes. I'm going to lose my mind. It looks like this is another one from the wrong universe too, because the Marc I know sure as hell isn't married.

Whatever. I don't even care, I'm not saying anything.

Jul. 5th, 2023




You know, I am not typically a binge-watcher, but I did watch the whole second season of Is It Cake and it was very worth it. Even if my favourite didn't win. Of course if I'd seen it a week earlier I might have been tempted to try one for the picnic, but sadly I went for macarons instead.

Speaking of cake though, whoever made the coffee one with, was it a hint of cinnamon? So good.

Jul. 1st, 2023




If anyone sees a doggo hanging around Pickman and Pickman adjacent areas, that Lucky and he's my dog. Not to be confused with Kate's dog Lucky who looks very similar and also only has one eye.

The Pickman rooms are kinda small -- i figure he just likes to do some wandering while I'm not around although i don't know how he keeps getting out so, that's what's up to.

He likes pats, treats, pizza and over the top compliments.




The advice for fractured ribs is hilarious.
Do not lie down or stay still for a long time, but also don't play sports or do exercise.
Do they just want me to pace?!
2 weeks down only 4 more to go until I can be released from this struggle.
Take deep breaths, sleep sitting partially up, blah blah blah.

Jun. 30th, 2023




Work wanted me to confirm my change of address today. Went and had a look after the shop closed...

cut for pic )

Definitely enough room for yoga, partly furnished, and a whole lot of my clothes from back home in the walk in closet. Decent sized kitchen, too, but I might end up replacing the bed now I have room to.

Jun. 25th, 2023




I just saw Natasha's post about the time capsule so I'm going to go have a look at that too, but I'll get this stuff out of the way first. I've got all the hot goss on Pickman's legal history. Or at least some of it. There are long stretches where I can't really tell what's going on or if it was just sitting empty and some of the records were filed by legal offices who were probably just hired by the actual owners to do the paperwork. There are some names that can't be found anywhere else though, like either they're fake identities orrrrr possibly they just appeared out of thin air one day. Some of them are familiar.

Anyway, there's definitely been some kind of building on this site for at least a hundred years. Something residential, though I'm not sure if it was always the same building since it's been converted at least a couple of times. Some definition of "we" were running a boarding school here in the 90s, I recognise names from both the staff and students, but I only have partial records for any given year and usually it's from things like local news pieces where one or two people did something that got noticed so I can't get any idea how often the same people might be popping up.

I've put together everything I found so I'll drop the envelope off at the front desk and I'm bringing a camera with me to MIST in case anything in the capsule adds to it as well.

Jun. 24th, 2023




Mobius and his crew were able to make it into the church and find the time capsule. They've brought it here to MIST. There is a lot here, so I could use some help sorting through the things inside it.

[OOC NOTE: The items to be discovered can be found here. If you'd like to add items because you missed the first time it went around, feel free! Plot with people!]