Dunwich: A Creepypasta Panfandom Game


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Posts Tagged: '%E2%97%8C+inactive:+jude+duarte'

Mar. 20th, 2024





wednesday!! is!! a statue!!

i am dragging her back home!! right!! now!!!!!

[ooc note: enid is literally pulling the statue along behind her from the docks, she's a strong little thing, but she is completely panicking.]

Mar. 12th, 2024




Hello, my name is Lucy. I've been told that this is the best way to communicate with others who are here like I am? I've just arrived yesterday, and would like to introduce myself.

I've already made it to Pickman, I've been informed where MIST is and the money jar, and I suppose the next step is learning where things are and deciding what to do with myself? What do you do here? What is one place in town that you think everyone should visit?

Mar. 5th, 2024




A few MIST updates.

I'm looking for a few positions. Some, I will be reaching out to people I feel have qualifications that I need. Some I will be asking for volunteers.

For example, Katniss Everdeen was in charge of our youth oriented programs. This included following up with the 20s and under group to get them guides whether they felt they needed them or not, the youth stipend program, and after school events. If you're interested in this position, I can either do two Co-Heads if you want part time, or I can do one Head, if you want full time.

If you're interested in hosting a party, I would like to suggest MIST as your location. I know it's not as grande as Carbunkle House, but I believe that since there is an immediately door to Pickman that can be locked with a few phrases, it's one of our safer places to have parties. Please see me for any parties or dinners that you'd like to host.

Dr. Theo Crain has taken over as the Mistakes Support Group that Jake Pentecost handled until his disappearance. For a fuller look at our current schedule, you can check that out here. If you're interested in creating a group, see me, and we'll figure a way to work it out.

And as always, if you're interested in being emergency personnel for MIST in the following positions, let me know: Search and Rescue, Fight, Magic, and Medical/Healing.

With Katniss's disappearance, we need to find you a new guide. Do you have someone you're interested in for that position? We have Liv Moore, Wanda Maximoff, Miguel O'Hara, Marc Spector, and Yelena Belova who are open to guides but do not have any under 20 year olds.
My records show that you do not currently have a guide. Is there one you have in your mind? We do have Liv Moore, Wanda Maximoff, Miguel O'Hara, Marc Spector, and Yelena Belova who are open to working with 20s and under if you'd prefer to be given one of those.
How's the puppy giving away going?

Mar. 2nd, 2024





I would first like to thank those who taught me how to use this telephone, I appreciate your assistance very much.

I believe now I should introduce myself. I am High Queen Susan of Narnia and Susan Pevensie of London. I hope to make your acquaintance soon. I arrived yesterday eve, and would very much like to return to Narnia as soon as it is convenient and possible.

Warm Regards,

Mar. 1st, 2024




Must say I was not anticipating a brawl to erupt the same night we ran out of lobster at Todash. I guess some people are very serious indeed about their seafood...

Jokes aside, I heard some of our own were involved? I do hope everyone is alright... and won't be doing that again. Bev and I may have to ban you from the premises if you can't behave.

ETA: In fact and I hope she'll back me on this the first rule of the new and improved Todash Tavern is No Fighting.

ETA 2: Err, I may have buried the lede. Yay, bank loans?


How's our guest? Lobster parade came and went, so I assume he'll be leaving today, right? Have you seen him?




The Up & Up's Grand Opening
Join us! )
Tags: , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , ,

Feb. 13th, 2024




I'm going to wrestle a lobstrosity.

Just letting everybody know.

Feb. 12th, 2024




Okay, so...

I always thought the east coast was going to be different but this is more than I was expecting.

Hey, I'm new to town. Isaac.

Feb. 10th, 2024




I, um. Found a lobstrocity crawling up into my yard from the creek today. It's dead now, but- anyone wanna come over for a lobstrocity meal?

And can anyone maybe help check my wards again? Or update 'em to keep out those lobstrocities too?

I haven't seen or heard from you since I got you over to Pickman. How are you doing? Settling in alright?

I'm sorry to be that person, but I was going through my records and noticed that Jake was your last Guide. Any thoughts on another?

Haven't seen you in a while. Everything good with you? Your friends?

Feb. 2nd, 2024




So this is really some place called Dunwich and I've really been snatched from my reality? No lie?

Feb. 1st, 2024




So, is MIST gonna have a float in this parade? I think it would be cool to have a float in the parade.

I might have already signed us up.

Jan. 26th, 2024




We know who the catbus is going after next. This is going to be our best opportunity to get people out when it opens up, but I'm going to need help.

There are a lot more creatures in the fog than the catbus. I need a couple of fighters with me to make sure nothing attacks us while I enact my admittedly not the best plan.

This thing is clever and may try to draw us somewhere dangerous if it catches on that we're up to something. So... anyone that can draw monsters away to other parts of the town? A lot of you can handle yourselves and I could use any help I can get.

I need to go now. Who's available?

I need your help.

I have an idea but it's risky. If it doesn't work, I need Spock and Sabrina on deck to try something else, so I need you to hang back.

The two fighter slots here are spoken for! If you signed up and are not able to participate, lmk! No worries if the timing doesn't work.

1Will link volunteers to an IC/OOC thread tonight/tomorrow to wrap this up!

2The volunteers for drawing monsters away is new because I just thought of it. :B So if you missed out on being muscle or your character would be involved, that's open to anyone!

3Thank you everyone who participated and made this plot way cooler than my original idea. ♥

Jan. 16th, 2024




Do hope everyone's staying safe in this blasted fog. I nearly drove into a ditch on my way to work, so my day's off to a berry good start.

Fret not, Celery is unharmed.

Hello! I don't know how the Angel Fever... spinoff... issue has been treating you, but I hope it's better than it was. In case it's still touch and go, I may be able to give you some hope for the future: I've finally managed to get my own lingering, unpleasant side effect under control. It took me about three months, but I got there in the end! And if I can do it, anyone can.

Jan. 15th, 2024




Jude and Jake
Late last week before the fog got worse | The mean streets of of Dunwich

Catching up while running, kind of.
Talk of cults and potential brainwashing.

Read more... )

Jan. 14th, 2024




A large ... cat like creature came out of the fog in Sidewinder. Roughly the size of a tank if I recall wha. Another creature came out of the fog and tried to go after it but the thing stepped on it and then lumbered onward.

I'm not sure if its a threat or not, but there are definite creatures coming out of the fog now.

It paid no interest to me.

Jan. 4th, 2024




Posted this morning, after this. tw for monsters, blood, etc

If you live out near or plan to do anything out in Sidewinder, please be careful. Something is out there, and it's left a lot of blood loud and it's fast. There's a trail of blood and I couldn't find the source. It definitely couldn't hurt to travel in pairs.




I don't exactly know what day it is because I've spent most of the last few sleeping, but-

Does anybody else hear the roaring from the woods? It doesn't sound like our werewolves, and whatever it is, it's getting closer to civilization.

Any of our healer types able to make a house call? My head's still pounding.

Jan. 3rd, 2024




so this isn't the danger room because hank would never make coffee four american dollars so what is it

and whatever it is i am keeping this newspad

Jan. 2nd, 2024




[Yennefer, Katniss]
I am Apology will not mend it, but I regret the hurt I caused you. If there is any way I can make up for it, I will.

I have need of you tomorrow at dawn. The usual spot.

Are you How are you feeling?

Dec. 28th, 2023




Consequences be damned.
WHAT: a chance meeting and magic
WHERE: the forest
WHEN: today
STATUS: Complete
Read more... )

Dec. 22nd, 2023



CW: missing body parts

Are you... alright? Since that bit. With the face.

I have got... a brilliant TARDIS-blue scooter.

You going my way, doll?

As I understand it, there are several 'gifts' whirling about that are questionable. Unpleasant. Uncertain. I'll have a look at them for you, if you like. In terms of favours in return, I do accept hugs, high fives, and/or bananas as compensation. At least, I think I still fancy bananas. No idea anymore. Ought to look into that. Still no pears. Ever.

Dec. 13th, 2023




Maybe a weird question, but is it possible to add landmarks to the town map that's on all the phones? Say, a house? So anyone who for obvious reasons doesn't want to run into me can avoid it

Might need to skip therapy this week. Won't be at the Clairmont-Bishop place. I moved out.

Thank you for all your help daylight-proofing the house. And for having me in your home.

Yesterday went okay. Nothing to report. Didn't attack anyone, didn't set foot outside

[tw: mention of drunk driving in comments]

Dec. 11th, 2023




but first? coffee.
WHAT: Coffee, chatting, picking out catering?
WHERE: Out and About
WHEN: Mid-morning, 12 December
STATUS: Incomplete
Read more... )

Dec. 8th, 2023




Ah, the universe and its infinite humour. I was busy. Very busy, but that's fine. Must be another problem abouts for me to fix, hm? Nice trick with the TARDIS. Clever, indeed. In one door and nearly flattened by a car out the other. Me! Imagine that! What a waste of a return that would be. Hah! Right, so.

I'm the Doctor. Who's the leader? I'd endeavour to be taken to them. I've got words. So many words. 'Cause I've been told I'm rude, and I can't deny that I am, but this? Blimey. 'Rude' doesn't quite suit. I was with my friend and now I'm not, and that makes me angry. That makes me keen to meet that next level rudeness with a spot of my own. So, the answer had better be palatable because I've not even gotten to the absence of my ship on top of all else.

Answers. Now.

Dec. 5th, 2023




So with the recent disappearances, we've got some openings that I'd like to get filled. I believe Roy Kent's Run Club is still going, but I need someone to take the helm on it. Anyone in Run Club wanna play follow the leader?

And this one requires far more skill and knowledge and certifications. For our Search and Rescue group, we had weekly first aid training — for certifications to be out in the field on SARS missions. To do this, you'll need to take an instructor course with the Red Cross. The certification lasts for two years, then you get re-certified. If anyone is interested in this training, MIST will pay for the classes and certifications needed.

Also, I was thinking of hosting a little holiday part here at MIST. I thought December 22nd might be a good date. Anyone interested in attending? Could make it a potluck if you want.




To all Pickman residents and staff,

Do you object to a small dog accompanying me during my security shifts at Pickman? She is very quiet and would remain outside at all times. Nevertheless, if it is a problem, I can make other arrangements.

Dec. 1st, 2023




Anyone else have a... How should I put this? Weird? Night? Last night?


Didn't wanna wake you up cause you just worked the entirety of November basically. But... I might be hearing voices? That can't be good, right?

What am I saying? Of course it's not good. Especially here.

Nov. 18th, 2023




Dunwich giveth and Dunwich... fucks us over.

Eponine was a friend. I'll miss her.

Kate B, I spoke too soon. If you still want that job...

Nov. 17th, 2023




So, over the past couple of days, I've noticed Alison has been rather fatigued. Though today, there's been dizziness, a splitting headache and a low-grade fever. I know it's most likely Angel Fever.

With that in mind, I need to take her to the hospital and see if they can help out any with this. Although with Dunwich being in perpetual darkness, I may have to ask if anyone would be more than willing to provide a ride, if they feel so obliged.

Nov. 15th, 2023




I hope this power outage won't last too long, but for now, Time & Again is closed today and until power returns.