Dunwich: A Creepypasta Panfandom Game


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Posts Tagged: '%E2%97%8C+inactive:+isabel+howe'

Aug. 10th, 2023



Voice Recording - Post

I know battery life and all that is a big thing right now. That some of you are using the type of phone that doesn't have a headphone jack -- so if you've got your music on there, you're using wireless headphones or the power connecting port for -- you know how it works, don't let me over explain here.

Anyway, you're welcome, I've been working on it and at least the common areas of MIST have wireless charging capabilities now so don't unplug if you don't have to. Just show up here and maybe have a little silent rave with a neighbor.

I know, it's not very cool but it's definitely better than--

FRIDAY, where'd I put that --

[ End of Voice Post ]




I know things are chaotic right now, but my house is still open if any of you would like to stop by tonight. We can take a look at whatever plans we have and see what might work or if we can combine anything to see what might help.

Checking in on you- how are you holding up?




I've been given permission by her family to let you all know that Nell Crain was the young lady we lost yesterday morning, August 9th. She was a wonderfully empathetic and caring person, and a light to those who knew and loved her. I know very little about the specifics of her passing- and her loved ones are in no shape to be answering questions at this time. Please respect their privacy and grief until they are ready.

She was a dear friend of mine and I shall miss her terribly. Please be careful out there and keep yourselves safe.



[After a respectable amount of time has passed, let's say around 14:00 hrs]

Around approximately 04:30 hours, I seem to have witnessed a body being removed from the first floor and being carried away in a silenced emergency vehicle.

Would it be possible to either get some confirmation or denial regarding this, because it feels like my mind has been playing tricks on me today.

Aug. 9th, 2023




[right after this post]

Is? What's going on? What's wrong?




I need medical aid in Apartment 155 at Pickman. Nell Crain. Dan Torrance is there, her brother Luke should be there soon. I'm standing outside the door. Please be discreet, I don't know how else to say this because I can't even fucking believe this, but Nell passed away and we need help now.




Texts to Isabel. TW death, alcoholism )



[Text to friends*]

Don't mean to alarm anyone, but my sniffles got bothersome enough to warrant a jaunt to the hospital. Probably out of an overabundance of caution they've decided to keep me overnight. Please, no one fret. I'm already feeling better.

Hope everyone's headaches are abating. Mike's been keeping me off the network so I'll sleep.

[*ooc: if you want your character to be included, they are.]




Haymitch? You still around? Seriously, I ain't seen you in weeks. Laugh at me if you want, but I'm worried. It's just you and me now.

This ain't funny anymore. What's going on?

I picked up a couple extra mp3 players in case any of you need one. In case phone batteries die or whatever.




To anyone who needs a meal or a coffee, it's free this week. I'll cover it. It's the least I could do.


How are you doing with this situation?

Aug. 8th, 2023




Well, let's make you a mixtape.

Where are you? You're not allowed to be alone from now on. Sorry, no privacy, it's a new twin law.

Maybe it wouldn't be a bad idea to have a public list of everyone's songs somewhere, just in case.




Perkatory is running on a limited staff today. Please be considerate when you come in and bring your dishes to the counter before you leave.

Two things,
We might need to do some location work on Eddie (80s, vs Kaspbrak). And by that I mean that I volunteered us to do some work to find Eddie Munson.

Checking in?

Hi, Chris. How's your head?

I pulled our tapes - there's no sign of him. Wanda suggested I reach out and ask you guys if you've seen anything.

ETA: PERKATORY - after Robin's entry
Headphones. 24/7. For us and anyone who comes in. Orders can be written on sticky notes. Please also kill the overhead music. I'll be in as soon as possible.

Aug. 7th, 2023




For those who are new, we have running club in the morning on Wednesdays. Anyone is welcome to join.

Updated that the days should be Tuesdays and Thursdays. 5:30 am. I run every day though including Wednesdays so you're more than welcome to join.

Exercise is always good in my opinion.

Aug. 6th, 2023




Hello, everyone. I've just arrived here, but wanted to introduce myself. I'm Kaneki, or Ken. Er, my full name is Ken Kaneki, so whichever you're most comfortable with.

I've already found some decent coffee here, which is a relief. I'd say I'm glad to be here, but I'm not so sure yet about that.




I can assure you that drinking booze won't help your headache. If I've noticed you've got one and you come in asking for something, I'm not going to serve you. I don't care what tips I lose from it. Alcohol dehydrates you which will make that headache worse.

All of these headaches going around, and people talking about nightmares.... I've got a bad feeling about this.
You might remember me from the Todash Tavern. I've seen you there a few times with friends.

I'm the red head behind the bar. Beverly.

Aug. 4th, 2023




Show of hands: who here has a headache? Just tracking. Use this as a general wtf posting or whatever you will.




So just a reminder that if you're going to experiment with the ghost line or try to find a way home, either by magic or science, please let us know at MIST what you've tried or experienced? And in return, full transparency on the research we collect.

If you have any questions about the work we're doing, my door is open. Thanks.

Aug. 3rd, 2023




It's been a couple of days since I've seen anything creepy in the wax museum so I'll consider that a plus!

I think I'm going to go to the store at the college for some new paints, I'm running low on some colors. Does anyone want to come?

I did the ring recharge and took it off yesterday, things felt okay.

Aug. 2nd, 2023




Not to alarm anyone -- but can someone explain what the fuck just happened?

TW: comments involving drug use in the comments bc Keeley doesn't know how to cope with this.




[Addie, Pamela, Sabrina, Chrissy]
So my birthday's coming up on the 13th. I'm thinking of having a sleepover the night before- the 12th? Would you ladies be interested in coming over to celebrate with me?

I meant to message out to thank everyone for coming out after our last meeting. I think I'd like to set a standing date for a monthly meeting- perhaps the second Thursday of each month? If we need to meet up between these meets we can certainly do so, or meet up in smaller groups as needed, but I think once a month might be a good starting point. I'm open to hosting at my house, or we can find other places if you'd like as well.

Less than a month before we're back to school. Am I ready for my classes? Perhaps not as ready as I should be.

The beach party was wonderful, though- thank you for setting that up, Sookie and Sabrina!




Despite my best efforts, the sniffles aren't ceasing and the headache isn't dimming. My deepest apologies, Todash friends and countrymen, but I'll be absent from your ranks tonight. And possibly tomorrow, just to be safe. Can't be getting into a kitchen in this state.

Alison, your miracle tea is delicious. I'm not giving up hope that it is also miraculous.

Aug. 1st, 2023




Uh. So I --This is awkward, actually.

I know it's a full moon tonight, and some people like to go running around and doing a little howl out there or whatever which, obviously very cool. I Try keeping Lucky out of trouble on days like that, just, you know. In case. I don't want my half blind dog getting in the way or the wrong idea or anything. I swear I locked

Anyway, tricky little bugger managed anyway. So. Careful if you see him out there somewhere, okay? Hey. Maybe he just went to the beach, too. If he did - uh. I dunno, give him a hotdog, I guess?




Since my beach shindig got rained out the other day, I'mma crash Sookie's chill beach vibes. Anyone else going?

Hey, I've been thinking (I know, I know, congrats to me) about how it might be cool if we just ... I dunno.

Found a place?

I was only really staying in the dorm room situation for Ani, and to be close to you guys anyway so -- What do you think? It's cool if the answer is nah, it's just a thought.




Brownie is here! I knew he would be. He's very friendly and likes attention, so say hi if you see us around.

Lux is going to take some pictures of him. For now, I just have this one.

photo )




Something about a carnival just makes me say nope. I'm getting the distinct impression I'm not really missing anything? Correct me if I'm wrong though, please.

Sorry to message you out of the blue, but word has it we have a murderer in our midst, and as the owner of this delightful little town's private investigation agency, I feel it'd be remiss of me if I didn't ask if we could offer our services at all.

All of which is to say, we're multi-skilled and here if you need us, and we'd appreciate any information you're comfortable sharing with us.

The kid was cagey to the point of radio silence. I think you might have better luck with him, the two of you seem close.




Happy August, Dunwich! Try not to get kil

Is it your birthday this month? Let me know what day and you'll get a half dozen muffins (with your flavor of choosing).

Also, it's been a few months since I've asked ridiculous questions! Here's a few fun ones that I just picked out of an old magazine that I found under the counter at work:

  • Would you rather have everyone you know be able to read your thoughts or for everyone you know to have access to your Internet history?

  • Would you rather lose the ability to read or lose the ability to speak?

  • Would you rather walk barefoot in a public bathroom or through poison ivy?

    ETA: Does anyone have a bike and a helmet I can borrow?

    Here we go...

    [LUKE & NELL]
    Hey! You're both invited to come to a revolving 'found family' dinner thing on Sundays at the Bridgerton residence if you'd like to go!

  • [info]instafix



    WHO Howe and Crain • WHERE Beach • WHEN Saturday 7/29
    Luke and Isabel learn lessons in patience while making each other absolutely miserable at the beach. WARNINGS Flirting, sexual innuendos, addiction talk, general pent up feelings.
    Maybe his entire life would be split again. Before it was before and after the house. Read more... )




    Hey- you ever figure out what that plane thing was about?

    Found a taco truck. Heard they're coming back a few times this month, too- wanna come check 'em out?

    Welp. Another one down. Two of us left. This feels familiar.




    Lux & Ezreal
    Permitting is completed and we've gotten the barn cleaned out and all of the basic utilities set up. We'll still need to install nicer lighting and sinks and furniture and things to make it the home you really want, but we're one step closer?

    Found Family
    Standing family dinners, Saturday afternoons? Or would Sundays generally be better? No need to rsvp, just show up if you'd like to, bring a dish if you can, and if you can't, that's alright, too. We might as well make it a tradition!

    Customers of Time & Again! I just wanted to let you know that I'm now taking custom clothing orders. If you have any specific clothing needs or just cannot find clothes that are comfortable for you, please reach out to me or one of my employees and we can discuss what you are looking for and how we can make it happen for you.

    Additionally, I never want money to be an issue. If you are unable to afford what you would like to purchase, I am willing to accept barters in goods or services- please speak with me and we can work something out! Hours in the shop helping with hanging up stock or setting up a window display- I'm willing to work with you based on your talents and need.

    And if you know of any seamstresses or anyone willing to learn, I will gladly hire additional help!

    Jul. 30th, 2023




    Finally buckled and gave into the ticket temptation to go to Joyland tonight. I've always been a sucker for the fortune telling but I'm not sure 24 fortunes were supposed to spit out of the machine!

    And what the heck does 'YOU WILL HAVE A SONG IN YOUR HEART' even mean?