Dunwich: A Creepypasta Panfandom Game


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Posts Tagged: '%E2%97%8C+inactive:+nancy+wheeler'

May. 29th, 2023




for the record

and i feel it needs to be said:


seriously, it wasn't me and i am really, really, really sorry this happened.

May. 27th, 2023



Prom Night!


Read more... )

May. 17th, 2023




sooooooo did someone lose their dog last night or know if there's a stray running around?? 🤔 i think i saw one near the woods on my evening walk?? and i tried calling for it but it ran off and it didn't smell quite ri!

i was tired when i got back to my room and forgot to mention it, sorry!! 😞

May. 9th, 2023




Not sure if this thing is real but here goes nothing

Hello? [...] My name is Nancy. Nancy Wheeler. I was told that this connects to everyone here, so I guess this my way of introducing myself. [...] To be honest, I'm not quite sure if I'm doing this right.

May. 7th, 2023




Nancy Wheeler and Luxanna Crownguard
Early Evening | The edge of the woods | PG13

Nancy finds herself in unfamiliar woods and realizes that she isn’t in Hawkins and Lux gets the chance of finding Nancy and telling her a bit about Dunwich. Chapter One: The New World..
Guns and Cursing.

Read more... )

Apr. 1st, 2023




Steve's missing. Chrissy's missing. They're gone from the network.


Robin, Nancy, if I can't find Eddie, I'm going past the Ghost Line to look for him. I'm not losing him again.




March 6th (backdated)/Around 6pm,The Pickman House.
⚠ None. Talk of magic.
STATUS (Complete)

First Magic Lesson. )

Mar. 24th, 2023








I know things got scary earlier this week. I'm sorry that happened. But I saw almost all of you working together, helping one another and we got through the worst of it. I have a feeling it won't be the last time something like that happens.

Pickman doesn't make sense, but I think it might be in a good way. We still don't know much about it, but it provides rooms for new arrivals, more rooms than should fit in the building, and occasionally it provides other spaces, too. When everything went down earlier this week, it was a safe space. Even some of the locals sheltered here in the lobby. I think that means we can trust it.

I won't be offended if any of you choose to leave and find other accommodations, but I'll be staying. It's still our best bet for new arrivals.

Lastly, some of you may have been looking for options when it comes to therapy. I'm sorry I didn't announce this sooner, but Loki and I visited a local therapist to see if it would even work. It's hard to explain, but they don't seem to blink twice when talking about aliens or time travel or being abducted by mist. It's like their brains sort of filter out the parts that they don't understand and turn it into something they can respond to. I'm not sure if that explanation makes perfect since but long story short, the local therapists are an option for those of you looking for those services.

Let me know if anything comes up, if there's anything you all need. As always, I'll do my best to help.

ETA: Who are the ghost experts here? Hauntings, exorcisms (or is that just demons?), that kind of thing?

Mar. 20th, 2023




Earlier this week, you all received a message that Melina Vostokoff's account was deleted. After searching for her, checking the network that Carol created, and some magical spells, it appear Melina is no longer here. We can only assume that she disappeared the way we all arrive. Until we see that happen with someone, we only have that assumption.

You got any plans tonight? I was thinking a girl's night. Some cocktails, some TV, maybe some face masks and doing each other nails. Ordinarily, I'd pay for a spa to do all of that, but sometimes you just wanna have a night in.

You game?




Anyone else flippin' burgers down at the burger joint? Because I guess I'll be right there with you starting tomorrow.

[ Ivy ]

are we cool

we're not cool, are we? god, not this again

Mar. 16th, 2023




Ten days.

That's how long I've been here.

And still no one's tried to kill me.

I'm not sure how I feel about that. I mean, I know it's a good thing. It's just. Unexpected.




Please don't let me punch a customer in the face. Please don't let me punch a customer in the face. Please don't let me punch a customer in the face.

The next person who screams at me is going to find out just how hard I can hit.

Mar. 15th, 2023




Out of sheer curiosity, who's just been handed a job here? How did you come to get it?

Have any other strange happenings occurred that don't seem to have a reason to it?

Private to Hange Zoe )

Private to Stiles )

Mar. 10th, 2023



Netpost: Peeta Mellark

this can't be

Real or not real?

Mar. 6th, 2023




I guess this is the place to say hello. My name is Clarke Griffin.

Is anyone else from Atlantis here? Ollie, Wanda, Alicia? Ed or Mordecai?




Someone I knew said there's usually a causality between people with strength showing up and the number of threats that happen because of that. It's not an at-fault situation so much as that's what happens when you get a bunch of heightened or super skilled people, the rest of the world tries to follow. The Avengers, from my world, were there to help stop those who intended to harm people.

I've been thinking about the charity I plan to run, and along with it, I want us to be prepared for the potential eventuality that things place is going to throw at us. Lobster/scorpions, vampires, the locals, — who knows what else this place has in store for us. I want to be prepared.

I know the subject of powers and skill sets can be a touchy one so if you're not comfortable telling anyone — or even me — that's completely fine. If you want to share it privately, I'm good at keeping secrets. I'd like to know who we have here in case of various scenarios.

Mar. 5th, 2023




So, I'm thinking that it might not be a bad idea to start investigating how long these lobsters have been around- if they're a new phenomenon or not. It's weird because I haven't been able to find any reference to them in the library, but the locals are acting like it's always been a thing.

I know it's not much, but at least it's a start.

I have a few resources working with the paper I might as well use, so let me know if there's anything in town you think we can look into. Any leads about what's making locals act the way they are? Or where this Ghost Line comes from.

Mar. 2nd, 2023




Okay, so I've been here for over a week now, cool, cool, it's fine. I did get a letter saying that I'm officially enrolled at the high school. Apparently, all of my paperwork checks out and they have my class schedule ready for me.

That's weird, right? I figured since I'm 17 I would need some kind of guardian to get all of that worked out.

Is anyone else a Junior? Anyone in AP classes?

I'm going to need supplies, and I just bought a new set of highlighters back home, and they're the fancy kind! They don't bleed through the paper!

For those of you that are still studying the ghost line, or really all the other anomalies, I have thoughts or some things that might help. My suit came with me through the fog, and it has a tracking device as well as a communicator. I might have to fiddle with it to get the right frequency here, but I thought it might be useful.

Mar. 1st, 2023




[OOC: After this comment of Max's. ALSO - this post isn't meant as a dig at anyone who hasn't replied to Max's post yet, it's just what Haymitch would IC-ly do, even if Max's post had been up for like, five minutes.]

Mobius, Natasha, Ororo, Flickles, Alison, annnnd anyone else who lives at Picksdfgdfg house who gives a shit about helping out a kid who needs it, if you could be so kind as to find and inform Dustin Henderson, Nancy Wheeler and Robin Buckley that MAX MAYFIELD is here and would like to hear some familiar voices on her voice post ASAP, an extra point if any of them can corroborate that Eddie is Eddie. Voice notes because she can't see. She's at Queen Burger right now, soon to be with Diana Bishop. Steve Harrington can stay where he is unless he's got a handle on himself.





I don't know how this works, but someone reassured me it would and then just left.

But Dorothy, I don't think we're in Hawkins High anymore.

Am I going to have to yell at a mad scientist with a Delorean about it? Am I just supposed to be Hangin' Tough? Because If I Could Turn Back Time, I would choose to be anywhere but here. No offense, but I don't do so well in new places.

[...] Can anyone hear me?

Feb. 27th, 2023




I just have to say -- this is definitely the weirdest thing that's ever happened to me. And I go to a school full of werewolves, sirens, and gorgons. Among other categories.




I got a letter saying I'm enrolled in school. Seriously? That's so juvenile and pointless. Besides, there's no way I can be at school at 7:45, I'm never up before ten. Minimum. Ugh.

Anyway, if I'm going to be fighting vampires at all, I'm going to need a way to get more supplies. Mostly the Greek Fire and shrapnel canisters. The ones I have are specifically designed for agents so there's probably not anything like them already here. Anyone feel like having a look and figuring out if they can manage something?

Feb. 25th, 2023




I was hoping things would make more sense in the morning but now I've just got a side of morning breath to enjoy with my confusion. Although I'm still not convinced I haven't been drugged, I am thoroughly convinced I need to brush my teeth. I just Vampires aren't actually I don't know what to do with most of what I'm seeing here but I do all of my best thinking with a clean mouth.

My name is Ani and I don't understand what's for the low, low price of one kindly delivered toothbrush, you'll have won yourself a friend for life or at least for the duration of this powerful drug trip or vivid coma dream. What a steal.

Feb. 24th, 2023




So I know this place is crazy and no one can explain why we're here or what's going on with this town. But I have good news.

There are oreos at the gas station.

You're welcome.

Feb. 22nd, 2023




Okay now it's just writing everything that I'm saying.

How do I get it to

No, go back.

Erase that.


I just want to type on the

Feb. 21st, 2023




I'm going to be a student at Derleth college at the start of the next semester.  I've already got an acceptance letter, a scholarship, and an admissions package. I always wanted to go to college!  I didn't think I'd get the chance.   

I've got a job too, as a wildlife technician in the state park.  I get to spend my time outside and be around animals.  The job actually uses a lot of my hunting skills without me actually having to kill anything.  

This is more of a life than I ever thought I'd get to have.

Feb. 20th, 2023




I'm about to test my phasing to see if that has a difference when I go through. See if phasing out of space will get me through the line undetected. Works on a lot of things, so I guess I'll find out.

But I thought everyone should know, the locals can leave the town. I've watched a bunch of people coming and going. People on foot, people in vehicles, people on bikes. I think it might just be us stuck here.




I guess this is one way to get out of a mid-term.

Or maybe I slipped on a banana peel and hit my head.

Feb. 19th, 2023




Take a guess who's the newest reporter at the Dunwich Weekly?

I can't say I expected a full-time job right out the gate, but the one of owners literally ran into me this morning and then offered me a position.

...I know it seems too convenient...but, I think it will give me a to investigate what's going on around here and why this town seems so off.