Dunwich: A Creepypasta Panfandom Game


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Posts Tagged: '%E2%88%99+plot:+004+canon+puncture'

Jul. 2nd, 2023





Dungeons & Dragons? Who's in?

This is the most normal I've felt since I've gotten here. I kinda owe it to you.

May. 31st, 2023



Narrative: Anakin Skywalker

WHO: Anakin Skywalker; NPC
WHAT: Anakin picked the wrong day of the month to shop at a store with a pocket dimension problem.
WHERE: Time & Again
WHEN: Tuesday, March 14, and then mid-May

And he didn't even know 3/14 was Pi Day. )




Hope everyone is okay! Let me know if you need anything. I am still working security overnight during the weekday and I'm available to walk anyone anywhere they need.


I'm so sorry about talking you into going to prom :(




I didn't wind up going to the prom event, though it sounds like I missed quite a bit of action.

That being said, we do offer survival and self defense courses at MIST on Saturdays. This is separate from Natasha's course, open to anyone of every skill level.

As the group grows, I'd welcome additional instructors.




[...] UM I'm the new owner of Sweet Confectionery & Ice Cream Parlor...

I don't even know how it happened! I just walked in and Mrs. Sweets said that she had inherited some money from a family member, I don't know, but she's retiring immediately and handed everything over to me.

I am FREAKING out! The finances look like they're set up differently than at home, is anyone here good with finances and willing to teach me?

May. 30th, 2023




Okay, votes on the best places to de-stress in this town?

[Private to Boorman]

Thanks for like, totally saving me from that guy. Is he, like, okay?

[Private to Natasha]

Hiiiiii ummmmmm you are the self-defense person, right?

May. 31st, 2023




[Enjolras, en français]

Hey, little brother. I heard our surprise Dunwich prom went somewhat pear-shaped, but I haven't been told of any casualties. Hoping that means you fared well? And maybe had a good time?

For my part, I made a new friend Saturday night! Her name is Eponine and, hold on to your hat, she's from 1832 Paris. Immediately made me think of you.

She stayed with me at the bookshop for a night, then moved to Pickman. Still very much finding her way, I think, but she catches on quick. She has the look of a survivor. Still, it may do her good to speak to someone else who knows the language.

May. 30th, 2023




Sounds like prom was uh interesting. Too bad I missed out, but why beat my record of 0 attended school and school-esque events? I uh have no idea how or why I'm here but I could use a good burger and beer. Where would I be able to get one or both of those around here?




I think I've touched base with most of you I know, but I guess I can't stay under the radar forever here, though that might just be my preference.

I'm Steve. I've heard there was another version of me around not so long ago, so I apologize if we end up having the same conversation twice, but I don't have any memories of being here before.

Reach out if you need anything, I'm on the second floor at Pickman.




I think I'm going to need to get that volume from you, another one has been found.




I know that it's been said ad nauseam how eventful the weekend was. So, I figure that I just need to try to move on from it all and try to mingle with in Dunwich.

Still, it's making me think that I need to actually start thinking of long-term plans, if I'm stuck here indefinitely. So, I should probably try to look for a place that is in need of employment or something of the sort.




Matthew & Éponine
After this | Éponine's Room - Pickman

Welcome to the future, we have gatorade.

Read more... )




Anyone else having strange dreams lately?

    Other than you, of course. [...] Assuming you know what I mean.

    You ever feel [...] Did you go to prom?

    You wanna go for a walk with me and Dog?

    Would it be alright if my dog came with me to running club?




With a nod, his right hand reached back as if to help guide her. This was a perfect opportunity to show her how awesome he was.
THE HOWLING ABYSS | PG | ⚠ ITS WHOLESOME; TW for general danger
Read more... )

May. 31st, 2023




Yeah, I... don't really have anything to say about all that.

Distracting myself by thinking about college, mainly, do I want to enroll for next year? Will I be here by then? Is it worth it? Do I do physics or social policy? Heck, it's first year, I could always do an unholy mess of both.

Hey, you remember when I was talking about finding these old games and getting equipment to play them on? I started one up today and it mentioned you. Just really briefly, it was mostly about this guy named Sylas but I figured I should stop playing around then and let you know because I'm not sure if you're going to turn up again later.

May. 30th, 2023




Prom was a fucking mess.

The King Clan mean anything to you?

Think I found something you might want to know about.





Hey angel dude

I found these in the antique shop.

((there is a photo of the funko pops, from the plot, on a shelf))

I thought you might want to see them. The one with the white wings definitely has an un-fucking-canny a resemblance to you and they were both next to some old theology textbooks.

The guy at the counter says he doesn't know where they came from and doesn't care what I do with them. Do you want them?

Also, I think I fucking died and I



cw: alcohol

This isn't Paris, but it'll do.

Will they really not sell or serve wine to adults unless they're 21? My parents were serving it with meals since I was small- it was better than the water in the city. Kept us from getting ill. That seems like such a strange, arbitrary rule.

Tell me the things you wish you were told when you arrived.




I'm bringing ice cream to group this week, by the way. Something tells me people will need it. Speak now if you want a specific flavour or any other comfort food (within reason, I'm not made of money).

[eta after this:]
[Steve Rogers]
cut for glittery lights just to be safe )

May. 29th, 2023




Amara was wondering if she could watch the DVD. She said she wanted to see me in my element. I told her since it was mostly about your niece I'd have to ask you. I didn't mention the Keeley parts or that there was anything embarrassing or nothing.

It's probably only fair since we watched a movie that she says she was in, cept it didn't look like her and it had giant robots and everything. One of the blokes in the movie is here though. Anyway the whole thing is confusing but I'm really trying to figure it out. I just don't want to be the butt of some joke or become some sort of tiktok meme for the rest of my life. Jamie Tartt: the twat that was convinced vampires were real. Also fucked off to be on reality tv yet again.

Also Amara said I had to listen to you. So. Consider this me listening, I guess.




You guys sure do throw one hell of a party around here. Sorry I missed it.




Call me a purist, but I've always thought a mob of angry undead was a fairly standard part of an American high school dance.




[Katniss, Finnick, Haymitch]


I'm Abigail.  I'm in the college library, looking at movies with music, because I like music. 

I found a couple musicals, called Mockingjay, parts I and 2. They have characters in them with your names and that look like you.  I didn't make the connection right away, I don't really know any of you.   I stopped watching when I did.  not really  If it helps, I doubt anyone else saw it before me.  You have to book a special room with a certain projector to watch reels. No one really bothers.

I can try to sneak the reels out of the library so you can do what you like with them.  

I know about violence, brainwashing and dying too.




American prom is more fun than I thought it would be.




So. Heard the prom went badly.

Anybody know what happened? Anybody need an assist?




Well, Dunwich (can I collectively call you us that? I feel like it works out, considering no one is actually from here all while no one actually from here reads this communications board -- it's very early 2000's cum reddit, by the way, I like it,) it looks like you've had a really eventful weekend and learned a lot. Something, something, it's not about the friends you made along the way, but the haunted hotels that tried killing you?

I have questions about that, but honestly, after staying up all night to read the hot goss and study up on whatever information has been put out on this place -- probably fewer than you'd think.


Hi. Hello. I'm Tony and I'm --


It's also my birthday, which I'm pretty sure is coincidental and doesn't actually count if we're talking successful trips around the sun, but it is a fun fact and I will let a few people buy me drinks for the occasion, yes and thank you. I get it if we're tired of partying, so I promise to keep it as low-key as possible. I hear Todash is a good choice.




New list!


1. If you are invited to a party no one fesses up to planning, don't go.
2. If you win prom queen and no one voted, don't get on the stage.
3. If you're in a building that smells like it should look much crispier than it does, just leave.
4. Be wary of overly detailed statues. - Ezreal
5. Always carrie carry a weapon. - Ezreal
6. If you see a ghost of someone you know, don't assume it's really them. - Eddie K.
7. Stay away from hotel front desk guys with axes and their weirdo bellhop friends. - Eddie K.

Feel free to make suggestions. I'm just getting us started!



text messages

» You missed a damn good time this weekend, Rhodes.
» Another bloody trauma to add to the books.




for the record

and i feel it needs to be said:


seriously, it wasn't me and i am really, really, really sorry this happened.




[ Private to Bucky ]

Sounds like we missed quite the ending to prom night. I can't decide if I should feel guilty or not that we left early.

Thank you again for breakfast, by the way. In case no one has ever told you, you're quite the chef.