Dunwich: A Creepypasta Panfandom Game


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Posts Tagged: '%E2%97%8C+inactive:+diana+bishop'

Apr. 15th, 2024



tw: painkillers

Well here goes nothing

[Diana, Sabrina, Rowena]
I don't know how much you helped or didn't help the other me with her godforsaken stupid idea, but I've been looking through her journals, and she mentions debts to the three of you. So. On the off chance that you did help her. Do you remember how? And can you share?*

[Magic users]
Supposing I had a cauldron inscribed with runes and infused with ancient power that's also in need of mending, can anyone help me with that?

Are you still on drugs?
ETA: I guess I'm doing this.

* Other!Pam's journals are full of scribbles so it's entirely possible this is a misread, the debt was expunged, or your character has no idea what 1997!Pam is talking about.

Apr. 12th, 2024




Magic Folk
Sunday, 11am. If you can't make that one, Thursday, 6:30pm. Attend one or the other or neither if you wish- starting with healing magic and we can discuss what else you want to work on in person. 579 Hemlock Drive.

Apr. 2nd, 2024




Some of the local shops are having sales on emergency supplies now.  It's a good time to stock up.  I need so much  I know, I'm a nerd for not going for the cheap easter chocolate.   For those of you that do go for the chocolate, get the dark kind. The darker, the better.

The bank is open again, though service will be slower than usual.  Not all of my local employees are back.   

Has anyone called town hall lately? Would they get annoyed if I asked them to send someone out here to make sure all the manhole covers are secure?




[ooc: posted on Monday at 6PM]

So... did we win?

ETA: Didn't mean to worry anyone. I'm on Black Rock Beach. Meggan's with me. Gonna head home. And shower.

Apr. 1st, 2024




We've got a missing person. Riley Flynn. He disappeared into the ocean during the battle.

I need scouts to find diving suits for diving.

Magic users, if you have locator spells, this would be a good time to use them. I'm asking for something personal of his in case you need it.




Alright there? That should be the last of that sea god, right? I missed the end of things- ended up hit by something and blacked out before waking up enough to get home.

Wanda, Sylvie
Thank you. I appreciate you being there on Friday.

Magic Users
Is there any other interest in healing classes? Sylvie's asked for some- I have a few spells, and more potions, salves, and tinctures that I can share. I'm willing to host gatherings to share other knowledge, as well.

Mar. 31st, 2024




Yesterday was a really good reminder why I usually run from danger, and I'm not ashamed to admit that. There was a time I didn't run from danger and instead just headed straight for it, but I haven't done that since I was 28.

I'll just stick to patching you guys up as well as I can. That I know to do.

So here's a formal note - if you don't want to head over to MIST why, I'm happy to pay you a visit. Just please don't put off medical help, alright?

Are you good now? It wore off?

Mar. 29th, 2024






late afternoon, 29 march | ⚠ drowning, sea gods, hurricane type weather
tldr: diana stops the rain for a few hours and temporarily
loses herself (literally) in the process
she hated that she couldn't do more
Read more... )

Mar. 28th, 2024




[Magic Users]
I'm going to try to stop this storm. It's larger than anything I've tried before, but would any of you mind being here while I work just in case something goes wrong?

Mar. 25th, 2024




ALL MIST EMERGENCY STAFF: we need to be prepared this week. Arm yourself, volunteer to take your fellow Mistakes places they need to go. Don't go anywhere alone.

This hurricane is gaining strength, and there's already talk of evacuating the town. You already know we can't leave so we'll have to batten the hatches as best as we can.

I have a special job for you.






And your stupid little minions too.

I will grab a chisel and I will start hammering away at that giant dick metaphor you put up in the ocean, you hear me? I am old. I am grumpy. I haven't slept like the dead in two weeks. But I have a job to do, and you will let me do it, and you haven't let me do it and now I am sucking blood out of a bag because one of your stupid minions TOOK A BITE OUT OF ME.

No seriously, has anyone made a fry basket big enough? Can we order in oil from the fields in Saudi Arabia? We could make some paella and have a mighty good time.

Someone else get me a flotation device and a chisel. I'm gonna make it GO LIMP. No, a JACKHAMMER.

I'm going to do it.

Mar. 24th, 2024




Anyone experiencing any lingering voices in their heads after yesterday?

Mar. 23rd, 2024




So like, how many people got a message from the Deep One this morning?

And maybe how did you get it? In your mind or some other way?

Can I get an update on the box situation?

And I highly recommend not going near the ocean right now.

If you've got questions, hit me up here.

If you want access to the only books we've been able to find about the sea god, hit me up here. But I'll let you know that none of them go into how to hurt or kill him but I know some people need to read that shit for themselves.

Mar. 21st, 2024




Text to Sabrina

Any luck with Nikolai? Is there anything I can do to help?

Mar. 18th, 2024




As much as I wouldn't mind building an addition onto the house, any magical users here know how to add a room without having to go through the whole labor of drywalling and insulating it?

I've got some friends that are quite insistent that I move in as quick as possible.

Mar. 12th, 2024




There's apparently a barrier in the ocean now. Not like the Ghost Line, but an actual barrier that keeps you from going toward the Ghost Line.

If this is the sea god coming to claim his prize (his prize being a living, breathing human being), then he's trying to box us in. I'm going under the assumption that Sabrina is his ultimate design, so he's going to show up at some point. If he's a sea god, we can expect water beings. Unfortunately, I'm not sure what that looks like here.

We need to scout the Ghost Line immediately. I'm calling the emergency staff in for this. We need everyone except Healers/Doctors. Whoever this is is not honing in on one person this time, they've gotten another roughly ten of us. That's way more than last time. I'm not waiting for him to try and pick others off.
I need volunteers to scout along the Ghost Line — minus the ocean part — for any other barriers. We need to know what our strategy should be. I'll be your point of contact for any information.

Healers/Medical, on call in case someone stumbles on something.
[If your character hasn't signed up, poke me in DM and I'll add them to the document here. Click tab MIST EMERGENCY RESPONDERS.]

Mar. 7th, 2024




Xavier is floating in his room.

I can't get him down.

There's no way it's Vecna. We stopped that bastard. Xavier was complaining about headaches but this has to be something else right? It fucking can't be Vecna again.

I need help.

(CW: mentions of bodily injury, character death, vecna related horror in the comments.)

Mar. 5th, 2024





Daimon and Diana

March 5th, after lunch | Diana’s house
He was fine )

Mar. 3rd, 2024




Is there anyone looking to rent a room outside of Pickman? I have several extra rooms that you could pick from, and I'm willing to change decor as you wish. Must be magic and familiar friendly- Corra lives here with me, of course, and other witches/practitioners of magic stop by fairly regularly.

I'm not opposed to vampires or other species as roommates, but we'll need to discuss any additional needs.

Mar. 1st, 2024




The Up & Up's Grand Opening
Join us! )
Tags: , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , ,

Feb. 28th, 2024




A friend has said repeatedly that I should not be afraid to ask for help if I need it, so
I'm asking... How do you convince your heart to not love someone anymore? I've tried logic and tequila and neither have been successful. Time is proving to not be my friend either.

Feb. 21st, 2024




I've been sitting on this when I probably shouldn't have been but well, for one, I was in denial and then...I guess it was mostly denial and wanting it all to just go away on its own. But its not. I think its actually worse.

But I need some help coming up with ways to trap and contain a god.

Back home I used Pandora's box to do that but I don't have that here, so. That's a no go.

And like to add to the problem, the last time we kind of dealt with him here he made half of us go crazy so we probably need to account for that too.

And he might have a partner now. Or a rival. Not quite sure about their relationship just yet.

But yeah, suggestions?

Feb. 15th, 2024




It's good practice to not provoke the lobstrosities, and to keep your fingers away from their claws, ordinary or lobstrosity both. And I know it won't happen to anyone on this server, because much like Dunwich natives, you have common sense and don't do things upon a drunken dare after dinner.


why do I forget this every five years when I get comfortable enough stick around a town for long enough to

Please keep all phalanges and otherwise similarly-or-smaller-sized appendages away from lobsters or lobstrosities.

On that note, would anyone please allow me access to their bathtub for a couple of hours? I need a lob-less tepid soak, and I only have a shower.

Feb. 12th, 2024





I probably should have asked this earlier--thanks for the idea, Percy--but are any of you having any weird dreams about the ocean.

Or lighthouses?

Magic Users
Who's good with dream magic and making talismans to ward against creatures getting into your dreams?

Feb. 11th, 2024





Feb. 9th, 2024




Diana and Stella
"She had never been scared of shadows before.
But then again, she wasn't the same person she once was. "
WHAT: Ward Watching: Take One
WHERE: 579 Hemlock Drive
WHEN: Feb. 8th.
STATUS: Incomplete
Read more... )

Feb. 6th, 2024




Diana & Addie
01.05 8PM | Todash | Low

After checking some wards, getting drinks.
Read more... )

Feb. 5th, 2024




Things they don't tell you when you decide to run your own bookshop: the accounting will make you drink, customers will ask for books without remembering title or author, and if you don't do something about the locked cabinet of magic at the back, sometimes books will just appear in there. Randomly. Out of the ether.

Or maybe some bookish fairy godmother decided I needed extra stock.

Fellow business owners, please reassure me that it's not just me?

I don't know if it's still relevant for your thing, but there's a couple of titles in here by that author you were looking for. Forgotten Tales of Dunwich and Folktales from the Agawam.

Feb. 3rd, 2024




..Did anyone else get signed up for this..pageant thing? I received a notification in the mail this morning.

Magic Users
For those of you interested in the coven, we'll start again Thursday evening, 6:30. I have the house well warded as usual, and if you have anything in particular that you'd like to work on or learn, let me know? I know that I'd like to touch base on healing magic and make sure that I'm in good shape for the next time it's needed. Wards and protection magic isn't a bad idea, either, but I'm open to ideas so we can plan for the next few months.

This is me checking in on you. How are you doing?

Jan. 30th, 2024




[Sabrina, Spock, Julia, Natasha]
I'm going to take today to react and rage, and then please- if there is anything I can research or help with, I'm at your disposal. I need something to focus on.

Fog seems to be clearing, so I think I'm going to go out to Sidewinder, try to run off some of this energy. If you hear anything..explosive, it's probably just me.

Drinks later, maybe?