Dunwich: A Creepypasta Panfandom Game


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Posts Tagged: '%E2%97%8C+inactive:+ani+flickerman+%28au%29'

Jun. 23rd, 2023



[backdated] log: maysilee and ani

Maysilee Donner & Ani Flickerman
[Backdated] Maysi's arrival | AniMays catch up, explains Dunwich | ⚠ Mentions of Panem

“Have you heard about the vampires yet?”

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Jun. 14th, 2023




Has anyone seen or heard from Richie today?  What about Ani?

Sheriff Pike or anyone else from the police department, is there anything I have to do to report them as missing?  Find them, find them now, please.


I won't be making dinner tonight. Sorry.


Can you keep an eye out for Richie and Ani when you're flying?

Jun. 12th, 2023




Please read this post!

I know we've all been wondering big time about what the deal is with this Bad Moon Festival. I wondered so big time that my lovely assistant and I spent the last five days wading our way through the mess that is Dunwich's historical records. We found nothing relevant at the library or Carbunkle House, but you know what they say - you always find what you're looking for in the last place you look. In this case, that place was the Townhall.

We found a book about the festival. While it actually says veeeeeery little about the festival that you don't already know if you listened to the NPR interview with Preacher Buttery Voice, there are slightly more informative notes in the margins. I do mean slightly - they're vague, old, faded, and, in some cases, hardly legible at all. Some have even been completely erased or scribbled out. I barely followed and I think the only reason I did follow is because I wrote them myself. At a guess (and it is just a guess), I must have done it this way because I was worried someone else might understand. I don't know when I might have done it but it does appear to have been a long time ago, a longer time ago, and then maybe a couple other even longer times ago. It's hard to say.

As uncharacteristically vague as I made my instructions, it is my understanding that we (the mistakes) should gather at both the festival and Todash Tavern on the night of the Bad Moon Festival. At the tavern, we're supposed to play Bad Moon Rising by Creedance Clearwater Revival. It's a fun song, I checked it out, but other than the "Bad Moon" part, I have no insight as to why it must be that particular song or even what's supposed to happen after that. I know where we need to go and what we need to do and I ask that you please trust me. I don't remember making these notes but I recognize the way I was dancing around the bush and I know that it's very important we do what's suggested.

If you have any questions, feel free to ask, but I've already told you what precious little I know.

EDIT: In addition to this stunningly well-received account of my discovery, I'd like to present a very old picture of Haymitch that we found hanging on the wall of Todash Tavern to further support the idea that maybe we've been here before.

Jun. 6th, 2023




Buffy made me laugh even more than she made me sweat and she had me sweating oceans on the regular. She made me very sore but so much better and I miss her already. When people I care about disappear, I always remind myself that it's possible they'll be back. It's more comforting than it is distressing, though maybe not by as much as I'd like. I know this is something quite a few of you have experienced for yourselves and I am both eager and not eager to join your ranks several times over by this point.

Mostly eager, like I said. It would be so bizarre for a woman who literally inhabited my body to look at me without a spark of recognition but it would also be a lot of fun to tell her all about it. I hope I get the chance.
HAYMITCH Today is our last day so please be sure you grab all of your stuff. If they fire us at our skip-the-last-three-days-of-school, they don't deserve us at our best. We're going to be veeeery busy, Mitchy.
SWEET RICHIE I was just thinking about how much I missed your honeyed words when I found something of great interest. I'm not saying I wished it into existence because I would have been wishing it into existence every five minutes or so for at about a week now if I had that power but I might as well have. You're amazing and you're going to want to hear this.
FINNICK Hey, babe! Would you mind taking my next Monday?

May. 31st, 2023




[...] UM I'm the new owner of Sweet Confectionery & Ice Cream Parlor...

I don't even know how it happened! I just walked in and Mrs. Sweets said that she had inherited some money from a family member, I don't know, but she's retiring immediately and handed everything over to me.

I am FREAKING out! The finances look like they're set up differently than at home, is anyone here good with finances and willing to teach me?

May. 30th, 2023




Okay, votes on the best places to de-stress in this town?

[Private to Boorman]

Thanks for like, totally saving me from that guy. Is he, like, okay?

[Private to Natasha]

Hiiiiii ummmmmm you are the self-defense person, right?

May. 29th, 2023




New list!


1. If you are invited to a party no one fesses up to planning, don't go.
2. If you win prom queen and no one voted, don't get on the stage.
3. If you're in a building that smells like it should look much crispier than it does, just leave.
4. Be wary of overly detailed statues. - Ezreal
5. Always carrie carry a weapon. - Ezreal
6. If you see a ghost of someone you know, don't assume it's really them. - Eddie K.
7. Stay away from hotel front desk guys with axes and their weirdo bellhop friends. - Eddie K.

Feel free to make suggestions. I'm just getting us started!

May. 27th, 2023



Prom Night!


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May. 21st, 2023




I found online a few very interesting and clever bird feeders that can hook up to your window. I think I can find something that fights the window in my apartment here at the Pickham House. One is almost house shaped, clear, so I can watch from my couch. Funny, never in my wildest dreams did I think I would actually have the time and freedom to just sit and birdwatch.

Filtered to Ani
Murphy asked me to go to prom with him.

Filtered to Haymitch
Want to hear a joke? Or read one, I should say.

Filtered to Sam
Remember when you mentioned the DVD? Someone found a trading card of myself and other victors here from home. I know it's not mine, I didn't even keep one from home, but it's here somehow. I don't think any of the other people from Panem would be callous enough to keep a collection of the trading cards either.




Hey, so, the beam people are a cult, right?

[Ani, Haymitch, Maysilee, Katniss, Achilles, Finnick]
So one time Ani and I were talking and she told me how people collect the Victors cards and they can be a big deal and everything? Anyway, I found some at the pizza place this afternoon, just sitting at a table and I guess one of you must have left them there. You all look really good in them too! But if they're yours, I'll get them to you.

Ani, I had a really weird dream last night.

[Adam - deleted]
Did I talk to you in

May. 20th, 2023



tw: alcoholism

Prom's going to be great. I don't have a roof yet so I might smell a little strongly of hairspray because I'm going to make damn sure my hair doesn't budge. Having my own transportation again has been amazing. It's so freeing! No more walking to work worrying about vampires, no more taking forever to get places, Haymitch is extra hot when he's pumping gas, and there is just so much more spontaneity in my life. Rain is a problem, yes, but it has only been an actual problem a few times. [...] Come to think of it, I'm going to make it a priority to get a roof before prom because that would really screw things up for me.

Hey, who's rich around here? I plan to hock something immensely quite valuable online at some point but I haven't had a chance yet and it turns out that Jeep roofs are expensive. I promise I'll pay you back.
ALI Hey babe! I'm so sorry we can't make it today. 😿 Haymitch woke up feeling sick. I'm hoping it's just a bug but if it's what I had, we don't want to risk bringing that to your beautiful home. Rain check?
RICHIE Two more seats in the Jeep for you and a friend. Going once, going twice...

May. 11th, 2023




Friends and neighbors, this is a public service announcement. Please disregard any rude text messages it appears that I have sent to you. I believe my phone is haunted. I am aware that I should turn off my phone as a precautionary measure until a proper exorcist can be found but I could never.

Please rest assured that I firmly believe the mist only mistnaps people that I would like very much and this means you. 😻

May. 8th, 2023




TO: Mickey Tell me something about myself that only I would know that you know.
TO: Hottie Good Hair Tell me something about myself that only I would know that you know.
TO: Sweet Richie Tell me something about myself that only I would know that you know.
TO: Maysi Baby Tell me something about myself that only I would know that you know.
TO: Five Tell me something about myself that only I would know that you know.
TO: Klaus Tell me something about myself that only I would know that you know.
TO: Ali Tell me something about myself that only I would know that you know.
TO: Margo I am very, very much looking forward to giving you an assist with Eliot's party whenever that might be, but if you would be willing to help me out with this not-quite-infinite closet before then, I would SO appreciate it. I am drowning.
TO: Lux Hey, sweet thing! I am so sorry you received those nasty messages. They weren't from me and you weren't the only one who experienced something like that - poor Isabel got a bunch of awful stuff, too. I'm so sorry! I have never once had less than a sparkling opinion of you.

[ooc: with the exception of margo, ani is trying to determine if people are dopplegangers. feel free to wrong text or not!]

May. 7th, 2023






Sunday Night | TBD
Do you think I could be pretty?
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Sunday Night | TW: Bullying. Mental Health. | Plot: Wrong Number
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May. 6th, 2023




If you see me around today, I want you to know you're seeing actually me and not Buffy. I am hereby officially retired from arm wrestling so don't ask.

We got doors for the Jeep last night, too. Now I just need a cap for it but I want a hard one because I read online that the soft ones are loud.
SWEET RICHIE If I would have known that having a conversation with Buffy about why I liked being her better than I liked being me would have ended the swap, I can't say I wouldn't have at least considered avoiding it. 😬 Shit. Now the next time I cross paths with a vampire, I'm going to have to do it without the super strength and crazy reflexes.

May. 4th, 2023




Remember last week when I was arm wrestling into submission anyone who'd consent? Since then, I've made a few jokes about being the Unoffical Pickman House Arm Wrestling Champion. I don't remember ever saying it within earshot of any of the locals but I must have because someone approached me on my walk to work and presented me with the prize I earned as the greatest arm wrestler Pickman House has ever seen. It's in my name now, so you can try to steal my title that Buffy's worked so hard to make it possible for me to earn all you want but you're not getting my car! Truck? Is a Jeep a truck? It's not exactly a car. I don't know, what is this thing considered?

It's not something I would have ever driven at home but I like it. It's so much fun! Kind of tippy, though. I'm going to work on driving slower. I also need to find some doors and a top for it because I froze my ass off all the way to the school this morning. Until then, I'll just wear a coat and some gloves. Fuck walking to work, honestly. Let's all hope together that a cap and doors won't be too expensive.

The windshield folds down if you feel like eating bugs, too. Very cool feature. No more having to pull over and pick your snacks out of the dirt.
Buffy, Faith, Giles If we're still on for later, let's carpool. 😎 Buffy has permanent radio rights because I obviously could not have done this without her. Thanks, Buffy!

May. 3rd, 2023




left on the desk of mobius m. mobius )

May. 2nd, 2023




Oh, well that's [...] I'm really going to miss Peeta and Clarke.

Filtered to Ani
I'm going to go insane.

May. 1st, 2023




Okay so! I (with some help) had a truly fantastic idea. We're going to be throwing a singles event! This will include a fashion show, karaoke, speed dating etc etc.

It's a free event, for charity. I'm not sure what to put the proceeds to yet though, any ideas? Any like, worthy causes here?

Send me a DM if you want to help out :)

[Filter to Natasha and Mobius]

The donations are going to go to Pickman and MIST. Is there anything on particular either place needs so I can add it to the donations list?

We've got the basics covered - clothing, personal necessities, money if anyone is able, food. Anything outside of the typical boxes you can think of? We're also thinking people can donate time and/or skills to help with like maintenance items or whatever.

Apr. 30th, 2023




Hello, residents. I'm back to myself, thank goodness. That was not my favorite week of all time, tbh. My skin is soft, my sunblock is on and I have some real questions to ask. Now, you don't have to answer. You can even tape an answer to my door (263) if you want to keep your secrets.


⊳ How many of you are werewolves, vampires, demons, shapeshifters or otherwise a creature that might be classified as something that can change form or change the form of others?
⊳ How many of you have a pet, and if so, can we pet it?
⊳ How many of you are still stuck as your swapped counterpart/power/whatever?
⊳ In your opinion: Does pineapple belong on pizza?
⊳ In your opinion: What is the best Doritos flavor?
⊳ In your opinion: What's your favorite place to hang out at in town?

Thanks in advance for all of your insight.

See, this is how you do it.

Apr. 28th, 2023




NOT A DATE - five hargreeves

TBD | ⚠ Drinking, likely, with the lads

Not A DateRead more... )

Apr. 25th, 2023




My Life As Buffy Summers: Day 3
a. e. flickerman

This morning, I got a papercut. It's already gone!

If I didn't see it for myself, I'd believe it a con.

I don't like being a blonde better, but it's a fun change of pace.

You know what else is really fun? Doing makeup on a different face!

If by accident you forget you're very strong and you break a door,

is it wrong to blame a wild, aggressive, and very hairy boar?

Later on today, I'll have the honor of learning from Giles,

I'm going to do awesome and earn soooo many smiles!

Apr. 23rd, 2023




Whaaaaat the actual fuck?

    Anyyyy chance you're in my body?




If I'M Buffy, who the FUCK is me? Is BUFFY me? I'm freaking out and I see I'm not the only one freaking out but right now I'm more concerned with my own freaking out what the fuck is happening does anyone know? If you have my body please check the fuck in

I'm also in A LOT of pain. How much of this is "I'm in the wrong body" pain and how much of it is "Buffy got in a fight yesterday"? Is anyone else in PHYSICAL PAIN? Is this dying?

Apr. 18th, 2023




Tell me your favorite songs from this universe. Tell me what songs from this universe you think I'd like. Tell me what songs from this universe remind you of me.

Theme: Dress Inspired By Your Favorite Song From This Universe!
DISCLAIMER: You may be lazy about your participation in the inspired dress portion of this theme. You may also be an absolute bore about it and not even do a bare minimum on the dress portion as long as you're prepared to lose a few points with me. The song portion is NOT optional. This is my decree, not Maysi's. You may pick ONLY ONE SONG.

As far as gifts go, Maysi has asked me to stress that they are not required. I'd like to add that you could consider your favorite song a gift because Maysi wants musical recommendations (hence the theme). But again, YOU MAY ONLY PICK ONE SONG because I want to make sure we very carefully consider our choices.

[ooc: pretend there's a time/day/place in this space lol I just wanted to get the theme out there but I need to sort the other stuff out with chele] Get song hunting, friends!
MARGO Hey! How did stuff turn out with your friend?
FIVE Remember when we used to see each other outside of lunchtime? 😿 Miss that.
JUNIA Hey! So, good news on the therapy front. I have a name and I have a number and I have the nerve to call and make an appointment on your behalf if you'd like me to do that. Let me know!

Apr. 14th, 2023




Sylvie says hello! Read more... )




How was your week, my dear Dunwichers? Doing anything cool this Friday? Got anything fun going on this weekend? Have you had any exciting new experiences you'd like to share? What would you be doing tonight if you'd never been mistnapped?

My most recent exciting new experience is that I went invisible on purpose after not even twenty minutes of sitting there and thinking about it. I still have no fucking idea what I'm doing but I think I'm almost doing it right. Came out of it in about a half hour which is a record for me, and I'm pretty sure that I got so, so, so close a few times before I actually got there.
MAYSILEE DONNER + FRIENDS OF MAYSILEE DONNER OOC: ANYONE WHO CONSIDERS MAYSILEE A FRIEND IS INCLUDED IN THIS FILTER BECAUSE MAYSILEE WOULDN'T FORGET TO INVITE HER PEEPS <3 On the twenty-first of April, our beloved Maysilee Donner turns twenty-six years old. 😻 I've known Maysi for a long time but this is the first time I've ever had the opportunity to celebrate her birthday with her and I am seizing the shit out of it. Don't try to stop me, Maysi, it can't be done. You may, however, describe the kind of party that would make you the very happiest.




Ani & Klaus
Sunday Afternoon | Ani's apartment

"We fought together on the battlefield, we danced together together in foreign night clubs, and… we fell in love.."
References to death, war, trauma

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Apr. 12th, 2023




“letter” )