Dunwich: A Creepypasta Panfandom Game


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Posts Tagged: '%E2%97%8C+inactive:+yennefer'

Jan. 25th, 2024



Voice Post, tw: cat-bus-monster, profanity, car crash

(backdated to after witnessing Jaskier being taken, in a loud and panicky voice)

The fucked-up-cat-monster got Jaskier!  Fucking put him in his goddamn spine!   The last time I saw it, it was near Pickman, headed south!  We have to find him!  We have to help him and the rest of them!  There were so many!   Too damn many! 

(a few moments later and slightly calmer)

I know you're all trying.  I just..aw, fuck.  It was fucked up. This is all fucked up.

Crashing a car into the cat-thing doesn't fucking stop it. I didn't learn anything else.

I'm fine.

Jan. 22nd, 2024




There are a bunch of healing potions and protection amulets at MIST, free to whoever wants them.

If you don't have your house or business warded and would like it, please drop your name on this post.

If you can help ward people's houses or businesses, please also drop this name here or reply to those asking for some wards.

Helping to ward
  • Diana
  • Yennefer
  • Gordo
  • Harry
  • Eadwulf
  • Jan. 16th, 2024




    Witches/Magic Folk
    Hello- I believe I've met most of you at the last few get togethers, but for those that I haven't, I'm Diana Bishop. I've been speaking with Sabrina, and we were thinking of bringing back the coven if there's interest- this is more of a learning group, sharing our magic and seeing how it works together, focus on making sure we have supplies and an arsenal of spells we can work together and separately if needed to protect or to heal. This is separate from the attempts to bring down the ghost line, but could potentially work toward that in the future.

    It would also be a chance to practice our magic without a crisis going on. We had been meeting once a month, with my doors open every other week to practice or for people to drop by and be social.

    Long story short- if you're interested in learning each others' magics and trying to see how they work together, let me know and we can plan regular meetings?

    Jan. 14th, 2024



    Witches, etc

    So. Are we getting tired of waiting for something truly fucking heinous to happen, yet?

    Because it's got to be coming, right? This isn't just some shitty weather, that's probably not just a fucked up stray cat out there.

    Anyone good at summoning?

    Jan. 9th, 2024




    No signs of monsters so far, despite all the rumors. I thought I heard something in the woods, but nothing yet.

    Hi. Would you like to go on a date soon?

    Can we go camping or something, just us three?

    Jan. 7th, 2024




    I'm looking for a job and a hug, preferably online or after dusk.

    Has anyone need for a vampire with no physical skills or abilities, who worked the past few decades as a paramedic, lived in a basement with another hacker for two decades before that and slung beers before that?

    No, scratch that. I want a hug first and I'm not afraid to ask for it.

    Jan. 5th, 2024




    Got limited room in my car and a bunch of weird crap I don't need. Feast your fucking eyes:

    - a case of Olive Garden chocolate mints
    - weird mermaid picture thing
    - pair of tiny hands
    - ugly bear TP holder
    - shitting balloon dog statue
    - skeleton candle
    - bag of unicorn farts

    Pickup only. First come, first served.

    [Ivy & Harley]
    Figure the coffee table fridge's yours, so I'm leaving that. Let me know if you want any of this shit (or it's already yours) and I'll take it off the list.

    Heard you run Pickman and it's got vacancies. Can I get a room?




    Is it just me or is it getting colder with the creepy mist?


    I should have Are you... Okay?

    Jan. 2nd, 2024




    [Yennefer, Katniss]
    I am Apology will not mend it, but I regret the hurt I caused you. If there is any way I can make up for it, I will.

    I have need of you tomorrow at dawn. The usual spot.

    Are you How are you feeling?

    Dec. 30th, 2023





    Dec. 27th, 2023




    We're either going to celebrate or commiserate tonight, depending on what Robin says when I ask her to the ball.

    Would you like to accompany me to the new years ball thing?

    Dec. 19th, 2023



    Magic Users (Also Eddie K, Pam D)

    I hate to ask a favor, with nothing to give in return other than a promise to return a favor in kind. I need help.

    When I was brought here the mist robbed me of two very important supernatural traits: the healing properties my blood has, and I'm assuming the narcotic properties as well. And I have a.. venom of sorts, instead of poisoning it keeps my bites from being painful, acts as an anticoagulant and usually holds any wounds I have open for a longer than they would stay open. I am unable to use either as I naturally would.

    For those who didn't know I am a vampire. My name is Brynhild of Ingouf. I will answer any question you ask of me, and I will willingly sit through any test you wish to run. The only thing I will not do is step out into the sunlight.




    This is a most... peculiar device. And place.

    Hello, I suppose...?

    Dec. 16th, 2023




    We should really consider getting the fuck out of Pickman. I can't trace these gifts because everyone's magic in the building is interfering with determination spells.

    And frankly, it's exhausting having to do protection spells on four different apartments.

    Dec. 14th, 2023




    Nothing says Christmas like ... age old Icelandic myths via rotten potatoes?

    At least, that's what google tells me. Either that, or someone really hates me Renaissance Fair style. Either is valid, I guess?

    I mean, fuck you to whoever sent this, because now my office smells weird, but...


    Dec. 9th, 2023



    Magic users (etc)

    Sun's been back for a bit so I can fairly safely say we've all had some time to reacclimate?

    But. The Ghost Line moved. Maybe only a little bit, sure but --

    Think we're ready to see what else we can do?




    Can someone please explain to me why automobiles smell worse than horses?

    Nov. 26th, 2023




    We're going to attempt to reverse what we did at the Ghost Line to see if if helps with our current situations.

    I'm trusting you both not to speak of it to anyone.

    Nov. 24th, 2023



    Filtered to Witches / Magic types

    Well. Are we going to get our heads out of our asses and try to fix this shit or not?




    Now that the eating holiday and subsequent napping phase is over for the time being, I'd like to make note that I have reworked the scheduling for Pickman. I've swapped around days on and off for fairness, as well as the hours worked per week.

    If anyone is still looking for a job, I have some openings. I'm also happy to take On Call Volunteers -- which will now have a slightly higher wage per hour, seeing as showing up to anything on your day off is an absolute inconvenience and I am fully aware of it.

    Nov. 16th, 2023




    With the power gone out, people are gathering on the beach for food, company, and a little bit of light in these dark times. Exchange batteries, offer up light magic, whatever you need to get through the darkness, there is likely someone out there willing to help. Stop on in and join us, everyone is welcome!

    Note: Please use headers for your threads, save my inbox T_T

    Nov. 5th, 2023




    "a date night goes a little wrong"
    Random local park | R | ⚠ probably cursing (it's Geralt and Yennefer), vampires, blood, probably vampire death eventually
    Read more... )

    Nov. 3rd, 2023




    As long as we get through this weekend without any memory problems or mysterious gaps in network posts, then...

    I want to announce that the food truck is opening up next weekend. I'll have a full menu and hours and locations where we'll be parked.

    First location is going to be in front of the Dunwich Police Department, by request. Ten to three, open for lunch. Try the Tony, a shaved cheesesteak panini.

    Just look for the bright blue truck that says Lunch Box.

    Nov. 2nd, 2023




    Okay, one day was one thing, but what in fresh hell is going on? Does anyone have any guesses?

    Oct. 19th, 2023




    [Yennefer, Jaskier, Ciri]

    I want to try and take precautions this weekend. If the same pattern of losing time holds true then we will lose the next several days as we have the last several weeks.

    Oct. 15th, 2023




    Has anyone seen Robin? I haven't seen her since Saturday.

    [ST Family]

    Check-in, please.

    Oct. 13th, 2023




    I have a date tomorrow night. Get it all out now because you're not allowed to say a word tomorrow night.

    It's with Robin Buckley.

    I need something to wear.

    Oct. 11th, 2023





    So. A couple weeks ago I found this weird carving at the Historical Society, followed by this weird symbol. A couple of us have been looking for where else it might have popped up in Dunwich and we've found it on a book by a former resident in town but I swear I've seen it elsewhere and can't remember.

    It's related to some...IDK if its an old god or what really, but its something that used to be worshipped in Dunwich a long time ago and comes from the ocean. I think. The book's kind of vague on that and the chapter about this particular thing is missing because of course it is. So I'm just finding little references to it here and there in the rest of them.

    But if you see it anywhere can you let me know?*

    Also anyone want to help me with a little necromancy?

    Julia, Daimon, Rory, Mobius, Diana
    The dreams got worse. I still can't see what exactly it looks like.

    I saw my coworkers under the water. They'd been killed. And other people I've never seen before were there too.

    Plus it showed me a crown. I am so over things trying to give me crowns.

    And I'm hearing it talk to me outside of my dreams which seriously can't be good.

    (ooc: *talk to me if you want your character to have seen it)

    Oct. 9th, 2023



    present day

    What is this?

    WINCHESTERS? This reeks of you meddlesome boys. I should be dead and ruling hell as we speak. THIS is NOT hell.

    And who is KURT?

    Oct. 7th, 2023




    I've made some hangover cures if anyone needs.

    Also, whoever so stupidly trampled through my garden, well. If you need that curse lifted, dear, good luck.