Dunwich: A Creepypasta Panfandom Game


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Posts Tagged: '%E2%97%8C+inactive:+ororo+munroe'

Nov. 14th, 2023




Does anyone else feel stir crazy because of this? Like it's almost claustrophobic because there's never any sun and the world is closing in because of the darkness?


Just me?

I'm not surprised.

Nov. 11th, 2023




Bloody rough month for keeping friends.

Almost makes a bloke think he oughta be making enemies instead, seeing how quickly we blow through people.

Private to Sylvie
Commiseration drinks later?

Private to Elora Danan
Alright there, luv?

Nov. 10th, 2023




I've been trying to filter the small amounts of red light we've been left with into a layer the plants can use to maintain photosynthesis, but I don't know how long I'll be able to keep it going. To that end I've managed to get hold of some grow lights as well. They need to be powered so I've had to lay out extension cords, but I've done my best to secure them out of the way, so if they need to be moved please let me know. If we lose the garden it will take a long time to get it productive again.

Oct. 31st, 2023




Would anyone have a decent supply of marigolds?

Oct. 30th, 2023




$10,000 says that there's no more mass amnesia next weekend.




After the big fight | Pickman clinic

Recovering from the encounter.
Claustrophobia, war, self-recrimination

Read more... )

Oct. 21st, 2023




UNDER 20s:
This kind of shit happened in my world, and it took us to stop It. This creepy fuck who decided that kids were more delicious or something. The adults didn't even notice it, didn't do anything to stop it. Over and over again, more missing kids posters put over the previous ones, and everyone forgot about looking for the one who just disappeared the week before.

Fuck the adults. I say we go out and find them ourselves.

Oct. 11th, 2023





So. A couple weeks ago I found this weird carving at the Historical Society, followed by this weird symbol. A couple of us have been looking for where else it might have popped up in Dunwich and we've found it on a book by a former resident in town but I swear I've seen it elsewhere and can't remember.

It's related to some...IDK if its an old god or what really, but its something that used to be worshipped in Dunwich a long time ago and comes from the ocean. I think. The book's kind of vague on that and the chapter about this particular thing is missing because of course it is. So I'm just finding little references to it here and there in the rest of them.

But if you see it anywhere can you let me know?*

Also anyone want to help me with a little necromancy?

Julia, Daimon, Rory, Mobius, Diana
The dreams got worse. I still can't see what exactly it looks like.

I saw my coworkers under the water. They'd been killed. And other people I've never seen before were there too.

Plus it showed me a crown. I am so over things trying to give me crowns.

And I'm hearing it talk to me outside of my dreams which seriously can't be good.

(ooc: *talk to me if you want your character to have seen it)

Oct. 7th, 2023



90s Kurt

Hallo! Das sieht nicht nach Deutschland.
Where am I and what is this device?

Oct. 6th, 2023



90s Howard

You'll be happy to be in my Physics class tomorrow. We're making our own gak recipes and seeing which ones are most effective at protecting an egg dropped from height.

Whoever does the best doesn't have to take the midterm.

[Private to Jarvis]

Never thought I'd be a teacher but turns out I'm great at it. How's Home Ec going?

Oct. 5th, 2023




Where the fuck did Maximoff go? One moment, I could sense her, the next gone. I don't see a disappearance notification so where the fuck did she go?




If we haven't met yet, I'm Dr. Theo Crain. I'm a psychologist, and have an office at MIST and will start seeing patients next week. Let me know what kind of schedule works for you, and we'll hash out the details.

Please don't feel that you have to come and see me if you really don't want to, but for a little bit of background: I've been a child and family psychologist for more than a dozen years, and have a PhD. I'm happy to help if I can, and happy to be a willing ear if you just want to talk.

ETA: In case it wasn't clear, I'll take patients of any age.

Sep. 23rd, 2023



(Set for midday)

Normally I am not one to ask for help, but I'm often not transported from Atlanta to a forest on the coast of Massachusetts by a magic fog.

It's either ask for help or sit here and pray for the gods favor, for the next six or so hours, that the wind doesn't shift, and I lose my shadow. So, what I am in the need of is someone with a thick blanket, the thicker the better, to come to my aid. Unless there are tunnels nearby.

Sep. 17th, 2023




I'm having one of those nights. I didn't really want to admit that being on land was getting to me because it's not like I lived on the ocean for years or decades, but the Marauder became my home when Krakoa didn't seem to want me.

And now I'm stuck here in this place without a purpose. Storm and I joined this agency before here. Called the Infinite Agency. They did this whole song and dance about saving dimensions, and I ate that up. They could slip you right back into the time you left so it would be like you never left. Reminded me of the Exiles, and I thought it was a good cause. It was slow to start, but there were some good people on the team. Some of them are still here. Some of them don't remember being there.

Then something breached the dead universe we were in, and I'd be lying if I didn't tell you that it reminded me a lot of some of the shit that's come out of that dark universe I phased into, that Illyana portaled into. Same kind of monsters. I heard there were acid web spinning spiders when they were fighting the demogorgon and Vecna on the physical plane. Those spiders attacked us at the old Avengers compound in that universe (among other things).

I wish we had more mutants here. I miss Logan and Illyana. I'd love to see Kurt and Rachel and Betsy. Hell, I'd even be happy to see Magneto — but that's a story for another time.

I don't know what I'm trying to say here. I just thought that writing this in a journal or a diary would be so very teenage me, and maybe I need to open up a little more.
It occurs to me that I don't have a copy of The Rise of the Dragon and I wondered if you had at that Pagemaster. It's by George RR Martin, and it's sort of an encyclopedia about House Targaryen. If not, is there a way to order it? I'd rather not give Amazon anymore of my money unless I have to.

Sep. 11th, 2023




Online introductions are apparently the way to go here. Hi, everyone. I’m Mallory, new arrival and still a little bewildered about everything. This is a very impressive set up. I’ve ever had someone just willingly hand me a cellphone to keep while walking down the street. Or ever. But that solves one problem. Thanks to everyone at MIST for being so incredible to new arrivals.

Don’t go past the boundaries, there’s no known way back, weird things tend to happen, I can stay at Pickman house (thank you), MIST is a key place for all of us, avoid the Church, Time and Again will probably be my favorite place. Anything else I should be aware of from those who’ve already been through this?

Lastly, I hear there is a coven. Is there someone specific I can speak to there? A leader or council I should approach?

Sep. 8th, 2023




I'm going to start having a lot less to do in the garden as we move into fall and winter, and I'm debating planting some indoor herbs and flowers that could be used to make soaps or candles to sell. I know we're not short on money, but I've had to provide for myself in some form or another since I was five years old, and the prospect of idleness over the cold months isn't one that sits well with me.

Of course, Dunwich may decide to offer me actual employment, but it's been seven months and it hasn't happened yet.

Sep. 3rd, 2023




[no under 18s]

Time for a game of fuck, marry, kill. If you don't know how to play, it's easy. Here's an example:

I get given the names Buffy, Angel, Wes.

I'd fuck Wes, marry Angel, and fuck kill B 'cause she has a habit of not staying dead anyway.

Comment below and either me or someone else'll give you names.

Sep. 1st, 2023




The coffee shop is almost where I want it to be now. I wonder if me poking around and delaying is perfectionism or anxiety? I should ask a psychologist.

... Anyway. Soft re-opening of The Coffee Green will be on Monday. It should be good. You should come. Or don't. That's fine too.

Private to Owen
I know you already have a job, but if there's a magical number you want to see for me to be able to poach you for weekend brunch... I'd see if I couldn't fit it into my budget?

Aug. 24th, 2023




Is anyone else still seeing weird shit?

Aug. 19th, 2023




Are you psychic? Do you have a way to get into people's minds? We'll need you for the upcoming battle. How many of you have battled on the psychic plane? Not the physical plane? From what I'm gathering, Vecna doesn't like to play fair and sticks mostly to his psychic plane for battles. We'll be heading straight into the trance as soon as we're able, so be ready.

Those of you without psychic powers who want to help, we can still use you. I can link all of us together. Your psychic energy will boost the psychics. You will feel fired and run down, so do not volunteer unless you can be some place safe.

Aug. 13th, 2023




I don’t have a reflection anymore and I blame that FUCKING CHURCH. Am I a vampire now?? How am I gonna do my makeup??




Ororo Munroe & Laura Kinney
August 8 | Laura's apartment | PG

An offer. A rejection.
Brief mentions of canon character death and trauma

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I've isolated the town from the regional climate to protect the increasing number of people who began floating while outside. It may look strange on the weather maps, we need for it to remain overcast but dry so I've drawn some of the moisture from the surrounding areas to create cloud cover as that's the easiest method to maintain even when I'm asleep.

Aug. 6th, 2023




I apologise for how unpredictable the weather has been recently.

For what it's worth, I can't feel anything atmospheric that would be affecting people.

Aug. 3rd, 2023




I ain't sure what in the Sam Hill is going on around here but I don't want no part of it whatever hackneyed Mojo-esque nonsense this is.

And Katherine Pryde, come get your dragon before I toss him into space. He won't let me go anywhere.

Jul. 25th, 2023




Hello, my name is Senator Padmé Amidala. I'm afraid that I'm not familiar with this world. Can someone please tell me what sector it is in, and where I can find a ship to hire to take me back to Coruscant?




[Female friends]
The problem with enjoying being flirted with is that eventually you have to explain that the last time you lost a romantic partner (who happens to be here, from a point in time when you were still together) you had to be rushed off-planet so you wouldn't set the atmosphere on fire and wipe out all life on Earth. And for full disclosure, you have also been exploring things with your ex-husband again. 'Messy' hardly begins to cover it.

[Stephen Strange]
I did enjoy dinner, discussions of extinction-level events aside. My life and loyalties are complicated, and I've learned there are times when it's wise to tread cautiously, but it's important to me that I don't... lose my humanity, I suppose, or forget how to value it. And it's difficult to know how to weigh the balance between things here and our other lives.

Jul. 19th, 2023




Been told I should say hi on this thing, so, hi.

Jul. 16th, 2023




Summer Youth Program Update: Tuesday, July 18th movie has been switched. Instead of the double feature, Mama Mia and Into The Woods, the movies showing at Twilight Time Theater will be a triple feature, the Lord of the Rings Trilogy.

Because of the combined length, these movies will not be shown again at MIST on Friday. However, due to anticipated interest, adults over the age of 18 will be allowed to attend. Guests are welcome to attend all three movies, or any combination they choose - in other words, you're not required to watch the entire thing.
12:00 pm - Fellowship of the Ring

Thirty minute intermission.

3:30 pm - Two Towers

Hour and a half intermission for pizza party. Vegetarian and vegan options will be available.

8:00 pm - Return of the King
End time, approximately 11:00 pm. Popcorn and cold drinks will be provided throughout the movies at the concession stand. Portals to Pickman House will be provided after the show. Portals will also be made available if needed to return to your homes outside of Pickman.

All movies, pizza, snacks, and drinks are free of charge, but donations will be appreciated.

IN OTHER NEWS Wednesday the 19th, at 6:00 pm, all are welcome to the beach to celebrate the birthdays of Lexa and myself! The theme is Tiki Party. Food and drinks and fun! Stay until 9:00 pm for a Light Show. This is not a firework display, which means there will be no explosions and loud noises.

In other, other news, I've taken time off from the yoga studio to do this, so I won't be teaching classes on the 18th, 19th, and 20th.

[Private to Lexa]
I'll be around the whole time during the triple feature to help supervise and hand out snacks to guests. You're not expected to volunteer your time for the entire run of all three shows, and you're encouraged to take breaks. Also, you are not required to watch the movies ahead of time, but if you'd like to enjoy them while everybody else is, you're welcome.
[Private to Ororo Munroe]
Think you could help out on the 18th to chaperone the triple feature and work concessions during the intermissions?

Also, this may be "cheating", but would you be willing to ensure the weather for the 19th be clear, without rain or clouds, and be a comfortable temperature?

[Private to Lux]
Still want to help me with this light show?

Jul. 9th, 2023




What does network user not found Loki mean?