Dunwich: A Creepypasta Panfandom Game


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Posts Tagged: '%E2%97%8C+inactive:+jinx'

Oct. 10th, 2023



Present Day

With all the shit that happened last month, is anyone else freaking out concerned that possession ghosts might have something to do with us missing memories?Β 

Do you like apples and pork?Β  I found a fuckton of apples in my place yesterday and a few recipes using apples.Β  There's one for pork tenderloin that looks like it would be good.
low sodium, healthy carb.Β  Do vampires care about that shit? Β  Β 
I figured it'd be good to share it. Would you like to come over for dinner sometime?Β  That is, if you eat.
Probably should have asked that first.Β  Or just asked Richie or Bev. Fuck.

Oct. 3rd, 2023




WHO Jinx β€’ Vi WHERE Jinx Tinx WHEN Tuesday Night, Oct. 3rd
One night in Jinx's workshop... WARNINGS TBD
You won't get out the county 'cause you're bad and free Read more... )

Oct. 4th, 2023




People don't really eat different food every day, do they?

Oct. 1st, 2023



Network Post-Lady Amalthea

The hard part of forming connections is losing them. I never intended on feeling the very human emotion of loss again, and it seems it's impossible to help, even if I spend time in my true form.

Sarah Williams was my first friend here. I could see her good heart from the moment we met. I will miss her.

Sep. 28th, 2023




All right, so, I need to get a little funding for some finishing touches for the food truck. I figured I'd do a limited menu and lunch deliveries for a few days before the truck is officially up and going; I've got all these recipes I've been working on.

Put in an order and I'll run it over to you. You set your own price; pay in money or in an honest review.

Toasted Sandwiches:
  • The Buffalo: Buffalo Chicken, bleu cheese, spinach.
  • Roast Beef: Roast Beef, red onions, horseradish, provolone.
  • The Veggie: all vegan, veggies with a roasted pepper aioli.
  • Chicken Guac: Chicken, guac, chipotle mayo, mozzarella.

Comes with a side of mac and cheese or bag of chips.

We're really close to opening and I couldn't be more excited.



Network Post-Gwen Shepherd

Well, been here a week or so now and realize...I don't know how to go about being in school. I realize it's strange for a 16 year old to miss school, but even if my best friend isn't here, or even my snooty cousin, and even the ghost James who haunted my school is absent, I still want to go.

Even if only to make some friends.

Please tell me there are other teenagers here? I feel a bit...lost and alone?

Plenty of ghosts around, I've noticed, more even than back in London. But ghosts aren't nearly as good company as someone my own age. Surely there have to be more of us?


Sep. 22nd, 2023




I know we can't send ourselves home, but can we send other people back? Somehow? Please say yes.

Sep. 17th, 2023




A few months ago, I asked for people with potential for emergency responders. I think it's time to not only update that, but put some people in charge of aspects of it.
  • SEARCH AND RESCUE: There's a very specific set of skills needed for search and rescue. Physical training is an absolute necessity. FEMA has training courses to develop your Search and Rescue skills. I won't be taking anyone in this position who does not have a certification in first aid or CPR. Especially give that Sam Wilson does training for this on Sundays.
  • FIGHTING: I don't care how you fight, just know that if we get a call for fighting, we're going to need all the people we can get.
  • MAGIC: Whether this is magical fighting or just spells to dissuade people, clarify.
  • MEDICAL/HEALING: What it says on the tin. Liv Moore is in charge of Medical here at Mist, so I'm going to put her in charge of this.

Sep. 16th, 2023




Wahooo! I got a space for a workshop to build and tinker, right next to the junkyard. So many things to build.

AHEM. So yes I, Jinx, have my own business now and you can come to me for any kind of tinker work. I love building things, and making up things for β€œspecial” circumstances. Oh if you have armor or stuff I guess I could repair that too. Weapons, anything you can think of.

Before I forget and get lost in my own fun pretendy time, does anyone need anything? No idea is impossible or too crazy. You think it, I can make it. Huh. Wait that sounds gimmicky. But it’s true, let’s make some stuff!




Well, it's official. I'm registered in the private sector. New job at the bank starts tomorrow, according to the annoyed email I got from my boss today about not showing up on time for orientation.

Still around to help out with spare jobs if anybody needs anything outside business hours. Guessing I have to be pretty punctual for a while though, to make up for not being notified I was expected.

[Eddie Kaspbrak]

I appreciate the assist with getting my foot in the door. Money's not really a concern for me personally, but it feels good to have something to do. I owe you one.

Sep. 10th, 2023




[Friends/Family?? + Jinx & Bucky]
Fanny had the puppies this morning. There are five total, and they and she all seem to be doing okay.

Sep. 4th, 2023




[under 18s]

Did you know the adults are playing a game about killing, marrying, or sleeping with other people's boyfriends?

We can't even see it.




Apparently pumpkin spice lattes are twenty years old this year. Accounting for differences in timeline they are nearly as old as me.

[Under 20s]
Does anyone actually go to the drop ins on Tuesdays? What do they do there? I already told them I'm not going to school and all of my work experience is illegal. I'm not sure what I should do with my time since we can't leave.

Sep. 3rd, 2023




Does anyone have a list of things needed for Uni? I looked up "Things I need for University" and there are so many lists and I tried making one big list out of all the other lists so I could then whittle it down a bit and then see what I've got already and what I still need but it was a lot, and none of my books are here but I keep thinking they are and I have some of the textbooks (or books that might be relevant? Like, if I'm going to be studying Human Evolution then we're going to have to read books by/about Donald Johanson or the Leakeys, right? And I've read so much about their work but all my books are in bloody London) but I still need to go find the books here and then I tried just working out what stationery I need to get and even that's loads because I'm going to need pens in different colours and notebooks and sticky notes and highlighters an

Marc, you absolute arse!

Aug. 24th, 2023




It's a weird time to be settling in.

I'm wondering if anyone knows of any studio space that's free. I'm used to having somewhere a little bit bigger to work in. Or if maybe there's a spare room at Pickman or if anyone has a shed they're not using? I don't mind fixing a place up.

Also is anyone dreaming really messed up stuff or just me?

Aug. 17th, 2023




(ooc: posted after this and this)

Vecna talked to me.

I want to share, I don't know how much of it is known and how much isn't, but I don't want anyone rushing in by themselves or doing anything stupid.

He's connected to Todash the way he used to be connected to the Upside Down. He wanted me to come with him, to learn to control the Todash Space with him. I don't know if he's there but that's his goal.

There's stuff about Eddie that I don't fully understand but he's fighting Vecna off in there. We have to help him, I think he's getting tired. He needs help. I think he's the only thing stopping Vecna right now.

Vecna wants to open Todash Space into Dunwich. The church helped him get Eddie and there's something else, something underneath everything. I think maybe he's scared of it.

I don't know if I'm remembering everything.

Aug. 16th, 2023



[filtered away from Eddie Munson]

please don't be mad at me, okay?

I think I gave that creature

a few months ago I made a deal with some creature while I had magic. It brought the demodog to protect Eddie, and a few weeks ago it came back and told me I had to give Eddie a bracelet, that it would protect his mind, keep unwanted thoughts out of his head.

I thought it would protect him from Vecna, but.... I don't know anymore.

Everyone, Steve, Max, I'm so sorry.

Aug. 14th, 2023




We have been unable to locate him by scent so far. He smells of death, and so does the rest of the town. We will keep trying.

Aug. 3rd, 2023




So. I've had this headache for two days now. It really sucks. I've tried everything to get it to go away but it just keeps getting worse. I'm about ready to put myself to sleep for a week just to wait it out. Anybody got a home remedy that actually works Or I'm going to put my head through a wall because that would be really awesome. I'm starting to get delirious over here and seeing shit.

Aug. 4th, 2023




Laura Kinney & Jinx
Friday Aug 4 | A cafe near the centre of town | TBD

Laura spends her second day in town attempting to scout out the situation. NOTHING MAKES SENSE.
⚠ TBD.

Read more... )

Aug. 2nd, 2023




Not to alarm anyone -- but can someone explain what the fuck just happened?

TW: comments involving drug use in the comments bc Keeley doesn't know how to cope with this.




my brain feels kind of broken right now, dog. can anybody help me?

i wish janet or chidi were here.

Jul. 29th, 2023



Text message to Layla, Jinx and Vi

Hey. Queen Burger place this evening work for you guys?

Jul. 28th, 2023




I'd say TGIF but there's no rest for the wicked I guess.

Have you had a chance to look over those photos?

I know we can't use it to convict, but I'm getting some magical help I guess for this case. I want to nail the fuckin' church for this but we got nothin' to tie them.
I may never get a day off again but dinner soon?

Hey kid, how you doing?

So. How was church with Eddie?

Jul. 27th, 2023




It's aliiiiiive.

The hardware all works at least, I still have to get everything working together properly. There's 40 nodes in that case and another twenty in a case sitting on the floor with room to expand it. (Please no one tell my boss to look into how much use I've made of the store's wholesale ordering discount.) And since all great custom builds need a name, in honour of Beowulf and great contributions to arts and culture I've dubbed it Skibidi.

Jul. 24th, 2023





[ooc: cw for canine pregnancy]

Jul. 19th, 2023




Been told I should say hi on this thing, so, hi.

Jul. 17th, 2023




So as some of you have heard already, a local dunwich resident was murdered. I don’t want anyone to panic - there is no reason to believe at this time that anyone of us is in danger. I am going to tell you we are actively investigating this situation, and any additional investigating done by any MISTakes will wind up with you in the tank for obstruction.

I am not joking.

Again, there is no reason to panic, but please make sure you keep an eye on each other and if anyone has any information that may be relevant please let us know.

I gather you two knew the previous Loki that was here quite well. Would you mind answering some questions about his involvement with the Church?

Thank our DA here for getting us the warrants. I’m heading out to pick up Father Andrew and bring him in for the next twenty-four hours and I need you to go out and find us something we can use.

[OOC: PLEASE NOTE that Father Andrew is arrested early Monday morning and held for 24 hours. Almost immediately, there are churchgoers protesting outside the police station and they remain there for the full twenty-four hours.]

Jul. 16th, 2023




Read more... )

Jul. 9th, 2023




[...] I have some openings at the front desk at Pickman for anyone looking for a job. Please let me know if you're interested.

I wanted to