Dunwich: A Creepypasta Panfandom Game


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Posts Tagged: '%E2%97%8C+inactive:+amara+namani'

Aug. 31st, 2023




Julia and I are looking for anyone who could build some type of robot to send into the pocket dimension that pops up every second Tuesday of the month in Time and Again. Alison says people who enter it can lose anywhere from a few minutes to months of time and think they were there for only a few minutes or way longer. So holding off on any in person ventures at this point.

If you think you can build something that you could control while inside the pocket dimension and that could record what's happening inside of it, please let Julia or I know.

And if anyone has any other ideas for how to research this dimension, please also let us know!

Aug. 29th, 2023




Would anyone be so kind as to tell me if there is a tavern that's owned by one of us? And if I could entertain as




Does anyone still need food delivery or anything?

So I was thinking about those chips you were talking about, and I still don't think it's a good idea and all, but what if there was a way someone could activate it themselves? Or if a specific set of physical circumstances set it off? Like heart rate and all the things that FRIDAY can tell you about your body.

Is there a way to do that?

Aug. 28th, 2023




Is anyone else's work being weird?

I went back today after everything. My boss knew I was out and she was fine, but the rest of my coworkers don't seem to remember that I wasn't in the last few weeks. Apparently another one of them moved out of the city and I threw them a party? I'm pretty sure I'd remember throwing an office party.

At least everyone really liked the cookie cake I apparently brought in.

Does anyone even know where to get cookie cake in Dunwich?

Aug. 25th, 2023




Hey so

Say if you, uh, accidentally SOMEHOW start a conversation with someone but in your brain - how do you turn it off? Can I opt out of this? Is there a pill? A surgical procedure I gotta go through? I'm a shit patient but I'll let someone poke around in my head to get rid of this. There is too much ASS being projected into my thoughts because I don't know how to turn this off and I hate it.


Aug. 24th, 2023




If anyone at Pickman House heard a fire alarm go off in one of the rooms, my bad.

Exactly how any abilities do you have?

Anyone still dealing with anything weird after we broke into the Church? I couldn't smell anything after that, and I still can't smell anything now.

Aug. 23rd, 2023




Now that things are cooling off a little bit, I have questions.

1. Has anyone noticed anything weird about themselves since The Shitty Shattering? That's what I'm calling the time we raided the church and fucked up their window and then it grew back.

2. Has anyone noticed any weird memory gaps since the Battle of the Brains? That's what I'm calling that time we had a dance fight something something psychics vs Fuckface.

Aug. 18th, 2023




Look, I don't pretend to know everything that's going on most of the time. I don't do this weird spooky magic shit. All I know is there are some people that are still trapped, and their song ain't working, so maybe they don't see the exit like I did or are scared or something.

So I'm going to go back in and try to help them escape, and if I see one of those nurses or whatever, maybe I can fight them on the inside and help. I don't want to just sit around when maybe I can do something, yeah?

I'd say wish me luck but I'm Jamie Fucking Tartt. What do I need luck for?

(OOC: Jamie will not be replying to comments. He goes pretty quick after he stops listening to music. But please feel free to respond to one another's comments, even if it's to talk how bad this idea is or how dumb Jamie is.)




I'm never going to knock the blue skies here, but I miss home. I've never been homesick before. That's what I think that's what this feeling is.

But if anyone wants to tag-team on sleep, I don't need a lot of it.

Aug. 5th, 2023




slumberland motel party )

Aug. 1st, 2023




If you see a robotic dog around, be cool to him. He loves people and he's harmless. For now. His name is Twitch. I'm not gonna give him too much freedom before I outfit him with some defenses but I'll probably be running some tests over the next couple of days.

JAKE, SARAH, KATE PRYDE, EDDIE, CATRA, FILIP, KATNISS, VI Hey. I work at the Slumberland Motel. Sarah does, too. Say hi, Sarah.

I wanna rent a few rooms and have a fun Friday night. If you guys invited some friends, it'd be a big help. Thanks a bunch in advance. I'm not trying to throw a rager and get my ass fired so don't go too crazy. Nothing against our elders but it'll help keep our numbers down if we focus on a specific age group. Try to keep it under thirty, maybe? We'll drink, chill, play stupid games, whatever. Can't be Todash all the time.
JAMIE Busy Friday? I'm trying to put a little thing together at the motel.

Jul. 29th, 2023




So the theme park is fine, yeah? Nobody died?

Usually if something bad is gunna happen, it's towards the end of the month but not the very end. So if nobody has gotten hurt or nothin, then it's probably okay to go this weekend while the tickets are still good?

Jul. 25th, 2023




Hello, my name is Senator Padmé Amidala. I'm afraid that I'm not familiar with this world. Can someone please tell me what sector it is in, and where I can find a ship to hire to take me back to Coruscant?




The university here looks brilliant. Not that I'd know much about actually going to uni. But I reckon it'd be great.

Jul. 15th, 2023




I can usually find someone decent to spot me at the gym but this is the third time there was nothing around me but noodle arms. Looking for gym buddies, not accountability buddies. If you want someone to make sure you don't crush your windpipe, I'm your girl, but you're gonna need to set your alarm and read funny memes if you need someone to wake you up and be your cheerleader. I'm flexible on time but I like to get in there early. Does something for my ego.

Work's been okay. Looked ahead and saw we actually have a reservation on the books a little over a month out. The biggest surprise in that sentence should be that we actually have books at the Slumberland Motel but I followed up with the head honcho about the reservation anyway and he said it just happens sometimes. Hoping he doesn't cancel because the kind of guy who makes a reservation here sounds like the kind of guy who might have a really fucking bad face tattoo I'd love to see.

[...] So, those pictures were pretty crazy. What weird shit do you think the alternate versions of you would be getting up to this Saturday night?

Jul. 2nd, 2023





Dungeons & Dragons? Who's in?

This is the most normal I've felt since I've gotten here. I kinda owe it to you.

Jun. 16th, 2023




I'm confused about this thing on Sunday.

We're supposed to go to church or we're going to the pub? Or both?

Jun. 5th, 2023




Today when I tried to get answers about what this Bad Moon Festival is I got... "Not at all what you're expecting."

Great. That clears that up.

Just saw the network errors. I'm sorry.

Jun. 4th, 2023




So just to make sure I have it straight:

The fog is real fog, but like people end up here and then they can't leave? Also this place is kinda mental and just sometimes people end up with jobs or get attacked by lobsters or whatever.

And some of the places people come from are real mental like... they don't even got America or something?

And all of it is real and not some prank or reality television.

And robots and aliens and powers are real.

Okay, but what about the werewolves and vampires? Were those real or were you just fucking with me?




Amara's reunited with her beloved bike.

idk a week before prom | Here!
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House hunting really is something around these parts, isn't it? I really am beginning to feel like Goldilocks, a little too picky about what I want. And I know I could probably fix things up, but then there's the decision of renting or buying, and buying feels like such a commitment when none of us know how long we're here for and why does every realtor assume I want midcentury modern when I've told them specifically that isn't what I want? Rude.

Has anyone actually figured out what this Bad Moon festival is coming up? I can't seem to get any answers from anyone when I ask around.

May. 27th, 2023



Prom Night!


Read more... )

May. 24th, 2023



text message, afternoon

>> When do you get out of work?




Eliot & Amara
Last Friday | Outside the ice cream shop & the Slumberland Motel

One Eliot accepts a job offer while another declines.
References to alcoholism and possession.

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Amara & Jake
Last Thursday | Jake's Apartment

Amara's trying to adjust to life in Dunwich.
references to death, survivor's guilt, .

Read more... )

May. 22nd, 2023




If you're looking for a nice place to stay for the night (or just an hour), call the Slumberland Motel and ask for Eliot so that I can tell you to go somewhere else. And hey, if you wanna mess with the guy giving you a job, don't give him the wrong name. It's on my name tag, it's on the schedule, and he just laughs and changes the subject when I try to talk to him about it. This fucking town.
JAKE I need to tell you about something really fucked up and I don't wanna do it in person, okay?
JAMIE Hey I'm sorry about I know it's [...] What's up?
SARAH Hey. Wellness check. Did you find a talking animal to eat you yet?

May. 17th, 2023




How is it that so many people warned me about ghosts and lobsters and vampires but nobody had shit to say about the crocodile in the hall? I'm trying to get to the gym and I'm one blanket short of a decent blanket rope, two blankets short of a better one.
JAKE Wanna do pizza later? Crocodile? Is there a Chinese buffet? I already got you something for your 27th, you're just gonna have to wait til you get home to get it, and I still had months to pick up something dumb for your 33rd, so don't rush me.

Bring your wallet or wear your running shoes. Speaking of having exactly zero dollars, who's paying for all my prom stuff? You or the money jar?

Happy birthday! [....] I l

May. 16th, 2023




Hello. I'm Sarah.

I pelted Steve with a rock when I got here, I thought he was a goblin, so someone may want to check on his arm.

How do I find the way out of this town? I can't stay long.

May. 13th, 2023




The lobstrocities on the beach have been dealt with. All the beaches are open for business!

Except for Dark Score Lake. They're still there.

May. 12th, 2023




About Wednesday, I'm sorry. Let's start over. I'm Amara. I'm 21, originally from California, and I'm I was stationed at the Moyulan Shatterdome in China. If you know Jake Pentecost and you've already heard what he does, then you know what I do, too. If you don't know what Jake does then whatever, don't worry about it, I know it means fuck all to anyone around here but us. Let's just go with military pilot of machines that you've never heard of and call it a day.

What stuff do you guys TGIF for around here? It's my first Dunwich Friday and I'm trying to make it count.