Dunwich: A Creepypasta Panfandom Game


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Posts Tagged: '%E2%97%8C+inactive:+julia+wicker'

Mar. 28th, 2024




Fun fact, talking to gods in person makes them even more insufferable.

Mar. 18th, 2024




As much as I wouldn't mind building an addition onto the house, any magical users here know how to add a room without having to go through the whole labor of drywalling and insulating it?

I've got some friends that are quite insistent that I move in as quick as possible.

Mar. 17th, 2024





I don't remember which of y

Did you ever get that box finished?

What if I needed to actually kill a god. How do I do it?

Mar. 16th, 2024




If anyone comes across a statue that looks suspiciously like a person turned to stone, can you let us know?

There's at least two statues of locals that look like they've been turned to stone. I'm trying to find out if there are any others but maybe the police can block off the areas and keep the statues safe until we know more?

MIST researchers, we should see what we can find out.

Anyone have experience with people turned to stone?




Anyone else see that statue of a lady over by the Roxxcart? Has that always been there or is she new? Is Dunwich trying to get artsy on us?

Mar. 13th, 2024




Did anyone happen to put a very ghastly looking book on my nightstand? It has a face on the cover, purple gems for eyes.

It doesn't seem to want to open.

I quite like it, actually. I approve.

Mar. 12th, 2024




There's apparently a barrier in the ocean now. Not like the Ghost Line, but an actual barrier that keeps you from going toward the Ghost Line.

If this is the sea god coming to claim his prize (his prize being a living, breathing human being), then he's trying to box us in. I'm going under the assumption that Sabrina is his ultimate design, so he's going to show up at some point. If he's a sea god, we can expect water beings. Unfortunately, I'm not sure what that looks like here.

We need to scout the Ghost Line immediately. I'm calling the emergency staff in for this. We need everyone except Healers/Doctors. Whoever this is is not honing in on one person this time, they've gotten another roughly ten of us. That's way more than last time. I'm not waiting for him to try and pick others off.
I need volunteers to scout along the Ghost Line — minus the ocean part — for any other barriers. We need to know what our strategy should be. I'll be your point of contact for any information.

Healers/Medical, on call in case someone stumbles on something.
[If your character hasn't signed up, poke me in DM and I'll add them to the document here. Click tab MIST EMERGENCY RESPONDERS.]




Tonight on the radio I will be doing Open Lines, so please do call in to Night Bites if you need any advice.

If you would rather write a question, you may leave it privately here and I'll keep you anonymous as I read it. You have my word that no one shall know it was you.

It'll be fun. I do give the best advice.

Feb. 23rd, 2024





Feb. 16th, 2024






He was a good friend.
Read more... )

Feb. 12th, 2024





I probably should have asked this earlier--thanks for the idea, Percy--but are any of you having any weird dreams about the ocean.

Or lighthouses?

Magic Users
Who's good with dream magic and making talismans to ward against creatures getting into your dreams?

Feb. 6th, 2024




Upon superficial perusal of the network, I am overjoyed at being proven right once again!—That humanity is, at its core, a trite, unsurprising, and mundane species with very little capacity for nuance and innovation. Why, look at how you've all sequestered yourselves in the humdrum of monotonous living, foolishly trying to feed your starving souls by chewing on stodgy remnants of bromidic interactions and abstruse small talk. How tedious! How commonplace! How drab!

How perfectly t y p i c a l .

You'd think after billions of years I'd finally be accustomed to this! But no! I still hold out hope that your primitive bipedal species will one day break the cycle. Alas, today is clearly not that day. Tomorrow isn't looking good either.

That being said, those of you who attended my soiree have made it onto my NICE LIST. And those of you who declined my generous invitation, well, perhaps after a small demonstration of my charity your manners will show some improvement. Until then, try not to let my presence gnaw at you.

It will, of course.

And because I assume most of you lack the clarity of perception, allow me to introduce myself.


And despite the fact that Jean-Luc isn't here, I have decided to stick around, as they say, and continue the Trial of Humanity. Best of luck to all of you. I'd say the jury is out, but it's very clearly in.

On a related note—who was going to tell me that young Spock has abs?!

Feb. 4th, 2024




What are the odds that the upcoming parade ends in ritual sacrifice or something like that? I just want to start mentally preparing myself now while I have time.


I've had an idea and wanted to run it by you

Feb. 2nd, 2024




So the wards at my place were pretty much eaten last month.

Anyone available to help me put new ones back up? I'll pay cash?

Feb. 1st, 2024




[Sabrina, Julia, Diana, Wanda, Daimon, Strange]
Hello- I believe I've spoken with most of you before- Sabrina suggested you as a group who might be able to help me. I have this..dark magic inside of me that seems a bit unpredictable so far. Would you be willing to meet with me some time this week to see if we can determine any triggers and if there might be a way to control or contain the..creature that I become?

Does anyone know what's up with all of the lobster signs outside? It's like they showed up overnight!





Jan. 30th, 2024




Miss Romanoff,

In light of recent events with the ghost line and mist monsters, I have determined that I can be of most use to the community by working full-time at MIST. While my Starfleet experience has trained me in numerous areas, I believe my work in the sciences will be the most beneficial to ensuring both the future safety of the Mistakes and furthering to advance our understanding of why and how we are here. If you require references I can ask Lieutenant Noonien-Singh to vouch for my abilities.

On a related note, I have determined a method for adding a ‘location finder’ to the ghost line map. If a user has the finder turned on then we will be able to track them in the event of an emergency. It would, of course, be voluntary. Each individual user would have to activate the function on their phones. Logically, it would only be accurate if they have their phone on their person. If you approve of this function I will add it to the application programming.

Now that the mist has cleared up, I plan to test transmitters and receivers around the edge of the ghost line with the hope that they will be able to track the changes in the perimeter and automatically update the adjusted geographical perimeter into the app.

I have asked Miss Romanoff to consider me for a full-time position at MIST so I can better help everyone here. is that a Would you find that satisfactory? If you do not wish to work closely together, I can request a position in another department.

I am glad the plan against The Collector was successful and that you are safe and well.

How are you faring after your captivity?

I wanted to check in and make sure you were not in need of more … emotional embraces.

Jan. 29th, 2024




» so when are we getting drinks

» and did you get drinks with percy?

Jan. 26th, 2024




We know who the catbus is going after next. This is going to be our best opportunity to get people out when it opens up, but I'm going to need help.

There are a lot more creatures in the fog than the catbus. I need a couple of fighters with me to make sure nothing attacks us while I enact my admittedly not the best plan.

This thing is clever and may try to draw us somewhere dangerous if it catches on that we're up to something. So... anyone that can draw monsters away to other parts of the town? A lot of you can handle yourselves and I could use any help I can get.

I need to go now. Who's available?

I need your help.

I have an idea but it's risky. If it doesn't work, I need Spock and Sabrina on deck to try something else, so I need you to hang back.

The two fighter slots here are spoken for! If you signed up and are not able to participate, lmk! No worries if the timing doesn't work.

1Will link volunteers to an IC/OOC thread tonight/tomorrow to wrap this up!

2The volunteers for drawing monsters away is new because I just thought of it. :B So if you missed out on being muscle or your character would be involved, that's open to anyone!

3Thank you everyone who participated and made this plot way cooler than my original idea. ♥





[ When answered he will immediately start talking, he sounds slightly out of breath like he's on the move while talking, because he is. ]

First off, I'm good. All good.

[ A pause as he gets a moment to duck behind a tree and hide. ]

Just a little heads up that I'm sharing my location. Sort of, kind of, being run down by the creepy cat bus.

Jan. 25th, 2024



Voice Post, tw: cat-bus-monster, profanity, car crash

(backdated to after witnessing Jaskier being taken, in a loud and panicky voice)

The fucked-up-cat-monster got Jaskier!  Fucking put him in his goddamn spine!   The last time I saw it, it was near Pickman, headed south!  We have to find him!  We have to help him and the rest of them!  There were so many!   Too damn many! 

(a few moments later and slightly calmer)

I know you're all trying.  I just..aw, fuck.  It was fucked up. This is all fucked up.

Crashing a car into the cat-thing doesn't fucking stop it. I didn't learn anything else.

I'm fine.





Jan. 24th, 2024




Hey, so I'm going to start by saying I'm fine.

There are large spider [...] creatures eating the magic wards protecting my house. I think they're attracted to magic.

I'm just going to gather a few things and calmly walk to Pickman. Just a reminder, I'm immortal, pretty much indestructible, I can make the walk without putting anyone else at risk.

Just wanted to give a heads up to everyone who may or may not have just warded their house.

Jan. 23rd, 2024




Someone better tell me they know where Nancy is.

Jan. 17th, 2024




Percy & Sabrina
Hi, Percy- my name is Nikolai, and Julia pointed me your way. My girlfriend, Sabrina, and I were attacked down by the beach yesterday out near the boardwalk. The creature..looked like a child at first, crying for help, and then turned into some sort of half octopus, half human monster that seemed determined to drag Sabrina down into the ocean. She wasn't successful, but we were both pretty banged up after. We're pretty sure this is related to a local sea god.

All this to say- we understand that you have some..communication with the water and the creatures in it? Is there any way you might be able to help us figure out some sort of protection?

Later edited to include Julia




[ooc: a log predating this post will be posted later!]

TW eldritch horror description:

There is a giant [...] catlike centipede looking creature in town. Bigger than a bus. I saw it, before I collapsed. It opened its spine up and I don't know how to say this [...] it took, it collected, an old regular at the tavern, Gilbert. There were people in its body. So many people.

I could hear them in my head all the groaning

It thought said it was there to collect him, keep him safe.


Jan. 16th, 2024




Messages directly to Daimon & Julia (after this)

• Sabrina and I were attacked today on our way to lunch
• We're safe at my place now
• She's pretty sure it has to do with the Sea God that tried to take her
• We both took a bit of a beating, but she's in the bath now
• I'm getting her lunch, then we're gonna nap
• I'll probably be slow to reply but she wanted to make sure you both knew
• We'll message when we're able to




Witches/Magic Folk
Hello- I believe I've met most of you at the last few get togethers, but for those that I haven't, I'm Diana Bishop. I've been speaking with Sabrina, and we were thinking of bringing back the coven if there's interest- this is more of a learning group, sharing our magic and seeing how it works together, focus on making sure we have supplies and an arsenal of spells we can work together and separately if needed to protect or to heal. This is separate from the attempts to bring down the ghost line, but could potentially work toward that in the future.

It would also be a chance to practice our magic without a crisis going on. We had been meeting once a month, with my doors open every other week to practice or for people to drop by and be social.

Long story short- if you're interested in learning each others' magics and trying to see how they work together, let me know and we can plan regular meetings?

Jan. 15th, 2024




I've decided to terminate my employment at Dunwich Weekly. Especially considering the fact that they keep disregarding my suggestions. Just like back in Hawkins.

May I inquire as to joining the research team? I feel as if that would be more beneficial and I'd like to assist in any way I can.

Jan. 14th, 2024




Julia Wicker
Alexis Rose
WHAT: Julia tries to help Alexis Meditate.
WHERE: Alexis's Apartment
WHEN: Sunday, January 14th
WARNINGS:Excessive whining, TBD
STATUS: In Progress

Hey, at least if it was a monster or intruder she'd probably be fine. All she'd have to do is take a step. Read more... )