Dunwich: A Creepypasta Panfandom Game


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Posts Tagged: '%E2%97%8C+inactive:+adora'

Oct. 18th, 2023




I've pulled the front door camera footage from Todash from the weekend and uploaded it if anyone wants to check it for themselves. I worked all weekend from this but haven't the first clue about any of it. Not sure if it's better or worse to see yourself doing things you don't remember, but have at it if you want to check in.

[ link to video footage ]

Sep. 16th, 2023




Adora & Catra
WHAT: Catra projects some wild thoughts and Adora introduces She-Ra
WHERE: Catradora's Cottage
WHEN: Today
WARNINGS: Some mentions of war, mind control, nonconsensual body modifications, surgery, imprisonment, death
STATUS: Complete

“You’re thinking so loud I could hear you outside.”
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Sep. 12th, 2023



Network Post-Lady Amalthea

I think I will be spending as much time as possible in my unicorn form. The human world here has been...less than inviting.

[Private to Sarah Williams]

I hope you have not been feeling disturbed lately. I don't know what is happening, but I can sense something foreboding. The magic that lives in me feels on fire.

[Private to Iorek Byrnison]

I was never able to thank you for your help during...everything that happened last month. It was painful in many ways, but knowing I have you as a true friend has been an honest comfort.

I also wondered...have you been feeling an extra burst of energy or pull? While I always want to remain in my true form, there is a surge I feel within me. I don't know if it is something happening in Dunwich or just something as a result of my time being in Vecna's grip.

Sep. 11th, 2023



Network Post-Elora Danan

How has no one told me how absolutely amazing bagels are???? I went to Pandemonium and it was salty! And chewy! And heavenly! I think everything is much better when you have a good pastry. I need to learn how to make these. I sometimes miss the warm comfort of the ovens back home, even if it's not been too cold lately.

[Private to Ezreal]
Just...checking how you are and how you've been after everything last month. I was worried about you.

[Private to Boorman]
Have...you heard weird whispers? In your ears? As you've been going about town?

Sep. 7th, 2023





What feels like ages ago I promised Sabrina I'd track down a karaoke machine and get a night going at Todash. And then Dunwich Dunwiched so here were are in September.

All that aside, Todash will be hosting karaoke tomorrow night!

What's karaoke you ask? Well, if you've ever wanted to get slightly tipsy to drunk and belt your heart out in front of a bunch of other strangers of varying sobriety to such emotional hits as "My Heart will Go On" and "Total Eclipse of the Heart", or maybe you prefer something more upbeat like "I Wanna Dance with Somebody", or you want to channel your inner boy band dreams and hit up some "I Want it That Way" (or girl band, "Wannabe" is a very valid choice here), karaoke is for you.

So come on down, have some drinks (a shot on the house if you go sing), show off your vocal chops and cheer your fellow Mistakes on.

Gentle ribbing is the name of the game but please do not be an asshole.

You're being all squirrelly, what's up?

Sep. 5th, 2023




Catra & Adora
WHAT: The girls deal with insomnia and a buttload of anxieties with coloring books
WHERE: Their cottage
WHEN: Last night
WARNINGS: Anxieties and blues but it's soft?
STATUS: Complete

“I liked feeling as if you needed me.”

That she could help Adora in a way others couldn’t – it was their thing, until things changed. Then Adora stopped needing her all together.
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Sep. 1st, 2023




I got a job today. It's not what I was doing at home, but it's something I know I'll be great at so I can't complain. I start on Monday.

I suppose this is the beginning of really settling down here. Next thing you know, I'll be getting a house and a dog and all that shit.




Anyone lose a cat? Not Catra, I know she belongs to Adora. But there's been one following me around for most the day that keeps running off whenever I try to check its tag. Black. Yellow eyes. Kind of has an attitude problem with the way it keeps hissing at me whenever I stop to look at it. Getting all kinds of weird vibes from i-

Aug. 25th, 2023




Hey. I'm Keith. I've been here for a couple of months but I haven't made one of these yet because I didn't really have much to say? I'm boring like that. Sorry.

But I'm looking for a job. I'm good at flying and driving things, but I'm good at repairing stuff with motors too. I'm good at fighting and stabbing too, but that feels a lot less marketable in the job market.

Hi. I heard you were a big part of the reason why I'm still around and alive. I just wanted to say thank you for that and if you need anything, let me know? I owe you a lot.




Hey so

Say if you, uh, accidentally SOMEHOW start a conversation with someone but in your brain - how do you turn it off? Can I opt out of this? Is there a pill? A surgical procedure I gotta go through? I'm a shit patient but I'll let someone poke around in my head to get rid of this. There is too much ASS being projected into my thoughts because I don't know how to turn this off and I hate it.


Aug. 24th, 2023




i am all healed up and back to normal thanks to ✨yennefer!!✨ thank you so much yennie!!💖 and five for getting me to her!!

i will never take my limbs for granted again!! knitting with one hand is impossible, and omg texting?? the WORST!! plus voice to text never works right


on a more serious note?? i am really, really grateful to be back and okay, and even happier you made it through. you're all like, pretty phenomenal you know that?? to do what you did. i can only remember bits and pieces, but i felt you. all of you. protecting us. fighting for us. for everyone.

and to those we lost? i am so sorry.

thanks aren't enough, but

thank you. really, sincerely and truly.

love you lots. yes, even YOU!!❤️

Aug. 15th, 2023




posted early this morning

filtered: adora, catra, rory
Keith started floating. I'll keep you posted if anything changes.

filtered: liv
Hey, I know you're running around like mad with... all of this, and I hate to add another to your list, but my friend just started floating, his arm broke on the way up. Would you mind stopping by my Pickman room?

filtered: jula
Have I mentioned my hatred for Dunwich's weird ass shit lately? Consider it mentioned now.

filtered: stevie
Hey, you still holding up okay?

Aug. 11th, 2023





Look, I want to help but all of this is SO FAR out of my comfort zone. Can I just hide in bed with my headphones on until its over? Would that be terrible?

[edited later to add]
Sabrina mentioned that with Isabel leaving, there's no one to really help people watching over those in trances. So, I'm going to offer. If you need food or coffee, or just a break so you can scream into a pillow -- let me know. I'm still learning to navigate the town, but I've got a phone with GPS so it won't be that difficult.

I can't do much, but I can do that.




I don’t know for certain that the church is connected to all this craziness but if they gave him the ear which was a physical manifestation of Vecna I feel like that makes it pretty tied to the whole thing. Maybe breaking whatever hold it has over people could help us?

Mobius doesn’t think we need to destroy the whole building but he said there’s a large circular window that looks down on people from the pews. That the previous Loki said he could see things in it and that during that crappy festival some of you saw stuff too. So it might be tied to the source of a lot of things.

Anyone want to come help me desecrate a church break a window? And probably try to search that building for Eddie. I’m thinking if people are seeing things in it that it might need more than just throwing a rock through it but also that could work?

ooc: please see THIS POST .

Aug. 2nd, 2023




Not to alarm anyone -- but can someone explain what the fuck just happened?

TW: comments involving drug use in the comments bc Keeley doesn't know how to cope with this.

Aug. 1st, 2023




Catra & Adora
WHAT: Catra asks Adora about the scar on her chest, and the two discuss the Horde versus Rebellion and all the complicated war baggage
WHERE: Their teeny little house
WHEN: Tonight (just posted early)
WARNINGS: Non-explicit war talk, war orphans?
STATUS: Complete

That was their difference at the core, wasn’t it? Adora felt like she had a duty, that she loved the world and the people in it so why not chance it all to save it. Catra felt like the world hadn’t done her any favors and took the person that she loved the most, so why bother.

One was too selfless, and the other was too selfish.
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Jul. 22nd, 2023




Catra & Adora
WHAT: Tunnel of Memories Love makes them share some Trauma
WHERE: Joyland
WHEN: Today
WARNINGS: Mentions of brainwashing and past child abuse
STATUS: Complete

Prime strode toward her, steps slow and light and purposeful. “Then you left. You broke her heart. You always wanted more… but all she ever wanted was you.”
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Jul. 20th, 2023




Between the protesters at the station earlier this week and... yesterday, this week kinda sucks. I don't know about the rest of you, but I'm ready for the weekend.

Anything fun happening?

Jul. 14th, 2023




Catra & Adora
WHAT: A local offers Adora some conveniently cheap housing, and the girls take a tour
WHERE: This cottage
WHEN: Today
WARNINGS: Not really
STATUS: Complete

“I never–thought, you know? Us doing this. It’s domestic. I didn’t think we’d ever get to domestic.”
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Jul. 8th, 2023




Tomorrow afternoon, I wish to share with everybody a treat! Not one that you eat, but something you feast with your eyes!

A while ago, one of those disks came to me. It was my story! What happened to me just before I was brought to Dunwich. Yes, there are many parts that are embarrassing, but the cool parts outweigh the embarrassing ones. And I am happy to say, I am very cool.

That is why I will be showing it to anybody who wants to come, tomorrow, 3:00pm</strike NOW AT 4:00 pm ! at MIST on that big screen there. Bring your own snacks.

Jul. 6th, 2023




How many here take the job that suddenly slides into your lap?

I'm apparently supposed to head into the Historical Society building on Monday as their new assistant. Is my boss going to turn out to be a gorgon?

Jun. 21st, 2023




Adora & Catra
WHAT: Catra fesses up on a secret to clear up a misunderstanding
WHERE: Lover's Lane
WHEN: Backdated to before the festival events
WARNINGS: Discussions of memory erasure
STATUS: Complete

“Do you? I mean, you have all that experience with Scorpia, right?”


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Jun. 12th, 2023




Adora & Catra
WHAT: A drunk Adora asks a serious question that leads into some terrible miscommunication
WHERE: Catra's room @ Pickman
WHEN: After this log a few days ago
WARNINGS: References to memory erasure and drinking
STATUS: Complete

This must have been after she left, then. There must have been another we. And as soon as that thought occurred to her, she realized who the other person had to be.
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Jun. 11th, 2023




Adora, Eleanor & Catra
WHAT: Sharing bits of their stories
WHERE: Todash Tavern
WHEN: Backdated to June 7th
WARNINGS: Talk of war, death, kidnapping
STATUS: Complete

“I don’t know what the bad place entails, but if it’s an evil ghost making blood rain on you and sending even more evil ghosts after you in a haunted hotel, then this could definitely be that.”
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It look over a month but I think I've learned my lesson. Hair and magic do not mix.

Jun. 7th, 2023




I have been trying to adjust my schedule from essentially working nights and sleeping through the day to now sleeping at night and being up through the day and it is a very, very slow process. Even the largest and strongest of coffees are not doing much to help.

Can anyone recommend me any books to help pass my time?

Matthew, Enjolras, Addie:
How do you decide what sort of job you would even qualify for when you have little education, few practical skills, and aren't familiar with this time? I'm not sure that I even would have the qualifications to be a student here, if that were even something I wished to pursue, which I'm not even sure I want yet.

I don't know what I want. Everything is still so very overwhelming.

May. 27th, 2023



Prom Night!


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May. 21st, 2023




Hey, so, the beam people are a cult, right?

[Ani, Haymitch, Maysilee, Katniss, Achilles, Finnick]
So one time Ani and I were talking and she told me how people collect the Victors cards and they can be a big deal and everything? Anyway, I found some at the pizza place this afternoon, just sitting at a table and I guess one of you must have left them there. You all look really good in them too! But if they're yours, I'll get them to you.

Ani, I had a really weird dream last night.

[Adam - deleted]
Did I talk to you in

May. 16th, 2023




this sucks - this is the worst - why is this a thing - fuck this honestly -
I watched like four hours of random friends episodes and I know the lobstrocities were the worst but lobsters mate for life and that made me sad, do you think the lobstrosowhatevers were all mated up? like they were all murder all humans but also let's grow old and die together?

filtered: julia/spock
i'm prefacing this with i'm fine, but if one of you could leave some advil or something outside my door that'd be great, thanks.

May. 10th, 2023



[One Small Network Post, One Large Misunderstanding.]

[OOC Background: Due to the appearance of disturbing snails which lead to Boorman's well meaning but entirely incorrect post about the snails potentially being transformed people, in combination with Carver being a very specific kind of vampire that makes him appear no different than a corpse during the day while he sleeps, while most people still being unaware that Carver is a vampire, a routine wellness check by Boorman to check on said vampire leads to an ambulance appearing at Pickman and Carver's undead self being removed in a thankfully light tight body bag. As a result, Mobius has sent the following network post below.]

I am so sorry to make this post. One of our newer residents, Carver, was found deceased in his room this afternoon after a wellness check. We are working with our friends at the morgue and the Sheriff's Department to get to the bottom of what happened.

When I have more answers, I promise they will be provided. For those of you who got to know him during his short time here, I'm sorry to be the bearer of bad news.

ETA [LATER AFTER SUNDOWN]: I have an important update. It appears to be a misunderstanding. No, I will not go into the details. Please do not bother Carver with them, as he is entitled to his privacy.

The snails had nothing to do with this. It was, very thankfully, one large misunderstanding.