Dunwich: A Creepypasta Panfandom Game


panfandom creepypasta



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Posts Tagged: 'marvel+%28comics%29:+miguel+o%27hara'

Jun. 2nd, 2024




So, fun thought experiment: What stole the rabbits out of my first two snares? Wrong answers only.

[Dr. Crain]
So if you're still willing to have that talk or whatever? To see if sessions would be a good idea for me? I don't quite have a job here yet, is the thing. And I remember thinking America was weird about their health care.

So what do you do for a distraction fun around here?

Jun. 1st, 2024





May. 23rd, 2024




Does anyone want biology/science classes once school's done for summer?

May. 16th, 2024



Backdated to Sunday morning

Read more... )

May. 11th, 2024




Red wine o'clock.




Just making this official. I've never said it and it wasn't really a thing when I'm from. But being here and getting to know more, I've been trying it on, though, seeing how it felt. Some of you already do it. I've been going back and forth.

And nothing's changing. Still the same Morph, still the same flavor you've come to love just with updated packaging. (Wink, wink.)

They/them. πŸ˜‰

May. 9th, 2024





Hey. Te amo.


Are you okay?

May. 8th, 2024




Do you have a job here? If so, why did you pick that one? If not, why don't you have a job?

If you're hiring, post here if you'd like. I'm nosy, what can I say? And maybe bored.

May. 5th, 2024




Gracias, Emma, for fixing my stupid brain.

Is anywhere doing anything for Cinco de Mayo?


Spanish lesson!

Hola, mi cielo. Te recuerdo. Te amo. Gracias, y lo siento por el ΓΊltimo mes.

Es el Cinco de Mayo, y necesito beber mucho vino tinto (o cerveza), y espero encontrar algunas arepas o empanadas. O pambazos. Necesito unos pambazos. ΒΏTe gustarΓ­a unirte a mΓ­?


Sorry I missed your birthday. I'll make it up to you.

Apr. 16th, 2024



TW: amnesia

voice message )

Apr. 10th, 2024




I know that a lot of people are struggling with various ailments, and I will be able to help you, but I wanted to let you know that it's that time of the month. And I didn't have time to get a brain at work so I

Next time we talk, I’m not gonna remember this conversation.

Just kidding.

A little Memento joke.

But seriously, I'll probably seem different after this.

Just so you're aware, I'm using one of the brains that people got in jars over Christmas. Hopefully, none of them were axe murderers.

Apr. 9th, 2024



tw: Amnesia

Where the shock am I?

[Ruby Lucas]

Hi. Sorry to bother you, but Lyla told me to get in touch with you. She said you'd be able to help.

Apr. 8th, 2024




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Apr. 7th, 2024




Does anyone here know how to make contact lenses?

Apr. 4th, 2024



tw: phobia starting

I've decided to redecorate my room.Β  Β That means a shopping trip.Β  It'll be fun, hunting for treasures in thrift shop, things like that. Does anyone want to come with me?

Can I sleep at yours for a while? Until I figure out what my room needs?Β  It doesn't feel comfortable right now and I sleep over at yours so much already.

Mar. 26th, 2024





What's your favorite pizza?



tw: naked monster (RUSALKA ), sexual humour in comments

tw: encounter with naked monster (rusalka) )

Mar. 25th, 2024




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tw: loss of an uncle/parental figure, profanity

Mother fucking goddamn bullshit.

Mar. 22nd, 2024




The creatures turning your friends to stone are called medussas or gorgons, depending on the world you hail from.1 Specifically the women with snakes for hair that curse you with a look, not the stone looking bull creatures that exhale petrifying breath.

The good news is there's a cure that works on any type of petrification. The bad news is making it. On my world it's an oil that can be created from yet another monster that turns people to stone: the basilisk. Lucky for us, the snakes on top of the medussa's head should be a suitable replacement.

Here's what I need:
  • Someone with a magical background to help me create the medussa oil from their snake hair. I can provide guidance but arcane magic is not my specialty.2

  • A few brave people willing to bring me the medussa bodies.3 Can't create snake oil without a few snakes.
Keep in mind, it takes a good amount of the oil to undo the curse. I suggest praying to the god of your choice that there's more than monster out there to provide us with snake oil.4

Should your friends actually get restored, you can thank Theo.5 She's the one that discovered what was turning people to stone. I suggest killing these creatures before they create more statues. Preferably without getting turned to stone yourself. Have fun with that.

1Yeah, D&D is dumb sometimes. I hate that they're called medussas instead of gorgons. >.>

2The part of the arcane helper will be played by Stella via the plot sign up. If you want your magic character to get lightly roasted and turned down by Shadowheart, feel free to try and volunteer them.

3That being said, hunting the medussas gorgons is open to all the fighty/hero types! I'm going to create a mini OOC sign up in the comments. There are only three gorgons, so maybe make a group effort for each one and decide how you're going to get close to the monsters without getting turned to stone yourself. Whether you RP it out ICly or just use the OOC space below to plot out how it goes down is up to you! Either is fine! ♥

4Spoiler Alert: three gorgons are not enough to make eight cures. Why? Because I asked Dawn and Jess if I could be a huge asshole and they said yes. There's enough to make six cures. Sure, it'll be two of the NPCs that misses out, but hopefully it's fun for characters to agonize over. Or is that just me?

5Crystal was the last of the three plot sign ups, so giving them this part of the plot was how their character was involved.

Mar. 21st, 2024




I have tarps if anyone wants to use one to cover a statue. I also have soft cloths, brushes, and towels if you want to wipe off any debris before covering them. I'll help.

I wouldn't want birds shitting on me and

Mar. 20th, 2024




[phone call to Miguel O'Hara, ring, ring]




Hello, MISTakes. Ruby Lucas is also a statue. She appears to have been scared/startled by something that was in the ocean immediately prior to becoming lithified. We are at the beach at the following location: [exact co-ordinates, and a small map]

Where should Miguel bring the statue to? Or should we remain here for the time being?

Also, he will not be teaching today. I have already alerted the High School.

Mar. 19th, 2024




Anyone have suggestions for the best part of the more nature-y areas? Specifically, with lots of trees?

Mar. 9th, 2024




I may have drank Ruby's pizza place out of coffee. Or it just feels like it.

Mar. 8th, 2024



tw: bullying, violence

I see so much water.Β  I saw it when I peeped into Mr. O'Hara's dreams.

I had a vision in school. Bowers made a girl cry and I saw her tears pool on the classroom floor, puddle first, then all over, deeper and deeper.Β  It felt like I was being pulled down and it was cold.Β  Β When the vision ended, class was over, the teacher was telling me to go home and that shit Bowers called me a freak and a. School sucks with visions.

I think I'm going to dream about water too.Β  Not in the headache floaty way.Β  In the shine way.

I don't know what it means yet.Β  Might be just leftover from all of the floaty people's Mr. O'Hara's dreams.

Mar. 7th, 2024




Mr. O'Hara isn't at school today.Β  The principal came in and put on a movie we're supposed to be watching.Β  Β We don't even have a sub, which is really weird.Β  Mr. O'Hara's a better teacher than that.Β  Please, check on him.

[Added Later]

He's floating in his Pickman apartment 118. Ruby is with him and she would like help.

Mar. 5th, 2024




Sunday March 3rd/early evening, after the Sunday first aid class, before Miguel's headache started β€’ MIST
⚠ none expected.  It's Ruby and Miguel looking at time capsule photos of themselves.  Will update if needed.
STATUS Ongoing
NOTE - If they needed permission to look at the digital time capsule photos on MIST computers, please assume they have it

Worth a thousand words? )

Mar. 4th, 2024




Let's play Dunwich Would You Rather.Β  Β It's a simple game of making a choice between two options. The options are hard to choose between, and also fun, nothing too personal. I ask a question, you answer it, then you can ask a question. Anyone can play.

Here's the question:
Would you rather wear a lobster costume on really, really high stilts or wear a lobster costume with really, really long lobster legs strapped to your back?Β  I actually saw both on locals, one in the parade and one on a pageant contestant.

Mar. 1st, 2024




The Up & Up's Grand Opening
Join us! )
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