Dunwich: A Creepypasta Panfandom Game


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Posts Tagged: '%E2%97%8C+inactive:+dan+torrance+2'

Mar. 11th, 2024




Mobius Mobius & Dan Torrance
Today | Dunwich Hospital | G

Jobs don't work like that.
⚠ annoyance maybe? frustration?

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Mar. 10th, 2024




I'm so sorry to everyone that's sleepwalking. It's rubbish, especially when you wake up in Cardiff and you live in London. Not that anything like that's going to happen here, with the ghost line. But, like, even just waking up in the street outside your block of flats is pretty shit, all kinds of disorienting. Maybe we should put a load of extra locks on everyone's front doors. It wouldn't need to be actual physical locks, though. Right? Could the magic people do something? I dunno, spells on the doorways that only let people who're awake out of them? Or something like that, maybe. Just an idea.

Or there's always ankle restraints?



tw: unintended self injury, sleepwalking, blood

I need someone to come get me.
I'm by the Carbunkle house and I- well I don't have any shoes on.
I think I was sleepwalking.

Maybe someone from PD )

Mar. 8th, 2024



(tw: implied deviousness against a teen)


Can I ask you a favor?

Mar. 6th, 2024



[TW: alcoholism]

I see you've taken over the support group Jake had lead.
My addicts group always follows it, if you want to combine efforts or hang out afterward?

Mar. 3rd, 2024




Is there anyone looking to rent a room outside of Pickman? I have several extra rooms that you could pick from, and I'm willing to change decor as you wish. Must be magic and familiar friendly- Corra lives here with me, of course, and other witches/practitioners of magic stop by fairly regularly.

I'm not opposed to vampires or other species as roommates, but we'll need to discuss any additional needs.

Feb. 21st, 2024




[Secured Against Abra]
Does anyone have any suggestions on a good book of Poetry?

I’m preplanning Abra’s birthday presents and thought to ask for help.

Feb. 17th, 2024




Even the folks I help in the hospital have been talking about the Lobster Queen Pageant today. Quiet towns are, well, the most excited for their yearly festivals and parades like this, but it always gets me how some obsess about it.

Jan. 4th, 2024




With the start of a new year, and the party earlier this week, I just wanted to take this moment to let those who aren't aware know that I'm Dr. Theo Crain, and I'm a psychiatrist.

I work at MIST and I'm a "MISTake" like the rest of you, so unlike town therapists, I'll believe you and I'll understand what you're dealing with. I still have plenty of times available on my calendar, so you can reach out to me to make an appointment for regular sessions, or drop by the office anytime my door is open. For those who are on more of a nocturnal schedule, I can do house calls or meet at the office in the evenings, when needed.

And even if you don't want to be a patient of mine, or don't want the formality of a session, or don't want to talk to a therapist at all, I'm free to lend an ear; or at the very least, find a friend that you can open up to. None of us have to deal with any of this alone.

Now if only I could find a shrink of my own...

Dec. 21st, 2023




And now I have received a locked wooden chest. I'm not sure if I should even try to open it.

Dec. 18th, 2023




Dan Torrance
Rowena MacLeod
WHERE: Castle Hill Garden
WHEN: December 18th
STATUS: on-going

A dream within a dream was what Dunwich was. Read more... )

Dec. 3rd, 2023




I will honestly miss Emma. It was eye opening seeing how psychics compare between our worlds. And her determination with all of the student age people showed how much heart she actually had.

I had a rough time last month so I apologize for stepping back as everyone tried to combat the darkness. November holds a lot of trauma for me but I will try to be more available now.

Oct. 28th, 2023




Me and Marc were supposed to have our second date today. We were supposed to get a cake to share with our friends.

To Whoever took my friends. I just want to rip your stupid head off. Today is my birthday
You suck.

Oct. 26th, 2023




One of us is missing. Mark Bennett. He's one of Richie's boyfriends, and he's been behaving strangely for the last few weeks. And now he's gone completely missing.

Do you think you could help?

Oct. 16th, 2023




Alright, once? Fine. I'll give you that, shit happens.

But twice? This is bullshit.

Tomorrow night, everyone with magic is meeting at my place. Maybe we didn't do this, but we're figuring out how to fucking fix this.

Don't show up without very good reason? You might as well get a SUS tattoo on your forehead. I will fucking take note.

There will be food and alcohol. I don't brainstorm sober or on an empty stomach.

Geniuses and/or people with random ass time powers can come too, I guess. I'm not your mom.

Oct. 13th, 2023




It's my birthday today and I'm not entirely sure what I should do for it.

Oct. 9th, 2023




[Emma, Abra and Theo]

Are any of you picking up anything out of the ordinary in the memories around us?
What I mean is, I'm reading the past in my apartment to see what happened over the weekend and it's all normal. No sign of anything that would cause the memories to be wiped.

Oct. 6th, 2023




Except then she'd met Danny
WHAT: Date night
WHERE: Dan's home
WHEN: Evening, 6 October 1997
STATUS: Incomplete
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90s Torrance

I miss the days of good music. I forgot how much 90s music was made up mostly of girl and boy bands.
And to hear them on repeat both inside everyone's heads and out is driving me insane.
This has to be why I blacked out many of those years

Want to stay over tonight?



1990s! Sookie.

[trigger warning: bully behavior, not so nice sookie]

Half of y'all think too loud, the other half doesn't think at all. I prefer the latter. It's quieter.

Also, we all have to walk the halls, that doesn't mean we should have to smell you, deodorant is your friend.

Sep. 23rd, 2023




Hey, sorry- this might be weird, but what's your favorite place for a meal here?
WHAT: Carter and Dan meet
WHERE: Outside near Pickman? Ish?
WHEN: Afternoon, 23 September
STATUS: Incomplete
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Sep. 18th, 2023




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tw addiction & loss

Six months.

I'm supposed to celebrate these milestones, even if I don't always feel up to it. I'm going to always wish Nell was here for it, every step of the way I do, but losing her doesn't mean I can stop.

I won't say it's been easy. There's been days where I

You know, you glamorize things in your memories sometimes. You've got to stop yourself. And the dreams, sometimes, they're so real. The seeking dreams.

But yeah, six months. Longest I've made it.

Sep. 11th, 2023




So you're having some issues with ghosts (non-Mistake variety).

Firstly, talking to them is a good start, but you've probably tried that. (If you haven't, please do.) If you have and they still won't leave you alone, then hopefully there's enough of us here who've got different ways of doing things with ghosts to help you out?

Can I get a list of volunteers for helping to show people how to work with, set boundaries, etc with ghosts?

Once we've got that if Mobius or Natasha will let us use outside Pickman or a room in MIST to showcase these things, that'd be great.

Also because this is Dunwich, and Dunwich is rude, half of these things might not work here. Or might go extremely wrong.

Head's up, the new girl seems to have some Anti-Christ trauma so. There's that.

Sep. 10th, 2023



Network Post-Lafayette Reynolds

You know fuckin what, I am straight not having a good time right now. I can't fuckin sleep with all the ghosts everywhere tryin to get my ass to do this and that. Being a medium is sometimes a burden at the best of goddamn times now this bullshit got me wishing for home.

How you holding up baby? I ain't doing so good.



tw: hypochondria, ghost

Sorry if anyone heard me yell.Β  I had a little startle and 'what the fuck' was my natural response.Β  Β Everything's fucked fine now. Or I need an MRI, CT scan, PET scan, blood tests, neurological exam, psych evaluation, physical exam because I'm losing my fucking mind.

[Losers and Dan]
My dead dad talked to me. Not I thought I heard something or got a voicemail. We had a conversation. He could be real, right? Dan, you said you see ghosts, and Richie, you used the word haunted.

Sep. 9th, 2023




WHAT: A meeting of the minds
WHERE: In Astral space
WHEN: Sept 9th
STATUS: In Progress

Perhaps life is just that... a dream and a fear. Read more... )

Sep. 7th, 2023




Finally got him out of my damn head. Psychic battle my ass. I'll take karate any day of the week.

[Stranger Crew]

Side effects suck. I'll leave it at that.

Kids, stay in school, even here. You gotta keep learning, right?

Sep. 2nd, 2023




So I was given a job as an orderly at the hospital nearly right after the fight, it's an odd feeling having that type of job again.

Thank you for helping Richie.

[The Losers]
Whenever you'd like to practice your abilities, I'm available. To prepare of there is another fight. Also, if anyone would like I think it'd be nice to have dinner.

Want to grab some coffee with me?

Sep. 1st, 2023




I have this love and hate relationship when it comes to September. When I was younger, it meant going back to school. That meant getting away from my dad for a good chunk of time, but it always meant that I got bullied a lot by the kids in school.

That said, if any of our kids get bullied in school, let me know. I know just how to handle them these days.

We really need to figure out how to wake up Richie.