Dunwich: A Creepypasta Panfandom Game


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Posts Tagged: '%E2%97%8C+inactive:+veronica+ecker'

Mar. 14th, 2024





bloody symbol on the statue

kinda of dazed

help please

Mar. 12th, 2024




So everything is okay now?

No more headaches, dreams, sleepwalking? It was just a fluke?

Mar. 7th, 2024




Xavier is floating in his room.

I can't get him down.

There's no way it's Vecna. We stopped that bastard. Xavier was complaining about headaches but this has to be something else right? It fucking can't be Vecna again.

I need help.

(CW: mentions of bodily injury, character death, vecna related horror in the comments.)




Hey, uh, guys?

Not to alarm anyone -- actually, that is wrong I am definitely trying to alarm someone because


Which is to say that I just found Addie and she's --

I mean she's floating in here just like -- well. Nothing's broken this time but

What's her favorite song?

Maybe a little help here??? Pagemaster!

Mar. 5th, 2024




If anyone sees Lt. Commander Data, please let me know how he's doing? I'm worried he may be malfunctioning.

I think something might be off with his programming or maybe he was damaged somehow. Can you please help?

Feb. 23rd, 2024




This town is weirder than I thought. There's doppleganger demon types around, and it's like some of the locals know about them, but DON'T know about them.

And for some reason, this old woman's doppleganger wanted pickled beets.

Why pickled beets?

Canned spinach, I get, but pickled beets?

Feb. 21st, 2024




I've been sitting on this when I probably shouldn't have been but well, for one, I was in denial and then...I guess it was mostly denial and wanting it all to just go away on its own. But its not. I think its actually worse.

But I need some help coming up with ways to trap and contain a god.

Back home I used Pandora's box to do that but I don't have that here, so. That's a no go.

And like to add to the problem, the last time we kind of dealt with him here he made half of us go crazy so we probably need to account for that too.

And he might have a partner now. Or a rival. Not quite sure about their relationship just yet.

But yeah, suggestions?

Feb. 20th, 2024




Would you say it's psychotic behavior to have an entire wall as your personal bar and only fill it with whisky?

On a similar topic, tell me your go to drink. I need to expand the Hellkids Home Bar.

Feb. 12th, 2024




For this Valentine's Day, what does one do without a lover?




Okay, so...

I always thought the east coast was going to be different but this is more than I was expecting.

Hey, I'm new to town. Isaac.

Feb. 11th, 2024




Which one of you has a death wish?

Please tell me that we're not doing something insipid for Valentine's Day. I'm much rather discuss the St. Valentine's Day Massacre.
I need a guide. Neither of you are signed up for it. I don't actually need guiding, but I have to have a guide. Will one of you do it?

Feb. 9th, 2024




If anyone is interested, I'm going to offer up singing lessons from 11-4pm, Tuesdays, Thursdays and every other Saturday from 12-4pm. The sessions run from a half hour to 45 minutes.

It'll be $20 per voice session. What a steal, right?

Let me know if you're interested.

Sample of my singing in case you're curious.





I'm just done with these lobsters.

I mean, attempted murder, sure, whatever. But the property damage? I'm pretty sure one of them chomped through my bike tire.


Feb. 8th, 2024




Okay, but what does all things serve the beam even mean? There were a bunch of flyers around campus today, promoting the church. Blah, blah, it's not about religion, it's about spirituality or whatever they say. But if it's not about religion, why do you have a church? Why are you trying to recruit? WHAT IS GOING ON IN THERE?

But seriously, any ideas on all things serve the beam? What beam? WHAT BEAM??

Feb. 2nd, 2024




So this is really some place called Dunwich and I've really been snatched from my reality? No lie?

Feb. 1st, 2024





Jan. 31st, 2024




For those with siblings, how justified is it to hex your sister when YOUR CAT has to tell you she's back instead of HER DOING SO?

Jan. 30th, 2024




Usually, I save this kind of thing for sessions, but since not everyone is seeing me, consider this a judgement-free zone and feel free to talk to me here if you'd like.

It's been a rough few weeks. How are you doing?




Miss Romanoff,

In light of recent events with the ghost line and mist monsters, I have determined that I can be of most use to the community by working full-time at MIST. While my Starfleet experience has trained me in numerous areas, I believe my work in the sciences will be the most beneficial to ensuring both the future safety of the Mistakes and furthering to advance our understanding of why and how we are here. If you require references I can ask Lieutenant Noonien-Singh to vouch for my abilities.

On a related note, I have determined a method for adding a β€˜location finder’ to the ghost line map. If a user has the finder turned on then we will be able to track them in the event of an emergency. It would, of course, be voluntary. Each individual user would have to activate the function on their phones. Logically, it would only be accurate if they have their phone on their person. If you approve of this function I will add it to the application programming.

Now that the mist has cleared up, I plan to test transmitters and receivers around the edge of the ghost line with the hope that they will be able to track the changes in the perimeter and automatically update the adjusted geographical perimeter into the app.

I have asked Miss Romanoff to consider me for a full-time position at MIST so I can better help everyone here. is that a Would you find that satisfactory? If you do not wish to work closely together, I can request a position in another department.

I am glad the plan against The Collector was successful and that you are safe and well.

How are you faring after your captivity?

I wanted to check in and make sure you were not in need of more … emotional embraces.

Jan. 22nd, 2024




WHO Ronnie Ecker, Catbus and a couple of NPCs. Mentions of Eddie Munson, Spock and Wednesday Addams. β€’ WHERE Outside of Pickman β€’ WHEN January 22nd, around 3:00PM.
Okay, so maybe ten minutes. Nothing was going to happen in ten minutes right? WARNINGS Crying child, fear of being lost, brief memories of dead parent and mentally ill parent, creepy Catbus appearance.
There was a girl on the sidewalk and she was crying. Read more... )

Jan. 19th, 2024




Anyone know the best way to get permanent marker off your face?

Your time is coming. Vengeance will be mine.

OOC Reference Image! )

Jan. 18th, 2024




Ronnie Eckers & Wednesday Addams, mentions of Eddie Munson.
Thursday Evening | The Quaple House| To Be Determined

Ronnie came to hang out with Eddie for a while and on her way out stops by Wednesday's study, only to learn of a terrible vision involving the Catbus..
⚠ Possible disturbing visions, Wednesday being Wednesday.

Read more... )

Jan. 16th, 2024





Hi. Ronnie here with a question, well, questions but they're all connected. Between what La'an and Spock said about the ghost line, could its expansion be trapping the monsters here? And is there any way to pinpoint the timing to see if there is correlation?

Also if it continues to expand, could it be possible to actually leave the town?





I have finished mapping the new perimeter of the ghost line and updated the coordinates into the application created by the previous Spock. You should all have access to the new boundaries. If your app does not appear to be showing the updated borders, I suggest turning your device off and then back on.

On an unrelated note, could someone explain the β€˜Angel Fever’ to me? I have seen mention of it, but did not wish to intrude on the conversations of those personally affected. Thank you.

I hope you don’t mind, but I have taken the liberty of repairing your vehicle using surplus parts obtained from a local junkyard. I reinforced the panel on the passenger door where the lobstrosity ripped a hole in it. As an extra precaution I did the same to the driver’s side as well. The metal struck me as egregiously thin for a craft that may see battle. Likewise I updated some of the rusted areas of your suspension and replaced the brake pads no doubt worn by your reckless driving. I had other ideas for improvement, particularly if you intend to use this vehicle for future monster hunting or mounting rescues. If you’re interested we can discuss how to go about applying them.

Please let me know if the updated map is up to your standards and specifications. If there is anything else you would like for me to work on, I can be available at your earliest convenience.

Lieutenant Noonien-Singh’s recent observations have given me an idea. I would like to see if I can get close enough to one of the mist monsters in order to scan its biosigns and potential frequencies with my tricorder. This data may help reveal a correlation to the ghost line force field. Would you care to assist me?

Jan. 15th, 2024




My name is La'an Noonien-Singh. I arrived here four days ago.

Approximately twenty-four hours ago I was tracking one of your monsters that came through the fog in an attempt to head it off from crossing the ghost line and threatening larger population centers. Only when the creature got to the boundary it was unable to cross.

I then decided to patrol the ghost line. Twice I witnessed creatures unable to cross the boundary.

Having read previous encounters of monsters regarding the ghost line, I have a working theory. Please tell me if this aligns with your experiences or if any of my facts are wrong.

ONE: monsters that enter Dunwich within the parameters the ghost line are unable to get out.

TWO: people that cross the ghost line and have an out-of-body experience have reported releasing a monster from their incorporeal form. monsters that enter this world outside the ghost line are able to cross its boundary at will.

THREE: monsters don't appear to pass out or have out of body experiences when they come in contact with the ghost line, regardless on which side of the force field they arrived on.

CONCLUSION: the force field, or ghost line as you call it, wasn't designed to trap us, it was designed to trap the creatures that come from the mist. Maybe creatures from the mist in particular have a certain frequency or quality that the ghost line is specifically tuned to.

That wouldn't explain why we're here or have been pulled in alongside the monsters.

I will let you know if I come across any other observations about the creatures that may be useful to our efforts.

Jan. 14th, 2024




Greetings. I am Data.

I tire of being abducted by collectors, and I regret to inform you that I will be making my leave shortly.

But in the event that you should you require my aid during these peculiar atmospheric conditions, I am willing to temporarily postpone my attempts to return to the Enterprise.

Jan. 12th, 2024




Okay, yeah, I'd like to report something immediately.

So you know that weird statue of The Unknown Traveler? Spock and I definitely heard some rather freakish sounds out in the mist today, and whatever it was seemed pretty damn close.

There were also footprints of the non-humanoid variety.

Eddie M.

So, I know monster is a contentious word around here, but it definitely sounded something close to that title.




"We should probably take that as our cue to leave..."
Read more... )

Jan. 11th, 2024




Funny enough I believe you've already met me but a different version of me wearing another face but surprise! There's another me now, yes so that shall be very very fun, I should think. I'm the Doctor, or just Doctor, just like the other one. Yada yada you probably know most of this already anyway but I just dropped in today and figured I'd shout out a little hello there.

Hello, Sweetie.

Where are you?

I reckon talking through a device isn't going to create a paradox. How are we doing?

Thank you, for showing me around and filling me in.

Jan. 10th, 2024





How do you keep a landshark from eating a hedgehog?