Dunwich: A Creepypasta Panfandom Game


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Posts Tagged: 'marvel+%28tv/film%29:+tandy+bowen'

Jun. 1st, 2024




That can't be right.

It can't.




Does Dunwich have sensory deprivation tanks that I can use?   Or swimming pools and really, really dark goggles and ear plugs to wear in water?

May. 29th, 2024




Does everyone use the internet here? There is so much on it. Eggos have their own website. And so many Eggos. Buttermilk Eggos. Blueberry Eggos. Chocolate chip Eggos. Cinnamon Churro Eggos. So many more!

Why doesn't RoxxCart have real Eggos?

May. 17th, 2024



Posted around 10am this morning

There's an older kid from Pickman sleeping sitting up against someone's fence, just down from Pickman. I can't wake him up, he just mutters at me and then sleeps again.




Let's play a game, shall we?

Call it a Friday meme.

Kill, marry, fuck. Dunwich style.

Color me curious and bored.

As I don't know many here, allow me.

Kill: Sam Winchester
Marry: I'd say Castiel. We got along smashing at one point.
Fuck: Dean, of course.




Ice breaker time, cause I'm bored and there are a bunch of new people around.


Warm drink:

May. 5th, 2024




I've been here almost a year, and I've made and lost more friends than I ever had before. So weird.

So we're all in agreement - if the town's throwing a prom, no one's going. Right?

[Michael Emerson]
Still alive over there?
[Clara Oswald]
So let's say I do want to do the GED thing. Where do I start?

May. 2nd, 2024




So where can a guy get a decent burger around here?

Apr. 29th, 2024




I'll be watching the stars outside Pickman tonight if anyone would like to join me. River Song means a great deal to me. I'm sad to see her go.

I could use some

Could you

She's gone back, we're sure of it?

Apr. 16th, 2024




So I know things are like, super fucky right now and everything but!!! I wanted to follow up on a party thingggg

Next week on Saturday there's going to be a little party at MIST. It's gonna be like a potluck style thing where everyone (who wants to!) brings something that they'd have in their own world, or wherever they're from, if you can.

Any requests on things people may want at this party specifically?

ETA: This is Saturday, April 20th.


You doing okay buddyyyyy?

Apr. 15th, 2024




rdffffffffffffffffffffffffffffghn .................../




It's been a really long time but a lot of people are gone and a lot of people are new and Eddie's not here anymore, so I don't know if I'll even be able to run a table big enough for everyone but ...

Does anyone want to play D&D?

I was thinking we could do one shots, since I know having a long story arc is kind of hard with Dunwich ... being Dunwich. You could keep and level up your characters, they'd just go on shorter and self-contained adventures.

Apr. 9th, 2024




So this is Earth, huh? It's...not what I expected.

Okay, so I didn't really know what I was expecting. I've never been to Earth before.

Anyway, hello, Dunwich! I'm Charlie Morningstar!

Apr. 7th, 2024




[Filtered: 20+ adults]

With what seems like constant shifting of people, I'd like to reach out and verify, on behalf of Data and myself as the outreach staff for under 20 year olds, if any newer adults would have interest in acting as a guide for anyone under the age of 20 who arrives here. We have two who are currently in need of a guide due to recent disappearances.

If you are interested, please comment below with a brief summary of any relevant experience or contacts here who possibly could verify/testify on your behalf.

[Filtered: Tandy Bowen and Abigail Hobbs, plus Data and Natasha]

Hello Tandy and Abigail,

It's come to our attention that you two have recently lost your guides. I'm sorry to hear that, but we are here to support you both still. Would you have any adult in mind who could be your guide? Otherwise, we can assign someone for you to ensure you do have a guide.

Apr. 3rd, 2024




Two of our under 20 have lost their Guides. I need you to get them new ones. Tandy Bowen, Abigail Hobbs. I don't want them to fall through the cracks.
Malachi's idea of a gathering isn't a bad idea. I'd be happy to host it at Mist, funding it as well. Anyone willing to organize it?

Mar. 26th, 2024




[11th Doctor]
Hey, do you know about the guide program MIST does?

Mar. 25th, 2024




It turns out one medussa gorgon is enough to make two potential cures for our petrified friends. Unfortunately only three gorgons have been found and there are eight statues: Wednesday Addams, Rose Tyler, Luke Crain, Benedict Bridgerton, and Ruby Lucas. There are also three locals.

Which brings us to a few uncomfortable questions.

First: who do we try the gorgon oil on first? Anyone want to volunteer their friend? Or shall I pick a local?

Second: if it does work, there are currently two people who won't be getting cured. I don't have strong feelings either case. You can either claim a bottle for someone you know or volunteer them to remain behind. At least until another gorgon can be hunted and found.

I leave it up to all of you.

POTION ONE: Jimmy the Local (test)
POTION TWO: Benedict Bridgerton
POTION FOUR: Wednesday Addams
POTION SIX: Rose Tyler

The oil works. I have one jar of it left. Whether it goes to Rose Tyler or one of the locals is on the rest of you. Anyone upset they might have taken the oil from someone else can look to the comments and check on who spoke for them.

All of the cures have been spoken for. Remaining statues will be transferred to MIST for safe keeping, assuming an angry god doesn't kill us all in the next couple of days.

Mar. 22nd, 2024




Happy Birthday Will.

Time to be a bad influence but how about you skip classes today?

Karaoke tonight at The Up & Up to celebrate Will's birthday. I've reserved a space and everything will be set up! Can't wait to see you all there!

Mar. 20th, 2024




Rose. She's among the statues.

Mar. 9th, 2024



tw: unintended self injury, sleepwalking, blood

Well, I guess I'm getting to see what everyone was talking about. What a strange world this is. Right then, we had a handful of people with sleep issues unable to wake up and floating on ceilings, which is a reoccurring thing here? What were they dreaming of, now that they're awake, hm? Now, we have people sleepwalking. Different people than the ones who floated.

Fascinating turn of events from the nice lobster lads.

[Companions + Doctors]

Not to alarm anyone but I am quite far from where I should be and it seems I have very badly drawn some sort of symbol with my own blood which I find extremely unacceptable. I'll send you a picture of the symbol while I walk back to Pickman.

Anyone else go for a little walk last night?

Mar. 8th, 2024



tw: bullying, violence

I see so much water.  I saw it when I peeped into Mr. O'Hara's dreams.

I had a vision in school. Bowers made a girl cry and I saw her tears pool on the classroom floor, puddle first, then all over, deeper and deeper.  It felt like I was being pulled down and it was cold.   When the vision ended, class was over, the teacher was telling me to go home and that shit Bowers called me a freak and a. School sucks with visions.

I think I'm going to dream about water too.  Not in the headache floaty way.  In the shine way.

I don't know what it means yet.  Might be just leftover from all of the floaty people's Mr. O'Hara's dreams.

Feb. 27th, 2024




So do we all have a new appreciation for our overgrown pincered friends?

Doctors (The Husbands, Collectively):
How are we all settling in? Still well?

Feb. 14th, 2024




The disappearance notifications are wrong sometimes, right?


I know you're still here.

You're not really gone.

Tell me you're not really gone.


Feb. 13th, 2024





My door's open if you want to come here, or if you need me, let me know.

Just. Fuck.




Laissez les bons temps rouler. It's Mardi Gras today, and no one in this town seems to know how to make a decent king cake.

Feb. 9th, 2024




For as much as I dislike being stuck in one place so long, Dunwich has an endless amount of interesting places to explore.

Tell me, what's the most interesting places you've all seen in this town so far?

Feb. 8th, 2024





Saturday night, my room at Pickman. I'm throwing a surprise party for Gar's birthday.

The door will be unlocked, everything is going to be decorated and set up. Sneak in by 8pm and hide. I'll bring him at 8:15.

If I can be really bossy for a second, if anyone spoils the surprise I will pick you up and throw you into the Ghost Line.

Vegan foods only please, if you bring anything.

Feb. 3rd, 2024




Well, hullo! Bit overdue, this. Been, oh... You might say a wee bit distracted, suppose? Anyway, I'm the Doctor! Not the first one here either, or so I've heard. Hard to believe the whole place hasn't gone up in smoke with the three of us about, but not complaining that it hasn't!

Anyway, I... well. Quick question, was anyone here about for the last time there was this peculiar mist about? An annual misting? Sus! We are using 'sus' in this decade, aren't we? Got to get my slang straight.

Feb. 2nd, 2024





Jan. 29th, 2024




somewhere there's probably a big monster body and head near each other that someone might wanna take care of. sorry i dont remember where. wednesday might know

thanks for getting me to mist wednesday

also is sword fighting still something that gets taught around here?